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Page 5

by Wang ZengQi

  Xiaoyingzi saw that the new monks were really walking around the waste ground near the city wall, all wearing greyish-blue Buddhist robes. Each had twelve black spots on their bald heads. These would become tiny round scars only after the scabs had fallen off. Judging by the smiles on their faces, they seemed very happy. At the first glance, she easily spotted Mingzi among them. She shouted to him from across the moat, "Hi, Mingzi!"

  "Oh, Xiaoyingzi!"

  "Have you been initiated?"

  "Yes, I have."

  "Did it hurt much?"










  "Does it still hurt?"

  "Not now!"

  "When will you come back?"

  "The day after tomorrow."

  "Morning or afternoon?"


  "I'll come to fetch you!"



  Xiaoyingzi met him with the boat and helped him get in.

  It had grown hotter. Xiaoyingzi had put on a white linen blouse, a pair of black silk trousers and straw sandals. On one side of her hair she wore a cape jasmine blossom, on the other a pomegranate flower. Seeing that Mingzi wore a new grey Buddhist robe with the white collar of his shirt exposed, she urged him, "Take off your robe right now! Aren't you hot?"

  Each of them took an oar. Xiaoyingzi began to row in the middle of the boat, Mingzi at the stern.









  …… ……




  On their way, she questioned him as if they had been separated for a whole year. She asked him whether any monk had wept or cried out during the burning. He replied that no one had said anything, except a monk from Shandong who cursed, "You bastards! I won't be burned any more! "

  She asked if there was anything special about the face and voice of the abbot.


  "They say his bedroom is more beautiful than a young girl's. Is it true?"

  "Yes, it's true. Everything is embroidered with flowers."

  "Is it perfumed?"

  "Yes, he burns a rare incense. It's very expensive."

  "They say he composes poetry, paints and is good at calligraphy. Is that so?"

  "Yes. Those big characters engraved on the bricks on both sides of the corridor were written by him."

  "It is true he had a concubine?"


  "Is she only nineteen?"













  "I heard so."

  "Is she pretty?"

  "They say she is."

  "Did you see her?"

  "No, how could I? I was kept in a room all day long."

  Mingzi informed her that he had been told by an old monk that Shanyin Temple intended to choose him as a tail-Samir, but this had not been finally decided because the monk responsible had not returned.

  "What does tail-Samir mean?"

  "Whenever a Buddhist service is held, they have to choose two monks to be the head-Samir and the other the tail-Samir. The former is more experienced and able to chant a great deal of the Buddhist scriptures; the latter must be young, clever and handsome."

  "What's the difference between an ordinary monk and the tail-Samir?"

  "Both the tail-Samir and the head-Samir have the possibility of becoming an abbot in future. When the present abbot retires, either of them can take his place. The present abbot was a tail-Samir before. "











  "Will you be a tail-Samir?"

  "I don't know yet."

  "Will you be in charge of Shanyin Temple as soon as you've become an abbot? Oh, what a large temple you'll run!"

  "It's too early to talk like that."

  After rowing for a while, she said to Mingzi in earnest, "You mustn't be an abbot!"

  "All right, I won't."

  "And you mustn't be a tail-Samir either."

  "OK, I won't."

  After they had rowed a little further the reed marshes appeared before them.

  Xiaoyingzi suddenly put down her oar and went to the stern, whispering in his ear, "I'll be your wife. Do you agree?"

  Miangzi stared at her in astonishment.

  "Answer me, quickly!"

  "Um ..." he replied.

  "What does that mean? Do you want me? Do you?"















  "Yes, I want you!" he shouted.

  "What are you shouting for?"

  "I want you!" he said again in a low voice.

  "Row quickly!"

  Xiaoyingzi hopped back to her seat. Both rowed as fast as they could; the boat sped into the reeds.

  The reeds had greyish-purple tassels, soft and smooth like rings of shining silk thread. In some places, they had grown spikes like small red candles. On the water surface, there were duckweeds, blue and purple in colour and long-legged mosquitoes and water spiders. The little white flowers of the wild water chestnuts had already blossomed. Then a lapwing, startled, flapped its wings and flew away across the reeds to a safe distance.








  …… ……

  Translated by Hu Zhihui



  * * *

  [1] An S-shaped ornamental object, a symbol of good luck.

  [2] A percussion instrument made of a hollow wooden block, used by Buddhist priests to beat a rhythm when chanting scriptures.

  Special Gift


  Those who lived in the same street as Wang Er well knew how he had made his fortune.

  From no one knows when he had operated a cooked meat stall in the corridor of the Baoquantang Apothecary. His meat was stewed and soaked with gravy. He stayed at home in the morning and did business in the afternoon.

  His house was on a slope by the river in the back street, cut off from the other houses. It was a rather shabby place with broken brick walls, a thatched roof and a mud floor. However, it was quite spacious, clean and neat, and rather cool in the summer. There were three rooms in the house. The central one served as the sitting room. Overhcad on the wall above a stone mill was his five-character motto: "Heaven, Earth, Emperor, Parent, Teacher."[1] Of the two side rooms, one was the kitchen as well as the workshop, and the other the bedroom for the whole family: his wife, his son, his daughter and himself only, as his parents had both passed away. The house was always so quiet. Hardly any noise could be heard from within. From the other houses in the back street, there was a ceaseless uproar: a man beating his wife while clutching at her hair, a woman thrashing her child with a pair of coal tongs, an old woman muttering curses against whoever had stolen her egg-laying hen as she chopped away on the wooden block with a kitchen knife. Such noises were never heard from Wang Er's household. The Wangs were early risers. Before daybreak, Wang Er was up getting the foodstuff ready, making a fire and cooking food. His wife ground beans soon after she had done her hair. Every day a good deal of homemade, gravy-soaked dried beancurd was sold from Wang Er's stall. After grinding the beans, the woman helped stoke the fire, her round face aglow in the firelight. The air around was permeated with a spiced fragrance that came from the Wang family. Later, when Wang Er raised a small donkey, his wife no longer needed to go round and round, pushing the mill; the beast did the job instead. All she had to do was to pour bowlfuls of beans into the hole of the millstone and add a little water soon afterwards. This gave her plenty of time to do her mending and sewing, a busy job in a family of four. Wang Er's son resembled his mother, with his round face, his eyes often in slits when he smiled. His young sister took after her father, having big eyes and a narrow face. The brother had studied in an old-fashioned private school. When he was able to keep accounts, he quitted school and attended to the donkey, taking it to the river to drink and letting it roll on the grass. When he got older, he helped his father with the business and his sister took over his job of grazing the donkey.




  Every afternoon, when classes were over and every household washed rice for supper, Wang Er began to prepare his stall. Why did he select such a location as the Baoquantang Apothecary? Perhaps because it was well situated, not far from either East Street or West Street, or the other lanes in the vicinity. Perhaps he chose it because that traditional Chinese medicine store had a spacious corridor, with quite some distance from the counter to the entrance, or perhaps because there were few customers who came to the store to have their prescriptions filled in the evening and the food stall would not interfere with their business. He had someone put in a few good words to the proprietor of the store, and he himself called on the proprietor to express his gratitude. This had occurred many years before. The equipment of his stall, called shengcai [2] by the local people, was kept against the wall in the back passage of the store, right under the poster of Marshal Zhao [3] which hung from the second beam of the house. Wang Er's shengcai was comprised of two long planks, two three-legged high stools (with two legs at one end and one leg in the middle of the other) and several boxes with a glass-paned front. Before he was ready to do business, Wang Er set down his stools, put a couple of planks steadily on them, and placed the glass boxes in a row. In the boxes were melon seeds, pumpkin seeds, fried salty peas, deep-fried peas, brittle deep-fried broad beans and spiced peanuts. At the other side of the planks were the hot foods such as dried beancurd with gravy, beef, cattail-bag meat and pig's head meat. As a rule, people in this region did not eat beef. Those who did seldom had it steamed or braised in soya-bean sauce
. They just bought some at the stalls where the beef was cooked in salt and spice and covered with red leaven. It was piled high in a box. When purchased, the slab of beef was cut into slices on the spot and placed on the customer's plate. On top was a sprinkle of garlic leaf bits followed by a spoonful of hot pepper paste.

  Cattail-bag meat seemed to be the specialty of the county. Each cattail bag was about three by one and a half inches. It was lined with thin sheets of beancurd and filled quite full with small bits of meat mixed with water chestnut powder. Afterwards, the bag was tied in the middle with a hemp string, forming the shape of a gourd. When the bag was opened after being cooked, the meat was still in the shape of a gourd with a trace of the cattail bag on the surface.Cut into slices, it really whetted one's appetite.

  Pig's head meat was sold after being sorted into three parts:snout, ear and face. The face was also referred to as the "big fat". The customer could select whichever part he wished. At dusk, Wang Er's business came to a climax. He was busy cutting meat with a kitchen knife, receiving money from the customers and wrapping different varieties of deep-fried, fried and salted peas and melon seeds. Hardly did he have a breather. After nine o'clock, when the kerosene in his two high-screened lamps was nearly consumed, and when the bottoms of the meat trays and pea boxes became visible, his wife turned up and brought him his supper. Then he washed his face with a hot towel and had his meal. After supper, there was still a little business to attend to. Therefore he was in no hurry to put away his shengcai. He would then pour himself a cup of hot tea, seat himself in a chair inside the shop and listen to people gossip while throwing glances at the stall. Whenever he saw someone coming, he rose to get ready a few plates of meat or wrap up peas and seeds for a short while. All his customers were familiar acquaintances. What time they came and what they wanted was as clear to him as daylight.


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