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Inside Steve's Brain

Page 22

by Leander Kahney

4 Ibid.

  5 Ibid., p. 15.

  6 Ibid., pp. 28-37.

  7 Ibid., p. 26.

  8 Andy Hertzfeld, Revolution in the Valley (Sebastapol, Calif.: O’Reilly Media, 2004), p. 30.

  9 “Signing Party,” Andy Hertzfeld, ( Party.txt&showcomments=1)

  10 Quoted in Steven Levy, Insanely Great: The Life and Times of Macintosh, the Computer That Changed Everything (New York: Penguin, 1994), p. 186.

  11 “Why We Buy: Interview with Jonathan Ive,” by Charles Fishman, Fast Company, Oct. 1999, p. 282. ( magazine/29/buy.html)

  12 Ibid.

  13 “PC Board Esthetics,” by Andy Hertzfeld, ( Board_Esthetics.txt)

  14 John Sculley, Odyssey: Pepsi to Apple: The Journey of a Marketing Impresario(New York: HarperCollins, 1987), p. 154.

  15 John Sculley, personal interview, December 2007.

  16 “The Guru: Steve Jobs,” by Charles Arthur, The Independent (London, UK), Oct. 29, 2005.

  17 “The Wired Interview: Steve Jobs: The Next Insanely Great Thing,” by Gary Wolf, Wired, Issue 4.02, Feb. 1996.

  18 “The Observer Profile: Father of Invention,” by John Arlidge, The Observer (UK), Dec. 21, 2003.

  19 Ibid.

  20 Design Museum interview, March 29, 2007. (http://www

  21 Ibid.

  22 “An Evening into Former Apple Industrial Designers,” public lecture, June 4, 2007, Computer History Museum, Mountain View, California.

  23 Ibid.

  24 “Radical Craft: The Second Art Center Design Conference,” by Janet Abrams, Core77 website, May 2007. (www.core77com/reactor/04.06_artcenter.asp)

  25 “The Observer Profile.”

  26 “Radical Craft.”

  27 Jonathan Ive interview, by Marcus Fairs, iconeye, icon004, July/ Aug. 2003. (

  28 “How Apple Does It,” by Lev Grossman, Time, Oct. 16, 2005. (,9171,1118384,00.html)

  29 Jonathan Ive interview, by Marcus Fairs.

  30 “Radical Craft.”

  31 Jonathan Ive interview, by Marcus Fairs.

  32 Ibid.

  33 “Radical Craft.”

  34 Design Museum interview.

  Chapter 4: Elitism: Hire Only A Players, Fire the Bozos 1 Smithsonian Institution Oral and Video Histories: “Steve Jobs.”

  2 Ibid.

  3 “If He’s So Smart... Steve Jobs, Apple, and the Limits of Innovation,” by Carleen Hawn, Fast Company, Issue 78, Jan. 2004, p.68.

  4 Brent Schlender, Cases in Organizational Behavior (Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 2004), p. 206.

  5 “How Pixar Adds a New School of Thought to Disney,” by William C. Taylor and Polly LaBarre, New York Times, Jan. 29, 2006.

  6 Ibid.

  7 Smithsonian Institution Oral and Video Histories: “Steve Jobs.”

  8 “Joining the Mac Group,” by Bruce Horn, (http:/ the_Mac_Group.txt)

  9 Essay by Steve Jobs in the premier issue of Macworld in 1984, p. 135. ( )

  10 Rolling Stone, April 4, 1996.

  11 Smithsonian Institution Oral and Video Histories: “Steve Jobs.”

  12 Sculley, Odyssey, p. 87.

  13 Geoffrey Moore, personal interview, October 2006.

  14 “Dieter Rams,” Icon Magazine, Feb. 2004.

  15 Peter Hoddie, personal interview, September 2006.

  16 “10 Years After ‘1984,’ ” by Bradley Johnson, Advertising Age, Jan. 10, 1994, pp. 1, 12-14.

  17 “Apple Endorses Some Achievers Who ‘Think Different,’ ” by Stuart Elliott, New York Times, Aug. 3, 1998.

  18 “Here’s to the Crazy Ones: The Crafting of ‘Think Different,’ ” by Lee Clow and the Team at TBWA/Chiat/Day. (http://www

  19 Sculley, Odyssey, p. 108.

  20 Ibid., p. 247.

  21 Ibid., p. 191.

  22 Ibid., p. 29.

  23 Ibid.

  24 “Apple Buffs Marketing Savvy to a High Shine,” by Jefferson Graham, USA Today, March 8, 2007. ( N.htm )

  25 Warren Berger, personal interview, October 2006.

  26 Seth Godin, personal interview, October 2006.

  27 “I Hate Macs,” by Charlie Booker, The Guardian, Feb. 5, 2007. (,,2006031,00.html)

  28 “Monday Night at the Single’s Club? Apple’s Real People,” by Andrew Orlowski, The Register, June 17, 2002. ( /2002/06/17/monday_night_at_the_singles/)

  29 “Apple Endorses Some Achievers Who ‘Think Different.’ ”

  30 Ibid.

  Chapter 5: Passion: Putting a Ding in the Universe 1 “Steve Jobs: The Rolling Stone Interview.”

  2 Edward Eigerman, personal interview, November 2007.

  3 Sculley, Odyssey, p. 164.

  4 Ibid., p. 165.

  5 John Sculley, personal interview, December 2007.

  6 “Triumph of the Nerds: How the Personal Computer Changed the World,” PBS TV show, hosted by Robert Cringely, 1996. (http://

  7 Rama Dev Jager, In the Company of Giants: Candid Conversations with the Visionaries of the Digital World (Rafael Ortiz, 1997).

  8, July 1998.

  9 “The New, Improved Steve Jobs.” Interview with Alan Deutschman, by Janelle Brown, Salon, Oct. 11, 2000. ( story/tech/books/2000/10/11/deutschman/index1.html)

  10 “Lessons Learned from Nearly Twenty Years at Apple,” by David Sobotta, Applepeels, Oct. 27, 2006. (

  Chapter 6: Inventive Spirit: Where Does the Innovation Come From? 1 “Apple Puts Power Mac G4 Cube on Ice.” ( pr/library/2001/jul/03cube.html)

  2 Andrew Orlowski in The Register, March 15, 2001. (http://www /2001/03/15/apple_abandons_cube/)

  3 “The Guts of a New Machine,” by Rob Walker, New York Times Magazine, Nov. 30, 2003. ( magazine/30IPOD.html)

  4 Sculley, Odyssey, p. 285.

  5 “The World’s 50 Most Innovative Companies,” Business Week. (

  6 Jean Louis Gassée, The Third Apple: Personal Computers and the CulturalRevolution (Orlando, Fla.: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1985), p. 115.

  7 “Apple. Yes, Steve, You Fixed It. Congrats! Now What’s Act Two?” by Peter Burrows with Jay Greene in Seattle, Business Week, July 31, 2000.(

  8 AMR Research, “The 2007 Supply Chain Top 25,” May 31, 2007. (

  9 “Steve Jobs: The Rolling Stone Interview.”

  10 “The Seed of Apple’s Innovation,” by Peter Burrows, Business Week, Oct. 12, 2004. (

  11 Ibid.

  12 Ibid.

  13 “Global Innovation 1000,” Booz Allen Hamilton, Oct. 17, 2007. ( _17Oct07.pdf)

  14 “The Seed of Apple’s Innovation.”

  15 “Steve Jobs: The Rolling Stone Interview.”

  16 “Steve Jobs at 44.”

  17 “Triumph of the Nerds.”

  18 Ibid.

  19 “The Wired Interview: Steve Jobs.”

  20 Smithsonian Institution Oral and Video Histories: “Steve Jobs.”

  21 Sculley, Odyssey, p. 63.

  22 John Sculley, personal interview, December 2007.

  23 Sculley, Odyssey, p. 156.

  24 “Steve Jobs at 44.”

  25 Jon Rubinstein, personal interview, Octob
er 2006.

  26 Personal interview, October 2006

  27 Jon Rubinstein, personal interview, October 2006.

  28 Ibid.

  29 Report of Ron Johnson’s speech at the ThinkEquity Partners conference in San Francisco on Sept. 13, 2006, by Gary Allen. ( thinkequity_2006_rj.html)

  30 Ibid.

  31 “Commentary: Sorry, Steve: Here’s Why Apple Stores Won’t Work,” by Cliff Edwards, Business Week, May 21, 2001.

  32 “Apple: America’s Best Retailer,” by Jerry Useem, Fortune, March 8, 2007. ( 2007/03/19/8402321/)

  33 “The Stores,” by Gary Allen,, Oct. 18, 2007. (

  34 Report of Ron Johnson’s speech.

  35 Ibid.

  36 Ibid

  37 “Apple Has a List of 100 Potential Store Sites,” by Gary Allen,, April 27, 2004. (

  38 “Apple: America’s Best Retailer.”

  39 “Apple Has a List of 100 Potential Store Sites.”

  40 Report of Ron Johnson’s speech.

  41 “Apple Has a List of 100 Potential Store Sites.”

  Chapter 7: Case Study: How It All Came Together with the iPod 1 Personal interview, October 2006.

  2 Macworld 2001 conference keynote.

  3 “Detailed Analysis—Apple Warns: Inventories Still Growing, Lops 20% off 2001 Revenue Forecast,” by Wes George, Dec. 6, 2000. (

  4 Steven Levy, The Perfect Thing: How the iPod Shuffles Commerce, Culture, and Coolness (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2007), p. 29.

  5 "iPod Nation,” by Steven Levy, Newsweek, July 26, 2004. (http://

  6 Jon Rubinstein, personal interview, September 2006.

  7 “How Big Can Apple Get?”

  8 “Apple’s 21st-Century Walkman CEO Steve Jobs thinks he has something pretty nifty. And if he’s right, he might even spook Sony and Matsushita,” by Brent Schlender, Fortune, Nov. 12, 2 001. (

  Chapter 8: Total Control: The Whole Widget 1 “Steve Jobs, the iPhone and Open Platforms,” by Dan Farber,, Jan. 13, 2007.

  2 “The Guts of a New Machine,” by Rob Walker, New York Times Magazine, Nov. 30, 2003. ( magazine/30IPOD.html)

  3 “If He’s So Smart... Steve Jobs, Apple, and the Limits of Innovation,” by Carleen Hawn, Fast Company, Issue 78, Jan. 2004, p. 68.

  4 “Mea Culpa,” by Andy Hertzfeld, (www Culpa.txt)

  5 “The Sansa-Rhapsody Connection,” by James Kim, CNet Reviews, Oct. 5, 2006. (

  6 “Apple Computer Is Dead; Long Live Apple,” by Steven Levy, Newsweek, Jan. 10, 2007. (

  7 “How Apple Does It.”

  8 "iPod Chief Not Excited About iTunes Phone,” by Ed Oswald, BetaNews, Sept. 27,2005 ( reply&reply_to=91676 ))

  9 “Hardware and Software—The Lines Are Blurring,” by Walt Mossberg, All Things Digital, April 30, 2007. (

  10 “Getting in the game at Microsoft. Robbie Bach’s job is to make software giant’s entertainment division profitable,” by Dan Fost and Ryan Kim, San Francisco Chronicle, May 28, 2007. (http://www .TMP)

  11 “Sell digital experiences, not products. Solution boutiques will help consumers buy digital experiences,” by Ted Schadler, Forrester Research, Dec. 20, 2005. ( Document/Excerpt/0,7211,38277,00.html)

  12 “Steve Jobs at 44.”

  13 “Hardware and Software.”

  14 “Steve Jobs at 44.”

  15 “How Big Can Apple Get?”


  Adobe, and OS X support

  Advanced Technology Group (ATG)



  criticism of ads

  image of Apple

  “I’m a Mac” campaign

  importance to Jobs

  iPod silhouettes

  Jobs as master

  Jobs’s goals

  lifestyle advertising

  market research, lack of

  John Sculley, role of

  Super Bowl ad ( )

  Switchers campaign

  “Think Different,”



  Amelio, Gilbert

  Anderson, Fred

  Apple Camp

  Apple Inc.


  Apple I

  Apple II

  Apple Stores


  brand, strength of

  business systems

  decline of

  enterprise market, avoidance of

  Apple Inc. (cont.)

  founding/growth of Human Interface Guidelines



  innovation at



  “i” prefix


  losses posted ( )


  Mac OS X

  Macworld Expo





  online store



  Power Mac G Cube

  Power Macintosh G

  pricing of products

  product design

  profit margins



  stock options

  Windows-compatible products

  See also Jobs, Steve; specific products and topics

  Apple I

  Apple II

  ads for

  design of

  incompatibility with Mac

  as innovation

  Apple stores

  design/appearance of

  digital hub/solution zones


  as innovation

  as learning environment

  lifestyle store


  profitability of



  AT&T, iPhone deal

  Atkinson, Bill

  Baig, Edward

  Bell, Gordon

  Bird, Brad

  Booker, Charlie

  Bricklin, Dan

  Brunner, Robert

  Business systems

  Catmull, Ed

  Chiat/Day. See TBWA/Chiat/ Day

  Chieco, Vinnie

  Chips, suppliers of

  Clones, of Apple products

  Clow, Lee

  Cook, Tim


  Jobs on

  See also Innovation

  Decision-making process, of Jobs

  Dell, profit margins

  Design. See Product design

  Deutschman, Alan

  Digital hub

  Apple Stores

  implementation of

  and iPod

  Jobs on

  Disney, Pixar

  Docter, Pete

  Drexler, Millard “Mickey”

  Dylan, Bob


  Eigerman, Edward

  Ellison, Larry

  Esslinger, Hartmut

  Fadell, Tony

  Feature creep



  Jobs, strengths of

  lessons from Steve

  organizational simplicity


  and reorganization of Apple

  saying “no,”

  Foden, Athol

  Frankson, Bob

iends Of Steve (F.O.S.)

  Frog Design, Inc.



  Gassée, Jean Louis

  Gates, Bill

  See also Microsoft

  Gateway, retail operation

  Genius Bar

  Godin, Seth

  Gore, Al

  Graphics design department

  Heinen, Nancy

  Hero/asshole rollercoaster

  Hertzfeld, Andy

  Hoddie, Peter -

  Horn, Bruce

  Human Interface Guidelines


  iLife apps


  capabilities of

  design of

  packaging of

  presentation of

  “I’m a Mac” campaign




  Apple innovative products

  business innovation

  and creativity

  digital hub

  and existing technologies -

  and flexible thinking -

  graphical user interface -

  Jobs on

  lessons from Steve

  magnetic latches



  and product-orientation -

  R&D spending

  sources of

  USB, Apple use of

  Internet bubble


  as closed platform

  Macworld Expo launch

  pricing of

  security weakness

  as transformative device

  Windows compatibility




  as closed platform

  design of

  and digital hub concept

  engineering of

  evolution of

  as innovation

  and iTunes

  lessons from Steve

  models of

  naming of



  profitability of

  scroll wheel




  Windows compatibility



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