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Operation: Tempt Me

Page 19

by Christina James

  When his thumb brushed over the swollen pussy lips before returning to her clit, she moaned with pleasure, unable to form a word.

  His words pushed her over the edge with one powerful thrust of the dildo. His fingers were relentless on her clit, rubbing sharp, tight circles over and over as wave after wave of spasms engulfed her pussy. Her vagina gripped the dildo and stroked it while pleasure tore through her system.

  “Yes. Miller! Oh, Miller. Oh.” Grateful to find her voice again, she rode his thrusts, totally at his mercy in this position.

  With her body still quivering, Cambrie sank onto his legs to rest her head and catch her breath once the dildo slipped from her pussy and Miller lifted her hips the few inches to remove it. She managed to crawl off of his body and lay on her back staring at her ceiling wondering why it had taken her until the age of twenty-seven to discover all the wonderful things sex could offer.

  Turning to find the source of the crinkling noise, Cambrie caught Miller sheathing his long erection with a condom. With unbelievable speed, her body responded to the sight of him preparing his cock to fuck her. Her pussy lips swelled more with the ache of anticipation.

  Returning to the bed, he turned her onto her side and crawled in behind her. The head of his cock pressed against the entrance to her pussy, her wetness easing him inside. With a determined thrust, he maneuvered his cock into her throbbing pussy and the hard loving began.

  The words he whispered into her ear she couldn’t decipher. She only concentrated on the deep sound of his voice and the way his warm breath tickled her ear with every word.

  His hand slid around to capture her breast. His gentleness was replaced with a fury of lust so intense she never wanted the feeling to end. He gripped her breasts in a frenzied possession, squeezing one then the other, showing his power and heightening her arousal.

  How did she ever capture this vibrant man’s attention? God, she yearned for his touch even when she had it. If that wasn’t turning into an addiction then she didn’t know how else to explain the emotions racing through her.

  Under his weight, it was difficult to move in the sideways position, but she did her best to push her ass back to encourage him to take her harder and faster. “Yes, fuck me, Miller. Mmmm. Love that cock and how you use it. Harder.”

  His hips responded with an instant ferocity that should’ve scared her but only managed to turn her on more. Every vaginal muscle hummed with life, waiting for that power to overtake them and offer the release they required to stop aching. Never had she achieved orgasms so regularly…or so powerfully.

  “Cambrie. Oh, fuck, I wish you could feel how hot your pussy is as it milks my cock. Can you feel my cock so deep inside of you?”

  “Yes. I want more.”

  “Such a nymph, aren’t you?” he teased, but his hips continued slapping into hers, the heat on her ass cheeks still noticeable and adding to her enjoyment.

  The thick head of his cock reached her G-spot and stroked the same tender muscles the dildo had. Oh, God, how her pussy ached to explode again, to feel the vibrations of pleasure race through her womb.

  Miller was a wild man, his hand crushing her breast in his palm, tweaking the nipple between his thumb and finger and causing her to cry out with the mix of pain and pleasure. His heavy leg lay over hers so she couldn’t move, she lay pinned by his body weight and at the mercy of his cock to stroke her to orgasm.

  If only she could touch him or touch herself. With her hands stretched to the side above her head, it was impossible to reach her clit or his balls. The need to come grew by the second, and the surge of ecstasy exploded within her taking him for the journey.

  “Cambrie! Uhh. Cambrie,” he yelled, his body bucking behind her like a wild horse.

  “Miller,” she whimpered. “I’m coming!”

  Helpless against the onslaught of spasms and explosions, Cambrie held Miller’s arm when it latched onto her breast. Her pussy exploded with a million tremors, each colliding with another until she thought her pussy would never stop quivering. The vaginal muscles tightened to grasp his cock in a death grip.

  His thrusting slowed when her pussy wouldn’t allow much movement within its tightness. Her heart pounded and her mind remained sluggish.

  “I love you, Miller.” Cambrie thought she heard the words come out of her mouth, but couldn’t be sure they weren’t just in her head. With her throat dry and her breathing ragged, there’s no way she could’ve spoken. Where did that come from?

  Was she really in love with Miller? When he inched off the bed to clean up the condom, she dared to turn and look at him. His face showed no sign of shock at her spontaneous profession of love.

  Phew! She hadn’t said it out loud.

  No need to start throwing “love you” around when her emotions were so mixed up she couldn’t develop a clear thought. That horrible night so long ago had taught her to bury emotions. Now she wished she knew how to face them because the pain in her chest was either a heart attack coming on or…love.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Miller held the woman of his dreams in his arms and didn’t know how to keep her there. He was an educated man, trained to figure out problems that rarely had solutions. Then why the fuck couldn’t he think of one plausible way to keep Cambrie in his life for more than a few stolen hours? Maybe exhaustion played a role in all the dead end ideas he’d had so far.

  The alarm on his phone rang with an ear piercing shrill to cut the early morning air.

  “What’s that?” Cambrie asked, not moving from where she slept on his chest.

  “My alarm. I’ve got to get ready to go, babe.” And fast. He was starting to hate these goodbyes more than anything. “Cambrie? I’ve got to get up.”

  “Five more minutes.”

  He couldn’t help but chuckle. She wasn’t even awake, the poor thing. He’d exhausted her with their rough loving, but, oh God, how he had enjoyed her delightful body and willingness to experiment sexually. “I wish we could spend the entire day in bed.”

  “Tell them you got lost.” Her sleepy whisper was too damn sexy and enticing.

  “If my training didn’t counter that claim then I’d be tempted.”

  She rolled off of him and sat up in bed. “Doesn’t the military do anything at a normal hour?”

  Her complaining and sarcasm was music to his ears. As long as it wasn’t tears, he was good. If he saw a single tear streak down her cheek, he’d give serious thought to going AWOL if it prevented her a second of pain.

  He jumped from bed not wanting to think about the crazy ideas running though his head. Go AWOL? Was he fucking insane? He dressed quickly. Never in his career had he ever considered leaving the military. But with this gorgeous, naked woman stretching in bed and staring back at him with sleepy brown eyes and long tangled hair, he ruled out nothing.

  Had she really said she loved him last night? The surprised look on her face when she stared at him after the words spilled from her pretty lips had spoken volumes. Thank God he was an expert at masking his emotions.

  Cambrie climbed from bed and wrapped a robe around her slender body. Her hair wild and her eyes still droopy with sleep, she looked as sexy as ever. “So this is goodbye again, I guess.” Her soft voice was laced with pain.

  “For now,” he said, as he finished dressing in the clothes he had laid out the night before. “I’ll see you as soon as my schedule permits.” He kissed her lips, lingering just to feel her next to him. “Believe me, okay?”

  She nodded her head.

  “I should be able to email and call this time. I’m just training, so it’s not as restrictive as when I’m in the field.”

  She offered a yawn. “It’s okay. I’ve got plenty of toys to keep me company.”

  Her attempt at humor touched his heart. She tried to make his departure easy for him. God, the woman was always thinking of everyone else but herself. Simply amazing.

  “Keep that web cam handy, baby girl. I’ll want to watch.”

bsp; “Mmmm. Then I better practice.”

  The pink color forming on her cheeks only made her look all the more adorable. Time to leave before he couldn’t. “Okay. Bye for now, Cambrie.”

  She wrapped her body into his arms and clung. When she stepped back, leaned up on her toes, and kissed his lips, he had to give her credit for masking her own emotions, at least trying to. Her eyes avoided his, but he had already seen the sadness within them. He decided it was best to look away as well or maybe she’d see his sadness, too.

  They walked to the front door. “I had a fabulous night with you, Cambrie. Nights like that help get me through the loneliness when I can’t be here with you. We’ll talk soon.” One last kiss to her forehead and he stepped through the door and into the dawn, so many regrets weighing heavily on his heart.


  The days without talking to Miller dragged by, but Cambrie kept herself busy with the grant project and Aunt Annabelle.

  Today the Teen Readers Group accompanied Cambrie to Aunt Annabelle’s nursing home to read to the residents while Cambrie spent some alone time with her aunt outside in the fading autumn garden. The chilly air was refreshing.

  “You’re in love, Cambrie.” Aunt Annabelle’s statement was a loaded one.

  “What? Where did that come from?” Cambrie had never felt uneasy talking to her aunt until now.

  “It came from a very wise old woman. Honey, I know you better than anyone. You try not to wear your heart on your sleeve, but I can see the pain written all over your face. You go ahead and deny that you love that boy. I dare you.”

  Cambrie smiled, her heart aching. “I don’t deny it, Auntie. Just nothing I can do about it is all.” Admitting it out loud, that she couldn’t have a life with Miller any time soon, was a crushing moment and tears licked at her eyes.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Auntie, we live in two different states. He can’t move to Maddyville because he’s stationed in Virginia.”

  “Then you can move there.”

  Cambrie gasped. “What? I’d never leave you alone, Auntie. You know that.”

  “I was afraid of that. And how would I be alone? I live in a nursing facility with staff surrounding me twenty-four seven.”

  “Yeah, one that you think is a prison that you need to be busted out of.”

  Aunt Annabelle waved her hand in the air. “True, but I’m not talking about that. I’m taken care of and would hardly be alone with all my friends.”

  “As tempting as it is, I’m not moving anywhere so there’s no need to continue this conversation,” Cambrie said firmly.

  Who was the old woman kidding? She didn’t have many friends left who were able to visit her and she absolutely hated the nursing home. Cambrie would never leave her alone for the last years of her life. Never. Not after everthing the dear woman had sacrificed to give Cambrie a decent life.

  “You know, Cambrie, sweetie. I’d hate to see you move away, but I’d also hate to be the reason you didn’t find happiness.”

  Cambrie caressed her hand. “Maddyville is my home. Besides, Miller and I aren’t even officially dating, so I think long term plans are pre-mature.”

  “That boy has it just as bad for you as you do for him. You’d be a fool not to realize that. It may not be your typical kind of dating, but any man that runs to a woman the second he has the chance, well, there’s a commitment hidden in there somewhere.

  “I can’t believe that in this day and age when you young people do things so half-assed that you would be blind to the fact that the man spends more time on the road coming to visit you than he actually spends here when he arrives. If that ain’t some sort of dating ritual for today’s world then I don’t know what would be.”

  Cambrie laughed, part of her knowing Aunt Annabelle was right. But Cambrie and Miller came from two different worlds that were impossible to merge, so no sense in dreaming only to suffer a broken heart when the dream couldn’t come true.

  “Let’s head back inside. It’s chilly,” Cambrie said, and began pushing the wheelchair.

  “How about a game of cards?” Aunt Annabelle suggested.



  Cambrie stared at the email flashing on her laptop.

  Hey Cambrie, baby, Internet connection is sporadic at best. Sorry haven’t been able to keep in touch. Can’t write much. Not secure connection so can’t guarantee privacy. Thinking of you!


  The email was a bittersweet read. At least she had heard from him and didn’t have to wonder if he was alive or dead. But she had half hoped that he’d close it with “love Miller.”

  She sighed. All this stupid talk of love and romance had her setting her heart up to break. Miller didn’t love her. Sure, he cared about her, desired her. But love? Nah.

  He wouldn’t allow himself to fall in love with his busy lifestyle. He had too much control over his emotions. Maybe he could teach her some of that control.

  But she did at least owe him a reply.

  Hi Miller, I understand about the Internet. I know you’ll write when you can. I’ve been busy planning a costume party for Halloween at the library this Saturday night. That gives me only five days to finish the planning and decorating.

  The proceeds will go to support the library’s military program and pay to ship the care packages we’ve been sending to the homeless veteran’s shelter in Virginia that you suggested. The shelter manager has been thrilled with the donations.

  I’m so proud of the residents of Maddyville. Donations continue to pour in. I’ll text you a picture of me in my costume. Bet you can’t guess what I’ll be. LOL.

  Well, I should get some more work done before bed…or maybe I’ll go play with my toys—hahaha. Miss you!


  The tone of the email may have been lighthearted, but it was far from how she felt.

  With each passing day, the end of the military pen pal program got closer. Would there come a day when Miller was no longer her pen pal…or lover?

  She didn’t expect Miller to stop talking to her when the program ended in a few weeks, but that would have to happen some day. They couldn’t possibly exist on short visits and sporadic Internet communication.

  She pushed all negative thoughts from her mind and concentrated on finishing the details for the costume party.

  Glancing up at her costume hanging from the coat rack in her living room, Cambrie wished Miller could see her in it. But she’d be sure to give him a private showing once he got to visit again.


  Saturday evening buzzed with excitement. The costume party turned out to be a major hit and the talk of Maddyville. Cambrie couldn’t remember a time when the library held so many people as it did tonight.

  There had to be a hundred guests mingling, dancing to party music, sipping warm apple cider, and eating a variety of tasty dishes disguised as brains, severed fingers, worms, and other creepy things.

  Everyone was dressed in costume, some very extravagant and all in the spirit of the party. Cambrie forced a smile on her face even if the happiness didn’t reach her heart. She missed Miller too much to put into words. The lack of communication sucked for this training exercise. Besides his email, she had only received a quick text saying “hi.”

  “Greg? Do me a favor?” she asked, when Greg walked up with a smile on his face for the first time since she’d known him. “I need you to take a picture of me using my phone.”

  “Sure thing.” He snapped the pic and handed her back the cell phone.

  “Glad you could make it tonight, Greg,” Cambrie said, pleased that he looked like a real teenager for once instead of a scared kid.

  “I’d like you to meet my mom, Miss Brasher. Mom,” he yelled to a woman behind him. “Mom, this is Miss Brasher, the librarian I told you about.”

  “She doesn’t look like a librarian tonight, dear. I love your costume, Miss Brasher. It’s so nice to finally meet the woman who inspired my Greg t
o read so much.”

  Or rather, escape his father’s wrath. “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well,” Cambrie began, but a man in a pirate costume caught her eye before disappearing into the crowd. Jeesh, she missed Miller so much now she was having hallucinations of him. “You have a great son. He’s been a fantastic help to me not only with the military program, but also with anything I need assistance with here at the library. He definitely takes after his mom.”

  The woman beamed like the sun shown on her. “I’m having a great time. So many faces I haven’t seen in ages. You enjoy your night, Miss Brasher.” She wandered off toward the dessert table and a small group of ladies from the bridge group.

  “You too.” Where did that pirate go? She just wanted another glimpse to prove to herself that it wasn’t Miller. And to prove she was finally losing her mind. “Greg, you keep having fun.”

  The boy went back to his friends. Cambrie texted the pic Greg took to Miller and shoved the phone back into the pocket of her shorts.

  Many people stopped Cambrie and lifted her spirits with their compliments of the party and her efforts to support the troops.

  A tap on her shoulder had her turning to face the mystery man. Thank God she wasn’t holding any punch or it would’ve fallen from her hands.

  “Miller? Is it really you?” she asked, her heart pounding as she studied the man behind the bandana and mask.

  “You tell me,” he said, gripped her waist and hauled her into his tight embrace. His lips landed on hers, the kiss demanding. Without caring that she was at a party surrounded by the folks of Maddyville, Cambrie sank into the kiss, opening her mouth to allow his tongue to sweep in and steal her heat, her fingers raking through his short hair.

  When he broke the connection, but held her close, she stared at him. “Yes, it’s really you, Miller. I’d recognize those lips anywhere,” she said, running her finger along his jaw and over his lips.

  His smile matched hers as she leaped into his arms and clung to his neck, reveling in his strong embrace. “God, you feel so fucking good, baby.” He placed her down after a few minutes. “And you look sexy as all hell, my little mermaid.”


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