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Elvis Presley

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by Williamson, Joel

  money from, 52, 204

  musical shows and ratings on, 49–50

  performance on, ix, 209–10, 212–19

  recordings and, 205–6

  tell-all book bodyguards’ firing and, 279–89

  bribery regarding, 281

  celebrity and impact of, 293

  drugs and drug use in, 288, 314

  from employees, 279–89

  image tarnished from, 280–81

  on personality, 287–88

  self and response to, 281–87

  sex and sexuality in, 288

  success of, 312

  violence and aggression in, 288

  Texas, 27

  “That’s all right,” xv

  “That’s All Right, Mama,” 23, 24–25, 151–52, 156

  Thompson, Linda, 258–62, 295–96

  Thus Spake Zarathustra (Strauss), 225–26

  time or time frame. See specific topics

  Tipler family, 136

  Today Show, 19

  tours, touring, or road Alden, Ginger on, 300, 301–3, 306, 313, 314

  cars on, 28–29

  clothing or outfits on, 35

  conflicts on, 52–53

  early Southern, 28–30, 38

  films on, 257–58, 330–34

  final, 312–13

  Florida, 35–37

  Grand Ole Opry Show, 29–30

  Hank Snow All-Star Jamboree, 34–35

  illness on, 277, 289, 302–3

  Las Vegas show on, 224, 225

  life on, 28–30

  money from, 224, 226, 228, 277, 302, 303, 312

  other acts on, 34–35, 52–53

  Parker, Tom’s, involvement in, 27–28, 29, 52–53, 224–26, 228–29, 302

  performances on, 228–30

  racism on, 53

  sexual life on, 31, 35

  trials or lawsuits, 5–6, 15–16, 275–80, 282–86

  Tupelo, MS. See birth and birthplace; home

  Turner, Ike, 143

  Turner, Lee, 74

  twin, stillborn, 70

  unhappiness. See discontent or unhappiness

  unions. See labor and unions

  United States. See America and Americans

  urban life, 29–30

  vanity, 136

  veterans, xvi

  Vietnam War, 246

  violence or aggression, 285–86 of “boys” or “Memphis Mafia,” 173–74, 275–77, 284–85

  in childhood, 121–22, 126–27

  labor unrest and, 74

  in Las Vegas shows, 232

  at Parchman Farm, 75, 77–80

  physical abuse or assault within, 183, 275–77, 278–80, 329

  against Presley, Vernon, 78, 79–80

  racial or racist, 206–7

  sexual, 79–80

  in tell-all book, 288

  towards women, 256

  war Cold, xix

  family and female fans impacted by, xvi, xix, 46–47

  World War II as, xvi, xix, 46–47, 95–96, 98, 102

  youth protesting Vietnam, 246

  Wardlaw, Billie, 132

  Warlick, Dan, 11–12, 321–22

  wealth. See money and wealth

  weddings, 249–50, 298–300, 313, 315

  well-being. See health and well-being

  West, Red, 275, 276, 278–89

  West, Sonny, 31–32, 174–75, 235, 245–50, 278–79, 288

  Westmoreland, Kathy, 222, 239–41, 252, 268–71, 334

  Wilcox, Eula Dorothy “Dot,” 143–44

  will, 322–24

  Williams, Tennessee, xvii, 143–44

  “Without You,” 148–49

  women. See also female fans anger or cruelty towards, 185, 238, 240, 241, 256, 268–71

  attention from, 132, 160, 240, 263

  beauty or attractiveness as requirement for, 181, 293–94, 304

  body and response of, 30

  clothing or outfits given to, 160–61, 260, 263, 265

  communication with, 133–34, 137–38, 146, 179–80, 188–89, 239, 260

  death and mourning of, 19–20

  desertion from, 256, 267–68

  drug use and, 252–53, 254, 261–63

  in Germany, 177–80

  gifts from, 266

  gifts to, 264, 265, 267, 270, 296, 303–4

  love for, 35, 159, 179–80, 260

  mother role of, 264

  musical creativity inspired by young, xi

  possessiveness or jealousy over, 161, 162, 181–82, 184–85

  Presley, Vernon, and, 182–84, 311

  pursuit and recruitment of, 179, 258–60, 262, 293–94, 304, 308, 311

  romantic relationships lacking wholeness with, 163

  self defined through, 170, 180–81

  sexuality and sexual desire of, x–xi, 25, 30–34, 215

  stage performance and, xv, xx, 25, 31–34, 214–15, 232

  violence or aggression towards, 256

  Wood, Anita, 177, 188–92

  work. See employment and employees

  Works Progress Administration (WPA), 65, 91, 96

  World War II, xvi, xix, 46–47, 95–96, 98, 102

  WPA. See Works Progress Administration

  Wynette, Tammy, 151

  youth, 149, 246–47. See also childhood




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