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Born To Fly: Landing In Love

Page 7

by Desconhecido(a)

  * * * *

  Bliss shook with the force of her anger. She’d come down from her shower and overheard Erich encouraging Mateo to join the military. Not just to join, but becoming a pilot. The world shifted on its axis and not in a good way. Not in the least. She’d done her best to encourage Mateo to do something other than the military. Sports. Piano. Something that didn’t put his life in danger.

  “Where’s Erich?” Mateo asked coming back inside.

  “He left,” she bit off.

  Mateo stood in front of her. “You overheard?”


  He didn’t drop his eyes, Mateo held her gaze. “I know you don’t want me to join the military, Bliss, but I want to serve. And I think I would be a great asset to the Spanish Armed Forces. More specifically, the Air Force.”

  “And the danger?” Her belly clenched with nauseating fear at the thought of losing him.

  “The world is a dangerous place. I can help keep you safe if I’m out there, as I would be charged with protecting the sovereignty and independence of this country.”

  “You know what? You’re damn near old enough to do what you want. You want to join, join. In fact,” she tossed her cell phone at him, “take Major Stark’s number off my phone and call him.” Blinded by tears she refused to allow to spill in front of Mateo, she stumbled upstairs and collapsed on her bed.

  Bliss cried until there were no tears left to cry. Pushing up from her position, she headed to the bathroom and ran herself a bath. She grabbed her music, stripped, and put her ear buds in before stepping into the warm water. Sinking down to her neck, she leaned her head back against a towel and put her player beside her and closed her eyes. The jets in the tub massaged her muscles and relaxed her. She felt betrayed. That was the bottom line. She felt like her territory had been encroached upon. Bliss was bitter and angry. With a deep breath, she cleared her mind and allowed the instrumental music to flow through her. Bliss remained in the tub until the playlist had shut off. Feeling a bit more in control, she turned off the jets and slowly got out.

  Dry, the anger began to surface again. How dare he? How dare he try to influence my brother like that! Her hand clutched into a fist and Bliss struggled for control. I need to let it go. Mateo is a man who can make up his own mind. The pep talk didn’t help. She’d really hoped Mateo had gotten this out of his system, in fact she’d believed he had. He’d not mentioned it to her in a long time.

  Bliss headed to bed. Sleep. Maybe all I need is some sleep. She crawled beneath the dark chestnut and lilac comforter, curled up into a little ball and fell into a troubled rest. It was early when she woke and got out of bed. Almost in a trance, Bliss got ready for her day. Bag in hand she walked downstairs and out the door, opting to get coffee on her way to work, instead of making it at home.

  Once at her studio, she warmed up and began to dance. Before too long, Raul arrived and they began to work on their dance for the annual fair in Seville. They practiced long and hard until her first class arrived. With a kiss on the cheek for Raul, she turned her attention to her students. All day long she kept pushing. Not giving herself a moment to stop and think about what she may have lost. Or what she may lose if something happened to her brother.

  At the end of the day, Bliss found Jorge waiting for her by her car. Rolling her shoulders, she stared at him. “Hey, Jorge.”

  “English?” he said lifting a brow.

  “Not in the mood for your shit, Jorge,” she snapped, still speaking English. “You have a problem with the language I’m speaking? Go away.”

  Jorge planted his hand on her arm. “Bliss, I know I can be a pain more often than not, but I do consider us friends. Talk to me.”

  She shuddered and didn’t argue when he wrapped her in his arms. He smells weird to me. I miss the sandalwood and leather that combines so well with Erich’s scent. Jorge smells designer. “You know I’ve done my best to keep Mateo away from the military,” she said in Spanish.

  “Of course. Everyone who knows you does. Why?”

  “I caught him having a conversation with a pilot who agreed to give him a letter of recommendation to help his chances of getting in.” Bliss licked her lips. “I feel so…I don’t know what I feel. Hurt. Pain. Betrayal. And yet part of me I don’t think I have a right to be.”

  Her hands curved into fists and she rested the heels against her eyes. Sitting on the trunk of her car, she took deep shaky breaths as Jorge rubbed his hands up and down her arms, the top of her head against his chest.

  “You have a right to be, Bliss. Stop trying to be so perfect all the time.” She lifted her head from her hands to stare at him. He merely arched a brow. “Don’t give me that look, Bliss Ceri Esparza. We both know you never want anyone to see you at your weak times. I was there when you lost your mama and when you lost your papa. You didn’t want to cry in public.” He gripped her chin and held her immobile. “You are human. You are allowed to have moments of stupidity, selfishness, and even irrationality. So let yourself be emotional and human, Bliss. Just let it happen.”

  This is why I put up with him. Because there are these moments. “There are moments where you are actually very insightful and dare I say it…sweet, Jorge Colón. Thank you.”

  “Only to you, Bliss. No matter what, we’ve been through a lot together. And I will always be here for you.”

  Wrapping her arms around him she held him close. “I know you will. And thank you for that. But I don’t want to be nice. I want to be angry.”

  He shrugged. “Then be angry. Just remember, Mateo isn’t seven anymore and you know he loves planes. He’s just tried not to show you that since you were so against it. Why wouldn’t he ask the man you bring into his life who happens to be a pilot?”

  “Then let him fly commercial planes!” she cried. “Why does he have to join the military?”

  “You need to talk to him about that, Bliss. I can’t answer it.” Jorge stepped back and met her gaze. “Come on, how about dinner with an old friend?”

  “I’d like that.” Wiping her eyes, Bliss slid off her car and moved to the driver’s door. “Where to?”

  He stared at her, one brow raised. “Really? You have to ask?”

  “Just making sure,” she hastened to reassure him. “I didn’t want my old friend to assume I was using him for his restaurant.”

  “Right,” he scoffed. “I’ll meet you there.”

  Not much later she sat across from Jorge at a table in his establishment. Bliss felt better as she joked with Jorge. Pointing her fork at him, she said, “I like this side of you, Jorge. You’re actually a lot of fun when you’re not telling me I need to marry, cook, clean, and bear kids for some man.”

  “I just want you taken care of, Bliss.”

  She laughed. “How is all of that me being taken care of? I’d be busier than I am now.”

  “I know and I realize that. I guess I had always wanted you in that position with me, but watching you these past few months with Major Stark I’ve come to see you happy. Truly happy and that’s all I want for you.” Jorge scowled slightly. “Even if he is a Texan.”

  Bliss ate a bite of her churro and rolled her eyes. Jorge did his best to forget she had dual citizenship with the United States. He didn’t like that country much. “Well, that relationship is questionable now.”

  “Because of the letter?”

  “It’s like he walked into my house and tried to recruit my brother. My baby brother,” she seethed.

  “Who’s almost eighteen.”

  With a sigh, Bliss looked at him. “So you’re saying I overreacted.”

  It wasn’t a question. It didn’t have to be asked. She knew she had. Damn it all, it’s my job to protect my family. I can’t…I won’t apologize for that.

  “I’m just saying there’s more to this than what you overheard.”

  “You’re right. Did I forget to mention the talk about the number of women who liked pilots?” Her fingers clenched the fork in her hand as if it were a p
iece of coal and she was trying to create a diamond.

  “Nothing I say is going to help, we both know that. If it would have, I’d tell you to listen to what you’re raving about. It’s not fair, not to Erich, not to Mateo. And not to you.” Jorge stood and reached out a hand. “Come on, Bliss. Let’s take a walk.”

  It was past midnight when she made it back home. Mateo sat on the bottom of the stairs and pushed to his feet when she entered.

  “Bliss,” he said, reaching out a hand to her.

  “I’m tired.”

  Bliss moved past him and went to her room, closing the door with more force than necessary. Despite the late hour she arrived home, Bliss was out of the house by five the next morning, courtesy of the phone call she received at four-thirty.

  Chapter Seven

  Erich checked his phone for the twentieth time in five minutes. The base was on lockdown, he couldn’t leave. All day yesterday he’d tried calling Bliss and had gotten no response. At ten when he’d called the house, Mateo told him she wasn’t home and he had no clue where she was. Now it was nearly noon and he still hadn’t gotten in touch with her. Back and forth he paced, like a caged tiger.

  Each second seemed like an eternity to him. Flipping open his telephone, he pressed the call button. One ring. Two. Three. Four. And five. Then the message.

  “Bliss, it’s Erich. I’ve been tryin’ to get in touch with you, darlin’. We can’t leave the base, please call me and let me know you’re okay. I need to know if we’re okay too.” He paused. “I miss you, darlin’.”

  Erich ended the call and ran a hand over his face as he sat down on the bench. “This is not what I need right now,” he groused.

  After another five minutes of waiting, he got to his feet and shoved his phone in his pocket. Walking around he waited impatiently for his phone to ring. A few guys caught up to him and roped him into playing basketball. That took a few hours and he checked to see if she’d called as he headed back to his room. She hadn’t. Keeping an eye on the time, he called her house around eight. Nothing.

  With a muttered curse, he scrolled through his call list and pulled up Mateo’s number. While the phone rang, he sat down on the edge of his narrow bed and toed off his cowboy boots.

  “Hola, Erich,” Mateo said.

  “Hi, Mateo. Sorry to bother you again, but I’m trying to get in touch with your sister.”

  “She’s avoiding you.”

  Erich slid back to rest against the wall. “Because I offered to write a letter for you?”

  “Si. I’m sorry, this is my fault and when she gets back I’ll help you corner her so you two can talk.”

  Cornering her may be the only way that happens. “It’s not your fault, Mateo. But can you tell me why she’s so against you joining?”

  “I think she’s scared I will go and never come back, I really don’t know. I did my best to try and love something else, but the sky calls to me. Does that make sense?”

  So she wants to keep her brother safe. And to her that means keeping him out of the military. Why is she dating me then? Does she not think of this like I do? His heart sank again. “Yes, it does.” Pulling his legs up on the bed, Erich switched the phone to his other ear. “Now, you said ‘when she gets back’. Where is she?”

  “She left today for Vila Nova de Milfontes.”

  He frowned. “I don’t recognize the name. Where is that?”

  “Portugal, a small town along the Atlantic Ocean.”

  “Oh, did she say when she was coming back?” Why is she in Portugal?

  “I’m not sure. She got the call early this morning, I guess it was, that her friend, Mirari, was having her baby. All she left me was a note saying where and why she was going, not when she’d be back.”

  “Okay. Thank you, Mateo.”

  “For what it’s worth, I know she really doesn’t blame you. She was just taking it out on you.”

  “Thanks kid.”

  “You’re welcome.” Mateo hung up the phone.

  Closing his cell, Erich rested his forearms across his knees. “Seems like you and I have a bit more talking to do, Bliss Esparza.”

  As he sat there, Erich realized that during the time he and Bliss had been together, she always seemed to keep a part of her out of his reach. He knew she was a private person, but maybe it was her way of maintaining a distance, just in case.

  “We should have done a lot more talking.”

  With a glance at the clock, he got to his feet and changed into workout pants and a comfortable shirt. Opening the door, he made it one step before his cell rang.

  “Major Stark,” he said.

  “We’re up in twenty.” The line went dead.

  Spinning around, Erich got into his flight suit and hurried to the hangar. The rest of his squadron arrived not long after. Their CO briefed them quickly and before he knew it, Erich was waiting for the go signal for takeoff. He streaked down the runway and took to the night sky, adjusted trajectory and headed for the Atlantic Ocean.

  Erich could feel the exhaustion weighing upon his shoulders when he finally made it back to Morón. He kept to himself as they walked from the hangar. A jeep pulled up beside him and he looked over to see Tom sitting in it.

  “Let me give you a ride,” Tom said.

  With a shrug, Erich jumped easily up in the vehicle. “Thanks.”

  “I owe you. You had to go up because I’m grounded until they give me another eye exam.”

  “Sorry to hear that, Tom.” Erich meant it. This was something all pilots dreaded, failing their eye exam. “I hope it all works out for you.”

  “Me too, but Lisa, I think she’d be fine if it didn’t, to tell you the truth. She’s been after me for a while now to think about something else.”

  He glanced at his friend. “And?” Erich asked. “What are you thinking?”

  “I live to fly. She knew that when she married me. I don’t know if I can quit. Even if I can’t fly again, I don’t think I’d give up the Air Force.”

  Bliss’ face came to mind. Could he give this up for her? Swallowing, Erich shifted on the seat. “I wish there were something I could say, Tom.”

  “Not your fault. Good news though, the lockdown is over, so you can get to Bliss.”

  “Bliss is in Portugal.” Not to mention there is still no message from her.

  “I don’t think so, man. I know you’ve been gone for a week, but I saw her last night for our lesson. So unless she has a perfect double, she’s back.” Tom stopped in front of the building where his room was and Erich jumped out. “Although, maybe you should leave her alone a bit. She looks exhausted.”

  “What do you mean exhausted?” Erich demanded, leaning back in the jeep, one hand resting upon the frame.

  “The usual definition of the word. Tired. Worn out.”

  “Did she seem okay?”

  “Daredevil, do I look like Dr. freakin’ Phil to you? All I know is she looked exhausted. Damn man, go call your woman.”

  “Yeah. I’ll do that. Thanks for the ride.”

  Tom waved and drove off.

  Erich entered the building. Go call your woman. Hell, I’ve done that so much I could officially be called a stalker. And yet, there was nothing from her. Sticking his hand into his pocket, he withdrew his phone and it began to ring. Okay, that was just freaky.

  The caller id said it was Mateo’s number. “Mateo?” he asked. “Everything okay?”

  “Are you free for the rest of the day?”

  “As far as I know, yes.” He walked to his room. “Why?”

  “Can you come to the park in two hours, the one the three of us had lunch one day? I need to talk to you. I’ll be by the flamenco statue.”

  There was an odd tone to his voice. “Of course. Mateo, are you in some kind of trouble?”

  “Two hours.” Click. He was gone.

  After a hot shower, Erich got ready to go. He knew he would be early, but damn it, Mateo sounded stressed. Besides, after I talk to Mateo, I can go to h
er house and get this straightened out. So he left.

  Bliss tried to ignore the fear that had lodged in her chest. She ran through the park, desperate to get to her brother. What the hell is going on? They hadn’t said much to one another since the whole thing with Erich, but she’d be damned if she wasn’t there for him. She didn’t feel any better when the statue came into view. It was huge and surrounded by a small pool of water. People hung out there, tossed in coins, sang, and more.

  None of that mattered, all she knew was that Mateo wasn’t on this side of it. She ran around the other side. “Mate—”

  Ummph. She hit something hard and got the wind knocked out of her.

  “Easy there.” Hands settled around her waist, steadying her.

  The voice was deep, masculine and drawling. I know that voice. And I definitely know the hands around me. Opening her eyes she gasped at the sight. Tall, tanned, and Texan. Erich Stark and his incredible cobalt blue eyes stood there.

  “Bliss,” he said. He sounded relieved.

  Instead of letting go, he drew her closer to him. It was heaven being in his arms again, but there was something more pressing she had to deal with at the moment.

  “Mateo. Have you seen him?” Erich frowned slightly. “Have you seen my brother?” she asked, peering around him, her hands resting against the bend of his arms.

  “No, and I don’t think you’ll find him here,” Erich commented in his lazy sensual tone.

  She snapped her gaze up to his. “What do you mean? He just called me, said he was here and he needed me.”

  One brown brow rose. “Oh, so your phone does work, I had begun to wonder.”

  Her cheeks reddened with embarrassment. “Why do you say I won’t find him here?” She was determined not to get sidetracked.

  “He called me too. I think this is your brother’s way of getting us together to talk.” His fingers began to move in small circles on her sides.

  Erich’s words and his touch were making it very hard to concentrate. Pushing against him, she found it was no use. She couldn’t escape his embrace. “Do you mind?”


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