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Let the Wild Out

Page 14

by Madelyn Porter

Sweet caresses slowly became more fevered. He stripped her of her clothing so she stood naked before him in front of the window. The soft light embraced her.

  Rachel’s fingers fumbled with his pants as she tried to unbuckle his belt. He moved to help her, deftly unfastening the buckle. Her hand moved down the front of his pants over the material of his boxers, rubbing his erection through the fitted cotton. He moaned as she stroked him. The friction of her touch warmed his already hot member.

  Aggressively, Douglas walked her back into the wall. He pushed his pants off his hips and pulled his boxers off his cock. The tighter material hugged his thighs. He growled in the back of his throat as he lifted her up. Her back pressed into the wall next to the window. If someone walked by on the ground below at the right angle, they would get a glimpse of the naughty couple. Douglas didn’t care who saw. All he knew was he wanted to claim his woman—now and forever.

  Holding her by her thighs, he entered her hard and sure. She accepted him and he let loose a small cry of victory. His hips began to pump. His body strained. Each thrust held within it a beautiful torment as he built towards a magnificent release. The rougher sex wasn’t normally his style, but he couldn’t slow. The jerking of his body was inelegant and raw. He didn’t care. It felt too good, too right.

  The second her body began to tremble in release, he let go. He came inside her, wanting to fill her with himself. When he looked into her eyes, he felt their connection and knew this was a woman he could spend the rest of his very long life loving.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Douglas felt the pleasure of release singing in his veins. If he could have, he would have spent the entire day with Rachel. However, he wanted to check with his guards and probe the palace servants to see if there were any suspicious people around, or at least people with suspicious behaviors. Though he wanted to spend every second with Rachel, he needed to make sure she was safe first.

  After questioning several maids, some with intimidation and others with charm, he discovered quite a bit. One was fairly certain another was stealing food from the pantry to take home. Another believed the butler and the cook were having an affair. Yet another thought Ginger and Faith were having an affair with the same gardener. Lisbetha liked her meat raw because she believed it helped her complexion. Charity was fasting before the ball to fit into her sister’s old gown. Magda was a well respected bitch who ruled the staff with an iron fist and little praise. Unfortunately, all their gossiping and information was completely irrelevant to him.

  Seeing Lisbetha approach, he stopped. The woman seemed polite enough when he had the occasion to speak to her, but she was too boring for his tastes. He hated the niceties of English court life. He wanted his wild moorlands.

  Lisbetha curtseyed. “Chief Duncanis, the tailor is here to see to your fitting.”

  “I have no fitting scheduled,” he told her. Douglas thought about dismissing her, but decided he might as well see what she had to say about the people in the manor home.

  “I apologize, but I took the liberty on your behalf. Since the ball was planned so suddenly, and you arrived with little by way of luggage, I thought you might require a tux.” She coquettishly batted her lashes at him. “Magda asked me to see to the details since you don’t currently have a wife to see to such needs.”

  “Magda asked you?” Douglas repeated.

  Lisbetha nodded. “Yes. I have run my father’s home for years now while he is away. The tailor is quite well trained. I have used him to make my father’s suits over the years when he comes home. I took the liberty of guessing your size, so the fitting should not take long at all.”

  “Send him to my room. I will meet him there.” Douglas hadn’t given much thought to what he would wear to the ball. Normally, he did have trunks of luggage with him when he arrived at the English court. “And thank you for the kindness.”

  Lisbetha nodded. “There was one more thing, Chief.”


  “Magda mentioned that you did not have a lady to take with you to the ball, and since I was effectively the hostess of the event I should make myself available to you for the evening.”

  “I have a date,” he said.

  “Oh?” She bit her lip and looked at the floor.

  He felt kind of bad about her hurt feelings, and added, “Thanks for the thought, though.”

  “Might I guess that you will be bringing the American, as well?”

  “As well?”

  “My chief said he was taking Rachel Dunne to the ball.”

  Douglas nodded. “You know our traditions. It is only natural that we should attend with the same woman.”

  “I see. I just thought since you weren’t married, you might not be inclined to share. She is, after all…” She waved her hand dismissively before he could answer. “But it is not my place to speak out of turn about the American woman. If you change your mind and require a lady at your side, I will leave my evening open for you.”

  “What were you going to say?” Douglas demanded.

  “Only that Miss Dunne is…” She hesitated. “It is not my place.”

  “Make it your place,” he ordered.

  “There are rumors about her. I don’t normally like to repeat such things,” again she hesitated, “and I’m sure you, Chief, being the informed man you are, already know what is being said.”

  “Tell me.”

  “Rumors have been circulating the castle that she was attacked by a wild dog when running alone in the forest. I, of course, have nothing against her, but people do speak of her lack of propriety. I am sure she is simply recovering from the ordeal and that is why she hides in the guest room. You can’t believe she purposefully means to slight every person in the place.”

  Douglas didn’t move.

  “Still, shifters can be hot-blooded and sensitive,” she continued, “and it has given them quite a distaste of the woman. I suppose allowances must be made for the fact that she was raised wild in America. Her feral nature and lack of manners cannot be helped. None of this reflects on you, of course. People also say that it is good of you to protect the poor woman.”

  He hadn’t heard any such rumors. However, being the foreign chief, it wasn’t surprising no one mentioned ill words about his current lover to him.

  “You are very protective, aren’t you? It comes from being a strong leader. It is good of you to help the unfortunate American and show her some favor. I hear she doesn’t have family, so I’m sure your generosity will do much to help her gain some support within the shifter community when she goes back to America. It must be hard being a common fish. Such nobility as you display now will surely be noted when it comes time for you to consider a real candidate to be your bride.”

  Her words stung but he could find no fault in their candid delivery or her clear expression. Lisbetha touched his arm. He automatically pulled back from her. He thought about telling the woman that he’s already chosen Rachel to be his bride, and he could care less what the gossips at the English court thought of his decision. He refrained, but only out of respect for Rachel. She had asked him for time to think. The last thing he needed to do was confirm a marriage she was not ready to announce. First the ball to deal with the public, and then they would talk about a wedding.

  Lisbetha looked down at her slighted hand and curled the fingers slightly. “I will do what you asked and send the tailor for you. Perhaps you can save me a dance when Miss Dunne is otherwise engaged, or if she doesn’t know how.” Lisbetha curtseyed quickly, saying, “Chief,” by way of excusing herself. She hurriedly walked away from him, her feet shuffling in tiny steps.

  Lisbetha was dismissed from his thoughts the second she disappeared, but her words were not. There was only one person he knew of in the English court who could have started those rumors and who would have something to gain by them—Magda. Rachel’s heritage was largely unknown to everyone else.

  Lisbetha’s words, though annoying, renewed his suspicions about the Cononious woman.
It was time someone put Magda into her place. If the Cononious chief was not in a position to do so because of clan politics, then the Duncanis would just have to do it for him.


  “There you are,” Rachel said. “I was looking for you.”

  William glanced up from the pool table, but didn’t drop his stick as he took his shot. The ball bumped the corner pocket and didn’t go in. He stood. “Pool was never really my game.”

  “Mine either. The sports bar where I work…” she paused, “where I worked, had five tables in the back. I doubt they held my job for me. In fact, I should probably call and tell them I’m all right just in case any of them care. And while I’m thinking about it, I do have an apartment in the city. I need to make some kind of arrangement to ensure my landlord gets a rent check. I’d hate for him to evict me while I’m here. He wouldn’t hesitate to sell off what little belongings I have left. Furniture can be replaced, but some photos and old letters cannot.”

  “Use any phone in the house to call the bar,” he offered. “Write down your landlord’s information and I’ll see to the rent myself. Once things are a little more settled here, you can decide how you wish to handle the apartment. I can have someone gather your things and ship them here for you.”

  “Thanks.” Rachel nodded.

  “You said you were looking for me?”

  Rachel went to the wall and absently picked up a cue stick. She let it glide between her fingers. William stood back from the table, silently offering to let her shoot. Her shot clanked the balls together in a haphazard fashion. They scattered about but none went in. “I told you I don’t play.”

  He leaned over to take his turn.

  “Douglas thinks we should go to Scotland where it will be safer for me since people are trying to kill me here. I told him I would have to speak to you first.” Rachel set her stick on the ground and leaned against it. “You could come with us.”

  “So you’ve decided?” William did not dwell on the fact the two of them had talked about it, alone, without him. If he did, it would only invite jealousy.

  “No. I’ve come to talk to you for your opinion.” Rachel put the cue stick back on the rack and moved to lean against the table next to him. “I want to know what you think about it.”

  “Logically, I can see his reasoning. I would do anything to keep you safe.” William stepped back and leaned his stick against the wall before resuming his position by her. “However, illogically, I don’t want you to go. I want you to stay here with me.”

  “Can’t you come with us?”

  “Not until the matter of your safety is settled, and definitely not until after the ball. It would be ill advised for me to invite half the supernatural world, only to leave.” He touched her face and gave her a soft smile.

  “Ugh, I hate this,” she complained, drawing her face from his touch. “I don’t want to leave you behind. I don’t want Douglas to leave without us. I hate the idea of having to split myself between two kingdoms.”

  William frowned, confused and worried. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying I love you both and I don’t like the situation we have found ourselves in. And I definitely don’t love the idea of being forced to mediate between the two men I want to be with. I don’t want to have to choose whether to stay or go.” She sighed and her tone lost some of its ire, as she said, “I love you, William, and I want to hear what you think.”

  “I know that I love you too, Rachel.” His heart beat happily in his chest as he leaned down to sprinkle kisses on her face. “And I think that nothing else matters. The rest are just details to be figured out.”

  “Those details are important, though. I will tell you like I told Douglas,” Rachel inserted, when he would kiss her lips. She pushed on his shoulder to hold him back. “I will not make a mindless decision to marry both of you and to be queen of all shifters with just my heart. It’s not a question of my love for you both, or my desire for you, because let’s face it—I always want you. My problem is that my brain keeps coming up with very logical arguments as to why this is a bad idea. I don’t want to be plagued with constant doubts and worry that I will not be able to stand the bright spotlight put on such a life. Plus, there is a very real chance the people won’t want me to lead them. Already someone wants me dead, and I have a very hard time believing that it has anything to do with my very boring life in Colorado as owner of an out-of-commission shifter sanctuary.”

  “What can I do to convince you?” He gave a very boyish grin, the kind of charming look men gave when they wanted something.

  “Agree not to talk about it until after the death threat is taken care of.” She ran her hand up his neck to his face. “And kiss me.”

  William did not have to be asked again. He moved his lips to hers, slowly kissing her with all the passion in his heart. He respected Rachel’s logic, even as he knew in the end her arguments against being their queen would crumble. He couldn’t blame her for being scared. At the sanctuary in Colorado, he’d seen the sheltered privacy of her life. To be taken from that into his world with such ferocity would shake anyone to the core. Yet, she didn’t break down, didn’t cry or whine. She stood strong, just like a true chieftess.

  William knew that they would be safe in his private wing. He let his guard down as he lifted her by her hips and set her on the pool table. Her legs parted and he stood between them. Their kiss deepened. The sweet taste of her mouth caused him to moan.

  “I love you, Rachel,” he whispered against her lips. “Oh, I love you.”

  She grinned, pulling her shirt over her head. William unbuttoned her pants and tugged them off her hips when she lifted up off the table. He unbuttoned his shirt and let it drop behind him. Her hands glided over his chest and shoulders, exploring everywhere she could reach as he unfastened his belt.

  When his pants dropped to his ankles, he brought himself forward. The heavy length of his erection found its aim. He entered her slowly, moaning at the soft way her moist flesh caressed and held him.

  Rachel rolled back onto the pool table. William remained on his feet. He held her hips angled towards him, watching her naked body move as they made love. Her arms hit the pool balls and their soft clanks sounded over them. As she came, her body tensed. The beauty of the moment was too much and he found his release inside her.

  Rachel gave a small, happy laugh before moaning. She smiled up at him, her gaze clear and bright. Her laughter rose as she turned her hip. He let go of her legs. She reached down to where her ass cheek pressed into the table and pulled out a piece of pool cue chalk. When he looked, there was a blue, small square imprinted on her flesh.

  “Maybe next time we find a bed,” she said, reaching her hand up to him so he could help her up.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “I know it was you, Magda,” Douglas stated. He had the old shifter cornered in the library. She clutched a clipboard to her chest, her knuckles white, but otherwise did not show any emotion on her cold demeanor. “My father warned me about you and your disrespect. He said to watch you closely when Tobias died. I see his suspicions about you were well founded.”

  “I am sure I don’t know what you mean, Duncanis.” Magda lifted her chin. Her dress suit was immaculately pressed and her hair swept back into a very stark, serviceable bun.

  “You hired St. Joan to kill Rachel in America. You handle William’s travel arrangements and you knew why he was traveling to the US and where he would be. You had no way of knowing he would arrive at the cabin early. You arranged transportation when the plane touched down. You told St. Joan and her leopard cohort where to find us. Nothing happens in this place without your knowing about it. You knew Rachel went for a run and you probably knew William went after her. That is why you did not tell me they were missing. You gave St. Joan time to get away.” Douglas’s entire body was stiff and he felt the beast inside him threatening to come out. “It is you who has been spreading the rumors around the manor about her heritage, trying to u
ndermine her any way you can think of.”

  “Those are strong accusations, Duncanis. Where is your proof?” Magda pressed the clipboard tight to her chest. When he didn’t readily supply it, she continued, “I thought so. You have no proof because there is none. I have been a loyal member of my clan my entire life, not that a Duncanis would know much about loyalty.”

  “Loyal? How is kidnapping your own chief showing loyalty?” Douglas demanded. “If this was my court you would be strung up in the yard. That is what happens to traitors.”

  “Then it is a good thing I don’t belong to your rash clan.” Magda slammed the clipboard down on the table. “I have heard quite enough. William may be a young chief, but he is still my chief. He will not stand for your accusations against me. If he thought as you do, he would be here with you.”

  “I do not need William by my side to act.”

  “You do if you want to accuse one of his top people of being a traitor.” Magda lifted her jaw. She tried to walk past him. Douglas grabbed her arm. She stood tall and looked at his hand on her. “What do you think you’re going to do? Kill me? Here? While a guest in this house? With high-powered guests arriving in hours for the ball?”

  Douglas released her arm. He didn’t want to. He wanted to throw her out the window. Magda marched from the room. Douglas went to her discarded clipboard and looked over the papers. They were purchase orders for the kitchens and lists of supplies for the ball. He set it back down. It was hardly the nefarious evidence he needed.

  Even as he confronted the woman, he knew he should have waited for William. The anger had just built after hearing Lisbetha’s rumors. All the frustration he’d felt when Rachel was gone, combined with his desperation to keep her safe now, had just been too much to resist.


  “I have never been disloyal to my clan!”

  Rachel ducked back into the hall at the sound of Magda’s voice. Magda was the last person she wanted to run into—especially smelling of William and wearing his clothes. Rachel had left the game room to steal one of William’s shirts from his bedroom. By a turn of bad luck, or at least an amusing consequence, her shirt had found its way into William’s brandy snifter while they had sex.


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