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Page 3

by Wang ZengQi

  It goes on in the next thresh of wheat.

  When it was over, the fellows were not thoroughly amused. Then he continued.

  In this temple there were no taboos, and no one mentioned anything about them. Renshan smoked a water-pipe, which he took with him when going to perform Buddhist services.











  …… ……



  The monks loved gambling. The square table in the main hall, which was used for meals, was just right for this, and would be moved to the entrance of the hall. As soon as it was in place, Renshan would take out the chips from his room and throw them on the table. They played cards more often than mahjong. The participants, apart from the three older monks, were a duck-feather collector and a hare hunter, who was also a hen thief. Nevertheless they were all decent souls. The former went from village to village with a shoulder pole and bamboo baskets crying intermittently in a hoarse voice, "Any duck feathers for sale?"

  The latter had a secret instrument, a dragonfly made of copper. At the sight of a hen, he would launch the dragonfly. When the hen came over and pecked at it, its spring would unwind and choke the hen rendering it incapable of cackling for help. Then the thief would promptly rush forward and catch it.




  Minghai had once asked him to let him have a look at his copper dragonfly, which he took to Xiaoyingzi's home, trying it out in front of the door. In a trice, Xiaoyingzi's mother ran out, complaining, "Are you crazy? How can you bring such a foolish thing here to play with?"

  Immediately Xiaoyingzi ran up to him and urged, "Give it to me! Give it to me!"

  She tried it out on a black hen. It really did work! The hen was choked and it stood motionless with shock.

  When the sky was overcast or rainy, these two would come to the Biqi Nunnery to while away their leisure hours there. If there were no partners, the three monks dragged the old monk to gamble with them, at the end of which Renshan used to swear angrily, "Mother! I've lost again! I won't play next time!"

  They never ate meat secretly, instead slaughtered pigs at the end of every year in the main hall. They did it just like ordinary households with boiled water, a wooden basin and sharp knife. While the pig was being secured, it cried lustily. The difference was that they held a ceremony for it with the old monk chanting in a serious manner the sutra of reincarnation for the pig, which was about to go to Heaven.

  The moment when Rendu thrust a sharp knife into the bound pig, a spurt of red blood would gush out.











  …… ……

  Mingzi frequently went to Xiaoyingzi's home, which was surrounded on three sides by water, except on the western side, where there was a small path to Biqi Nunnery. They were the only inhabitants in this spot. Around the isolated courtyard were planted six large mulberry trees, which blossomed and bore mulberries every summer; three bore white berries, the other three purple ones. Near the house was a vegetable garden growing melons, beans and other vegetables all year round. The lower part of the courtyard's wall was built with bricks while the upper part was of compacted earth. The main door was painted with tung oil, on which was pasted a couplet for the Spring Festival. Inside was a large courtyard. On one side were a cowshed and a rice-husking shed and on the other a pigsty, a chicken coop and an enclosure for ducks. A stone mill stood in the open air. The house was to the north, its walls also made of bricks lower down and compacted earth higher up. The roof was covered with tiles and straw. Obviously, the building had been recently repaired for the timbers were still white. In the centre of the house was a main hall where the gold paint on the portrait of the House God had not yet turned black. On both sides of the hall were bedrooms, which had windows fitted with square transparent glass, rarely used in the countryside. Under the eaves of the house was a pomegranate tree on one side and a cape jasmine on the other, both of which had grown as high as the eaves. Every summer, when red and white flowers blossomed on these trees, they were very beautiful. The fragrance of the cape jasmine flowers was strong and could be detected even in Biqi Nunnery if the wind blew in that direction.





  The family was small: Uncle Zhao, Aunt Zhao and their two daughters— Dayingzi and Xiaoyingzi. They had no sons. In recent years, since there had been no disease, locusts, drought or floods, life had been very prosperous. Their produce was enough to supply them with all sorts of foodstuffs. They also rented ten mu of land from the temple. In one mu of their own fields, they had planted water chestnuts. This was probably Xiaoyingzi's idea, because she was very fond of them. Another mu was planted with arrowheads. In addition, they had many chickens and ducks. The income from the eggs and duck feathers alone bought a year's supply of salt and cooking oil.

  Uncle Zhao was a jack of all trades, not only skilled in farm work, but also in repairing boats, building walls, baking bricks, cooping tubs, splitting bamboo and weaving jute rope. As strong as an elm tree, he never coughed or suffered from a backache. He was kind to everybody and remained silent all day long. Aunt Zhao also enjoyed good health. Although fifty years old, she still had keen eyesight. She was always neatly dressed with her hair combed. She too busied herself from early morning till late night, cooking food for the pigs, feeding the hens and ducks, salting vegetables(the dried radishes she salted tasted delicious), milling beancurd, weaving reed baskets and so on. In short, they were a good match, both being very industrious.

  Aunt Zhao often cut paper flower-designs for the villagers. It was a tradition that, when a wedding ceremony was held, the parents would stick red paper flower-designs on their daughter's dowry. In order to bring good luck and to make the dowry appear more magnificent, the paper-cuts were usually made with charming characters or designs, such as "a phoenix flies toward the sun", "live to a ripe old age in conjugal bliss", "may your descendants flourish for ten thousand generations" or "boundless happiness and longevity". Aunt Zhao's paper-cuts were very popular. Even villagers from far away invited her to make them for them.

  "Aunt Zhao, we've fixed our wedding ceremony for the sixteenth of this month. When will you come to help us?"

  "I'll come early in the morning the day before."

  "You must come on time!"

  "Certainly! Of course!"

  The two daughters resembled their mother very much, especially in their eyes, with the black and white sharply contrasted. They looked like clear water when still and shooting stars when moving. The two sisters were always immaculately dressed. According to local custom, at fifteen or sixteen years of age, every girl should comb her hair into a bun. How smoothly they styled theirs, with the red wool, black hair and white hairpins! Whenever Aunt Zhao took her two daughters to a fair, everyone turned to look at them.





  Though the two sisters looked alike, their personalities were entirely different. The elder sister was very gentle and quiet. Like her father, she rarely spoke. In contrast, the younger one had a glibber tongue than even her mother. She talked eloquently for long periods until her elder sister complained, "You just twitter from morning till night..."

  "Like a magpie!"

  "You admit it yourself! It really upsets me!"

  "Are you feeling restless?"

  "Yes, I am!"

  "There are other reasons besides me!"

  There was a deep meaning in her words. Dayingzi already had a fiance, at whom she had once stolen a glance. He was an honest, good-looking young man, whose family was well-off. She was quite satisfied with the match, which had been arranged by the parents of both sides. The wedding date, however, was still undecided. Dayingzi had seldom gone out in the past two years, always busying herself preparing her dowry. She could both cut and sew dresses by herself, but her embroidered floral patterns were still inferior to her mother's. Having seen a bride in the town some days ago, she complained that the way her mother made her designs was too old-fashioned. The townspeople had adopted new ways, and their embroidery was just like real flowers and plants. This put her mother on the spot. Coming to her rescue, the "magpie" shouted, "I can recommend someone to you."









  It was Mingzi. When he had studied at school, he had accumulated half a volume of drawings, which he liked very much. After joining Biqi Nunnery, he continued to look at it frequently, and at times, copied them on the reverse side of pages torn from an account book. By and by he could draw well. Xiaoyingzi added, "He can draw. And what he draws is just like the real thing!"

  Then, Xiaoyingzi invited Mingzi to her home and prepared some ink, brush and paper. After a little while, he had produced some designs.

  "Wonderful! Wonderful!" Looking at hi
s drawings, Dayingzi exclaimed in delight. "With such designs I can use the new styles."

  The second layer of stitches were put among those of the first ones, so that the colour was varied gradually from dark to light without any break. The method her mother employed failed to eliminate the clear contrast between dark and light.

  Being both a servant and adviser of Mingzi, Xiaoyingzi urged him, "Draw a pomegranate flower! Draw a cape jasmine flower!"








  She then went out to pick these blossoms from the trees and handed them to him to copy. After much practice Mingzi could draw a variety of flowers. Looking at these, Aunt Zhao was very pleased and patted his head saying, "What a clever boy you are! I hope you will be my adopted son."

  All at once, Xiaoyingzi encouraged him by squeezing his shoulder, "Go on, call her 'Mother'! Quick! Quick!"

  Mingzi fell to his knees and kowtowed to Aunt Zhao. From then on, he regarded her as his adopted mother.

  Before long, three pairs of embroidered shoes made by Dayingzi were passed round the whole district. Many young girls came to admire them, even from as far as thirty li away, some on foot and others by boat, all praising her profusely, "Oh, what a beautiful design! They're not embroidered flowers, they're fresh ones!"


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