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Page 8

by Regina Carlysle

  “Stop that now. Nobody thinks anything of the kind. Everyone here knows of your powers and that you’re working to control them. The way I see it, darlin’, you prevented some bad things happening at the school today.”

  “Listen to Gabe. He’s right.” Joe set his cup down with a snap and leaned forward in the chair behind his desk. His brown eyes focused steadily on Katalin. “You are part of the pack. One of us and we are proud of you. You have been through a hell of a lot yet you have come through it better than most would. That speaks highly of your character.”

  Kat rubbed at her forehead and her weariness reached out to him. Gabe captured her hand and held it. “Joe called us here because he wants the details of what happened today. Are you up to talking?”

  She shook her head. He wasn’t about to force her to do anything she didn’t want. Protective instincts prompted him to put his arm around her to draw her close. She instantly relaxed. Looking at his alpha, Gabe related the details of events at the school. Joe’s eyes widened. It was quite a feat for a small lycan female to mentally lift two young males from the ground and separate them while in the midst of a fight. A true testament to exactly how powerful she was.

  “Damn. That’s amazing.” Joe shook his head and stared at Katalin. “And here we believed your sister to be one of the most powerful lycan females we’d ever seen. I think you have her beat, little sister.”

  Gabe looked down at Kat and placing a finger beneath her chin lifted her face. “You have nothing to fear and nothing to worry about, sweetheart.” Relief flooded her features and she smiled looking from him to the other occupants of the room.

  Quinn sat quietly before finally speaking up. “I told Joe what you did at Poteet’s that day. It was just a fun little thing with the clothing dancing everywhere but I knew then you must have so much untapped power.”

  “Which leads me to my next question,” Joe said. “How much more powerful will you be once you two have consummated your union?” Kat’s fair complexion bloomed with color and Gabe felt her body heat kick up a notch. Joe shook his head. “I’m sorry to put you on the spot because the time and date of your consummation is entirely up to you two. Dr. Santos advised that it was best to keep you apart for awhile and I’ll admit I thought it was a good idea at the time.”

  Gabe spoke up then. “I thought so too at first, Joe, and I didn’t like it one bit. Being separated from your intended mate is pure torture but I figured she might know what she was talking about. After all, she’s a lycan psychiatrist. Turned out she was wrong. We work together on controlling Kat’s powers every day and rather than mess with her head, I’ve calmed her emotions some.”

  “It’s true,” Kat said with quiet conviction. “My emotions were all over the place and Gabe and I have figured out that with him by my side, I’m able to focus. Today was the first time I’ve done something truly big and done it on my own.”

  Joe smiled. “I’m glad for you.”

  “But that’s not entirely true,” Quinn said. She leaned forward a bit, smiling. “During lunch at Poteet’s that day, you were with friends. Me, Sara, and Rayne are your biggest champions. I’m beginning to think you were comfortable with us, relaxed, ya know? We were laughing and talking…just being friends and your power surfaced in a totally controlled way.”

  “I won’t always be with Gabe or friends though and that’s scary,” Kat responded softly. “What if the next time, I hurt someone?”

  Gabe looked at her. “Nobody got hurt today. You have to begin to believe in yourself as we do.”

  “Which brings me back to the purpose of this little meeting.” Joe poured himself another cup of coffee from a pitcher on the desk. “Consummation. Now you two will do what you must and believe me, nobody will celebrate more following your consummation than Quinn and me. I just want you to keep in mind that those bastards from east Texas want Katalin and considering the range of her power, we need her able to shift into her wolf for her own protection.

  “While it’s true we haven’t heard much out of them for awhile, I have no reason to believe they are less interested in capturing Katalin and forcing a consummation.” Gabe’s blood ran cold at the reminder of the wolves who wanted his mate. He’d been so concerned with helping her learn to control her powers he had neglected protecting her from those who might harm her. Simply consummating their union would protect her because she would be lost to the Hellfire assholes forever. Guilt filled him up. Damn it! He knew better. Joe continued to eye him steadily.

  “Now I don’t want to push you two but today Katalin showed an ability to handle and control her powers and I believe you were a major part in helping her do that, Gabriel.”

  “I know it’s true,” Katalin said, vehemence in her tone. “I’m calm with Gabriel and he has taught me how to focus in a way I never could before.”

  Gabe looked at his mate then at Joe. “Katalin and I obviously have a lot to talk about but you’re right, Joe.” He grinned over at Quinn. “Suspect you ladies will be arranging a consummation party here in the next week or so.” His heart in his throat, he looked at Kat and saw that her eyes were shiny with tears. Her emotions roared from her to him. Joy. Affection. Love.


  Gabe closed his eyes briefly and pulled her against him. Leaning close he whispered, “That’s assuming the lady agrees.”

  “Oh I do. I do agree.”

  Joe grinned broadly and stood from his seat, presumably to offer his approval when the doorbell rang. Quinn got to her feet with a smile. “I’ll get it. Hey honey, why don’t you pour us all a celebration drink or something. I’ll be right back.”

  Gabe stood and shook hands with Joe, receiving his congratulations. Katalin was laughing as Quinn stepped back into the room, her frown signaling trouble. A massive Native American stood behind her in the doorway. From his scent, Gabe knew he was lycan. The man, big as a damn mountain, followed Quinn into the room and sent a dark, black-as-night gaze over the group.

  Immediately, he removed his Stetson and reached for Joe’s hand. “I’m Samuel Rainwater. Sorry as hell to barge in on you folks this late but I really could use your help. I’ve heard you run an efficient and strong pack. Not a begging man but I’ll beg if I have to.”

  Joe nodded grimly and made quick introductions. “This is Gabriel Dunham. He is our Sheriff and the toughest lawman in these parts. Why don’t you tell us what we can do to help you, Samuel.”


  “Okay Sam, why don’t you take a seat and tell me what we can do to help.”

  Quinn shoved a squat glass half filled with whiskey into the newcomer’s hand and he accepted it. He took a bracing drink. “Think I’ll stand if you don’t mind.”

  Joe nodded and took his seat but suddenly Gabriel didn’t feel like sitting either. Trouble was brewing. He could practically feel it shimmering in the air. Rainwater, stoic as hell, carried about him an air of quiet desperation and Gabe figured it took a hell of a big problem to send a man like him looking for help. “What pack do you belong to, brother?” he asked.

  Samuel shook his head. “None. I’m not a wolf who likes to depend on others. Right now I live in south central Texas where I raised my sister. We did okay until recently.”

  “Talk to us.” Joe’s body radiated power as he watched the man.

  “You men ever hear of the Hellfire pack?” A heavy silence filled the room and finally Sam continued with a nod. “I can see that you have. The bastards took my little sister, Julie. She shows latent psychic abilities and from what I hear they are collecting our unmated and gifted females to force consummations within their pack.”

  Icy fear settled in Gabe’s belly, along with a hefty dose of rage. “Where did they get her?”

  Sam’s features were grim. “She is a college student in Austin. She’d told me over the past few weeks that she’d had visions and she was scared. I know her psychic abilities won’t be fully realized until she is mated so she can often be wrong about things. Julie was just
so certain. Don’t like seeing her scared so I was heading that way, figuring I’d fetch her home for awhile.” Rainwater finished his drink and set the empty glass on the edge of Joe’s desk. He closed his eyes briefly as if to control his emotions and when he opened them again, Gabe recognized the desolation. “Julie met friends for drinks that night but later, when she headed to her car, the pricks grabbed her. I’ve never felt so helpless in my life. Her friends found her purse on the sidewalk next to her car and one of them found my number on her cell phone. She called to tell me Julie had disappeared. Human police in Austin are looking for her but I fucking know who has her. By the time I got there, their scent was everywhere. Gods!”

  Quinn walked up to him, compassion evident on her face. “Let us help you, Sam.”

  Gabe saw the flash of relief on the lycan’s face. “Are you psychic too, Rainwater?”

  Sam shook his head and held up one big hand. “I only have my hands and my strength but even that wasn’t enough to save her. I let her down.”

  Understanding the extremely protective instincts inborn in male lycans, Gabriel recognized the guilt. Oh yeah. He’d felt that before himself on plenty of occasions and his heart went out to the man. “We’ll get her back.”

  Joe rested his hand on the phone. “Being a lone wolf might sound great in theory my brother, but it definitely has its drawbacks. Join us. We could use a man like you and when we find your sister she will have the protection of the pack.” Gabe felt the steady gaze of his alpha as Joe picked up the phone and began to dial. “Call Cactus, Gabriel, and I’ll call Ringo. I think it’s time to rally the pack and see what we can do.”

  * * * * *

  Kat leaned against the wall near the front door of Joe and Quinn’s beautiful home and stared up into Gabriel’s eyes. He hadn’t even left yet and already her heart mourned for him. He leaned against her, caging her in, his arm resting along the wall near her head. “Take me with you. Please, Gabriel. I can help. I know it.”

  “No, darlin’. You are the most powerful woman I know but your powers are too new. I’m not going to have you exposed to danger,” he counted grimly. “These are the very lycans who want to capture you for themselves and I don’t want you within a thousand miles of the bastards.”

  Early this morning it had been decided that Katalin would stay at Joe and Quinn’s place while the men and Sara headed for east Texas to find Julie Rainwater. The thought of what the young woman might be facing at the hands of these monsters made Kat’s blood run cold and more than anything, she wanted to help.

  “You all ganged up on me, Gabe and I don’t appreciate it.”

  “We ganged up on you because, despite that soft appearance, you are hardheaded and stubborn. I won’t put you in danger. Staying here makes sense. Some of the cowboys will be here at the ranch, Quinn is here and Maria. You need to be with others and you’ll be safer here than with me.” Gabe softened his words by kissing her slowly. Finally he lifted his head. He traced the curve of her cheek with one finger. “Don’t you know it kills me to leave you, sweetheart? But I would just curl up and die if anything happened to you. You’ll be safe here. Now no more arguing. You hear?”

  Kat knew she had no choice. She’d have to stay here and worry along with Quinn, Rayne and the other mates. “And you won’t be able to call?”

  Gabe shook his head. “I don’t think so. Where we’re heading is scarcely populated and cell phone service will be downright iffy. If there’s an emergency, I’ll be able to contact the dispatch office with my radio and they can pass a message to you. You can do the same. If you need me for anything at all, Quinn or one of the cowboys can drive you into town to the sheriff’s office and they can put you through to me. Got it?”

  She didn’t like this one little bit but she nodded. The time for the departure of the group of Wolf Creek lycans was upon her. At the moment, they were the only two people in the house with everyone else saying their goodbyes outside. Dread consumed her. This marked the first time she and Gabe would be truly apart since the day he’d saved her in Mexico. How would she manage without him? Unable to prevent it, her eyes filled with tears. “I’m going to miss you so much.”

  “Ah, honey. I’ll miss you too but I promise I’ll be careful and before you know it I’ll be back in Cloverfield giving you a hard time.”

  Gabe kissed her again, long and slow. The sweetness of his touch captured her breath and as despair dragged her under, she clung to him, needing him like she needed air. “Gabe? Gabe come back to me, be safe. I love you.”

  Gabriel went still, his beautiful eyes intense. His emotions ripped through her with enough force that she gasped. This time, his kiss was savage, raw, as he blanketed her with loving emotion. “Damn, woman,” he whispered against her lips. “You stole my heart from the first second I looked at you. I never imagined to find my mate much less love her so goddamned much. You are my life and my heart.”


  “I love you, Katalin. I’ll be home to you soon and you’d better prepare yourself. The next time I see you we are consummating things. Believe it.”

  Moments later, she, Quinn and Rayne stood together watching the parade of trucks drive down the long road leading away from the Wolf Creek Ranch. “They’ll be all right,” Rayne said quietly. “Ringo is tough. Scary tough.”

  “Yep. Joe too,” Quinn said as the three of them watched dust kicked up by the vehicles passing hang heavy in the air. “They’ll all be okay, ladies. I know it. I just hope they get there in time to help the Rainwater girl.”

  Katalin understood the fear they were so bravely trying to hide. It occurred to her they were really no different from human women who watched their men, their sons and daughters head off to war or take up dangerous professions. In the end, they all loved the same. Quinn and Rayne stepped away and both turned to look at her.

  “You okay, honey?” Rayne asked running a hand down her arm.

  Emotion clogged her throat and tears burned across the surface of her eyes. “Uh-huh,” she choked. She knuckled a tear from her cheek and tried like hell to smile. “Um. Gabe just told me he loves me.”

  And just like that she burst into tears. Quinn and Rayne, sisters of her heart hugged her tightly as she cried it out. Finally they pulled back and Quinn wiped some tears of her own. “Hell, I think this calls for a celebration, don’t you? It’s not every day a stubborn male lycan admits his love. I say we have a nice little girls’ day, what do you think? Maria makes a mean margarita.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me,” Rayne said. She took Katalin’s arm and together they walked into the house.

  * * * * *

  Several days later Katalin was working in the library when she noted it was time for lunch. As was her habit, she planned to walk the short distance to Poteet’s where she’d meet the girls for a quick bite to eat. She hadn’t heard a word from Gabriel since the first night he was gone. The men and her sister, Sara, had holed up in a small fishing cabin near a lake in the area where they were searching for Julie Rainwater and the connection had been really fuzzy, cutting in and out until Kat wanted to scream. Quinn and Rayne both had the same problems talking with their mates and they had all been assured that if there was an emergency someone would find a landline and call.

  Fuming about the situation and wanting desperately to hear Gabe’s voice, Katalin stepped out into the early afternoon sunshine feeling mighty jealous of Sara who was in east Texas with her mate and in a position to help because of the sheer strength, speed and power she possessed. Kat adjusted the strap of her purse on her shoulder and stuck out her bottom lip. Surely they could use someone who could move things around? Seriously.

  She’d just started down the sidewalk when Dee Santos pulled up next to her. “Hop in, Kat,” she said. “Hurry.”

  Alarm swept through Kat at the tension radiating in Dee’s voice. Wasting no time, she got into the car and Dee immediately pulled out at a fast clip. “What’s up? What’s wrong?”

  Dee co
ntinued down Main but turned off, bypassing Poteet’s On the Prairie and heading out of town. “I just ran into the dispatcher at the sheriff’s office, Kat. Gabe called in a bit ago. The cell phone connection is almost nonexistent but he wants you and me to head out there. I’m taking us to Joe’s plane right now so we can get there at a decent hour.”

  “Wait! Wait! I don’t understand. Is everything okay? Start at the beginning.” This was so sudden that Kat was terrified that something was wrong.

  Dee reached over and patted her knee. “Don’t panic. If I were to guess, he and Joe reconsidered what you might be able to do to help them in finding Julie. The dispatcher didn’t say. I had parked at the post office next door and was just getting in the car when she flagged me down. Everyone in town knows we always have lunch together at Poteet’s, so she asked me to relay the message. I don’t really know much more but we’re to fly to an airport near Beaumont and one of the men will pick us up.”

  “I still don’t understand.”

  Dee sighed. “I think I do, honey. No doubt they have figured out where Julie is being held and they are planning a rescue but, honest to gods, we have no idea what has been done to her.” A shiver of dread whipped through Kat’s veins and she noted Dee’s grim expression. “I’m a doctor and I can help her if she needs it. She’s so young and no doubt terrified. For all we know she has already been raped and forced to shift and mate with one of those monsters.”

  “Bastards! If they hurt her there will be hell to pay.”

  “You’d better believe it. Now let’s get out of here and see what we can do to help.”

  As they pulled onto the Wolf Creek Ranch property, Kat looked at Dee. “Are we picking up some clothes?”

  “No, we’re driving to the air strip. The pack has a private air strip out here. The plane is gassed up and ready to go.”

  “Who is flying us?”

  Dee turned to her and grinned. “Me. I’m a licensed pilot. We’ll be there in a little over an hour. Woman of many talents, huh?”


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