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Love Interrupted

Page 9

by Eva Andrews

  There was a long-standing rule at the Carmichael house, the last sibling to arrive to happy hour had to serve the drinks to the rest of the family until the guests began to arrive. The best part was timing it right so the sibling was always running back and forth.

  “Jud, do you think these earrings are better, or these…”

  Her voice sent an instant rush of blood to my dick. Looking up at the top of the stairs, I saw Shayne for the first time in three days and my heart about stopped.

  Dressed in a blood red strapless gown that hugged her body to perfection, there was an asymmetrical ruffle that went down the left side, stopping right above her thigh where the slit in the dress started, showing off her beautiful legs and fuck me heels.

  Her hair was swept up in a romantic loose bun, showing off her beautiful neck and perfect shoulders. Her makeup was fucking sexy, cat eyeliner and her memorizing eyes, she looked like a supermodel.

  “Shay…you look fucking amazing.”

  Walking down the stairs slowly, she smiled as she came to me. It was like I was in a laser beam, I couldn’t move, couldn’t talk…my eyes were fucking glued to her as she walked down the stairs gracefully, and right up to me.

  Unbuttoning my tux jacket, she slid her arms around my waist and hugged me tightly.

  Jesus fucking Christ, just fucking take my heart now woman.

  “I’m glad your home,” she whispered against my lips as she slowly kissed me.


  Home was with Shay.

  Taking a deep breath, “As much as I missed you, and as much as I want to pull that dress off with my teeth, we need to go. It is best if we are not the last family members there. Also, I have your earring problem solved.”

  Looking up at me, “Which ones should I wear?” A varying range of emotions played in her soft green eyes.

  “Neither of those darling, I brought you some new choices.” I announced, reaching into my tux I brought out a box that held two different pair of earrings for my lady. I had found them in Sweden this morning before I flew out.

  I didn’t know what her gown would look like, so I bought two choices for her.

  Blinking at me, she took the velvet box out of my hands and opened the lid.

  “Cam.” She whispered as she looked down at the diamonds, and then back at me all misty eyed.

  Taking her hand, “Come on baby, you can try them on in the car. We don’t want to be late, trust me.”

  Driving us to my parents’ gala, Shayne tried on both the diamond chandelier earrings, and the large diamond studs I had bought her. The chandeliers were the clear choice for tonight’s black-tie event.

  “Where do you want me to put these?” She asked, as she held the second pair of earrings.

  “They are yours to keep Shay, both pair.” I told her softly as we pulled up my parents’ long drive.

  “That isn’t necessary Cam.”

  “Are you going to tell me I can’t buy you things when I want?” I challenged with a grin. I knew they weren’t necessary, or required, or hell- even expected. Yet, I wanted to buy them for her and I had never bought any jewelry for any women besides my mother and sisters.

  “You don’t have to buy me things. That isn’t what I meant when I said bring me something back. I meant like, some chocolate, or a magnet.” She said, there was something that danced in her eyes.

  Pulling in, I parked in the garage so I wouldn’t get blocked in.

  Putting the car in park, I reached over and grabbed her hand and raised it to my lips, “A magnet? Really? Shayne I know I don’t have to buy you anything, I know that’s not what you are after baby. I bought them for you because I wanted to, it would make me happy if you kept them. I want you to think of me when you’re wearing them.”

  “I always think of you Cameron.”

  Getting inside was harder than I imagined when it was clear the both of us wanted to strip the other bare and have our way. Shit, I almost fucked her in my car- in my parents’ garage. Even after a hefty make out session, I still got us inside without her looking like I mauled her.

  Thankfully we were not the last ones to arrive, Addie and Ashton were.

  Like the good losers they were, they served drinks graciously for about an hour until but Shay demanded to help.

  “That’s it,” she announced, taking my empty tumbler out of my hand, and then grabbing Jud’s, “I’m helping, and you can’t tell me no.” Her gown swishing around her, adding drama to her statement.

  “Shay, you are missing the entire point.” Jud laughed.

  Raising a brow, “No I get the point entirely, you are all here on time. That is the point Jud, I think you didn’t get the point.” She teased, giving him a peck on the cheek and then looked at my mom and winked.

  Well, shit. I’ll be. My genius mom had been employing this game since we were in college.

  Like that, Shay breezed out of my dad’s library in search of Addie and more drinks for the family.

  It felt good to have Shay there with me, she fit in with my family. It was easy to be with her around them, I didn’t have to worry about them judging her, they already loved her.

  What I found entertaining was how each of my family members, including my parents, pulled me aside separately and talked to me about Shayne. I had gotten the ‘don’t hurt her’ speech from all of them.

  Although our happy hour before the gala was a tradition we loved, it never lasted long enough. Stepping from one tradition to another, the Carmichael family welcomed their guests at the door as they arrived for the gala. My siblings and I stood next to our dates in a receiving line next to our parents and welcomed guests to the gala.

  Elijah and Ashton were used to accompanying Jud and Addie, however I had forgotten to ask Shayne about joining me in the welcoming line prior. I tried giving her an out at the last moment, which she didn’t take. The woman stood next to me and greeted people with me like she had been raised beside the Queen of England.

  She was flawless.

  Keeping her close, I made sure my hand was either on the small of her back, or holding onto her hand. After we had spent enough time greeting, it was time to mingle. I specifically led her to several people I wanted her to meet, people like my best friend Aaron and his wife Blair. Then of course, a few people who worked for me that I had known for a long time.

  In return, I had met her boss, and co-workers. I could tell they were a little shocked when they realized her and I were together, but I didn’t care. After a good hour or so I finally let her go join Addie and my mother who were standing out in the garden with Elijah.


  Walking out of the restroom, I tucked my clutch under my arm and smiled at the sound of Ella Fitzgerald playing in the ballroom.

  So far the night, the night was going smoothly. Well, besides the fact Cameron introduced me as his girlfriend. Not, his date, or his friend...but as his girlfriend. I’m sure most women would be inwardly screaming with joy, but I was a bit off kilter.

  Cameron was notoriously single, constantly in the tabloids for his no-strings-attached bachelor status. So what changed? Nothing had changed, I wasn’t vain enough to believe I was the one who was going to transform Cameron Carmichael into a husband.

  He and I had agreed after my first yacht trip that we were exclusive, but no commitment. The no commitment part was my requirement. I knew Cameron had the potential to hurt my heart, I had hoped that not labeling our relationship would keep enough distance. Plus, after my ex’s cheating escapade, and overall sucking at relationships in general- I was do for some no-strings-attached, exclusive hot sex with a man I had been dreaming about for over a decade.

  Then, he went and blew my plan to shit.

  He called me his girlfriend, and Cameron never had girlfriends. Giving me that title took us to another level, and everyone who knew him, understood what that meant. All night I had been given the proper run down by his close friends, and extended family who were present. I had also been the recipient
of many evil glares from drop dead gorgeous women.

  “Oh lovely, Miss Montgomery! I was hoping to see you away from Cameron’s side long enough to get a chance to talk to you.”

  The cool Southern dialect, and perfectly chosen words made me slowly turn around with a bright smile. One of my many skills was remembering names, I had almost photographic memory when it came to recalling faces and names.

  “Good evening Miss Drake, are you enjoying the gala?” I asked, inwardly sizing up the woman. There was something about her that made me skin crawl. I could still remember the look on her face when she entered the house tonight and saw me standing next to Cameron greeting the guests. Shock, it was pure shock, followed by anger.

  Pursing her bright red lips that clashed with her fake red hair, “Of course, the Carmichael’s are known for their parties. I have been coming to these since I met Cam in college, I’m part of the family. I wanted to tell you that it is so good to see Cameron finally bring a decent girl to one of these, besides the whores he usually has on his arm. You however, are so much different than the others, now aren’t you? I never thought he was a blonde man, or one for short squatty girls.”

  The look she gave me would have made a lesser woman shrivel. She went from decent, to vile in the blink of an eye.

  Shrugging, I looked her up from the tip of her Jimmy Choo heels to her elegantly coifed hairdo, with a smirk, “I really don’t care who came before me Miss Drake, all I know is, I’ll be the last. Have a happy evening.”

  With a regal sidestep, I maneuvered around her and rejoin the throng of joyful partygoers until I found Addie and Elijah talking to Lillian. I took my time crossing the giant room so it didn’t look like I was running, my blood was boiling.

  I had experience with hot headed women, but that bitch got under my skin in seconds. I’m sure she was on her way to find Cameron and tell him what I cunt I was. Lana Drake was one of his top directors, she had known him since college.

  That bitch had given me some side-eye all night when Cameron wasn’t looking. I wasn’t dumb, I could tell she felt Cameron was her property. I just didn’t expect her to lash out like that.

  Grabbing a drink from a passing waiter, I joined the ladies and Elijah with a bullshit smile that fooled no one.

  “Baby girl, what happened?” Elijah asked first as soon as he saw me.

  Lillian and Addie’s attention, now fully turned on me as we stood off the ballroom floor where others couldn’t hear us.

  Taking a drink, I felt Addie slip her arm around my waist and give me a little squeeze as we stood there together. I was utterly embarrassed, guessing Cameron was going to come get me and take me home any second. After Lana tells him I think I’m his future wife, he’s going to clean his hands of my crazy ass instantly.

  I had nothing to lose, so I was honest, “I had the unfortunate experience of speaking with Lana Drake alone, for all of two minutes, and now I’m sure Cameron is going to break up with me.”

  “Oh that viper moves fast!” Addie hissed.

  Grabbing my free hand, Cameron’s mom moved closer, “Sweetheart, what did that evil woman say to you?”

  “I stepped out of the bathroom and she was waiting for me, she said she was hoping I’d get away from Cameron long enough so she could talk to me alone. She mentioned how it was so nice to see Cameron bring a decent girl to one of these galas instead of all the whores he normally brings- her exact words.”

  Elijah’s jaw dropped, “Oh, she thinks she’s untouchable!”

  “She called me squatty, and looked me up and down like I was trash.” I said the last part as if it stung, because it did. I knew who I was, but others would see a gold-digger. I honestly had no need, or use for Cameron’s money.

  “Well I know you well enough to know you did not just stand there and let her insult you without getting a few good barbs in. Sure darling, you are all class with that doctoral degree, but you have a spine of steel.” Addie said with so much pride, it made me smile for the first time in a while.

  “Told her I didn’t care about who came before me, because I knew I’d be the last,” groaning, “I know how bad that sounds to you guys…”

  “Shayne Marie Montgomery, look at me child.” The soft voice of Lillian’s drifted to me. As nervous as I was to see her eyes, after stating I thought I was the one Cam would marry, I looked up.

  I saw nothing but warmth and love as she spoke, “First, if Cameron breaks up with you because of that, then he didn’t deserve you. She is an evil troll we all loathe, and she knows it. That woman is the only thing we ever butt heads with Cameron about, he refuses to see her for what she is.”

  Addie looked across the room to where Cameron stood, “Shayne, keep an eye on her. She is not happy you’re here with Cameron. She’s always been possessive of him and doesn’t have the class to hide it. I’ve already seen her throw you some pretty nasty looks tonight.”

  Great. A jealous co-worker.

  Trying to laugh it off, “You guys, Cameron and I…he can do what he wants. He isn’t mine to control.” I said, feeling a little sad that I didn’t have a say.

  Reaching out, Lillian took my hand and pulled me close, “Shayne, I’ve been hosting this ball since I married Jamie. Cameron has been attending these since he was a teenager. He has never, ever brought a date in these years- until you.”

  “What?” I said, the enormity of that statement weighed on me. Earlier tonight I had met several women who were very surprised to meet me, it was clear they either anticipating hooking up with Cameron, or had previously done so.

  Kissing my temple, Elijah flourished his hand towards the mass of dancers, “You are the first, and the last Shayne. The ice king has found the woman who melted his heart, and all the straight women of the world are weeping in mourning.”


  Addie nodded with a smile, “Shay, he introduced you as his girlfriend, he doesn’t take his eyes off you, even when he’s not looking- he’s always paying attention to you. I have known him my entire life, whatever is between you two, it is special and he knows it. Lana is just a jealous twat, don’t let her run you off.”

  Feeling flush, I took a long drink as the band started up with a slow song.

  Pointing at me with a smile, “You better not run off Shayne, we like you darling. Now, try to ignore the redheaded classless abomination, and enjoy the rest of the evenings my dears. I need to find Jameson and be seen on the dance floor for a few songs.”

  Giving each of us a kiss on the temple, the matriarch of the Carmichael family gracefully floated off in search of her dashing husband.

  Smiling at me, “I should find Ashton too, I’ll see you two later!” Addie said, in search of her boyfriend who was over talking to her dad.

  “You okay?” Cam asked right behind me, he was close, his words but a whisper against my ear.

  Turning around, I saw the concern in his eyes.

  Nodding, “Yeah, I’m good.” I lied. I wanted to tell him about Lana, I wanted to ask him if he was seeing any of the other women I’d seen throw themselves at him tonight. Even though we had agreed to be exclusive, I had been cheated on before and old wounds still hurt.

  All of my insecurities were creeping up on me, and I was doing my best to not freak out.

  Taking my hand, he led me out to the dance floor where countless other couples had gathered under the muted lights of the ballroom.

  Taking his hand, I slipped my other around his ribs and leaned into him. My heart pounded as I fought to find the words to say.

  Maybe I didn’t need to say anything. I was afraid to ruin the moment, or misinterpret it. Maybe him bringing me tonight as his date didn’t mean anything at all or maybe it did. Trying to shut out my racing mind, I focused on his heartbeat and how incredible it felt to be in his arms.

  Dancing with him to Unforgettable, I couldn’t help but hum the words. I loved singing, it was cathartic to me. For now, I was going to stow away the things I needed to tell him. Shit, it seeme
d as each day passed, that list grew.

  “You have a beautiful voice Shay, I forgot to tell you that last weekend.”

  Smiling up at him, “Thank you. Your brother and I used to sing together at a bar in college. Oh man, that was so much fun. He’d play the piano and I’d sing, good times.”

  “Ha, I can see it. Is that why he asked you to sing for him that night at the bar?”

  Nodding, “Yeah, I’m sure he’ll cash that favor in at some inopportune moment with some wild assortment of songs. He likes to test my skills.”

  Leaning in, he brought me up, almost off my feet, “I’d like to test your skills, later tonight.”

  Biting my lip, my body ached for him. It had been five days since we had sex. I missed his touch so much, and his smell even more. Sleeping next to him a few times had ruined me, when he wasn’t there I didn’t sleep well.

  Maybe Lana hadn’t gotten to him yet.

  “Maybe we should take it slow.” I whispered back, pressing my tits into his rock-hard chest. Feeling his heartbeat quicken, his fingers twitched as his gaze hardened on me.

  “Slow? Oh baby, we don’t do slow. If we didn’t have to stay for the fireworks, we’d be halfway home in the limo and my face would be buried between your legs. I’ve missed the taste of you.”

  “Oh Jesus Cam.” I said, stumbling a little at his words. I needed him. I was fucking addicted and I didn’t care. If I looked like a love sick fool, then so be it. Cameron Carmichael was my drug of choice.

  When the song was done, we exited the dance floor and grabbed a drink. Checking my phone quickly, I saw three missed calls from my brother.

  “Everything okay, sugar?”

  Smiling up at him, I was never one for pet names, but from him they were sexy as hell, “I’m not sure actually, three missed calls from my brother. I’m going to go call him back, okay?”

  “Here, come use the library, it’ll be quieter. Come find me when after you get off the phone, or do you want me to stay?”

  Nodding, I dialed my brother and walked into the library, “Go, I’ll be fine. I’m sure it’s nothing. I’ll meet you outside.” I waved him back to the party as he shut the door behind me and rejoined the party and closed the music out.


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