Book Read Free

Unexpectedly You

Page 10

by Josephs, Mia

  Thwump, thwump, thwump!

  “I told you,” I hiss at his back.

  He holds his finger out behind him, and I snap my lips shut.

  We sneak down the hallway, and my heart pounds through my ears every step. I can see the headlines now. Wedding planner and party murdered by Michael Myers. If I survive this, I’m putting it in my calendar just to check off “near death experience.”

  Aaaaah, oooh, yeeeeees!

  Nate stops, and I run smack into his back.

  “Um, Brooke?” he half whispers. “I’m not going in there.”

  More, give me more, dammit, more!


  He turns around, giving me this twisted look on his face, and because I’m so relieved and can’t believe I mistook pleasure for pain noises, I let out a laugh.

  His brow furrows. “If this was some sick joke of yours…”

  “It wasn’t, I promise.” I punch him in the shoulder. “It’s your fault for picking that movie. I’ve been up all night and my brain’s on the nonstop horror station.”

  He blows out a sigh and shifts his weight. “Okay, if we watch a romance, will that help?”

  Probably not, but I don’t want to go back to my room alone, and I’m not asking him to sleep in there with me. So I nod.

  “Come on, then.” He throws his arm around my shoulders and we go back to the TV. Once we sit down, I realize he didn’t say “shit” after “romance.”

  But I don’t mention it.

  Chapter Fourteen


  After being wound up tight enough she was using a hanger as a weapon, she’s now completely sacked out. We’re only thirty minutes into the movie, and her head was resting on the couch and then on my shoulder and then on my chest, and now in my lap.

  I shift, wondering if I can get up and leave her out here alone, or if she’ll just end up back in my room shrieking about my mother’s sex noises.

  Just thinking about it makes me cringe. I don’t care how old I am, I shouldn’t have to listen to her and Morsten. Ever.

  So, shifting worked and she didn’t move. I shift again because I’d really rather sleep on my bed than on the couch. Brooke’s hand immediately grasps my thigh, pressing her fingertips into my flesh so I stop before she does some serious damage. Her heel nearly put me out of commission the other day. I’d hate to see what she’d accidentally do with fingernails.

  Instead of trying to move away, I slide lower in the couch and pull the coffee table closer so my legs don’t go to sleep. I’m glad this place is nice enough to have comfortable couches. Brooke snores lightly, and I’m smiling now as I watch her sleep.

  She’s past the cute sleep, like when you first fall asleep. Her mouth is open a little and she’s totally gone. I pull some of her hair off her face, and I start to wonder about her. Really wonder. Why she needs to plan. Why she’s so determined to be perfect. Who made her that way? What made her that way? If I had two practically perfect siblings, I’d probably turn into my asshole brother.

  Her hand massages the inside of my knee as she shifts in her sleep and falls still again. It being Brooke makes it perfectly okay but also strange. I’ve never had a girl as a friend like this without it leading to more. I mean, I know I’d never do this with a guy friend, but Brooke and I are friend friends, so it’s weird that I’m still sliding my fingertips along her hairline because it feels like not a friend thing to do.

  My thoughts are hurting my brain. Brooke is rubbing off on me.

  I close my eyes, rest my arm over her shoulder and pull her blanket up higher. Now I just hope I fall asleep before we reach the end of the movie so I don’t have to dig out the remote and turn it off.


  Mom’s mixing up whatever protein powder shake thing she thinks will put the least amount of fat on while also keeping her on her feet. Her hair is already pulled up, but she’s still in her robe. This is very typical of my mother. She never gets dressed until the last moment because she might wrinkle something.

  I’m staring at my nearly empty cup of coffee. My third cup. And wondering why I still feel drugged. Brooke’s dead to the world on the couch.

  “Nathaniel. I need you fresh-faced.” Mom smiles too wide.

  “I know, I know.” I wave her off. “Most photographers just do the photography, you know that, right?”

  “And they don’t make nearly as much money as you do, sweetie.” Mom reaches over and pinches a cheek.

  She’s right. Fine. “I think we should never, ever, ever agree to plan the whole three-day event again.”

  Mom shakes her head. “That’s because you don’t realize how much money we get for doing these three-day events.”

  “I know how much money we make.”

  “And another thing I’ve been meaning to talk to you about.” The serious tone of her voice says I won’t like anything that’s about to come out of her mouth. “Please say you sent Viv’s jewelry back to her.”

  I wave her off and fill up my mug again. “Of course I did.”

  Only, there’s no ‘of course’ about it. I changed my mind about fifty times before I decided I was tired of feeling pathetic and dropped the package off.

  “Good. Sometimes, Nathaniel, you just need to let things go.”

  “Yeah. Thanks.” I know she catches my sarcasm because she frowns.

  “I just know there’s a girl out there for my beautiful boy.” Mom slides her hand through my hair, and that action paired with her words makes me feel thirteen, pimply and overweight.

  “Mom. Seriously.”

  “And your brother… The other night… I just…” Mom sighs.

  “He’s being ridiculous. You have to see that, right?”

  “I think you’re jealous.”

  I spit my coffee over the counter. “Of what?”

  “That he’s getting everything he wanted, and most of what you wanted was taken from you. Or… You left it behind.”

  I flex my jaw because I didn’t leave anything behind. Someone else had taken over my life so I came somewhere to re-group. I’m about to say something when Morsten comes into the kitchen without his shirt and puts his arms around Mom from behind. Why do they think I want to see this? It’s all the time at home. Because of Brooke I was forced to listen to them last night. They really are like horny teenagers.

  “I need to chat with Brooke in a few,” Mom murmurs in his ear.

  Morsten gives her a wink and a smack on her butt. “I’ll see you when you’re done.”

  The moment he steps out I roll my eyes. “Come on, Mom. Really?”

  “You’re just jealous.” Mom teases as she turns to the fridge, even though I know she won’t have more than her drink this morning.

  “You can’t keep using that word.” Only I might be teasing a little too, even though the fact that she thought to say it sort of sucks.

  “Jealous…” she sings. “And I really want you to make an effort to get along with your brother.”

  Yeah. That’s likely.

  Brooke stumbles in looking even worse than I do, and I’m happy to say that she feels like normal crazy friend Brooke in this moment and not the girl who I had an almost-date with last night or the girl who falls asleep on my lap.

  She freezes when she sees Mom. “Ms. Marks. I’m so sorry. Should I have been up earlier? I was trying to maximize sleep hours so that I—”

  “You’re fine.” Mom waves her off. “I know it’s awkward all sharing a suite, but it’s so much easier when we have things to discuss before or after the day. Grab a coffee and we can talk about what I need from you this afternoon. I’ll wait in the living room. I have a quickie appointment before our first wedding event.”

  I swear Mom looks directly at me, which is just weird on too many levels for me to even try and figure out what her purpose is. Also, her hair is done. I can’t imagine her letting anyone touch her after that process.

  Brooke does a swipe of her hair, like it might calm down any part of the rat’s nes
t on her head and gives Mom her professional smile. “Just give me a second.”

  Mom gives me this knowing look like we both know Brooke’s trying way too hard, but I know Mom likes the devotion.

  “How’d you sleep?” I ask, wondering if she has any idea of how we slept last night.

  I’m noticing things about Brooke today that I shouldn’t be noticing. Her lack of bra and small tank for one. The strip of skin above her pajama shorts for two. The way her hair is sort of sticking out on the side that rested on me all night. She’s moving like a tornado through the kitchen, and I know it’s because Mom’s waiting.

  “Once I got that horrible movie out of head, I slept fine.” She drops her spoon twice before stirring her coffee. I really need to not over-think watching Brooke or watching a movie with Brooke, or noticing Brooke. It’s no big deal. We work together. She’s cool. End.

  “Glad my torture didn’t ruin the whole night for you.”

  “Just part of it.” She licks her coffee spoon before making a face. “Ugh. Not enough sugar.”

  “Next time you should start with the sugar and then add coffee to taste. Might be easier.” I laugh and it feels like we’re all normal and good again instead of me being in a place where I’m touching her hairline and happy she fell asleep in my lap.

  Brooke makes a face and yeah. We’re back to normal. Friends. Co-workers. Good.

  But she pauses at the edge of the kitchen. “It was really sweet of you to be my pillow last night.”

  Because I don’t know what else to do, including how to react to what she said, I tell her, “Better go listen to what Ms. Marks has to say before the day turns crazy.”

  She sucks in her bottom lip before saying, “Yep.”

  Now I need to double-check my equipment before the insanity starts. And to keep my mind off Brooke.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “The bride is NOT supposed to get a giant zit on her nose the night before her wedding.” Marcia Heubert, our beautiful bride, all dressed up for her bachelorette party wails at Ms. Marks as she points to a miniscule imperfection on her gorgeous face.

  I pull out my acne spot treatment travel kit and hand it to Ms. Marks’ outstretched hand, as if she’s the doc asking for a scalpel.

  “Night before the wedding is perfect. I can still help you. Day of…then we’d have to Photoshop it out.” She winks, dabbing the teensy spot on our bride’s nose. “Good thing we have the best photographer in the biz.”

  A smile creeps on my lips as Ms. Marks talks about Nate. I wonder if he even knows how much she appreciates his work. If he’s ever heard the pride dripping in her voice when she compliments his photos. Or even the small things. Like the way his tie looked on him the other day. I’d give anything to hear something like that from my mom.

  The bride laughs, wiping a stray tear under her eye. “I know I’m being silly, but…”

  “It has to be perfect,” I finish for her.

  She nods and all three of us sigh. Ms. Marks hands the kit back to me and pats Marcia’s leg. “That’s why we’re here. So you don’t worry…stress brings out baggy eyes.”

  My phone buzzes. 7:30. Time to call Nate.

  “Ms. Marks, if I’m done here, I need to buzz Nathaniel out of the bachelor party.” It’s so weird calling him that.

  “Good, good.” She smiles at the bride, helps her stand, and squeezes her hands. “Enjoy tonight. I’ll have a car ready to take you back to the hotel at midnight. Brooke will make sure you get there safely.”

  That was not on my schedule, but it is now. I suppose I can get a good five hours of sleep if I keep our bride prompt.

  “Thank you, Ms. Marks. I don’t know what I’d do without…”

  She holds her perfectly manicured hand up. “It is my job, but it is also a privilege to be here for such a wonderful bride.”

  They hug, and it’s so sweet I want to bow to this woman, because I know she’s going to get killer recommendations with how she handles her clients.

  I walk Ms. Marks out to a cab, and she rattles off how she wants the night to run. The bride is allowed to drink, but I’m to limit her. Pay off the barman to slip her virgins when I see things going downhill. Nate is to take at least fifty shots per hour, and I put it down, but I’m smiling as I picture the roll of his eyes when I tell him that one. None of the wedding party is to leave the premises until the bride leaves. Keep tabs on the VIPs…AKA, Maid of Honor, the two bridesmaids, and mother of the bride. Slip virgin drinks if needed.

  “That should be everything,” she says, stepping up to her cab. “Oh, except…tell Nathaniel he’s going to have to prepare for a spot treatment for our photos tomorrow. That poor thing will have a pimple to cover.”

  I nod, admiring the fact she put on the act to calm down our bride, even though we both knew it wouldn’t do much to help.

  “Have a lovely night, Brooke.”

  “You too.”


  “Take a picture of me and you!” Marcia squeals to Nate as she pounds into his side and squishes against his cheek. “It’ll be a selfie with another person in the shot! What do they call those? A groupie? Oh! Groupie… See what I did there? I’m soooo punny.”

  I stifle my laughter as Nate sticks his arm out and takes the shot. I have to say, his forced smile is pretty damn adorable.

  It’s also time to pay off the bartender. Virgin drinks all around!

  My phone buzzes, and I know it’s another thing on my list to check off, but I check the screen and it’s my mom. Personal calls are usually big no-no’s in my mind—and in everyone else who’s professional—but I’m not really doing much but supervising and making sure Nate gets exactly what his mom ordered. He did roll his eyes when I told him, which made me laugh so hard I think he wondered if I had tossed a few back.

  I duck into the quietest corner of the club, which isn’t very quiet, but it’ll do, and answer. “Hey, Mom.”

  “Brooke, it’s the twentieth. You haven’t called yet.”

  That’s because I was waiting for the perfect moment. I wanted to have a full list of things to tell them so they know how good I’m doing. I wanted an exclusive relationship to add to the bowl of things they can be proud of. But, that’s not scheduled until the twenty-ninth. “Sorry. I’ve been swamped.”

  “Get me a fireman stripper! I need a lap dance from a guy with a long hose!”

  “Uh, Brooke? Where are you?”

  I laugh, sticking a finger in my ear and turning to face the wall. Hopefully future Mrs. Farone’s voice won’t carry as much this way.

  “Bachelorette party in Tahoe. It’s freaking crazy here.”

  There’s a pause. “Are you drunk?”

  “No. I’m here to make sure the bride survives tonight and makes it tomorrow.” And to keep an eye on our photographer. I crank my head over my neck and watch Nate take a shot of the bridesmaids posing as Charlie’s Angels and smile. I sort of love the angle of his backside from here. His jeans are holey—no surprise—but they make his ass look awesome. Maybe those are his second date jeans.

  “Oh. Well, your father and I have been worried.”

  Mom’s voice tears my attention away from Nate’s sexy ass, and I turn back to the wall. “Mom, really, I’m fine. I’ve just been busy.”

  “With bachelorette parties…?” Her voice lowers in disappointment.

  “Yes.” My heart starts picking up speed. “And other things. I’m an assistant wedding planner. It sometimes comes with the deal.”

  She pauses again, and prickling shoots up to my eyes. “I really meant to call. I’m sorry. It’s been crazy. I’ve had three pre-planned weddings so far… this is number four, and do you know they call wedding planners for elopements? So, I’ve had a few of those. And I booked this huge acco—”

  “Have you been seeing anyone?” her voice clips.

  I knew I should have led in with the Greenwood wedding. I cough and inch closer to the wall, wishing that eye prickling nonse
nse would stop. “Not really. I had a few dates with someone a couple weeks ago, but it just didn’t click.”

  She sighs, and I rush into my date with Joshua.

  “I had one yesterday. He’s a law student. Very handsome and driven. We’re going out again when I get back.”

  “And this law student…he likes your job?”

  My eyes are beyond prickling. Now they are full on watered. “Um, yeah. He’s okay with it.”

  “Well, he sounds very promising. I hope you’ll focus on that.”

  I nod, stifling the urge to sniffle and give myself away. “I will.” And because I’m desperate, I add, “This job pays well, Mom. That’s why I haven’t called. I don’t need any rent money from you or Dad.” I wait for something…anything that has the word “proud” in it, but she stays quiet. I babble on, hoping to convince her how kickbutt this business really is. “It helps with my people skills, and I get to work in a very professional environment—”

  “Time for body shots!”

  Mom clears her throat, and I smack my forehead on the wall. So much for that.

  “It sounds like you’re doing good, but please don’t hesitate to call if you end up short on cash again.”


  “Love you, baby.”

  “Love you, too.”

  I tap the end button and stare at my phone. I have notifications, alarms, notes, task lists…and yet I just stare at it, wondering what the hell I’m doing, and if it’s worth doing it.

  I’m being silly, really. I paid rent myself. I’m on time for everything. I’m here in Tahoe organizing a wedding that’s going pretty damn good. I should not need anyone’s approval but my own.

  Setting my jaw and straightening my back, I turn back to the party, catching Nate’s eyes across the room. His forehead is crinkled, like he’s been watching me the whole time. I give him a smile so he knows it’s nothing to worry about. No last minute changes or stresses. We don’t need to be anywhere. We’re good.

  But he doesn’t buy it. He weaves his way through the crowd, and I quickly make sure my mascara doesn’t give away my tears.


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