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A Royal Surprise: ( BWWM Romance )

Page 10

by Tiana Cole

He smiled and Amanda wished her circumstances were different. Maybe he could have been her nice guy. Her good guy. Or he’d end up sleeping with your long lost sister the night before your wedding. Okay that was dark, even for her, she thought, shaking her head. “Your friend Misty called the department in quite a state. She hadn’t heard from you since before Christmas and your voicemail is full. Why was she so worried?”

  As much as she wanted to give the cop a piece of her mind, she also wanted him gone. “I recently ended a relationship and then found out I was pregnant. She’s worried because she’s my best friend.”

  “And your phone?”

  She shrugged. “Probably off since I haven’t heard it in awhile.”

  He nodded and stood, finally getting a glimpse of his nametag. Officer Reardon. “You’re pregnant and alone Amanda, leave your phone on and charged at all times.”

  She blinked once. Twice. And then she felt the warm tears as they slid down her cheeks. “I will, thanks.” He came closer, probably to offer her comfort and she put her hands out to stop him. “No don’t, it’ll only make me cry harder. Thank you Officer, I mean it. Thanks.”

  He smiled, looking around nervously, wary of the crying female before him. “You’re welcome. And call your friend, she’s on a first name basis with all my officers.”

  She flashed a teary smile and nodded. “I will. Tell your wife you were nice to a pregnant lady, if you need brownie points for anything. You’ve earned them.”

  He blushed and waved over his shoulder as he left her house.

  She would call Misty and let her know she was alright. She would. Just as soon as she polished off the grilled cheese sandwich.

  Chapter 12

  “Are you going to pout the entire drive back to the castle? Because I could be sitting comfortably in the back of the Bentley while Raoul drove me home.” Prince Stefan had finally been released from the hospital after a week’s delay, and Alex decided a long drive through the countryside was exactly what they both needed.

  “I don’t pout. Maybe I sulk a little and engage in a little harmless melancholy, but I definitely don’t pout.” It had been far too long since he’d seen Amanda or held her in his arms. Rather than give up on his letter writing campaign, Alex had increased the frequency and the flowery words. He’d sent her full on love letters, pouring his heart out and laying his emotions bare. So far none had come back and he was taking that as a win.

  “You’re doing something that’s making this drive interminable rather than enjoyable.” Stefan sighed and let down the passenger window. “It feels good to be outside again. That hospital was driving me mad! I’ll be so glad to get back to work.”

  “You and me both, brother. I don’t know how you dealt with those clowns in government.” Alex had never felt so frustrated in his life with the bickering and in-fighting.

  Stefan shrugged, taking in the choppy sea and inhaling the salty air. “From what I hear you handled them pretty damn well. You might find you enjoy it little brother.”

  Alex laughed and shook his head. “There is no way I want your job, Stef. You can have it back as of right now.” He had other business to take care of, no matter what his mother said. “You have the temperament to deal with them for a long, long time. I only kept my cool because I knew it was temporary and I didn’t want to make things worse when you returned.” Though in fairness he hadn’t kept his cool all that much.

  “And Amanda, have you made a decision? It’s been three months Alex.”

  He smiled and told Stefan all about the letters he’d written pouring his heart out to her. “And not one of them has been returned. That’s progress.”

  “Have you spoken to her?”

  He shook his head. “I called last week, a lot, and it went to voicemail every day. Now the mailbox is full and I don’t know what else to do.” He’d been wracking his brain left and right for some way to make this up to her. He just had to.

  “You mean other than hopping on the plane and going back to Colorado to apologize in person? Yes brother, I don’t know what you could possibly do. Other than that.”

  “Yeah, I got it,” he grumbled, sending Stefan into a fit of laughter much too energetic for someone not an hour out of the hospital.

  “You’re sounding like quite the American Xander, perhaps you have found your calling after all. Father will be thrilled.”

  “Yes and Mother will have the conniption to end all conniptions.” He groaned, still so angry at her he could hardly see straight. He’d spent the days since Princess Elena had revealed the Queen’s manipulations, avoiding her as much as he could and remaining silent when he couldn’t.

  “Let me give you a piece of advice Alexander. Forget Mother. Unless you’re willing to live by her rules and marry one of her girls, you simply cannot please her. Trust me, I’ve tried.”

  That pulled a laugh from deep inside Alex. “Oh please, you are her favorite. Always have been.”

  “Except for the small matter of falling in love with my wife. Makes it hard for her to pull our strings when we present a united front.”

  Alex slowed the car and smiled at his, suddenly infinitely more interesting brother. “You dirty dog you, manipulating the Queen like that. I’m more than impressed, Stef.”

  His brother flashed another smile. “You’re not the only one with a devious mind.”

  “Apparently not,” he said, bemused.

  “Call her now, Alex.”

  “I’m driving,” he looked over like Stefan had lost his mind.

  “So pull over, don’t be stupid!” Stefan yanked the wheel until the front tires skidded against the road debris. “Call her!”

  “You’re not the boss of me,” he said, sounding very much like he had at age ten.

  “Wrong, brother. I am your future King, and more importantly I am your older brother. I’ve been the boss of you since the day you were born.” Before Alex could respond, Stefan reached for the mobile in the center console. “Never mind, I’ll do it.”

  “Stefan,” he barked, the very picture of unsmiling solemnity.

  “Ah, there she is.” He pressed the button and waited with a smile, leaning against the door to put as much distance as possible between him and his brother. “Hello, is this Amanda? This is Alex’s older brother Stefan, fresh from the hospital.” His smile dropped. “Well thank you, Amanda. That’s very kind of you.” He glanced at Alex and mouthed, “She’s glad I’m feeling better.”

  “Stefan give me the phone.” He could only hear the tinny sound of another voice at the end of the line and he was desperate to hear her sweet husky voice. “Please,” he groaned.

  “So look, my brother’s a bit of an ass. He’s never had to fight for a woman before and he’s out of his element. But I’ve heard all about you, which should tell you a lot. Right, I see. May I call you again?”

  Alex leaned closer, trying in vain to hear her words. To see if her voice gave away any of her emotions.

  Stefan, bless him, finally pressed the speaker button and her voice filled the car beautifully. “You may but I can’t promise I’ll answer. I haven’t been feeling too well these days. I’m glad you’re doing better, uh Stefan. Bye.” Then the screen went black and she was gone. Again.

  “Seems like a nice woman, wishing the best for me when you’ve obviously broken her heart.”

  She did sound sad, depressed. “I heard it. She doesn’t sound at all like herself. I need to go to her.”


  Alex arrived in Colorado finally feeling like he’d come home. Stepping off the plane he relished the feel of the crisp air sliding down his throat, cooling his overheated flesh and calming his racing heart. This is where I belong. He knew it with all his heart, that this was where he belonged. With Amanda.

  It was time to win his woman back.

  Unfortunately finding Amanda wasn’t as easy as he thought it would be. She’d moved out of her apartment at least one month ago, because that’s when the new school nurse had moved her thin
gs in. “There was no forwarding address, sorry,” she told him with a gleam in her eyes.

  Alex ignored her obvious come on, thanked her for her time and stomped back down the steps, barely controlling his desire to scream. And to hit something. She’d moved, dammit. He wondered if she even worked at Elite Academy anymore, or had she severed all ties with the school and the town with the hopes of getting away from him?

  That was just too damn bad because Alex would find her. He needed to find her and make things right. Walking away from her building towards the lake he couldn’t seem to shake the feeling of dread deep inside his gut. He was missing something big and he couldn’t figure it out, he probably wouldn’t until he could set eyes on Amanda. She had to forgive him. The months they were apart felt like years, even more so since she wouldn’t talk to him and refused to read his letters. You can’t blame her, that blame lies with Mother.

  The sounds of the lake were so soothing, so calming that Alex hadn’t realized he made his way back to the stables. The smell of the hay and the horses, the polished saddle leather relaxed him further. Despite the turmoil in his personal life, being back with the horses was comfortable. It helped him clear his mind, well at least dull the roar of missing Amanda to the point that he could actually think about something else.

  “Hey Boss, didn’t hear you were coming back.”

  Flashing a smile at Austin over his shoulder, Alex turned and shook hands with the man. “It was kind of an impulsive move on my part. I’ll get in touch with the school soon enough. How’s it going?” They walked around the pens catching up while Austin told him all about the competitive and show riders. “Sounds like you’ve been doing an excellent job with them.”

  He shrugged and smiled shyly. “I’ve been doing okay, but I don’t have your experience.”

  “Experience will come but your instincts are sharp and you know the animals.”

  “Thanks. So are you back now or is this just a stopover?”

  Alex didn’t miss the anger in his tone and stopped. “You have something to say Austin?”

  “That depends on why you’ve come back.”

  Had Amanda moved on to Austin when she hadn’t heard from him? “That’s personal.”

  “Right,” he sneered. “Look Alex I respect your work with the horses and I even understand why you kept your real identity a secret, but dammit man you should’ve left her alone if you didn’t trust her with the truth.” He shook his head, disgust radiating off him. “She’s a nice woman and doesn’t deserve everything that’s happened to her.”

  He frowned. “What happened to her?” An odd look crossed Austin’s face but it was much too quick to decipher.

  “That’s not my story to tell Alex. If you find her, tell her I said hi.” He walked a few steps and turned back. “It’d be nice for the program if you came back to Elite, you have a lot to offer the students.”

  “But not Amanda?”

  Austin shrugged and a knowing smile split his face. “That has yet to be seen.”

  He needed to see her now, more than ever.


  “I really liked your graphic novel Baker, which is a perfect name for it. It was really graphic.” Amanda smiled at her new friend and rubbed her growing belly. “Not too graphic but at first it was a tad…startling.”

  Baker tossed his head back and laughed. Green eyes sparkled with humor while the wind blew his wispy curls in all directions. “Yes well I do like to paint a picture with my words, honey.”

  She smiled at him, feeling light and content for the first time in a while. “You definitely did that. The story was so amazing and full of action, and that whole painful backstory…god it was heartbreaking.” At his blush, she laughed. “You are very talented Baker.” She’d already sent a copy to Misty, hoping she could do something for the man.

  “From your mouth to some super agent’s ears.” He laughed but it faded as he took in her appearance. Amanda knew what he saw, the dark circles under her eyes and the gaunt cheeks of depression and her overall melancholy. “Are you alright honey?”

  Her smile was forced. “I’m fine. The pregnancy is just a lot harder than I thought it would be.” Between nonstop morning sickness, sore muscles, surging hormones, high blood pressure and swollen feet, she felt like a walking disaster most days. “Maybe a little of this is Alex related, but mostly it’s just…hard.”

  Baker rubbed her shoulder sympathetically. “I know and I can’t believe I forgot this!” Hoisting up his backpack he pulled out two glass jars filled with herbs.

  “I’m pregnant Baker, I can’t smoke pot!”

  He laughed good and loud until his body shook, smacking the table between them and making her drink jump. His laughter turned to giggles and then the occasional guffaw before he finally calmed down. “Sorry girl, but seriously. I would never waste pot on a pregnant lady, no offense. This is a special tea whipped up by Adrian, guaranteed to soothe your tummy and help you distress. No caffeine and no chemicals. Just all mother earth goodness for you and the little one.”

  “Thank you. I’m sure I can trust you to give Adrian the perfect thanks from me?”

  “Most definitely! My little kinky boy will love that,” he tittered, giving her that look that never failed to make her laugh over the past few weeks.

  “Please spare me your love bubble of joy,” she joked with a half-hearted laugh. “Well not the joy, but you can save the kink until I’ve eaten this god awful sandwich. Are you trying to kill me?”

  He scoffed and waved off her question. “Oh please, this is all the good stuff that baby needs to be healthy and smart. Trust me, I’m sleeping with a Ph.D., candidate in nutrition and dietetics.”

  “I stand corrected,” she deadpanned, sending him into another fit of laughter. Baker was a nice guy and she was glad she’d looked him up after reading the first graphic novel he’d given her. He was smart and funny, and he’d been exactly the friend she needed right now.

  “Serious talk now sweetie. Have you considered reading one of his letters?”

  Crossing her arms protectively, Amanda tilted her head forward, a glint of defiance in her eyes. “That would be pretty hard to do since I returned each and every one of them.” Who did he think he was anyway, waiting months to finally respond when she’d needed him sooner.

  “But he’s trying now, doesn’t that count for anything?” With a sad look he stood and collected their empty wrappers and containers, dumping them and coming back for her.

  “It doesn’t Baker. He lied to me from the moment he met me, waited until he couldn’t lie any longer to tell me the truth and then forgot about me once he left Colorado. That counts for a lot.”

  “People make mistakes, you know.”

  She did know that, because Amanda had made plenty of mistakes and most of them were men. Like Alex. “A mistake is denting a car, losing a kid inside a carnival. Avoiding someone takes effort. Ignoring phone calls and letters, requires you to actively avoid them. I’m working hard to put him in my past, Baker.”

  “But the man has a right to know he has a kid coming.”

  Amanda stopped in her tracks and turned to Baker, stunned and offended. “I told him Baker. I wrote twenty-six letter and each one talked about the baby and the pregnancy. He knows and he still stayed away so no, I don’t think I’m being unreasonable.”

  “Ooh, my little kitten has claws,” he laughed and flung an arm over her shoulder. “Just think about it, if not for you then for the kid. You and I both know what it’s like to long for family and wonder about them. Don’t relegate your kid to that fate if you don’t have to.”

  She released a groan. “Stop being so damn logical when I want to be angry and emotional.”

  He laughed at her, shaking his head. “Ouch,” he laughed again when she smacked his belly. “Rock hard, right? Why do you think Adrian stays with me?”

  Tossing her head back and laughing loudly she pushed his shoulder. “Because of your cooking prowess, or wait is it because
of your skill with a needle and thread?”

  Baker looked so offended she couldn’t help but laugh at him. “I do not sew. Ever!” She raised an eyebrow and he leaned in close. “It’s because I’m hung like a horse and I blow like a pro.”

  Amanda stood stunned for a moment and then doubled over with laughter. “I can’t even believe you just said that to me, ow! Damn back pain. Help me up the stairs, would you?”

  Baxter looked to her and then her house a few doors away. “Sure thing honey but it looks like you’ve got company.”

  “I don’t care, I need to sit now.” Some days the back pain was so bad she could hardly move. On those days she wished she’d taken Dean Hart up on his offer to take some time off. Too bad she would never give him or the judgmental board the pleasure.

  “If you’re sure.” She glared at him and he chuckled. “Okay, you’re sure.”

  It was slow going but after an eternity of baby steps, they finally began the short climb up her steps. “Are we almost there?”

  “Yeah, honey we are. How’s that back?”

  “Hurts like hell Baker. My keys are in the side flap.”

  “I already got them babe, but you should know there are two pissed off people on your porch. One is a gorgeous blonde I can only assume is your baby daddy and judging by her shoes, the other is your bestie.”

  “What?” She jerked up and sure enough, Alex and Misty glared at her and Baker. “Oh. What are you doing here?”

  “Which one,” Baker asked with a laugh.

  “Yeah Amanda, which one?”

  “I know you’re upset Misty and I’m sorry about that, but I needed to deal with this on my own first.”

  “Oh sweetie,” she came forward to wrap an arm around her friend.

  “Sorry to break this reunion up, but Amanda here needs to lie down ASAP.”

  She was grateful Baker was there because she wasn’t in the mood to deal with either of her visitors. Her guilt for keeping Misty in the dark was alive and well, but she meant what she said. She needed to come to terms with being a single mom on her own before she could share the news. “I can’t lean on you forever Misty.”


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