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Page 20

by Jennifer Moulton

  Mark said nothing, respectfully allowing Dom to finish his painful story.

  “The men were coming for me, but I didn’t care… but I wanted to make sure you had all gotten to safety. I literally ran seven blocks to your house and found it ransacked. I found no bodies and took it as a sign that you all got out of there in a hurry,” Dom said.

  Mark vaguely remembered something about that.

  “That must’ve been when we moved to Jersey. We lived in a basement apartment of some old guy’s house,” Mark struggled to remember. “I remember he was always grumpy and we couldn’t go outside to play very often.”

  Dom smiled a half smile. “He was someone that we had helped in the past. He was indebted to your father and was repaying a favor. He was a good man. Forgive me, I cannot recall his name,” Dom said, solemnly.

  Mark nodded and felt a pang of guilt. He didn’t remember his name either. Mark made a mental note of it. He would find out somehow and pay his respects to the family.

  “Sal was able to find me the next day. He said he wanted to go to the F.B.I.! I thought he was crazy… but I understood what he was trying to do. He just wanted you all safe and he was willing to do whatever it took. The Fed’s had been watching all of us for quite some time. Constantly contacting us and saying things like, “We already know about everything… we just need specifics. We can protect you; you’re not the ones we really want. “

  “It was the same ole, “song and dance” speech and we dismissed it every time. But this time was different. Sal was desperate to protect you and the girls. Later that same day, another one of our guys, Frankie, was found in his bath tub beaten to death. His wife and son had been shot in their heads while they slept.”

  “That’s horrible,” Mark saw the pain in Dom’s eyes as he continued to explain.

  “Yes, it was. It was an example of what they would have done to you and your family. Sal was infuriated. He wanted to confront “The Boss”. He called him a coward. Sal decided he would no longer hide from such cowardice men. That’s when we received word, that “The Boss” wanted a meeting.”

  “His message was simple. He wanted Sal and no one else. In exchange, no others would be killed or harmed in any way,” Dom shook his head.

  “Sal accepted, right away, and the meeting was set. I begged Sal not to go. I told him if I went with him, I could protect him. He was walking into certain death and he knew it but he insisted that he go alone, for I would surely be killed as well. He told me who was going to be there, so I would know who was involved in it. We already had our ideas of who the hit men might have been anyway. Sal handed me a thick envelope with an address on the back. He asked me to deliver it for him. I agreed and we said our goodbyes,” Dom’s eyes glassed over, once again.

  Dom stopped talking for a moment and looked at Mark.

  “He made the deal with “The Boss” and sacrificed himself to keep his family safe. That was the last time I saw your father. That is the God’s honest truth,” Dom’s chin quivered and he looked away.

  Mark sat in silence with Dom for a moment before speaking. He now understood why his mother had changed their last names to Lentini, her maiden name. It was because they were in hiding. It disassociated them from their father’s reputation. When his father never returned, he just assumed he had taken off and that it just meant his parents had been divorced. Mark thought it was probably easier for his mother to go with that story, than to tell them he was murdered. The less they knew, the safer they were.

  “I’m very sorry that you have had to relive all of that to explain it to me. I appreciate it more than you know. It brings me a little bit of peace actually, knowing what really happened to my father,” Mark said sincerely.

  “That is why I felt it was so important to tell you, to not only honor your father’s memory, but to bring closure for you. Now you can live the rest of your life knowing the truth. He was a good man, who loved you all very much. He didn’t want any of you to pay the ultimate price for his career choice. You were all very loved and cherished by him,” Dom wiped his brow.

  “I understand, thank you,” Mark was humbled in knowing the truth now.

  Marks curiosity was sparked by something Dom had mentioned. “May I ask you a question?”

  “Yes, Marko… anything you like.” Dom stood up to stretch.

  “The envelope my father gave you… did you deliver it?” Mark asked.

  “I did deliver the envelope, but not right away. As I told you earlier, I had some business of my own to attend to,” Dom leaned against the desk and looked at Mark, half smiling. “A little “street justice,” if you will.”

  “Do you have any idea what was in it or to whom it was addressed?” Mark asked.

  Dom nodded. “It was a letter, I’m assuming. It was addressed to the F.B.I agent that I ended up dealing with. Whatever information it contained, it helped build the case a great deal. I tried to get them to let me find you and the girls to bring you here with me and Anita. You know, to keep us together. Sadly that wasn’t a possibility. It wasn’t until I heard about Alice, that I found out about your mothers passing. I’m very sorry for your loss it was very tragic. I remember your Mother and Alice very fondly. Allie reminds me so much of both of them,” Dom lowered his head.

  “Yes, she does, doesn‘t she,” Mark smiled. Mark looked at Dom much differently now. He seemed like he was a completely different person, transformed, right before his eyes.

  “May I tell her? About us being related, I mean,” Mark asked.

  “Oh, of course! As a matter of fact, I would love to be there, when you tell her… and Julie too!” Dom said excitedly.

  “That’d be great!” Mark exclaimed. “When would you like to come over?”

  “Now is as good a time as any, is that alright with you? Then maybe afterwards, we will all come back here to eat, yes?! What do you say?” Dom asked. He extended his hand and Mark stood to shake it.

  “That sounds great, Uncle! I want to thank you again, for all you’ve done for us over the years. I know my Father would be very proud of you and grateful for what you’ve been able to do for us,” Mark said respectfully.

  Dom stood by the door and faced Mark.

  “Thank you, Marko. That means a great deal to me. If I could go back and do things differently, so that I never caused you pain, I would do it,” Dom said truthfully. “Your Father is looking down on you also and is so proud of the man you have been and of the father you have become. I am so honored to call you my nephew.”

  Tears stung Marks eyes. He didn’t realize until now, how much he needed to hear that. He was overcome with emotion. “I‘m also very grateful, to have you back in my life, thank you for saying that, Uncle, it means a lot to me as well,” Mark choked back the tears.

  “I would like to think, that this means you’ll come back to work… and be my partner,” Dom held out his hand for Mark to shake. “What do you say, Marko. Can we start our lives over?” Dom asked, trustingly.

  Mark looked into Dom’s face seemingly, for the first time. He recognized the familiar shape of his nose, the same as his fathers, and of his own.

  “Absolutely… Uncle. I look forward to the bright futures of our family and our business,” Mark reached out and firmly shook his Uncles hand. The two of them embraced and slapped each other hard on the back, laughing as they walked out into the hallway.


  Side by side, chatting and laughing with one another, Dom and Mark sauntered through the main dining hall with a renewed sense of purpose and direction in their life. They smiled and acknowledged the waiters and waitresses as they began their dinner service. Sophia seated an older couple and looked up and smiled at them, with understanding in her eyes. Mark graciously nodded and smiled back. The men stopped just short of the entrance and turned around to gaze over the restaurant.

  They both knew that from here on out, their business and personal lives would never be the same. Mark, especially, felt inspired and encouraged to embrace
his suddenly optimistic future, whatever changes it may bring. Change is after all, a good thing. They would both adapt to these changes just as they had done all their lives. It had been a long, hard road for them both, but now they would create their own destiny’s and would no longer hide behind false security. Mark wouldn’t have it any other way.



  The snow drifted softly across the cold, dimly-lit parking lot of Angelo’s Restaurant. Glowing lights shown through the frosted windows, illuminating the snow covered shrubs beneath them. Laughter and loud jubilant voices could be heard from the sidewalk. Warm and inviting, it was surreal and magical. It was Christmas Eve.

  Almost four months had passed since Allie’s fateful birthday party.

  Tonight was yet another special dinner for everyone. Although they really didn’t need an excuse to get together, each and every one had gathered together tonight to celebrate what they were all thankful for… family.

  “Every dinner is like Thanksgiving in our family,” Allie joked.

  Detective Williams sat next to his daughter Kate and happily watched as she giggled and talked with Allie and Jen. He was so happy to have her cheerful spirit back in his life. Mark sat back in his chair, looking relaxed as ever. He had his right arm draped loosely around Julie’s waist. Julie was leaned forward, deep in discussion with Sophia about a movie they had just seen together.

  Mark lightly traced his fingers over her left hand that lay on his knee. Their matching gold wedding bands gleamed brightly in the candle light. Mark allowed his gaze to wonder momentarily away from Julies glowing face to take a moment and glance around the dinner table. Dom’s eyes met his.

  Dom smiled proudly at Mark as they nodded respectfully at each other. They both silently acknowledged their good fortune. Dom sat at the exact opposite end of the table as Mark, both watching and observing their wonderfully entertaining family. Anita, who sat at Dom’s side, stood and began dinging her glass to get everyone’s attention.

  “Attention! My brother has a wonderful announcement!” Anita said excitedly. She playfully bowed towards Dom and gestured for him to stand.

  “You want me to speak right now?” asked Dom.

  “Yes, right now!” Anita was extremely anxious for Dom to tell everyone about his surprise he had for them.

  “Oh, all right!” Dom slowly stood. “I suppose I could let the feisty cat out of the proverbial bag,” he joked.

  Mark said loudly, “I don’t know about this, Uncle. I can’t take too many more of your surprises!” he joked.

  “No kidding!” Allie chimed in.

  Dom laughed and waved them off. “No, no. This is a good surprise, I promise! It’s just a little Christmas gift for all of you,” Dom said coyly.

  “Little?” Anita scoffed. “Tell them, already! I can’t stand it any longer!” she laughed.

  “What is it, Uncle?” Sophia asked curiously.

  Everyone quieted and looked at up at him, intrigued by Anita’s excitement.

  Dom began slowly. “I have made arrangements, for everyone at this table...”

  Williams and Kate glanced at each other, wondering what could possibly include them as well.

  “Everyone, including myself, will be spending Christmas Break, on vacation!” Dom exclaimed.

  The girls gasped. Everyone was so surprised and very excited, all except for Mark. He had many questions. He was concerned with the restaurant and wished that Dom would have included him in the planning. Perhaps he could split the cost. He would settle up with him later.

  “Dom, are you serious?” Mark tried not to scowl.

  “Tell everyone WHERE we’re going!” Anita stood and grabbed hold of her brother’s arm, excitedly.

  “Why don’t you do the honors?” Dom indulged her.

  “Don’t mind if I do! Listen up every body, we’re all going to … ITALIA!” she exclaimed.

  Williams and Mark gasped now. Julie leaned back and covered her mouth. “Mark!” she whispered excitedly. “I’ve never been out of Idaho.”

  The young girls all squealed with delight and began talking about shopping and what to wear. Williams looked at Dom, cautiously.

  “Dom, that’s very generous of you, but I don’t think we can accept,” Williams said realistically.

  Dom looked at Williams, puzzled.

  “Nonsense, Williams. I would be insulted if you declined.” Dom responded. “That goes for all of you,” he said sternly, looking directly at Mark.

  Dom cleared his throat. “Listen carefully, all of you.”

  Everyone quieted their noisy chatter.

  “For a very long time, I wanted nothing more than to look around my dinner table, as I am now and see the faces of my family smiling back at me. Williams and Miss Kate, you are no exception. You are loyal friends and are thought of fondly, with the highest of respect,” Dom looked at Williams and said, “Don’t take that lightly.”

  Williams understood and smiled in agreement.

  “Jennifer, young lady, there is no need for me to explain this to you, is there?” he smiled sweetly at her. Jen slowly shook her head and smiled back.

  “No, sir, thank you,” Jen replied.

  “You’re quite welcome, young lady,” Dom responded. He now addressed the table.

  “Now, I would like to take my family to the country in which my father was born and show you the city in which your family comes from. I still have living relatives in the region. It’s my greatest wish to introduce you,” Dom’s voice shook for a moment, exposing his vulnerability.

  Dom’s family sat quietly and listened to him. They all admired the unconditional love and generosity that poured from this kind and humble man’s heart.

  Mark thought about it for a moment and no longer thought of the monetary cost involved. He just saw it for what it was. It was a selfless act of kindness that meant so much more to his Uncle, than expenses and work schedules. It was about togetherness and understanding of family roots. That was definitely worth more to Dom, than any amount of money in the world. Everyone absentmindedly looked to Mark for an answer.

  “Okay,” Mark said loudly. He smiled at Dom and nodded approvingly at a shocked Williams. “To Italy, we go!”

  The younger girls shrieked to each other, excitedly. Julie looked worried suddenly and whispered inaudibly to Mark.

  Dom gleefully raised his glass for a toast. “Alright then, it is settled. We have a wonderful trip to look forward to!”

  The others raised their glasses as well.

  “Hold on to that toast for just a moment,” Mark interrupted. “Go ahead, Jules… tell them,” Mark smiled a sly grin at her.

  “Maybe we should wait, Mark,” Julie whispered, shyly. Mark reassuringly kissed her hand.

  “Julie’s going to tell you about someone else that will be coming along on our trip,” he encouraged her.

  Everyone looked around at each other, slightly intrigued by who this might be.

  Julie swallowed hard and stood up slowly. She had no idea how to begin. “Okay,” she said reluctantly.

  She took away the thick cloth napkin from her lap that she had gathered and bunched all evening. She straightened her back and squared her shoulders, preparing to speak. She had no idea how to say what she needed to, so she decided to just show them.

  She turned to the side and arched her back slightly, gently sliding her hand down over her rounded belly. The stretchy cotton fabric of her dress tightened and shifted revealing her surprise.

  “It’s still a little early, but we’re pretty sure, judging by the 17th week ultrasound photos we got yesterday, that….. It’s a Boy!” Julie exclaimed.

  The girls reacted first and cried out in joy. Everyone clapped.

  Dom began to cry. “Thank you, Jesus!” he praised. He began saying a Catholic prayer in Italian.

  Anita went to them at once and began hugging her and congratulating Mark and Julie.

  Mark stood up as Dom and Williams came to congratu
late and hug him as well.

  “I knew it!” Allie said. She raised her hands up in the air as if she were finally being vindicated. “I knew it, I knew it!” Allie grinned wide enough for the whole world to know how happy she was to be a big sister.

  Kate, Sophia, Jen, Allie and Anita pulled their chairs over to Julie’s and began asking twenty questions. “When did you find out?” Jen asked.

  ”Can we see the pictures?” Anita asked.

  “Well, actually, Mark knew before I did,” Julie smiled up at Mark as he stood at the opposite end of the table with Dom and Williams. “The pictures are in my purse, wherever that is…” Julie began to search for her purse, but the girls located it quickly for her.

  “Congratulations are in order, brother,” Williams shook Marks hand and hugged him, giving him an extra hard slap on the back.

  “Thank you! I’m very blessed and extremely excited about him!” Mark grinned.

  “It’s about time… we need another man around here,” Dom joked.

  “Forgive me for saying this, but you must have been trying right off the bat, especially if you knew she was pregnant before she did,” Williams commented.

  Mark’s voice became softer. “Well, we weren’t exactly trying, but I can tell you, without a doubt, that I know exactly when we conceived and I knew it would be a boy,” Mark took a sip off of his drink.

  Williams raised his eyebrows. “Say no more, bro,” he joked.

  “Marko,” Dom playfully scorned him. “It isn’t respectful to a woman, to “kiss and tell” haven’t you learned this yet?” he chuckled.

  “Yeah, Mark, don’t you know anything about girls?” Williams laughed.

  “Your right, Uncle, I know this. I apologize… but when you know, you just know,” Mark laughingly looked at Julie now, who looked up at him from across the table, lovingly… knowingly.


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