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Let the Wild Out

Page 12

by Madelyn Porter

  Douglas couldn’t help the anger he felt towards William. The man had almost killed Rachel in the attack. Irrational as it was, he kept thinking that the man should have been stronger, should have found a way to stop St. Joan, to fight the drugs she’d given him and the very nature of the wolf inside him. Had he been in the same position, Douglas was not so sure events would have happened differently, though. It didn’t stop his anger, much of which was born out of the fear of losing Rachel.

  “I told Magda that we intend to marry Rachel. I assume that is still your wish?” William rubbed his tired eyes.

  “Of course it is my wish. Had we claimed her as ours immediately, then we would not have been in a position for Rara to do what she did.” Douglas pulled in a hard breath and held it. His hands worked in agitation as he paced the room.

  “Do you think she will forgive us for it? There is no hiding it from her.” William rolled his neck back and forth, staring at the ceiling.

  “I will explain it to her. I will simply tell her the way of things. If we did not get Rara to agree to help us by using her pheromones, Rachel wouldn’t have responded to our touch and she would have died. We did it to save her. It is the truth. Rachel is a smart woman. She will listen to reason.”

  William raised a doubtful brow but did not protest the plan.

  “It is decided then? We make her our bride as soon as etiquette allows.” Douglas’s words were more of a decree than a question.

  William nodded in agreement. “The ball is being re-planned as we speak. I see no reason it cannot be done then.”

  “Agreed.” Douglas nodded and moved quickly from the room. He strode purposefully down the hall, stopping to look at Rachel’s door. He wanted to go in, wanted to touch her, to be with her tonight.

  “You should let her rest,” William said from down the hall. “We agreed.”

  Douglas nodded and stormed away from the Cononious chief. “Just don’t forget that it is my turn to be with her.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Did you honestly just say you two had sex with another woman for me?” Rachel glared at the two men standing in front of her in her guest bedroom. Like all the other rooms in the manor, it was decadent and perfect, like some twelve-star hotel only royalty and celebrities could get into. Douglas had looked so earnest as he tried to explain it, and William would not meet her eyes. In fact, William had little to say beyond observing that she looked rested. “In what universe is that even a viable defense?” She dropped her voice in a poor imitation of a male speaker, “I slept with that woman for you, baby.”

  William and Douglas shared a look.

  “Omigod, you’re right,” she said. “I have no room to speak. I sleep with both of you and you don’t complain about it.”

  “We did not say anything,” William said. She ignored him. She’d seen the knowing look they had given each other.

  “I’m acting like some kind of shrewish girlfriend. Of course this is an open relationship.” She hated the words but knew they were the logical, adult, reasonable thing to say.

  Damn reasonable adult logic anyway!

  “This is not an open relationship,” Douglas stated firmly. He lifted a finger towards her to punctuate his point. He wore a white dress shirt and black slacks. His black leather belt sported a bright silver buckle that automatically drew the eyes down to his waist. She didn’t need the reminder of how potent a lover he was. That fact was never far from her mind. His dark hair framed his even darker eyes.

  William was a contrast next to him, blond-haired and blue-eyed. His dark blue shirt brought out his eyes in such a way as to make them mesmerizing all on their own. His gray slacks hugged his hips and ass, only to loosen around his legs. Her eyes went back up, trying to catch his. Those eyes made her tremble all the way to her toes. A woman could easily melt in his gaze.

  Individually, these men were powerful and desirable in their own right. Together, they were a potent force. How could any woman resist them?

  “What kind of craziness have you brought me into?” Rachel whispered, more to herself than to them. “This is crazy. I don’t know why we’re even discussing this. You’re royalty, both of you. I’m just some girl from America who apparently is supposed to be running a wilderness sanctuary. We come from literally different worlds. Now St. Joan is gone, the threat is over. I can go home.”

  “The threat is not over. The person who hired St. Joan is still out there,” William interrupted. He had been avoiding her eyes and now finally looked at her. “When I was held prisoner I learned only that a female hired her to kill you. We weren’t expected to be at the sanctuary and were merely obstacles to her real target—you. She was angered that we interrupted her little fire show and came after us as personal revenge. With her gone, we are safe, but…” William gave Douglas a concerned look.

  “It is not safe for you to leave us,” Douglas said bluntly. “We will keep you safe. I’ve already ordered Duncanis guards to keep watch.”

  “The Cononious guards have this place well in hand,” William protested.

  “Obviously not, considering what happened,” Douglas countered.

  The men continued to argue. Rachel watched in stunned silence. She’d never seen them like this, not towards each other. She lifted her hand to interrupt, but couldn’t get a word in.

  “Your guards let her run the forest alone,” Douglas yelled.

  “She is not a prisoner. I saw no reason to order them to stop her. How was I to know she’d just run off like that,” William returned.

  “Ah, hey—” Rachel tried to insert.

  “There is a killer on the loose. Of course she should be stopped!” Douglas took an aggressive step forward, his eyes filling with silver.

  “Was on the loose. St. Joan is dead thanks to me.” William met his challenge, puffing out his chest.

  “Rachel almost died thanks to you.” Douglas poked William in the shoulder.

  “Guys, seriously—” Rachel tried again. They ignored her.

  “And your solution was to get Rara?” William gave a derisive laugh before pushing back. “We’ll be lucky if Rachel will let us touch her again after that.”

  Douglas stumbled but caught his footing. “Do not blame me, at least I did something!”

  “I almost prefer you shifted. As a man you are rash and bossy,” William grumbled.

  “And I prefer you shifted. As a man you are mild and indecisive. Tobias gave you his throne and you walk around as if it is some burden, something to be scared of. No wonder St. Joan came after you. As a Cononious she would hardly be worried about taking out a weak leader. Find your balls, William, and use them already. Take your throne. Take your clan. Answer to no one but me.”

  “Seriously—” Rachel said, raising her voice to be heard over their fighting.

  William’s answer was to punch Douglas across the jaw. Douglas responded with a punch of his own. Soon the men were wrestling each other to the ground, swinging fists and knees into their opponent. Rachel watched in horror, demanding they stop at once. They didn’t hear her, or if they did, they didn’t listen.

  Material ripped and buttons flew in her direction. She dodged one before moving forward to try to physically stop them. When she grabbed hold of William’s arm, Douglas used the opening to throw another punch. When she pulled at Douglas’s hair, William kicked the man in the side of the thigh, causing the Duncanis chief to fall onto his side on the floor.

  Rachel brushed strands of Douglas’s dark hair from her fingers. “Fine. You two might as well keep fucking going at each other because I’ve fucking had it with the both of you!”

  Instantly both froze and turned to her. William had Douglas pinned on the ground. Douglas’s hand gripped William’s torn shirt. Rachel gasped, surprised at the quick ending to their argument.

  “Did you say…?” William began.

  “Fuck?” Douglas finished.

  “You are such guys. Out of everything that just happened, the only thing you com
prehend is the word fuck.” She rolled her eyes at them and shook her head in irritation. “Unbelievable.”

  “We were just blowing off steam,” Douglas said, by way of excuse. “Don’t be mad, lass.”

  “Had to be said and now it is,” William added. “Everything is fine, sweetheart. Now about this fucking…”

  Douglas let go of William’s shirt. William rolled back, letting Douglas off the ground. A dark bruise ringed an even darker eye on Douglas, while William’s cheek had a tiny cut on it.

  “We could use some healing.” Douglas rubbed his elbow and winced. She didn’t buy his injured act for a minute.

  Rachel saw their flushed cheeks and bright, silver-threaded eyes. Their blood was pumping hard in their veins. The brawl would only have heightened their primal instincts.

  “No one would have to know,” William said. “Just like on the plane.”

  “Our secret,” Douglas agreed.

  Rachel took a step back, realizing their intent was a joint seduction. “Oh no you don’t. I’m still mad at you.”

  The back of her legs hit the foot of the bed. They crowded forward, blocking every retreat but the one that would take her onto the mattress.

  Douglas touched her arm. “Let us make it up to you.”

  “Come on, Rachel, let us have a little celebration of the upcoming…”

  “Celebration of…?” she asked, suddenly nervous.

  “Of life,” William quickly said. She wondered what he had actually meant and had the distinct feeling he wasn’t telling her something. “Celebration of life.”

  “It’s my turn to go first,” Douglas said, pushing his hips forward so his cock brushed alongside her hip.

  “So long as you don’t wear her out for my turn,” William said.

  “You jackasses realize I can hear you, right?” Rachel pushed at both of their chests. They didn’t move. William brought his hips forward and moaned softly. “Are you both telling me you’re really keeping track as to whose turn it is?”

  “Of course,” they answered in unison.

  “Out of fairness,” Douglas said.

  “Unless you decree otherwise,” William added.

  “Or the other one is not available and you have needs.”

  “Or if you are fighting with one of us and have needs the other can fulfill but you don’t want them to because you’re angry.”


  “I think I got it.” Rachel couldn’t help it as she chuckled. “But I also think it’s a little unromantic of you two to be counting how many times we have sex.”

  “Not how many times, just whose turn it is,” Douglas clarified. “And it’s my turn.”

  Rachel arched a brow before ordering Douglas, “Take off your clothes and go lie on the bed.”

  Douglas tore at his shirt, ripping out of it as he crawled onto the mattress to do as she commanded. He fumbled with his pants to get them off before tossing them across the room. Within seconds, he was naked and on his back. William took a deep breath and stepped back to let her go.

  “So long as we’re clear that I’m still mad at both of you. And this conversation is far from over.” She gave them a pointed look.

  William nodded. “Of course.”

  “If you say so,” Douglas said.

  “You too,” she ordered William, “out of your clothes.”

  William gave her a playful smile as he obeyed. Rachel was slower to undress, pulling out of the cotton shirt and slacks Magda had left for her in the room. Then, turning to Douglas, she crawled over him.

  “I’m not some ride you take turns on,” Rachel said. On her hands and knees over Douglas, she put her ass towards William. Douglas’s cock towered beneath her. She moved her mouth to kiss the tip. He jerked and the tip leaked pre-cum. “I’m not a toy to be shared between the two of you. If I hear you talking about whose turn it is ever again, it will be no one’s turn. Understand?”

  The men didn’t answer. Douglas was too busy reaching for her breasts. William moaned and began rubbing her hips from behind. She wiggled her ass towards William. He took the invitation eagerly, kneeling behind her on the bed.

  “But, it’s my…” Douglas looked as if he might protest. “You are really beautiful, lass.”

  “That’s what I thought.” She gave Douglas a half smile before leaning over to suck his cock gently into her mouth, shutting him up. His hands wound into her hair, keeping her mouth on him as he groaned in approval.

  William’s cock brushed her wet sex, moving along the lips. His hands ran along her back and hips, before coming around to hold her breasts. She moaned against the dick in her mouth.

  Douglas held her tight against him. His muscles flexed beneath her. She placed her hands next to his hips, supporting her weight. William entered her slowly from behind, taking his time as he slid halfway in before withdrawing. Soon her mouth mimicked William’s movements.

  A spell wove its way around them. Not the mindless euphoria of the fairies, but something much older and much more real. She felt her body pull in two directions. She wanted both of them, needed both of them. The depth of the emotion scared her. By all rights, she should have been angry with them. Well, if not by all rights, then by some sort of feminine entitlement logic. The wave of possessiveness surprised her. She wanted to bite them, claim them somehow so no other woman would dare look at her territory.

  Her movements became more aggressive. The need inside them was too strong to fight. Douglas tensed against her mouth, spilling his seed between her lips. Behind her, William kept moving, deeper and faster. She gasped for air, bringing her head sharply back. Her body tensed, jerking suddenly as she was racked with pleasure. Seconds later, William’s soft, climactic cry washed over her.

  William let go of her hips and she fell forward to lie against Douglas’s chest. She slid against him to stretch out along his side. William crawled next to her, sandwiching her between the two men.

  There was a strange, serene pleasure to the moment. None of them spoke. Rachel closed her eyes, feeling their calm presence next to her on the bed. The back of Douglas’s hand brushed against hers and their fingers twined. She ran her hand onto William’s thigh and let it rest.

  Rachel wasn’t sure how much time passed as she dozed next to them. Douglas moved, turning towards her, stirring her from her sleep. Her head rolled onto his arm as her hand slid up from William’s thigh to his chest.

  “You never asked me why I ran after you ordered me not to leave the manor,” she said, completely relaxed.

  “Why?” both men asked in unison, their voices sleepy.

  “I heard you talking.” Rachel turned her head towards William and drew her hand up to touch Douglas’s chest as well. “I know you think to make me your chieftess queen, and that you had no intention of telling me about your marriage plans for us.”

  Both men stiffened. She felt their hearts beating under the backs of her fingers.

  “You called me a shifter that does not want to be a shifter. That is not true. I don’t know how to be anything but what I am. However, I have no wish to be used as a power symbol for your thrones. I’m well aware of how rare my gifts are. I don’t want the attention they’ll bring.”

  “But you are amazing,” William said.

  “And rare,” Douglas added.

  “I know. I’m a collectable,” she mumbled sarcastically. She began to sit up but Douglas held her hand to keep her down.

  William placed his hand on her shoulder and turned on his side to face her. His breath tenderly hit her neck. “That is not how we see you. You’re not some prize to be collected. We do see you for you, Rachel. Please believe that.”

  “You were right about one thing though,” she admitted. “I don’t like being the center of attention. I don’t like the limelight, and I don’t want the attention that being queen will bring. So, I thank you for your unasked but intended offer, but I have to be clear that I will decline. It would be foolish of me to leave here before whoever is tr
ying to kill me is stopped, but after that, I want to go home to America. I’ll run the sanctuary and dream of the days I spent with you both, but I don’t want to be queen. I don’t want to be torn between two clans. I don’t want the peace, and lives, of every shifter on the planet to depend on my ability to make sure you two don’t try to kill each other.”

  “Is this because we fought?” William asked. He touched her cheek, stroking it as if she might try to leave them that second.

  “It wasn’t even a fight, not really,” Douglas said. “It was more like a heated discussion that needed to be said.”

  “We can do better,” William assured her.

  “Much better,” Douglas agreed.

  “It has nothing to do with your argument. In fact, now that I think about it, it was kind of hot to watch.” She gave a small laugh, hoping to make them smile. They didn’t.

  “Then what?” Douglas put a hand along her waist.

  “I don’t want to live my life in politics, going from one clan to the other, from house to house, from life to life, having people count my days with one of you and feeling slighted if they’re not even. If it was just us, just the three of us in our own special arrangement, then…” Her voice trailed off. Everything she was saying made logical sense, but her words were not convincing her heart. She had to be logical and reasonable. She knew herself, had purposefully hidden her true shifter gifts from the world. When she married, she wanted it to be for love, pure and simple love, not her omni-shifting abilities or politics, or to save two husbands from themselves.

  “Then you would have us?” William prompted. “You would say yes to marriage?”

  “We cannot change who we are. We have responsibilities to our people,” Douglas asserted, as if the words were for William as well, a reminder that he had duties.

  “No, we can do this. We can make our own arrangement, one that works for us,” William insisted. “We’ll build an estate on the border and live together so no one will be counting the days. The new address will be the perfect excuse to reinvent our paperwork for the human records anyway.”


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