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Trivial Pursuits (Chicago On Ice Book 2)

Page 4

by Aven Ellis

  What? I’m so stunned by her response I can’t even formulate a reply.

  “Wait a second,” I say slowly, “why aren’t you telling me to stay away from Landy? Shouldn’t you be telling me to stay home? Or wear a strand of garlic around my neck to ward him off?”

  “Um, unless Landy is a vampire, which would be interesting to say the least, garlic will do no good,” Aubrey teases. “It will only make you stink and negate your perfume.”

  “Aubrey, are you okay?” I ask.

  “I’m fantastic,” she says. “I’m trying to figure out how my furniture will fit in the new house.”

  While I’m super excited that she and Beckett are buying this awesome house in Wisconsin to spend their summers at, I need to understand the sudden change of heart over Landy rather than discuss where to hang her art.

  “Why are you not yelling at me?” I blurt out.

  Aubrey is silent for a moment. “Maybe I was wrong about Landy,” she admits slowly.

  “What?” I gasp, sitting straight up in shock.

  “Livy, I’m not saying Landy isn’t a flirt. I’m not saying he’s stopped hooking up,” Aubrey explains. “But I do think I misjudged him. There’s more to him than meets the eye. I’ve discovered that recently. And there’s a good man underneath the playboy exterior, I know there is.”

  Aubrey is thinking the same thing I was earlier today, I realize. The playboy who goes out to bars and clubs also has a side that likes to play trivia. Who flies under the radar to spend time with children.

  And that man is the one who agreed to all my non-negotiable terms to have dinner with me tonight.

  “Listen, I’m not saying don’t be careful,” Aubrey says, interrupting my thoughts. “I mean, it’s not good for any woman to think she can change a guy. Because that rarely happens.”

  My chest grows tight again. “Right.”

  “However, I honestly believe Landy hasn’t met the woman that he wants to be serious about. So I guess in my rambling way I’m saying be cautious, but open-minded, too.”

  “I never expected you to say this,” I admit.

  “Ha, I never expected to say it either. So, Livy, enough of dissecting Landy’s hidden side,” Aubrey says. “Let’s get down to business. What are you wearing tonight?”

  I ease my SUV into a visitor spot in Landy’s parking garage, my nerves taking over.

  I’m about to spend time with Landy Holder.

  I draw a breath of air, trying to calm myself. I went over everything with Aubrey about this evening before getting ready, so I shouldn’t be so anxious.

  Aubrey helped me pick the perfect outfit for a night in—a shiny, black silk pullover top with a pink and orange floral print on it, paired with my Paige Verdugo skinnies and black flats. I’m also wearing my favorite bracelet that I’ve ever designed—a silver charm bracelet, filled with fortune cookie charms. For each cookie I’ve made the next charm a fortune that I’ve received. Only the romantic ones, the ones I hold close to my heart.

  My thoughts shift to this for a moment. This bracelet is part of my design vision—the line I hope to make profitable someday. It’s called “Simple Pleasures by Livy” and the pieces represent the little things in life that make me happy. Like romantic fortunes found tucked inside the famous Chinese cookies.

  I absently run my fingers over the fortune, on which I stamped this saying I found inside one of my cookies: Love is seeing the inside.

  I love this line so much. Because I think it’s true. When you find that one, you see things in that person no one else can see. I opened this one after eating with Aubrey at our favorite Chinese place near UW. About a month after I broke up with Troy. As soon as I read it, I knew I didn’t see the true inside in him.

  I vowed I wouldn’t settle until I could see the true inside in someone else.

  Could this person be Landy?


  I blink as my cell buzzes and jars me from my thoughts. No, no, not going there. Trivia. Trivia and Sushi. End of story.

  I fish my cell out of my purse and see it’s Aubrey. I’m curious as to what she wants. I already talked to her about the outfit, the evening, the odds of it being romantic, which we both decided could easily go either way, and that I would provide a full report to her tomorrow.

  So what is she texting me about? I open her message.


  My heart leaps wildly inside my chest. I don’t know if OMG is a good “oh my God” or a horrified “oh my God.”

  I nervously access my Instagram icon on my phone. I type in Landy’s name—Landon94—and my eyes widen at the picture that pops up.

  It’s a huge assortment of gorgeous sashimi and sushi arranged on a wooden tray. Chopsticks and two bottles of Japanese beer are placed beside it. Then Landy propped up the Trivial Pursuit box in the background and wrote this message:

  Landon94 Sushi and Trivial Pursuit perfect night in #datenight #willshelikeit?

  My heart explodes inside my chest as I read his comment. My stomach is tingling. And I don’t even have to glance in the mirror to know a ridiculous smile is plastered on my face.


  Landon called it a DATE NIGHT.


  I quickly pull the visor down and check my reflection in the mirror. Ridiculous, I’m seeing my crush smile? Check. Glowing skin? Compliments of Landy’s Instagram comments. Sparkling eyes? Excited anticipation.

  I put the visor back up and draw an eager breath. I know I need to be cautious, but for the first time in forever, I feel potential. Potential to see who Landy is outside of his flirty, player persona. If he will keep his word and be the gentleman he promised. If getting to know me is as much on his agenda as getting to know him is on mine.

  But before I head up to his condo in the Jourdin Chicago hotel, I need to leave a comment for him on his Instagram pic.

  I’m about to type when I see another comment, and it’s from Beckett.

  17BeckettRiley #datenight? Who are you and what have you done with @Landy94?

  I grin happily from that comment. I know Aubrey manages his social media for him, but she wouldn’t write that. And she would tell me if she did.

  I type in my own comment.

  JewlerybyLivy I think she’ll love it.

  Then I drop my phone into my bag and get out of my car. I head into the posh art deco hotel, which has a separate entrance for the high-rise condos. I step up to the guest desk. I’m confirmed on Landy’s guest list and am allowed on to the private elevator to the 20th floor.

  Nerves swirl within me as the elevator begins to climb. I hope Landy meant what he said about tonight. That we’re getting to know each other with dinner and trivia. That he’ll be serious at some point and share some things with me, things he wouldn’t share with the endless amount of women he’s snapped with at Chicago clubs and bars.

  I swallow hard. I want to be different from them. I want to be the one he shares things with, the one he can trust.

  The elevator chimes on the 20th floor, snapping me from my dangerous thoughts.

  I have a sudden flashback to Troy, remembering how I stupidly thought I could change him and be that woman. How I vowed I would never be put in this position again.

  I hit the ‘Door Open’ button on the elevator, frozen in fear. Am I doing this all over again? But this time, the stakes are higher with a professional hockey player that I already feel I have more in common with than I ever did with Troy.

  Panic grips me. Am I being swept up in romantic notions that Landy can’t possibly fulfill? I’m a hopeless romantic, lover of romance novels, believer in happy endings. Am I stupidly projecting all of this on to Landy because I’m attracted to him? Because he’s smart and funny a
nd spends free time playing with kids?

  Leave, my head screams at me. Call Landy. Tell him you’re not ready for this and you’ve changed your mind.

  I can do the smart thing and protect myself before I get even more swept up in Landon than I already have.

  The smart thing, which I never did with Troy.


  My phone goes off inside my purse. Deciding I shouldn’t hold up the elevator anymore, I step outside while I make my decision. The doors close and it descends back down. I ignore the crushing feeling in my chest and retrieve my phone.

  It’s a text from Landy.

  Glad you love the date night plan. Look at what I got for dessert.

  I see he’s attached to his text a picture of a box of raspberry Zingers.

  The air goes out of me as I stare at the picture. Zingers, the snack cake I raved to him about during TriviaPlayOrPass! last night. He went out and found them because I said I loved them.

  And just like that, I know what I need to do.

  Landy might be a flirt. He might have a reputation for never being serious. He might break my heart in a way I never dreamed possible.


  But all of this doesn’t mean Landy is Troy.

  He’s not, I realize, my heart springing back to life. Landy is his own person. And I’m different than I was in college. My heart wants to see where this could go, and damn it, I deserve the right to explore it.

  Which is what I intend to do.

  Right now.

  Chapter 6


  DesignerA, you won the bonus round. You select the category for Scott921’s next question. Categories include Romantic Leading Men, Heroes who Wear Glasses, or Famous Athletes on Ice.

  With doubt shoved firmly out of my head, my heart happily takes the lead as I head toward Landy’s unit. Tonight is about having fun. Spending the evening with an interesting man, one I want to get to know better.

  And as I stop in front of Landy’s door, there’s no time like the present to do it.

  I take a moment to compose myself. Then I press the doorbell.

  “Coming,” I hear him call out.

  My heart flips the second I hear his wonderful voice, the one that sounds like he just woke up or downed a glass of brandy before speaking. Man, that’s sexy as hell.

  I hear the lock being turned, and a million butterflies shift in my stomach in anticipation of seeing him.

  The door opens, and Landy greets me.

  “Livy.” He flashes me a wicked grin as he casually puts his arm up on the doorframe. “So riddle me this. Did the Japanese beer seal the deal for you tonight? Or was it the Zingers?”

  I can’t even formulate a sentence. Landy’s in glasses. Thin-framed glasses that make him seem wiser. Intellectual in a super-sexy way.

  And I didn’t think it was possible, but he’s managed to go from sexy to unbelievably freaking hot with those on.

  I manage to move past the glasses and quickly drink him in, from the light stubble shading his face to his jet-black locks. He’s casual tonight, with a plaid flannel button-down that is layered over a white T-shirt and paired with dark denim jeans.

  But the shirt—oh, the sleeves are rolled up and reveal his sexy tattoo sleeves. I also see a collection of leather and beaded bracelets adorn his left wrist. Then I pick up the delicious scent of his cologne, a sensual mix of leather and vanilla, and the scent lingering on his skin is intoxicating.

  My heart races as I study him. Dark and gorgeous and he knows how to dress and he’s in glasses.

  I’m at DEFCON 1.

  And if there were a DEFCON 0 on the chart, I’m sure I’d hit it by the end of the evening.

  Then I realize Landy’s waiting for me to say something.

  “You assume incorrectly on both counts, Landy. You had me at trivia,” I say smartly, impressed I came up with that answer while being so incredibly distracted by oh, the hottest man on the planet?

  Landy’s grin widens. My heart flutters as I realize he likes my answer, and I find myself smiling back at him.

  “Come on in,” he says, opening the door and stepping aside so I can enter.

  I move past him and step into his condo, which is contemporary and minimal. I enter into a long hallway, one painted in a soft shade of gray. There are chic black horizontal sconces on the wall providing light. I see a long black entry table with layered lamps on it, and a huge white textured canvas hanging behind it.

  “This is cool,” I say, looking around.

  “Thanks,” Landon says, grinning. “Now that way,” he inclines his head, “leads to the bedrooms. This way,” he says, beginning to walk, “takes us to the kitchen and den.”

  I follow him down the hall, and it opens to a sleek kitchen with black cabinets, white granite countertops, and pendant lighting. The living room is amazing, with windows providing a view of the city at night. The modern theme continues here with a low-profile white sectional and a large, dark-brown modernistic wood coffee table. The table has a grouping of Asian-inspired vases and a large white orchid on it. Throw pillows in plum and taupe stripes add a slight pop of color to the room.

  I’m fascinated by it. It’s chic and cool.

  Just like him.

  “So you’re saying all I had to do was say trivia night?” Landy asks. “I didn’t have to throw in the sushi? Good to know, I can always share it with Gigi tomorrow.”

  I haven’t even unbuttoned my pea coat, and a wave of anxiety sweeps over me. Shit. Shit! Did I read this all wrong? Did Landy mean date night as in trivia date with a friend? I swallow. Of course, I made the boundaries clear. Maybe I put myself right into the friendship box with that move.

  Or am I his date for tonight, and Gigi will get my sushi—and Landy—tomorrow?

  Suddenly I hear a cat meowing.

  I turn toward the sound, which is coming from his kitchen. Then I see it. A gorgeous Siamese, slender with intense pale-blue eyes, saunters toward him.

  “There’s my girl.” Landy flashes me a mischievous smile. “That’s Gigi.”

  Gigi is a cat?

  Oh thank God.

  I unbutton my coat while Landy moves past me and scoops up Gigi.

  Ooooooooh no. Sexy hockey-playing man holding a cat. This isn’t fair. I have no chance.

  I drape my coat over the back of a kitchen barstool and set my purse on the countertop. I turn to find Landy studying me, which sends a shiver down my spine.

  “You look nice,” Landy says.

  I smile at him. “You don’t look too bad yourself,” I say, which is kind of like saying the Atlantic has a smidge of water in it.

  Vastly understated.

  I clear my throat, shifting my attention to Gigi.

  “I never thought you’d own a cat,” I say truthfully.

  “I’ve always been a cat man,” Landy says.

  My breath catches in my throat. Nothing is sexier to me than a man who loves cats.

  “Do you like cats?” Landy asks, interrupting my thoughts.

  I nod. “I do. I’ve always had cats growing up. I love lap cats.”

  “Yeah, Gigi likes to sit near my head on the back of the sofa,” he says, grinning. “Or she sleeps on my chest when I’m watching TV.”

  My heart melts a bit at the idea of flirty, sexy, hockey badass Landy laying on the couch, watching TV, with Gigi on his chest.

  I need more DEFCON levels.

  “I got her after I was called up from Milwaukee to Chicago two years ago,” Landy continues, putting Gigi down on the floor. She strolls over to me and begins sniffing my suede boots. After a second, she rubs around my legs.

  “The Buffaloes were shooting a calendar for an animal adoption group, a
nd I was asked if I minded posing with a kitten,” Landy continues. “I was like sure, whatever you want, you know? So they gave me Gigi—that was her name when I got her—and I had to bring her home. I’ve even forgiven her for destroying the side of my sofa with her claws,” he teases.

  I laugh. “I bet she was so cute.”

  “She was. I’ll show you pictures later if you want.”

  “I’d like that,” I say. “Will she get upset if I try to pet her?”

  “Nah, she’s good. GiGi loves people.”

  I bend down and stroke her fur, and she begins to purr. I grin in response.

  “Hi, Gigi,” I say as she moves her head underneath my hand for me to stroke. I glance up at Landy, who is smiling down at me. “She’s a love!”

  “She is,” Landy says, sounding like a proud parent. “She’s my girl.”

  I stand up, butterflies shifting in my stomach. I love how Landy is with his cat. That’s another part of his personality I didn’t expect.

  But another part that I find incredibly attractive.

  “Are you hungry?” Landy asks, interrupting my thoughts.

  “I’m starving,” I admit. Then I flash him a smile. “I’m glad you ordered a lot of sushi, because I can practically eat my weight in it.”

  Landy laughs. “So you like to eat?”

  “I love food,” I admit as I stand.

  Landy’s blue eyes light up. “Oh, so you’re a woman who loves to eat, DesignerA?”

  My heart leaps from the sparkle in his eyes. The teasing, sexy way they are dancing at me right now.

  “Perhaps, Scott921,” I flirt back.

  Landy slowly folds his arms across his chest. “Okay. So I know you like to eat. But I don’t know how you are about making changes on the fly. Do you?”


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