Love Interrupted

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Love Interrupted Page 12

by Eva Andrews

  Lost in my thoughts, I heard my mom tell us kids that she expected a lot of grandkids, as in a football team. We all laughed and pointed at Addie and Ashton, as they were the ones getting married.

  It was no secret in our family that our parents were excited for grandchildren, I had no doubt they’d make the world’s best grandparents.

  During dinner, Addie and my mom made plans for the engagement party to be in two weeks here at the estate. Of course, the discussion involved everyone present, even Shayne. Everyone was polled on if there should be a theme, what time, dress code and about a million other things my mother and sister wanted our input on.

  I also found out that Jud and Shayne were flying to California on Tuesday morning to purchase some art together, and Elijah was joining them. A little pissed she hadn’t asked me to go with her, and how I found out, I tucked that away to talk about later tonight.

  Although others might not notice, I had seen a change in her since I asked her to move in with me. A very large part of me wondered if I had moved too fast.

  She had reservations, but the best she could come up with was ‘it was too soon’, which was bullshit. Shayne could have given me a list of excuses I would have accepted as valid, but none that would ever change my mind. I had been waiting for eleven years.

  Trying to not overreact I watched her and my mother and sister talk in the library while I smoked a cigar with my dad and Ashton outside. Jud and Elijah had gone for a walk in the garden while everyone had a final drink before heading home to face the busy week ahead of us.

  I had positioned my seat perfectly so I could see inside to where Shayne sat on the plush couch. I was curious to know what the women were talking about, it looked intense. Whatever the conversation was, it made Shayne uncomfortable. I could see her shaking her head and engaged in the conversation but her body language told me she wasn’t happy. That bothered me enough I almost got up and walked inside, then I saw her and Addie bust out laughing, my mother simply shook her head at the two and smirked with pride.

  She was okay.

  Driving us home from my parents, I was sad to see another weekend behind us. At least this one ended with her being my girlfriend.

  “Shay?” I ask, trying to get her attention as she looks out the window at the passing city.


  Rubbing my thumb over her hand as I held it, “I meant it.”

  Rolling her head towards me, her sleepy eyes blinked up at me, “What’s that, handsome?”

  “This morning, when I asked you to move in with me, I meant it.”

  “Cam.” Her body tensed, I could feel it.

  Smiling, “Easy love, just consider it.”

  “It’s too soon.”

  “Fuck that, no one gets to dictate our timeline. I haven’t waited this long to make some knee jerk reaction. You and I both travel, a lot. It doesn’t make sense to have two homes the size of a city block. I already consider the ship, ours. I want my house to be ours too.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “You don’t have to say anything right now, just think about it okay? You’ll be gone to Cali for the rest of the week with Jud, and then your brother and his girlfriend will be getting here Friday. I want to spend as much time with you as I can, and if living together means I see you more, than I want that.”

  “I’m going to miss you when I’m gone.” She whispered.

  “Stay with me tonight and Monday at least, you fly out Tuesday…give me that.”

  Keeping my eye on the road, I could feel her watching me, considering.

  “Okay.” She whispered.

  Walking her into her house she asked for an hour so she could pack some things up for the next few days, and get stuff around for California. Giving her a tender kiss, I drove my car home and parked it in the garage and went inside. I needed to let Max out and check my emails.

  It took her less than an hour to come back over. Looking adorably tired and thoroughly confused by my sudden question. Not wanting to push her too far, or ask anything more of her. Going to bed, I put an old movie on she liked, and snuggled her against me. She fell asleep in my arms within fifteen minutes.

  Holding her tight, I fell into a comfortable sleep with her.

  Waking up with tangled with Shayne, was now the only way I wanted to wake up. For the past three nights, her and I had slept next to each other, and every morning I woke her up with sex. This morning wasn’t any different.

  Slow, sleepy sex, followed by a nice long shower with her was the best way to start a Monday morning. God I felt good, all the way in my soul. Wrapping her up in a towel, I sent her back to bed while I got ready for work.

  Shitty thing about our schedules was I had to be to work much earlier than she did, which meant my little lady got to go back to sleep after I was done with her. Kissing her goodbye, I headed into work. I had a full fucking schedule ahead of me since I hadn’t been working on the weekends lately.

  Totally worth it.

  Throwing myself into work I tried to get her out of my head for a few hours at least.


  I should have told Cameron.

  Fuck, I should have told him.

  Last night at his parents’ house, Addie and his mom had mentioned that my ex was still in town trying to get a hold of me. They counseled me on how best to deal with the situation. I didn’t want to worry about him popping up anymore. Derrick needed to be dealt with.

  I had agreed to meet him for coffee, and Addie was going to be there too, at a different table for support.

  I was nervous. I didn’t want to see him, even in public.

  Walking to the café, I clenched my jaw and tried to prepare myself to argue with my ex-fiancé. This wasn’t the best way to start out my day.

  “Shay!” He said, walking up to me, trying to hug me.

  Stopping him, “Good morning Derrick,” the last thing I want is for him to touch me. Everything we had seems so inconsequential after what I shared with Cameron these past two weekends. I now knew why all my previous relationships were destined to fail,.

  Sitting down at a small table, Derrick went right into it.

  “Shay, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry for everything. You were gone so much, and I was lonely, Claire was there…one thing lead to another and it happened.”

  A little taken back that after all this time, this is the approach he chose to make, “Yeah Derrick, you just slipped and fell into her vag, is that it? Time after time, after time.”

  “I know, I kept telling myself that I’d just have one last time with her, and then it happened again…. I don’t love her Shay, not like I love you. You were just gone so long; I was bored and needed attention. You just never needed me like she did.”

  “For real? I was blissfully ignorant planning our wedding while you were fucking Claire behind my back! If she needs you so much, why are you here? Furthermore, if you don’t love her, why did you ask her to marry you?”

  “Because she got pregnant…”

  “Are you fucking kidding me right now? You left her on your wedding day, and she’s carrying your child? You are the biggest piece of shit alive…go home to her, fix things, get married…have babies, but leave me the fuck alone. There is nothing for you in here,” pointing to my heart, “I think catching you cheating was exactly what I needed to wake up and realize you and I weren’t suited. All you did was use me, and I’m done being used.”

  “Do you think that rich prick isn’t using you?”

  “He isn’t stealing my money like you did! At least I feel something when I’m with him!”

  “You just wait Shayne; you think he’s so different…he isn’t. He’s used to women throwing themselves at him, he might not have dated anyone in years, but he wasn’t a monk. He’s got a whole black book full of women at his beck and call- as soon as you turn your back, he’ll be out fucking one of them.”

  Standing up, I shoot him a look and spit out, “He isn’t you Derrick. I moved o
n, it is time you did the same. Go be a dad to that little baby Claire is carrying…. you both deserve each other. You finally get that family you always wanted.”

  Grabbing my hand, he said gently, “Why wouldn’t you have my baby Shayne? That is what kills me. Why don’t you want kids? If you would have just had my baby, our life would have been perfect! You just wouldn’t budge, you refused to see reason. But I was still going to marry you!”

  “A child wasn’t going to solve our problems. A man who really loved me would have respected my reasons for not wanting children. Look at the bright side, you get to have that family you always wanted!”

  “But not the wife I wanted.”

  “You just want my money Derrick, go back to Chicago and marry Claire. Just leave me the fuck alone.”

  My carefully laid façade was about to crack and I’m surrounded by hundreds of people. The past came rushing back to me, along with every painful memory I had carefully buried. My skeletons were coming back to haunt me.

  I should have told Cameron.

  Walking back towards my house, I hugged myself as I heard Addie catching up with me.

  “Oh Shay, he’s such a fucker. I’m sorry you had to do that.”

  Shaking my head, I wiped off the tears, “I just want him to go the fuck away.”

  “Want me to come home with you sweetie?” Addie asked sweetly, rubbing my back as she walked me back.

  Shaking my head, “I just need a little bit of time alone, okay? Thank you for coming today, you were right, this had to be done.”

  “Yeah darling, of course. Call me later if you need me, okay Shay?”

  Shaking my head, I jogged up to my door.


  “Hey there, bad time?” Hearing a familiar feminine voice, I look up from my desk to see Lana Drake.

  Looking at the clock, “No, I’ve got a little bit before my next meeting, what’s up?”

  Lana and I had gone to college together; she had been sitting on my board of directors for years now. I had handed down a lot of power to her, and in return she had netted me and the company some great investments and income.

  I knew how my parents felt about her, as well as the rest of the family. They tolerated her for me, because she was my employee and one of my friends. Yet, they hated her in any part of my personal life.

  “Look at you, suit coat off and sleeves rolled up? Who are you right now?” She asked, teasing. I was a stickler for professional dress, even in this climate.

  Shrugging, I grew annoyed by her questions. She had been acting strange these past few days, “What’s up Lana?”

  Walking around my desk, she leaned up next to me, making sure to touch me, “I tried getting a hold of you a few times this weekend on the Titan merger deal, but I couldn’t get through. I was worried, you always have that thing in your pocket.”

  Pushing away from my desk to gain space, “Sorry, phone was off.”

  “Since when did you turn your phone off?” She eyed me, tossing her box dyed red hair over her shoulder.

  Grinning, I thought of all the reasons why I turned my phone off this weekend and they all added up to a petite strawberry blonde with great tits and amazing ass who was running away with my heart.

  Obviously, my smirk pissed her off.

  “Did you forget you run a multi-billion dollar international company Cameron? You can’t just shut your damn phone off because you are chasing a piece of ass!” She scolded harshly like I was a naughty teenager.

  “Lana, I can do whatever the fuck I want. I own this entire company, and you are an employee. Did you forget that?” All humor wiped out of my eyes. “As you saw Friday, I’m no longer single, and Shayne is not a piece of ass.”

  “Honestly, since when did you start dating? I have never known you to ever put a label on the girls you are fucking. What puzzles me more, is why your new girlfriend was on the tabloid page this morning with her ex-fiancé. You bought her act, didn’t you? She’s using you Cameron!”

  Slowly standing up from my desk, I look down into her boring dark brown eyes, “What did you say?”

  Flicking her phone a few times, she pulls up the article that was posted this morning showing Shayne and Derrick at Café du Mode. His hands on her arms, he was looking at her with love in his eyes as her beautiful hair blew in the wind.

  Handing Lana her phone. I pulled mine out of my suit coat pocket to see if I had accidentally switched my phone to silent and missed her call.

  Nope, nothing.

  What the fuck was going on?

  “You should really screen your love interests more Cameron, her ex-fiancé is an extortionist. They are probably working together to get a lawsuit out of you. You fell for a pretty face with a nice ass, instead of using our head.” She said in a tone that pissed me the fuck off.

  “Lana, if you want to continue to be employed here, I suggest you shut the fuck up about Shayne right now. She is one of Justin’s best friends, and dearly loved by my entire family and someone I plan to have around for a very, very long time.”

  “Oh. I was just trying to help.” She said, standing up. For once in her life she was smart enough to avoid eye contact, and shut her fucking mouth. I would not stand her talking bad about Shayne.

  Walking out of my office, I looked at my watch and called my girlfriend.

  Pick up baby, come on.

  Straight to voicemail.


  She’s turned off her phone- shut out the world, and me. It was one of her quirks I picked up on, when she wanted to shut the world out, she turned off her phone.

  Fucking furious, I called her office next, they admitted she was working from the field today and not available.

  Thinking back to the tabloid, it had just turned five o’clock and the photo had been posted online before ten this morning. If Shayne needed me, she would have reached out, right?

  Leaving work I headed to her house, calling Jud without a response and then finally getting a hold of Addie who actually had information.

  Addie apparently went with her this morning, talked to her afterward and walked her home. She was the last person I could find that had seen Shayne. My sister was quick to let me know how distraught Shayne was after her discussion with Derrick this morning.

  Whatever that prick had said to her hurt her, deeply.

  When I got to her house, I punched the code and went inside expecting to find her. I searched her house top to bottom and couldn’t find her. Fucking puzzled, I wondered if Lana’s words had any meaning.

  No, fuck that. Shayne would never do that to me.

  Noticing a light shining through the blinds in her room, I opened them and looked over at my house. Relief rushed through me as I saw Shayne in my backyard playing with Max. She was wearing one of my old Army t-shirts and a pair yoga pants. Smiling and happy, she was safe.

  She was safe.

  Pulling out my phone, I text my family and let them know Shayne was at my house and perfectly fine. Locking up her house, I drove around the block and parked in my garage.

  Walking into my house from the garage, I heard the Rolling Stones playing the house, and the smell of something delicious the second I walked in the door.

  Seeing her in walk into the kitchen from the courtyard, I heard her singing along to the song as Max spotted me first.

  Seeing me, her smile went megawatt, “Welcome home, handsome.”

  Leaning against the marble counter, “Baby, I’m going to try to be as calm as possible, but shutting of your phone and hiding from the world doesn’t exactly sit well with me. Especially after a public fight with your ex-fiancé happens to make the tabloids.”

  “Seriously, the tabloids? Shit, I’m sorry.” She said softly. As she came closer, I could tell she had been crying earlier today.

  “What are you sorry for baby?”

  “I’m sorry for not telling you I was going to meet up with him. I threw my phone against the wall earlier, I shattered it. I was a fucking mess. I needed
to be alone, I didn’t want to burden you with my fucked up head.”

  “Burden me? You are not a burden Shay, not at all.”

  “I’m scared Cam, I’m scared this is all too good to be true…I just, I know you’ll think into it more than it really is.”

  “Why would you think that?”

  “Because if the roles were reversed, that is exactly what I’d do.”

  “You are not me, and I am not you. Why don’t you give me the benefit of the doubt first?” Walking over to her, I scooped her up in my arms and sat her on the counter.

  “Tell me.”

  “Sunday I asked your sister and mom what I should do about Derrick, he was still in town and blowing up my phone and stopping by the house, even though you and I were on the ship.”

  “and what advice did they give?”

  “They told me to sit down with him, tell him there is no chance and tell him to go home. He wasn’t going to leave until I talked to him. They suggested I do so in a public place, and have Addie go with me and sit elsewhere so I wasn’t alone, and if anything happened, she was there.”

  “I wish you would have told me.” I could see her hesitation, “Come on Shay, no secrets…that’ll destroy us before we even get started.”

  “He tried to apologize, then he tried to blame me for his cheating, saying I was gone too much.”

  “We both know that is bullshit, go on.”

  “Same old song and dance, that it was a mistake. He told me he didn’t love her, that he still loves me. So I asked him if he didn’t love her, why did he ask her to marry him so soon after I left. She’s pregnant.”

  “Shay, do you still care about him?”

  “No! See, this is why I didn’t call you this afternoon.”

  “Then help me understand.”

  “He wanted children, I didn’t. It was the one of the issues we had while together, something he refused to accept. I didn’t want a family, he did. I told him he should be happy, he’s getting the family he’s always wanted.” She said.

  My heart slammed into my neck when she said she didn’t want children. Worry clenched my heart as I looked into her eyes.


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