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Shifters & Bad Boys Bundle (Shifters & Bad Boys. Man love, bdsm, and rockstar romance. Book 1)

Page 11

by Anita Lawless

  Waxen cracked his knuckles, rolled his neck and shoulders, then told them both to “Lose the pants and prepare themselves for a mind blowing experience.”

  Moist, cool air kissed Warren’s skin as he reclined once more atop the cushions. His cock tingled and began to stiffen in anticipation.

  One of Waxen’s hands wrapped around his shaft while he used another to tease his balls. His golden fingers lightly skimmed over the delicate sac. He licked the fingers on a third hand and slipped these over Warren’s perineum, pressing hard against the small flap of skin until he let out a grunt and lifted his ass off the pillows.

  “Bet you’ve never been pleasured like this before.” Waxen smiled, his fingers gliding lower to caress his ass crack and slip inside the tight canal. Warren’s rectum soon pulsed from the enjoyable probing.

  “No,” he whispered, almost breathless. “I can’t say I have.”

  On the other side of Waxen, Sid gave a low, throaty chuckle.

  He traced a thumb under the ridge of his penis, finding that sweet spot that made Warren’s cock twitch harder. His touch elicited a moan. He nearly lost his mind as three hands worked skillfully at his groin.

  His balls tightened and drew up inside him when his lover plucked at the tender flesh. The fingers at his asshole massaged up and down his crack then slithered back into his canal, where they curled and stroked his prostrate. The tiny, donut shaped gland constricted and tingled. Sighing, he pumped his hips up into the hands that pleasured him.

  The fist coiled around his cock slipped up and down, up and down, but twisted as it did so, varying up the strength and speed of its grip as it moved. His lover smoothed his palm over his meaty glans, making his skin slippery with pre-cum. Then the hand descended on his penis again, only this time it wasn’t a hand at all. Warm wetness encased Warren’s cock like a glove as the palm became a golden lipped mouth.

  “What the…?” He jumped and almost skidded off his pile of pillows.

  “Don’t freak out,” Sid said. “This is Waxen’s specialty. Just lay back and enjoy what I’ve paid for.”

  Warren did as Sid said, but he still held some reservations. However he did note the mouth was toothless, so this chased most of his worries away.

  It sucked and slurped at his dick with gusto. The mouth moaned and hummed around his shaft, amping his pleasure higher still. All the while, hands still plucked and played with his balls. Slick fingers continued to brush and prod his asshole, moving deeper and deeper inside of him until his prostrate burned with the growing need for release.

  The mouth deep throated him and sucked with all its might. He arched up as high as he could, his balls slapping against the bottom lip. His head rolled back on his shoulders and his eyes closed. A long tongue swept back and forth over his shaft. He could feel a fork in its center, and the tongue suddenly split in two, curling around his shaft like an ivy vine.

  “Ahhhh,” he gasped as the two viney tongues tightened and vibrated. They rolled up and down his velvety skin, working the rigid muscle beneath until his cock felt so hard it would surely burst. So much enjoyable sensation flooded his groin he thought he might pass out.

  One of the tongues slithered away from his cock and out of the mouth. It crawled around his scrotum and squeezed. Its tip pressed into the soft, tender flesh and swirled wet circles. The fingers in his ass pulled out long enough to let the tongue thoroughly lube them up with saliva, then slippery digits glided back into his canal, squirming and seeking to please. Then the tongue crawled over the fingers twined about his cock, licking them like a hungry dog licking its bowl clean. The touch squeezing his penis grew slick and moved faster and faster.

  “I can’t…take…anymore,” Warren cried out. “I’m … gonna …cum…” He jutted his hips high into the air and semen sprayed from the tip of his cock. Waxen gave an appreciative “Nice!” as the orgasm spilled down over his knuckles. Pearly spunk spattered the multi-colored pillows.

  Deep inside, his prostrate exploded with bliss. The sensation shivered through him, making his limbs tremble and then go rigid. The hands continued to pet and probe while he writhed and thrashed out his release. Only when he collapsed into his mound of pillows, breathing raggedly, did the fingers slip away from him.

  “So, best blow job you ever had?” Sid stood over him, once more dressed with fingers slung through his belt loops.

  Warren took a few more gulps of air before he answered. “Can’t say I’ve experienced anything like it.”

  Waxen reached down and patted Warren’s semen spattered belly. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  Sid laughed and offered him a hand up. “Come on, newborn werewolf. We need to get to Council Headquarters.” To Waxen, he said, “Thank you, good sir, for the satisfaction.” He placed a couple more coins close to the hookah, while Warren used a towel Waxen handed him to clean up and then got dressed.

  Sid stopped him near a stall selling what appeared to be sex toys, but Warren had seen nothing like them in any adult store he’d ever visited. The vampire pointed and said, “Warren, look! See anyone familiar up ahead.”

  Warren followed his finger. He spotted the tall jester, as he’d come to think of the killer, three stalls down. The man was talking to a veiled creature who juggled oranges that looked like breasts. His limp, white blond hair partially fell over his face, but Warren recognized the slender, hawkish nose and the Fu Manchu style moustache. The man wore clothes the color of this sandstone world, making him blend in like a chameleon.

  Sid grabbed his hand and they took off running. “Come on. I just realized exactly who our killer is. Can’t believe it didn’t hit me when I peeked into your mind.”

  They zipped and weaved through bazaar patrons, in pursuit of the jester.

  “Who is he?” Warren asked.

  Sid briefly glanced over his shoulder at him. “Bastian’s son, Drake. They’re rainforest trolls. That’s why you got a whiff of rotten vegetation. It’s their natural scent. And Bastian is the leader of the Council Hunters. He sent the team who killed the werewolf that attacked you. I’m beginning to wonder if that werewolf was really a rogue after all.”

  The jester caught sight of them coming. He pulled his thick lips back and gave a long toothed sneer. Then he took off from the stall and fled in the opposite direction.

  “He’s going into the bathhouse,” Sid shouted, veering left toward a looming, blocky building with a multitude of arched windows and balconies.

  At the entrance, a burly man with iridescent orange skin stopped them. “You have to pay to get in.”

  “I’m pursuing a murderer,” Sid protested. “You could well be obstructing justice here!”

  The mammoth man just crossed his arms over his chest and gave Sid a disbelieving look.

  Sid huffed. “Fine. Have my last coins.” He shoved three pieces of shining gold into the man outstretched, beefy paw. “Suppose I’ll have to train some vampires to get my stores back up.” Then he looked behind him at Warren, scratched his chin. “On second thought…”

  Warren waved a hand at the building. “Shouldn’t we move, like now?”

  “Oh, right!” Sid faced forward and bolted through the door. Warren followed after.

  By the time they got inside, the killer was nowhere in sight. He and Sid skirted around monsters in every shape, size, and sex, navigating the steamy room with only minor collisions. But there was no sign of Drake anywhere.

  “That’s okay.” Sid gave a disappointed sigh. “We’ll soon have Council’s permission to officially hunt the bastard. He won’t get away so easily then.”


  He was handsome, Sid’s new lover. Avery thought this as he waited for the pair to return. He scratched the little dog’s ears and pictured Warren’s face. The new werewolf was of average build and height. Short, black hair sprouted thick from his scalp. He’d told Sid and Avery he was 1/8 Haida, and the ancestry showed in his rounded, prominent cheekbones, broad, smooth forehead and wide, proud nose. His
black brown eyes had drawn Avery in right away, and he could see why Sid was instantly taken with this newborn.

  Still, sadness cloaked the troll’s heart. Why did he have to love that damned vampire? Even when he tried to put distance between him and Sid, life brought them back together, entwining them whether they liked it or not. Sid was not a one man kind of monster, and it wasn’t so much that Avery minded sharing his ex-lover. He just wished that Sid didn’t make him feel like a forgotten cast off every time the vampire grew infatuated with someone else.

  Well, this time he wouldn’t fall back into Sid’s seductive trap. He’d work with the vampire and werewolf to prove himself innocent, ensure his freedom, but he would not take either monster into his bed.

  He thought of the way he’d found the two, writhing and naked in the very bed he now sat on. His cock twitched in his pants and he sighed. It had been months since he’d been with Sid, with anyone.

  “Be strong,” he growled at himself. Tulle, now snoozing in his lap, stirred and gave a tiny whimper. “Don’t worry, girl.” He petted the dogs’ smooth head. “I’m angry at myself. Not you.”

  A knock came at the door. Avery was going to ignore it, but then a voice filtered through. “I know you’re in there. I can sense you. Word is you didn’t kill Mark after all, and there’s a werewolf who can testify to your innocence.”

  Avery gave a weary groan and cradled his head in his hands. “Come in, Ethan.” The last thing he needed right now was a visit from the lover of the werewolf he’d been accused of murdering.

  A tall, brawny blond man entered. Avery had always thought the werewolf trainer looked a lot like that actor, Dolph Lundgren. He and Ethan had a past. Truth was, Avery had been having an affair with Mark before the werewolf was killed. Revenge on Sid for the many affairs he’d had was a part of his motive, he admitted. Ethan had found Avery in bed with Mark, and a fierce battle had ensued. One that left Ethan with a broken arm and Avery with a broken nose. Thankfully, being monsters, the wounds healed quickly.

  Avery had contemplated the possibility of Ethan’s guilt. He had motive to murder Mark. A lover scorned could go mad with the need for revenge. Still, no fingers had been pointed at Ethan, and Avery found that suspicious. But then, the troll knew he was suspicious by nature. While he hadn’t loved Mark, Avery admitted he’d been fond of the werewolf, and if he found out Ethan was to blame he’d definitely administer another pounding. He could understand, as well, if the reason for Ethan’s visit today was to take a pound of flesh for his fallen lover.

  He stood and faced the werewolf trainer, flexed his fists, frowned, and waited. Tulle hopped from the bed and scampered to a pile of pillows. She promptly hid beneath the cushions as the two monsters drew close near the center of the room.

  “I don’t think you did it,” Ethan said. “So you can lower your hackles. I just …” He ran a hand through his short, bristly hair. “I just need some closure, I guess. Did the newborn werewolf really see Mark’s murderer?”

  Avery nodded. “Sid went in his mind and took the face down. They’re headed to Council Headquarters now with the image.”

  Ethan snorted. “Bout time that vampire did something for you.”

  Avery sighed. “Ethan, I don’t want to get into anything—”

  “What?” He shrugged. “You may have fucked my lover, which I’ve still not forgiven you for, but I’ve never approved of the way Sid uses you like a secondhand dish rag. And I’ve never hid that.”

  “Look, drop it,” Avery snarled and got in the werewolf’s face. “What did you come here for?”

  “I figure there’s going to be an investigation, one way or another. If you’ve sent the newborn to Council, chances are they’ll send you and the others to bring in the bad guy. I want on your investigation team when that happens.”

  Avery said nothing. He contemplated this as he sat on the bed. Ethan joined him, sitting closer than Avery was comfortable with.

  “How do I know you didn’t kill Mark?” Avery muttered. “This could be an attempt to hide your guilt.”

  The werewolf snarled and suddenly lunged. He pinned the troll’s arms to the bed and held him down with powerful legs. “How dare you. I loved Mark more than anything. You’re lucky I don’t change and tear your throat out right now.”

  The troll snarled and focused all his power in his thickly muscled arms and legs. He flipped the werewolf and turned the tables, pinning the angry beast beneath him. “Calm the fuck down. We can work together or rip each other apart. Your choice, asshole.”

  The werewolf did something that shocked him. He gave a low growl in his throat then wrapped a hand around the back of Avery’s neck. With a quick yank, he pulled the troll against his lips for an angry kiss.

  A tongue forced its way into his mouth. Lips crushed against his and teeth scraped over his bottom lip. Avery thought about throwing the werewolf off, but the contact felt so good. He pushed against the werewolf’s well developed pecs and growled.

  “Come on,” Ethan whispered, brushing fingers over the bristly fur at Avery’s chin. “You’ve been as lonely as I have. Hungry too. I can sense it coming off you.”

  Mark had left them both months back, when Avery and Ethan began fighting over him. A quiet man, he said he regretted the affair and didn’t need the drama. It had been then that Avery had enlisted in Purity, deciding he wanted to try and transform into a human. He hadn’t realized, at the time, the organization’s intentions were anything but benevolent. But when he had, he’d gotten out and started planning for Purity’s demise. Before he could do anything, though, they’d killed Mark and tried to frame him for the homicide. Now, he’d need to get back inside their walls and finish what he’d started.

  He decided for now, though, a pleasurable distraction couldn’t hurt. So he whirled the werewolf around and pinned him beneath him once more, trading submission for dominance.

  “Fine, you wanna fuck,” he growled against his lover’s lips. “Let’s fuck.”

  Ethan’s hands snarled in Avery’s long hair and pulled. The troll crushed his lips to the werewolf’s again and claimed his tongue, bit his top and bottom lip until the werewolf mewled beneath him. He rose up a bit and clamped his beefy paws down on the lapel’s of his lover’s shirt. With one powerful yank, he ripped the fabric from his chest. Buttons popped and flew everywhere. Tulle let out a loud whine and Avery briefly glimpsed her skittering to a safer spot under the window.

  The werewolf reciprocated, partially changing and retracting claws that he dug into the thin material of Avery’s t-shirt. Then he drew the talons down and a slow ripping sounded as the garment fell from the troll’s burly chest. Reaching up, the werewolf ran a hand through the hair covering his chest, then he molded his palms to the troll’s pecs and squeezed with passionate force.

  “Take your pants off now,” the werewolf commanded. “I want to suck your cock.”

  “Let’s both get naked and suck each other off,” Avery said. “Double the pleasure.”

  They wasted no time shedding the remainder of their clothes. Avery flipped on the bed so his long, thick cock now waved, semi-erect, in the werewolf’s face. The werewolf seized it like it was a giant popsicle and he was thirsty for a taste.

  He guided the werewolf’s legs around his neck, dug his fingers into his supple ass and, with a commanding grip, tilted his ass so he could better reach his asshole. While the werewolf wrapped his lips around his dick, he spread his cheeks wide and accessed his pink, puckered hole with a swipe of tongue. The werewolf moaned when he plunged the tongue into his anus, wiggling it around, exploring the wet, inner walls.

  For the troll, his cock became sheathed in a hot, slippery tunnel of bliss. This werewolf knew how to use his mouth to maximize his lover’s pleasure. He sucked hard then softer, used his tongue to thoroughly explore the long shaft. He laved its tip beneath the plump ridge and the troll moaned loud and long, pumping his cock forward in search of that warm, tight mouth once more. But the werewolf wasn’t
done exploring his glans. He lapped at the meaty head as if it were an ice cream cone. He sucked up the pre-cum with enthusiastic slurps, until the troll pulled himself up, planted a wide palm against the back of his lover’s head, and shoved his mouth down around his hard on once more.

  Then he returned to pleasuring the werewolf’s ass, but he refused to touch his cock just yet. Punishment for denying the troll his mouth longer than he liked. Instead he scooped his tongue in and out of his ass in long, slow licks. The werewolf groaned and pushed his ass closer to his face. He dug his fingers into the firm, muscled cheeks and spread them apart wider, licking up and down his lover’s rosy crack. Then he pressed his tongue into his balls, planting more extended, tortuous licks into the downy sac.

  “Suck my cock now,” the werewolf commanded, giving him a rapid hand job while he spoke.

  The troll gave a guttural laugh. “No one demands anything of me. Be polite. You’re my bitch.”

  A low growl came from the werewolf, but he relented. “Please,” he whispered. “Please suck my cock.”

  “Beg me some more.” He grunted then sucked his lover’s balls between his lips. He nibbled on this tender flesh until his lover squirmed and whimpered.

  “Please suck me now.” His voice grew thin and reedy. “ I need to feel your mouth so bad.”

  His hand wrapped around the werewolf’s cock and he pulled once, twice, then he swept his grip to the base of the shaft and stayed his hand. “Tell you what. Make me cum, and I’ll return the favor. But you can’t blow your load until after I have.”

  “What?” the werewolf thrashed in his grip and snarled. “You prick—”

  He squeezed his lover’s cock hard until the man gasped. “That’s my rule. Or we can stop right now.”

  “Asshole. I thought you said double the pleasure,” the werewolf murmured, before he once more gobbled his lover’s cock.


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