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Shifters & Bad Boys Bundle (Shifters & Bad Boys. Man love, bdsm, and rockstar romance. Book 1)

Page 17

by Anita Lawless

  The troll wasted no time. He positioned himself between the werewolf’s legs and curled one meaty paw around his lover’s erection. He held it at the base, licking the glans and beneath its ridge like he devoured an ice cream cone.

  A hand cupped the werewolf’s scrotum, massaged the tender skin, then plucked at the mossy softness until Warren hissed air between his teeth. In the dim light, the troll made a show of licking his long fingers before he tickled and probed the werewolf’s ass with their slickness.

  The werewolf’s stomach tightened and he pushed his ass into the troll’s touch. He moaned as his anal canal stretched to accommodate the meaty touch. A tongue flit over the head of his cock, lapping at the pre-cum that spurted faster from its hole. Then the tongue traced beneath his ridge, found his sweet spot, and sucked the flap of skin hard. He bucked his hips up and clenched his ass tighter around the invading fingers. A cry of pleasure escaped him.

  The free hand of his troll lover slithered up his torso. Fingers closed around his pec, pinched and rolled his nipple. He writhed under his lover’s attention, snaking one hand out to clutch at his lover’s long, dark curls. The troll’s mouth descended down his shaft and took his cock to the root just after he did so.

  “Ahhh…yesss…” he moaned out as his dick was enveloped in tight heat. The beast was completely tamed by this coupling. At least for now.

  The troll swished his head back and forth as he dragged his lips up the werewolf’s penis. Warren moaned and thrust hard into this bliss. The skin stretched over his shaft felt tight and sensitive enough to explode. Avery’s mouth became a snug, slippery heaven that swirled and sucked him closer to climax.

  Another finger slipped up his ass, curling to stroke his prostrate. His anal walls constricted around these probing digits, and he sighed as he pumped his ass into the troll’s touch. The troll kept one hand clamped around the base of Warren’s shaft, twisting and squeezing, spittle trickling over his working grip as he slurped loudly at his dick.

  Still more toxic gas tickled Warren’s nostrils. The werewolf within tried to rear up, but the troll held the creature fast and kept it preoccupied. He used a massive hand to tilt the werewolf’s ass high in the air, then he impaled his lover’s fine, firm ass with his cock. He buried it to the hilt, pressing his body against the werewolf’s as he did so. With his free hand, he pinned the werewolf’s wrists above his head then slowly fucked him.

  The wounds on Avery’s chest were already scabbing over. Warren reached up and traced their angry, red length as he took more of the troll’s cock. He felt horrible for wounding his companion, and he lifted up from the mattress to lick these healing lashes. He cleaned the damaged skin, tasting the coppery traces of blood. The troll groaned from his tongue’s ministrations.

  He reached down between himself and his troll lover, to where his cock skimmed over his lover’s sweat slickened stomach. The werewolf wrapped a hand around his erection and stroked it lazily, enjoying the added sensation. He slipped his free hand under the troll’s pumping ass, seeking out his anus. As the troll thrust in a steady rhythm, the werewolf slipped fingers between his lover’s lightly haired cheeks and played with his tight opening. He slid one digit inside, then two, and probed.

  The troll let out a growl-groan and his hips moved faster. Their balls brushed together at first, but now they loudly slapped together as the passion grew. Warren pumped his cock harder, making more pearly seed spill from its head and trickle over his fist.

  Amidst this haze of desire, Warren realized something. The toxic gas flow had stopped. Sure, pungent fumes still filled the room, but the insidious hiss indicating more gas drifted in had vanished.

  The first orgasm tightened the werewolf’s rectum and made him shriek out his release. Sensation made his prostrate tingle, made it feel swollen and throbbing. He writhed and whimpered beneath his lover, who now thumped in and out of him fiercely, edging closer to his own climax. Just as the troll buried himself deep in the werewolf’s ass again, cum jetted from Warren’s cock. His second orgasm made all his stomach muscles go tense, and he shivered as he rose up off the mattress under the force of his release.

  Avery twitched deep inside him once, twice, three times before he emptied his seed fully into the werewolf’s ass. Panting and sweaty, he drew out and pulled an equally breathless Warren into his arms. The smell of the toxic gas had lessened, and the wolf inside Warren felt truly calm.

  “We did it,” the troll whispered, then he kissed Warren’s forehead. “Take that, Grant Digby, you mad bastard.”


  Chapter 7

  “Sonofabitch.” Grant slammed a fist down near the main control unit and glared out the observation room window. “They’ve taken out all the cams and it’s gone quiet in there. Plus the gas just ran out.” He raked a hand through his expensive hair cut then looked to Drake and Ethan. “Boys, get down there and do something right for once. Change the tanks so I can torment the wolf out of hiding.”

  Bruised and weary, Ethan stepped forward. “Why did you send the earth dwellers after them? That batch of modified humans weren’t done incubating yet. You’ve probably killed them by pulling them out the ground early, you realize.” Then he pointed to Drake beside him. “We had it covered.”

  Grant snorted and gave them both a look that dripped condescension. “Right, you sure had it covered. That’s why the troll and werewolf got away from you both.”

  Drake stepped closer to Ethan, and Ethan watched his eyes narrow, his fists clench at his sides. “How could you know that? You can’t sense things as well without a monster around to plug into. That’s what you’ve always told us.”

  Grant flashed a crafty smile, sat in the swivel office chair he kept in front of the observation window, and crossed his legs. “I implanted you both before you left.”

  Ethan was about to shout, but Drake, usually compliant and docile around their scientist master, beat him to it. “You implanted us with your ether to spy on us? You slipped us the implant during sex earlier, didn’t you?”

  They’d had a session in the observation room earlier to celebrate Grant’s victory. He’d successfully melded more monster DNA with his. This time he’d stolen the genetic material from a stone giant. Now the scientist’s skin was indestructible. Ethan could only imagine what happened to the stone giant, and he didn’t want to think about it.

  Grant shrugged. His eyes glinted cruelly. “Well, it’s not like I can trust the pair of you to do anything right. Of course I had to implant you. Good thing I did, too, or that troll and werewolf might’ve escaped.”

  Drake’s anger was so strong now it hit the extra sensitive Ethan in a hot wave. He’d never seen the rainforest troll so pissed at their lover and master. Usually, Drake idolized Grant and did everything he said. Perhaps, like Ethan, he was growing tired of the hypocrisy and the blatant lack of respect, lack of trust, they received from a man who claimed to care for them both.

  “Now, you two, come here.” Grant beckoned with an anxious wave of his hand. “I want to see if the vampire is close.”

  Ethan noted Drake approached their master as slowly as he did. Was Drake’s reluctance to serve this madness growing? Ethan felt hope for the first time in a long while.

  Grant’s cool hand touched their foreheads. Ethan zoned in with Drake on the implant Drake had put in his father’s head before he killed him. Etheric implants could remain alive in a body for up to 24 hours after death, and if another viable host came by in that time, all or a piece of the implant could manage to attach itself to this new individual, if said individual came close enough to the corpse or touched it. Before he slit his father’s throat, Drake had made his father write out a confession that would be sure to attract Sid closer to the corpse. It would also guarantee Sid would have to go to Council Headquarters to report the confession before he could leave for the island. All part of the grand scheme to keep the prophesized triad apart. Much to Ethan’s chagrin, it had worked.

  “There he is!
” Grant exclaimed, startling Ethan, who spied the vampire in his mind a moment before.

  Yes, Sid was on the island. He stood on the coast, surveying the treeline ahead. And with him the vampire had brought fat rain clouds. Ethan looked at them and knew a storm was brewing.

  “Go out and get him, boys,” Grant whispered into their ears. “Bring me the Child of Vampires to complete my collection.”


  Sid walked under a darkening sky and kept his senses on alert. He tried to zone in on Avery or Warren, and he found a trace of their energy only a few yards into the thick forest. But he didn’t like what he found with it. The more he followed their etheric scent, the more he sensed danger.

  Since the werewolf had entered his life, events had unfolded at breakneck speed. He thought about this as he buttoned his pea coat against the strong wind that kicked in. After all this time Warren showed up, a newly turned werewolf who proved an old prophecy true. In the back of his mind, Sid believed he’d known this to be true the moment he grabbed Warren that day on the street, when the werewolf witness Drake murdering another werewolf. He’d known when he pulled Warren into the alley and brought him Underground, into the safety of a world populated by monsters. A world most of humanity knew nothing about.

  And now he could deny it no longer. He, Warren, and Avery formed a triad. Long ago, when Underground was first formed, Council Headquarters had been overcome by a vision. A threat to Underground, to all of monsterkind, would come to try and destroy monsters. Three would be marked at birth to stop this destruction. Two humans would be turned. One a boy named Sid, marked at birth to become the Child of Vampires. One a boy named Warren, also marked at birth to become the Child of Wolves. And a troll would incubate for a century within Mother Earth so he would become the Child of Trolls. He would take the name of Avery, and he would join the turned humans to save Underground.

  Sid and Avery had both dreamed the prophecy. They’d been summoned to Council Headquarters when they joined Underground, and they were told of this prophecy. Although neither had ever believed it. Yet now, here he stood in a Vancouver Island rainforest, a threatening sky above, with the fate of monsterkind resting on his and his companions’ shoulders.

  Rustling to his left made him stop behind a tree, stand perfectly still, and listen. The tree, a partially stripped spruce, provided just enough shadow to give excellent cover. And under this excellent cover, he watched a strange glow emerge from the woods and walk toward him.

  They were dressed in tattered clothes and bandages. The greenish glow seeped from within their skin. Sid picked up signatures of fairy, troll, and vamp as well as human. He’d never seen anything like them, never felt a signature so chaotic. It was as if their genetic make up was fighting with itself.

  As they approached, some of them broke up. One pale female with a halo of red curls shrieked as her leg disintegrated, sending her tumbling to the forest floor. The detached bone and flesh became dirt as it sprayed over a scattering of pine needles.

  Sid slipped around the massive tree trunk—wider around than he and Avery’s shoulders combined. As he did he watched more of these hybrids fall apart and become earth, literally. Their faces turned to mud, their arms turned to mounds of soil, and their agonized screeches rose as they fell.

  He dashed through the woods, away from the grisly hybrid parade, and some of these creatures followed. As he drew near to what he recognized as a troll tunnel—a burrow created when a particularly large troll emerged from within Earth—he picked up Avery and Warren’s energy signatures loud and clear. And they were in trouble. The creatures that pursued him had grabbed them earlier. He received a flash of murky concrete and knew his lovers were inside Purity’s walls, but they’d gained entrance as captives. Not good. Not good at all.

  Then the sound of guns clicking came from behind Sid. He whirled around to find Ethan and Drake standing there. Drake brandished a pistol of some sort, but when it came to guns, Sid knew nothing. He was more a fists, fangs, and blades kind of guy.

  He held up his hands as his stomach sank to his boots. But the duo stepped beyond him. He turned with their passage to find a few straggling hybrids still pursued. The duo opened fire on them and laid them dead in seconds.

  “Better than letting them suffer the genetic rejection,” Ethan muttered, and his voice sounded weary. He turned toward Sid with weapon lowered.

  As he did so, Drake came up suddenly on Sid’s left, pressed his hands tight to the sides of the vampire’s skull, and placed his forehead to his. There was brief pain, in which Sid’s fangs flared and he thrashed and fought with the troll. But the troll sent a flood of peaceful intent into him and said, “Be still. I mean you no harm.”

  And Sid could tell he meant it. Could read the truth in the troll’s signature. A wet popping sounded then the soft screeching of an exposed etheric implant. Ethan brought down his boot on the wriggling implant. A yellow substance oozed from the squashed creature and it went still.

  “It was in my father,” Drake explained, his voice barely above a whisper. “The confession was a plant, too. Purity wanted to split up the triad.” He paused and looked at Ethan. When he did, the vampire noticed the grimness of his face softened. “But I’m through helping them destroy monsterkind. Come on.” He motioned Sid forward as he turned and walked ahead. “Let us take you to the others.”

  Sid read their intent again before he moved. He dug deep, surprised they let him poke private quarters of their minds. He sensed no intent to betray, nothing hidden from him, and so he followed. And as he did, a heavy rain began to fall.


  “Those hybrids back there,” Ethan said as they slipped into Purity through a secret route he and Drake knew wasn’t monitored. “They fell apart because Grant hatched them early. Just like we knew they would.”

  Drake nodded. “We’re through playing his games. He showed us both he has no loyalty to anyone but himself. All his talk of love, of us being the anti-triad…” Drake snorted in disgust. “He’d say anything to keep us under his control, but we’re nothing to him in the end. Just like those hybrids.”

  Sid listened intently to their stories. How they’d been used by a mad scientist with an agenda to perfect humankind, at least by his twisted standards of perfection. He was beyond relieved these two had chosen to help him and the others bring Purity down.

  “Here we are,” Drake said as they entered another grey, narrow hallway. “The back door route to your friends. And between the troll and werewolf, all the cameras in the cell are out too. But the room may still be bugged, so just keep quiet when we spring them.”

  They moved swiftly down the passage, stopping at the third door in. Drake took out a set of keys and unlocked the cell. They slid the heavy metal door open carefully, trying to make as little noise as possible.

  Soon after light spilled into the cell, the troll and werewolf appeared before them. The troll reared up as if ready to attack, but Sid showed himself, stepping between Ethan and Drake. This seemed to calm Avery and Warren. Sid signaled for them to remain quiet as they left their prison.

  Once the door was slid shut, Avery whirled on Sid and growled, “Why the hell are you cozy with these two?”

  Sid held up his hands, spoke in a soothing tone. “Calm yourself, big man. Read their energy.” When Avery gave him a skeptical frown, he added, “Go ahead. They’ll let you. Poke deep. You’ll see they pose no threat. They’re here to help us bring Purity down.”

  Drake stepped forward, met the troll’s gaze. “Yeah, we’re through with Grant and Purity.” He hung his head. “I made my mistakes, big ones, I’m not gonna deny that. Ethan and I,” he glanced at the werewolf beside him, “we just want a chance to make things right.”

  Avery nodded, then he looked to Warren. “What do you think?”

  Warren scanned Drake and Ethan, wearing an unreadable expression as he did so. Then he looked to Sid, to Avery, and said, “I trust Sid, even if I don’t trust them. Let’s go.”
/>   Sid smiled and turned to Ethan. “Take us to Grant. Let’s end this.”


  Together, they kicked the door to the observation room open. Drake and Ethan entered first, followed by Avery, Warren, and Sid.

  Grant whirled on them with his trademark maniacal smile. “Boys, you’ve done something right this time! Bringing my prey right to me. How splendid.” But his lip twitched nervously, his eyes were too big and too bright. Warren could tell the scientist was sweating bullets, even as he bluffed courage.

  Drake stepped forward, wearing a stony grimace. “We quit working for you about one hour ago.” He looked to Ethan, who came up beside him. “We’re through with your lies, your manipulation, your hypocrisy. What you do to those monsters… to your own kind … it isn’t right.”

  Grant’s face transformed from sinister to faux sympathetic. The quickness with which he changed his mask of expression unnerved Warren. He could tell that, indeed, this man was a master manipulator.

  “But,” Grant strode closer to Drake and Ethan, “but I love you both. What of our plans, my promise to make you human?”

  Drake gave a bitter sneer. “We’re not interested in your brand of humanity. As for love …” He shook his head. “You never loved me or Ethan. The way you treat us proves that. We’re just pawns to you, just like the rest.”

  Now the scientist’s mask crumpled under intense fury. He reared back with one fist then brought it forward lightning quick. Warren barely saw the punch coming, and Drake was completely unprepared for it. It sent Drake flying into the air. He let out a surprised and pained, “Auughhh!” Finally he landed at the right side of the couch with a loud crash.

  “Come on then, you bastards!” Grant sneered and took a defensive stance, his gaze darting over them all. “You think you can bring me down? You think you can bring Purity down?” He scoffed arrogantly. “That prophecy bullshit might give you courage, but who captured who first, hmmmm?”


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