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Just like Grey: Alex Romaletti

Page 18

by Jessie Cooke

  “Happy birthday sexy. Damn, you look good.”

  Alex grinned. “You think? Like a Hell's Angel, good?”

  She laughed. “You need to watch some new TV.”

  “Thank you for the clothes and while we're on the subject, you look good enough to eat.”

  “Thank you. Let's sit.”

  Alex sat down across from her and he saw that there was already a bottle of wine chilling beside the table. Once they had both sat down, a male waiter arrived with menus. He opened the wine and let Izzy try it. She took a sip and nodded at him and he poured them both a glass. Once he had left, they both picked up their menus. Alex tried to read his, but with her sitting across from him, looking the way she did, it was practically impossible to concentrate. “What's good here?” he finally asked.

  “I usually have the lasagna,” she said. “It's amazing.”

  He closed his menu and said, “Good, I'll have that too.” He looked around the brick alcove again and said, “Do you come here often?”

  “Not really,” she said. “I worked here for a while when I was in college. The owners are…”

  “Let me guess…nice people?” he said with a smile, mimicking what Levi had said about the mafia connected family.

  “Super nice,” she said with a smile. Alex left it at that. He didn't really care what they did. He liked the restaurant already just because the woman of his dreams was sitting across from him. Her blue eyes were so expressive and right now she was looking at him like she wanted to take his clothes off him right there and it was sending goosebumps skittering down his spine.

  “So, did you get a lot of work done today?” he asked her. He was trying to talk her into moving into the Ragged Beauty building once Kelly and her staff vacated it. She wasn't going for it at first, but at dinner the night before she had started asking him questions about how much he might sell it for and if he thought he might be able to sell it to someone, that could keep at least some of the staff employed. He knew her heart was going out to the people who like her, through no fault of their own, were going to lose their jobs. Alex would never make her pay for the building, and he would let her keep any staff that she saw fit. The problem was, she wasn't about to accept it from him for free. He had to think it through a little more and try to find a compromise…but not tonight. Tonight, he wanted to enjoy his time with her. Just looking at her was a pleasure.

  “Not really,” she said. “I was…busy with other things.”

  He smiled. “Like shopping at the local Harley Davidson store?”

  She giggled. “Yeah, like that. Did you like the underwear?”

  He looked around to make sure the waiter wasn't sneaking up and said, “I did, actually.”

  She leaned across the table until she was close to him, and he leaned toward her and she said, “Does the silk feel nice against that big cock?” Alex wasn't expecting that and as soon as she said it, that cock twitched, like it was trying to get out and thank her himself. Feeling his face heat up he said,

  “Yeah, it does.”

  The waiter came back and took their orders. When he left again she said, “I see Mike told you to bring the bag, good.” He lifted it up and set it on the table.

  “Yep. Can I open it now?”

  “Not here,” she said with a smile. “It's for later. Did you have a beer with Levi?” Alex was curious about the bag, but took her cue and set the bag back down on the seat next to him before saying,

  “Yeah, I had about a quarter of one. I was a little worried…about you.”

  “Did you think I wouldn't find time for you on your birthday?”

  “No…well, not really. I guess it crossed my mind.”

  She laughed. “Levi said you were pouting.”

  Alex drew his brows together. “When did you talk to Levi?”

  “Before and after you had a beer with him. He was keeping you away from the apartment so I could leave the clothes, then I went home and fed Theo and showered and called him to make sure you got my message and you were on your way.”

  “You two are sneaky. He didn't let on like he knew at all.”

  “He's a good friend. I feel bad for him about Rachel. I think he's in love with her.”

  Alex made a face. “Levi doesn't do love. Sometimes he feels more lust than usual for a woman, but I really doubt that it's love.”

  Izzy smiled. “You might be right, but I don't think so. I think he loves her and maybe when things settle down, we can do something to help.”

  “Like what?”

  “I don't know. I'm just so happy with you that I want everyone else to be happy too.” The waiter showed up with their salads and while they ate them they made small talk about Levi and Rachel and Rachel's child. Isabelle had only known Levi a short time, but unlike Alex, she seemed to think he was ready to take on being faithful to one woman, as long as it was Rachel, and being a father to her child. When they both finished their salads, the waiter took those dishes away and said he'd be right back with the entrée's. “You can open the bag now,” Izzy told him, “but just take out what's on top,” Curious, Alex set the bag back on the table and began to remove the tape. Izzy picked up her steak knife and handed it to him. He cut the top open and pulled out a small box. He pulled the top off the box and what was inside confused him even more. It was a ring…of some sort. It was thick and looked like it was made of silicone or some other kind of rubber. It was bright orange and looked like it would wrap around two or even three of his fingers. He looked up at Izzy and said,

  “It's…nice. Thanks.”

  She threw her pretty head back and laughed. “You don't know what it is, do you?” Embarrassed, he shook his head. She leaned in again and he did too. He could smell the freshness of her hair and he had an overwhelming desire to bury his face in it. “It's a cock ring.”

  “Excuse me?”

  She gave him a wicked smile and said, “I'd like you to go into the bathroom and get yourself hard…and put it on.”

  Alex looked around again, just to make sure the waiter wasn't waiting nearby with the lasagna in his hands. “Put it on, here, at the restaurant?”

  “Yep, right here at the restaurant.”

  “Um…wow, I don't know…”

  “Are you refusing, because I could go in there with you and punish you for refusing me.”

  He chuckled. “No, that won't be necessary. I'd never refuse you. I'm just not sure I know how to put it on.”

  “Just make sure your cock is semi-erect and then slide it on, all the way down to the base of the shaft, and then you leave it there. Hurry back, the lasagna will be here any second.” Still chuckling to himself, Alex picked up the little box and headed for the bathroom. As it turned out, he didn't have to do much to get himself aroused once he got there…just hearing Izzy say, “cock ring” had done the trick. He awkwardly applied the ring and then somewhat uncomfortably pulled his jeans back up and rejoined Izzy for dinner. He had to admit that every day with her was a new adventure…and he almost couldn't wait to see what came next.


  Izzy was amused by the look on Alex's face as he came back to the table. She could see the faint outline of his erection in his jeans, and he was walking slightly funny. As he slid into the booth again in front of the lasagna that had been delivered to the table while he was gone she said,

  “Do you like your first present?”

  He smiled and looked embarrassed and then he said, “The jury is still out.”

  She giggled and picked up her fork. While they ate, they made small talk and Alex told her that his parents had invited them for dinner on Sunday evening. She was somewhat nervous about meeting them, but excited at the same time. It would be the first time she'd ever done the “meet the parents” thing, but since they had raised Alex, she already had a good impression of what kind of people they must be. The conversation was easy, and Alex raved about how good the food was, but after a while she started to notice that he seemed to be having a little trouble foc
using. She smiled inwardly, knowing that the stimulation and foreign feel of the ring on his cock, as well as the anticipation of what was to come, probably had him hard as a rock by now. That thought made her own ability to focus slightly harder as well.

  After the waiter picked up their dinner plates, two waitresses came out with him and they brought the cake that Izzy had ordered. It was Alex's favorite, dark chocolate with whipped cream frosting and chocolate sauce. They sang happy birthday to him and by the time he blew out his candle, his cheeks were glowing. They shared the small cake and had a cup of coffee and while Izzy sipped hers she said,

  “So, what did you wish for?”

  “I can't tell you, it won't come true.”

  “It wasn't easy, you know.”

  “Why is that?” she asked. He looked at her with desire swimming in his soft brown eyes and said,

  “Because I have everything I want and need already.”

  Izzy smiled. “Well, I hope you get whatever it was you wished for…maybe before the night is over. Are you ready?” Alex nodded and reached for his wallet. “Uh uh, it's all been taken care of already,” she said. She could tell it was hard for him to put his wallet back. He wasn't used to someone else paying. When you're a billionaire, people usually just waited for you, she supposed. Once he tucked his wallet away, she stood up and held her hand out to him. He let his eyes caress her body before he took it and she felt warmth flood her body from her head to her toes.

  He finally took her hand and she led him out of the restaurant, pausing to thank Mary Catherine, the hostess at the front, who had helped her set the night up. When they got outside, Alex looked around for the car that had brought him, and Izzy said,

  “I have my car here.” She led him to the lot across the street and when they got to her car he said,

  “Do you want me to drive?” Izzy wasn't used to having a car again yet, and she hated driving in the city. But tonight, it was going to be necessary.

  “No, you won't be able to do that,” she told him with a smile as she hit the button to unlock the car.

  Alex looked at her quizzically as they approached it and said, “And why is that?”

  She didn't answer him until they stopped and she leaned into the car. “Open the bag again.” Alex opened the little blue gift bag. He reached inside, and she wished she would have had her phone ready to take a picture of his face when he saw what he pulled out. It was a sleep mask, a piece of rope with a loop on each end and a pair of earplugs.

  “Interesting,” he said with a nervous smile.

  “Get in the passenger side,” she told him, pulling open the driver's side door. She was in her seat behind the wheel when he got in, still looking down at the things in his hand. “Hand me the rope,” she said. He did as she asked, and she said, “Put your hands in your lap.” He did that, and she slipped one of the loops over each one of his hands and then tightened the knots down so that he still had room for circulation. Then she took the earplugs and slowly slid one in each of his ears, pausing to kiss him softly on the lips as she did. Lastly, she slipped the mask over his eyes. Once he was all trussed up, she put his seat belt on him and started up the car. As she drove, the thought of him sitting quietly next to her, probably imagining what the rest of the night would be like, made her wet. She shivered when she thought about it, she couldn't wait.

  Izzy drove the twenty minutes down to the harbor. Levi had been a lot of help with this part. She'd heard Alex mention sailing a time or two, and she knew he owned a yacht, but that was as much information as she had. Levi knew where the yacht was docked and gave her everything she needed to be able to gain access to it.

  When they got there, she parked in the lot, put the pass Levi gave her in the windshield and then went around to the passenger side and let Alex out of the car. Removing one of his ear plugs she said, “Are you doing okay?”

  He chuckled. “Curious, but fine,” he said. “Good.” She put the earplug back in and then took him by the hand and led him down where the boat slips were. When they came to the slip where Alex's yacht was, she made him stop and she slid out the plugs and then slipped off the blindfold. When Alex saw his yacht, his face broke out into a big smile. “I haven't been out here for a long time. Things have been so busy. I really miss sailing.”

  “I heard you talking to Levi about it a couple of weeks ago. I could hear how much you missed it in your voice.” Alex grabbed her up in a hug and held her tightly.

  “Thank you. This is such a nice surprise.”

  “You're welcome. You want me to sail it?”

  Alex laughed and said, “Um…if you don't mind removing the cuffs, I'll do it.”

  She winked at him and slipped the rope off his wrists. He took her hand and led her onto the big boat. She'd been there earlier in the day, but she was still amazed at how big it was. It was larger than most of the houses she had lived in when she was a young girl and they were being transferred from one army base to the other. Everything was already set up for the night, so once they boarded, she took a seat and watched Alex in action. It was sexy watching him. He knew exactly what he was doing and he moved around effortlessly while he did it. Once things were ready, he started the engine and got behind the wheel. He held his arm out to her and she got up and stood with him, cuddled up to his side, while he steered the boat out onto the open water. They moved, propelled by the engine for fifteen or twenty minutes before Alex shut it down and opened one of the sails. Izzy didn't know anything about any of it, but she trusted him completely. When that was all done, Alex slid his arms around her waist and with the peaceful silence of the dark water in the background, he kissed her, passionately. While they were pressed into each other, she could feel how excited he was, and she knew how uncomfortable he had to be in his jeans at this point…not to mention the somewhat tight, silk underwear.

  When they broke the kiss, Izzy took his hand again and led him to the stairs. “Is it all okay up here for now?” she asked him.

  “All good,” he told her.

  “Good.” She led him down the stairs and then into the master sleeping quarters. She picked up the candle lighter and lit the candles that she had arranged earlier on the nightstand next to the bed. Once illuminated, Alex could see the dark red rose petals that she had scattered across the white comforter.

  “Wow, you were busy today.”

  “Take off your clothes,” she said in response, “except the underwear.” He laughed and started stripping. While he did that, she took off her coat and then peeled off her dress. The open skylight above them let in cool air and she shivered…but she liked it. Once their bodies were tangled up, they'd create enough heat of their own that neither of them would be cold. Isabelle stopped undressing when she got to her black thong, and black strapless bra. She left on her heels and stood there in front of him for a second, loving that hungry look in his eyes as he drank her in. He was stripped down to nothing but that black silk underwear now and with his raging cock, they were extremely tight. She stepped up closer to him and let her hand run across the soft material and press into the hard mass underneath. He sucked in a breath through his teeth and growled when she squeezed his cock. “Go ahead and sit down on the bed,” she told him.

  Alex sat down and as soon as he did, Izzy reached back and unhooked her bra, letting it fall to the floor before stepping up close to him and putting her breasts into his face. “Suck on them for me.” Alex began to lick her hard nipples and swirl his tongue around the outside. He used his hands to press them together and then licked across the mountain of flesh that he'd pushed together. Excitement was pouring out of her and running down the insides of her thighs. She let her hand slide down her body and into the front of that black thong until she found her own clit. While Alex nibbled and sucked at her breasts, she began to rub her fingers in circles over the hard nub. Her breaths were coming harder and faster and when Alex took a break from making love to her breasts, he looked up at her face and said,

  “Mm, th
at's hot baby. I want to watch you make yourself come.”

  Alex made her want to touch herself, sometimes at inappropriate times of the day. He drove her crazy. He held onto her hips and she slid a finger up into her soaked pussy and let her head drop back. When it did she saw the stars against the black sky and smiled. Somewhat reluctantly she pulled away from him and took her hands out of her thong. She began to lick her fingers one by one as he watched with a lust-crazed look in his eyes. “You want to watch me, baby?” she whispered.

  “Fuck yeah.”

  “Mm.” She looked up at the skylight again and back at him. Alex grinned, and she knew that he knew what she was thinking. “Go up and watch me, baby. Spy on me. I'm your guest…I don't know you're there…”

  Alex stood up and she could tell that his legs were shaking. He tried to kiss her, but she pushed his chest away and said, “You're just taking me for a boat ride Mr. Romaletti, don't get fresh.”

  Alex laughed, and she watched him disappear up the stairs. Once he was gone, she reached into the drawer of the bedside table and took out what she'd left there earlier in the day and lay it on the pillow next to her. Then she lay her body back against the white comforter with the red rose petals. She closed her eyes and imagined that she thought she was alone. She thought she was in a private place. She slipped her hands down again, this time rubbing them all over her breasts and stomach before reaching the tops of her thighs. She used her left hand to move the string of the thong to the side and with her right hand, she slid two fingers up into her drenched pussy. Knowing Alex was up there now…watching her, was turning her on.


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