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Shifters & Bad Boys Bundle (Shifters & Bad Boys. Man love, bdsm, and rockstar romance. Book 1)

Page 19

by Anita Lawless

  Sid untangled himself from Warren and fell in a heap beside him. He threw and arm over the werewolf’s spunk spattered chest. Avery flopped down on his other side. He wrapped one long, big arm around both the werewolf and the vampire and drew them close to his chest.

  In between his lovers, Warren realized something. He finally felt complete. As they drifted off to sleep, he placed gentle kisses on both the werewolf and troll. “I love you two. Just so you know.” Then he snuggled down between them and hoped neither had seen him blush embarrassment at his admission.

  The troll hugged him tighter. “The feeling is mutual, little wolf.”

  Sid kissed the back of Warren’s neck. “Ditto.”

  Warren may have lost a life above, but as slumber overtook him he realized he’d found a perfectly wonderful new home Underground. Forevermore, he would run among the monsters. After all, as Avery had said, he was one of them now.


  Bonus Story: Christmas Wolf

  Sid gaped at the handsome vampire standing outside the apartment door. It had been years since he’d seen his old trainer and former lover, Lord Richard. The suave Council Liaison tipped his dark gray bowler hat at Sid and asked, “May I come in, old friend?”

  Few monsters could make Sid dry in the mouth, make him stammer and feel like a young school boy, but Lord Richard could. The vampire had been turned during the Victorian Era by a rogue attack. Much like Sid, he’d never known his maker, but recruits from Underground had seen the rogue attack perpetrated on Lord Richard and had brought him into the arms of the monster society long ago. He was a dapper gent who always wore a three piece suit, usually pinstriped. He sported a gray ensemble today, complete with a polished cane made of walnut wood.

  “Lord Richard.” The words came breathy from Sid’s lips. “Of course, come in.” He stepped back from the threshold, hating himself for being struck stupid by this surprise visit. “What brings you here?”

  The Council Liaison walked past him and surveyed Sid’s bohemian surroundings. He ran fingertips across a dusty wall shelf, ran his thumb over the fuzzy results, and raised an eyebrow at Sid. The vampire simply smirked and shrugged at the Council Liaison, who stepped farther into the main room.

  He took his name from his favorite Shakespearean play and the brief King of England, Richard III, but he added “Lord” instead of “King” because he liked the sound of the former better. Of Richard, he always told Sid, ‘The most slandered king in England’s history. How can I not admire him?’

  “Why is it you never keep a couch, Sidney?” he asked drolly, before he sat down on the floating bed that served as the area’s main piece of furniture.

  Sid gathered some pillows together on the floor and sat opposite his guest. He knew the effect Lord Richard had on him, and considering his pact of faithfulness to his two partners, he thought it best to avoid temptation.

  “You haven’t answered my question yet,” Sid said. “Tell me why you’re here, and I’ll tell you why I never keep a couch.”

  Lord Richard smirked as he removed his hat and placed it beside him. He smoothed a hand over his slicked back hair, which shone a rich mahogany under the glow of a wall lamp. Sid knew his former teacher was making him wait, purposely taking his time. Lord Richard liked to make him sweat.

  Finally, he said, “I’ve come with a special request from Council Headquarters.” Then he leaned his elbows on his knees and bent forward, bringing his face close to Sid’s. “But why sit so far away, friend? Come.” He patted the pillows on the floating bed. “Sit with me. Let’s get … reacquainted.”

  Sid swallowed hard, thought of his promise to Warren and Avery. They had agreed the triad would remain just that, and there would be no more affairs outside their bond. Sid had sworn this along with them. It was the end of his philandering ways.

  But Lord Richard would try to seduce him. That was simply the Council Liaison’s way when it came to Sid. Before he’d met Avery, Sid and Richard had a long, torrid affair as teacher and student. And even after they had ended it, they’d often hooked up for brief flings and one night stands. Although Richard claimed he came with a message, delivering it wasn’t the only thing on his mind.

  Sid breathed deep, ignored the tingle growing low in his belly. “I’m fine here, thank you. Now, the special request—”

  In a flash of movement, Lord Richard was beside him, pressed close. His spicy scent filled Sid’s nostrils. His arm wrapped around Sid’s back and pulled him tight against his body.

  “Are you in a rush to get rid of me Sidney?”

  Sid winced, felt his face heat. He hated it when anyone used his full name. Few monster even knew it, but Lord Richard used it frequently when they were together. A display of his innate dominance over Sid, reminding him that he would always be student and Richard would always be teacher.

  He closed his eyes, breathed deep and even, and muttered, “Just tell me why you’re here. Get on with it.”

  The hand left his side, but his teacher remained close. “There is a young werewolf new to Underground who has requested he be trained by the triad. He comes from a wandering pack who were not a part of Underground, but he has heard stories of you and your companions, or so he claims.”

  Sid looked at Richard. “What do you mean ‘or so he claims?’“ He took a moment to study those steely grey eyes, that aquiline nose and square jaw. But the heat below grew hotter and he forced himself to glance away.

  “I don’t trust the young werewolf,” Lord Richard said. “Or, rather, I don’t trust the werewolf he’s traveling with. They claim their pack was mysteriously killed in the night. They blame trolls, but I’ve never known trolls to slaughter a pack before. Say only they survived, but when I read the older werewolf’s energy,” he shook his head, “he doesn’t believe his own story. There is doubt and deception in his signature.”

  Sid considered this, his thoughts drifting to Purity as he did so, and he shivered. He didn’t want to brood on the death and destruction he and his companions had witnessed and faced on the island while bringing the insidious organization down. But what if there were traces left? What if some agents of Purity escaped the main lab’s destruction? For that matter, what if the remains of Purity now knew of the destruction, and they came seeking revenge?

  He’d have to meet these two werewolves to know if something was up for sure. He wished Avery and Warren would come home for two reasons. One, they all needed to be informed on this situation. Two, Lord Richard wouldn’t be able to use such seduction tactics in the presence of Sid’s two protective lovers.

  “Can you stay until the others get back?” Sid asked ruefully, for he knew this would give Richard further opportunity to try and get in his pants. “My partners and I will need to make this decision together. But I do think we need to see the young werewolf as soon as possible.”

  Lord Richard put a hand on his knee and gave a sideways smile. “Partners? Does that mean your off the market?” He leaned closer, until their lips were only inches apart. “Pity. I was hoping we could have some fun.” His hand slid higher up Sid’s thigh.

  Sid’s dead heart beat faster in his chest, his breath grew shallow. Though his body needed neither to work anymore, it still repeated patterns from when it knew human life. And, right then, Sid felt the very human torture of temptation.

  Soft lips brushed over his. A tongue flit out to taste his cherry red mouth. It parted his lips and he sighed, giving his former lover access. This hot, wet caress entwined with his own tongue and he sucked his lover deeper into his mouth.

  Then an image of Warren and Avery broke through his lust. Sid molded his hands to Richard’s chest and urged him back. They breathed hard as they parted.

  “I can’t do this.” Sid shook his head. “I made a promise to my partners we’d be exclusive.” He got up from the pillows and put some distance between him and Richard. “I can’t fall into your arms this time.”

  His former teacher came up behind him and braced Sid’s hip
s in strong hands. “Ah, so informal now.” Richard leaned close to his ear. “So aloof.” The hot, wet touch of his tongue flicked in and out of Sid’s ear. “Yet I remember when you called me Master and offered your ass up freely to me.”

  Sid whirled on him, but tried to keep his composure. His cool façade. Lord Richard wanted to unnerve him so he could gain the upper hand in this sexual duel. But not this time. For the sake of the monsters he loved, Sid could not allow it.

  “Those days are over.” Sid pressed a hand against Richard’s chest again to make space between them.

  Richard plucked the vampire’s fingers from his crisp, white shirt and said, “I wish they weren’t,” before he sucked Sid’s index finger into his mouth. He slurped and tongued at the digit as if it were a stiff cock.

  And it was getting tight in his jeans, Sid realized, as his horniness swerved closer to unbearable.

  Richard noticed his erection a moment later. The dominant vampire reached down and cupped Sid’s penis, smoothing his thumb back and forth over the growing bulge.

  “It might be over between us, but someone is quite happy to see me.”

  “Please stop,” Sid begged in a reed-thin voice. “I can’t do this.”

  But it was too late. Richard’s laved the tip of his tongue over his parted lips. He dipped it in and teased his tongue into submission. As he did so, the dominant vampire continued to tease his cock until the hard muscle ached to be naked, to be sucked.

  He plundered Sid’s mouth, exploring every inch of it with his hungry kiss. Then he eased up and teased the vampire, sipping at his lips with tiny, seductive kisses. He unzipped the vampire’s jeans and Sid gave a throaty moan when warm, soft skin enveloped his throbbing penis.

  The dominant vampire cradled the back of his head and yanked him near for another mouth ravaging kiss. He whirled Sid around and pushed him toward the floating bed. In Sid’s mind, he screamed at his lusty side to control itself. He would soon betray his promise to his beloved if he did not. But that carnal creature he’d always been soaked up the erotic high and was loathe to say no.

  And just as his former lover’s lips brushed over the head of his cock, the apartment door swung wide open. Warren and Avery walked in. The werewolf gaped in surprise. The troll simply crossed his arms over his chest and raised an eyebrow at Sid.

  Sid vaulted from the bed, accidentally planting a knee beneath his seducer’s chin as he did so. Lord Richard let out a pained “Oof,” and dropped to all fours near one side of the bed.

  “What’s going on?” Warren said.

  Sid quickly zipped up his jeans, smoothed the wrinkles in his sapphire blue dress shirt. “We have a problem. Well, potential problem.”

  “We can see that.” Avery frowned at their visitor. “What brings you here?”

  “Nice to see you’re as surly as ever, Avery.” Lord Richard rubbed his chin and winced. “I’ve been sent by Council Headquarters with a special request.”

  And then he gave the story of the two new werewolves to Warren and Avery. Council Headquarters were also suspicious of the pair, and they wanted the triad to investigate under the guise of training the younger werewolf. Since this new werewolf had already requested as much, it made the matter simple. But Sid knew nothing was ever as simple as it seemed. At least not in his experience.


  As they strolled through the street of Underground, Lord Richard led the way, occasionally shooing a monster child out of his path with the tip of his polished cane. The children would squeal, laugh, or poke forked tongue out at him before skittering off.

  While they walked, Sid could feel the anger coming off Warren. Out of the corner of his eye, he kept catching the werewolf glaring at him. Avery walked ahead of them and Lord Richard. Sid sensed the troll held quiet anger inside, but he’d wait until later to unleash it.

  Finally, unable to take the sideways daggers from Warren any longer, Sid pulled his lover close and hissed, “I didn’t cheat on you, for chrissakes.”

  “Yeah, but what if me and Avery hadn’t come home, hmmm?” Warren snarled in return.

  Sid sputtered in frustration. But he feared what would’ve happened had his two lovers not intervened. “The fact remains. I didn’t cheat. So quit giving me dirty looks and cut me some slack. We’ve got business to focus on here. It’s no time for petty jealousy.”

  Warren pulled his arm away. “Easy for you to say. You weren’t the one who found your partner with some stranger vampire between his legs.”

  And then the werewolf sped-walked away until he fell in stride with Avery. Sid heaved a weary sigh and left Warren and Avery alone, for now.

  Their destination came into view after they rounded a corner opposite the hill that led to the sex bazaar. Three pyramid shaped buildings. These held the training centers, where the newly turned learned to be disciplined monsters. Warren had been training here with Sid and Avery since their return from the island. Now, Sid and Avery would help him train another werewolf.

  “Now, gentleman, I’ll ask you to keep cool heads inside the training area,” Lord Richard said, as they entered a long, wide foyer that held an indoor rock garden complimented by ivory fountains and emerald mosses. “Please, no more fighting over me.” He cast a knowing glance at Warren.

  The werewolf growled as Richard strolled by him. “Wouldn’t be a problem if you could keep your hands to yourself.”

  Richard stopped, turned, stared the werewolf down. “I’ll remind you you’re speaking to a Council Liaison.”

  Just as Warren made to lunge, Avery got between them. “And I’ll remind you not to play games with us, Lord Richard. You’ve come between Sid and I in the past. It won’t happen again.”

  Richard remained silent as he gave the troll and icy glare. Then he left them long enough to go and retrieve the two werewolves the triad had come to meet.

  “Hey, do you realize it’s December 5?” Warren said, beaming. “It’s only 20 days until Christmas!”

  Avery raised an eyebrow at him. “And why are you bringing this up now exactly?”

  Warren looked mortified. “Okay, maybe my timing is off, but—”

  Just then an angry volley of shouts cut through their back and forth. Sid watched a man of average height with closely cropped salt-and-pepper hair run toward them. He wore a olive green duster and drab clothes beneath. The look he wore when he came at them was one of pure determination. His steely eyes locked on Sid as he tore through the three of them, throwing punches intended to lay them low.

  Warren yelled, “Hey asshole!”

  Avery grunted and lunged for the guy after he knocked Warren on his ass and sent Sid stumbling sideways. But the fleeing man slipped through Avery’s grip and out of the foyer.

  “Don’t let him escape!” Richard appeared in the doorway that led to the main area of the training center. His hat had been knocked from his head. The walking stick he brandished had been broken in two, and his immaculate suit was a rumpled mess.

  Sid and his companions went after the man, while Lord Richard stayed behind after muttering something about attending to the young werewolf.

  Just before they left the training building, Avery told Sid and Warren. “I know that guy who tackled us.”

  “Who is he?” Sid asked as they dashed out the door.

  “He was an agent of Purity, before we blew their main lab up. I met him on the island.”

  Sid wanted to know more, and he felt his eyes widen from the news.

  “There he is!” Warren pointed to the hill that led toward the sex bazaar. Their quarry stood atop it briefly then slipped out of sight.

  Sid decided to ask questions of Avery later. Now was definitely not the time. The man slipped out of sight behind the hill and they ran after him.

  A crossroads lay just before the sex bazaar, and their quarry veered down the right fork instead of the left. Here the road grew rougher and the air grew drier. Sage brush and cacti began dotting the landscape. Soon these gave way to arid sand d
unes and a complete lack of visible plant, animal, or monster life anywhere.

  Sid began to slow down, heart thumping hard. He looked to Avery as he stopped. Before them was a barrier made of snarled barbed wire, a wooden fence that was half assed nailed together and, behind this, a thick border made of sandbags and a potpourri of jagged metal junk designed to keep trespassers out.

  “We aren’t going in there,” Sid said, not missing the perplexed look Warren cast him, or the slightly concerned one he received from Avery.

  “Why not?” Warren asked.

  “We’ll talk to Richard first,” Avery said. “Get a plan together and some suitable gear. We can’t go into the Sands of Aziza without reinforcements.”

  “Why not?” Warren whirled on Sid and Avery, hands on his hips, obviously annoyed at their lack of answers.

  “Because it’s haunted by disembodied djinn who will kiss you tenderly while they rip your intestines out.”

  “Oh.” Warren appeared overwhelmed by Sid’s response. “Guess you’d wanna be prepared for that kind of welcome.”

  “Come on,” Avery said, turning away from the barrier. “Let’s go see how Richard’s doing. Granted, he’s not my favorite person in the Underground, but he might need some help with the werewolf kid.”

  Back at the training center, they found a rumpled Richard in one of the changing rooms. He was stooped over a scared looking, skinny man tied to a chair. The young man looked younger than the twenty years of age Richard said he was. He had wide brown eyes and a bald head peppered with dark stubble. His cheeks were ruddy and baby smooth. Even sitting down Sid could tell he was tall and lean. Probably just under Avery’s height but less than half the giant troll’s size.

  “Will you kindly help me?” the frustrated Council Liaison glared at them all as they just stood there and stared at him. His hands flew over intricate knots, but there were quite a lot and he’d only managed to unfasten a few.


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