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The Last Chance

Page 6

by Darrien Lee

  “He’s not a client anymore.” Ramsey replied as he stared directly into Keilah’s eyes. He wanted to see if there was any indication that she was the least bit interested in Ron Davenport, who had become a good friend to him.

  Keilah thought for a moment before responding. “It doesn’t matter. He’s been a client, and that’s one of my rules. You know that, Ramsey.”

  He stood up and said, “I’m just the messenger, Keilah.”

  She nodded and said, “I know you are, but you should’ve told him as soon as he brought it up.”

  “It wasn’t my decision to make. Besides, you could’ve changed your rules for all I know.”

  She smiled and said, “Well I haven’t, and while we’re at it, add the rule that I would never date any of your friends either.”

  “Why not?” he asked.

  She blushed. “Because of our closeness, Ramsey. It would be too weird.”

  He laughed and said, “And what we’ve been doing isn’t?”

  She walked closer to him and whispered, “I’m sorry, Ramsey. I didn’t mean for this thing between us to go on as long as it has. I know you went along with it because you care about me. I don’t want it to affect you and your relationships anymore.”

  He hugged her and said, “Don’t worry about me. My relationships with those women are not serious.”

  Guilty tears formed in Keilah’s eyes. “Maybe if it wasn’t for me, you would finally get serious with one of them and get married.”

  He laughed again. “Looks like the pot is trying to call the kettle black. I’m a grown man, Miss Chance. I’m not confused about anything I’ve done with you or any woman, and as far as marriage, well you can forget that.”

  “So you’re saying you’re never going to get married?” she asked.

  He winked at her and said, “All I’m going to say is don’t hold your breath. Listen, you know how I am with women. I like too many flavors.”

  She lowered her head and said, “It was still selfish of me to ask you to do it in the first place.”

  He kissed her forehead and said, “We’re cool, Keilah. I’ve enjoyed being with you, so stop stressing. I’ll see you tomorrow. Have fun with Teresa Randolph tonight.”

  “Thanks, Ramsey. Good-night, and get some rest.”

  “Good-night, Keilah.”

  Chapter Five

  After a couple of hours of beauty treatment at the salon to get her hair and nails done, Keilah headed to the Randolph house to pick up Teresa Randolph for the dinner. The agency had invested in several luxury limousines so they could drive and transport their clients to ensure their safety. This also gave the agency the opportunity to scan the vehicles for any devices that could cause harm or invade the privacy of their clients.

  As the limo pulled through the gates of the mansion, Keilah checked her appearance in the mirror and the firearm in the holster around her thigh one last time. The black, beaded gown she had on hugged her curves in all the right places, but still concealed the dangerous weapon she hid underneath. Her partner, who was working undercover as the driver, came around, opened the car door for Keilah, and held her hand as she stepped out. When she rang the doorbell, she was stunned to come face to face with a tall, handsome gentleman dressed in a military uniform. His broad shoulders and erect posture radiated discipline, and his dark, chocolate skin and thick mustache made Keilah’s heart thump against her rib cage. The tall stranger with his pearly white teeth and beautiful smile instantly took her breath away. He held his hand out to her and said, “You must be Keilah Chance.”

  “I feel like I’m at a disadvantage. You know me, but I don’t know who you are,” she admitted as she walked through the door.

  He smiled. “Come in, Miss Chance. I’m Michael Monroe, Teresa’s nephew.”

  Arhmelia appeared at the top of the stairs and yelled, “Hey, Keilah.”

  “Hi, Arhmelia,” Keilah greeted her.

  Arhmelia slid down the banister to the foyer, which caused Michael to grimace. “Arhmelia, if your mother had seen you do that, it would’ve given her a heart attack.”

  “Oh, Michael, I do it all the time. Chill out.”

  “Whether you do it all the time is not the issue, Arhmelia. I just know Aunt Teresa wouldn’t approve of you doing it,” he explained to her.

  Arhmelia rolled her eyes. “So, Keilah, I see you’ve met my cousin.”

  “Well, not officially,” she replied.

  “Well, let me introduce you guys,” Arhmelia said as she saluted Michael playfully. “Michael, this is Keilah Chance of the Stone Chance Protection Agency. Keilah, this is Major Michael Monroe, my cousin and major pain in the—”

  “Arhmelia!” Michael yelled.

  Arhmelia’s antics caused Keilah to giggle.

  Michael sighed. “Keilah, I’m sorry my cousin is so energetic tonight.”

  Keilah held her hand out to Michael. “It’s okay. Arhmelia and I are old friends. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Likewise,” he said softly as he took her hand into his and kissed the back of it. Keilah tried her best not to appear shaken by the sensation of his lips on her skin but she was unsuccessful. Michael immediately noticed the effect he had on her and smiled at her as he released her hand.

  Arhmelia rolled her eyes and mumbled, “That was so lame, Michael.”

  Michael frowned. He turned to Arhmelia and asked, “Isn’t it past your bedtime?”

  “No, Michael, I go to bed when I want to. Thank you very much. Hey, Keilah, guess what?” Arhmelia asked, waving Michael off.

  “I have no idea. Why don’t you tell me?” Keilah asked.

  “I’m on the honor roll this semester, and I think Daddy’s going to get me a new car.”

  Keilah patted Arhmelia on the back. “Congratulations. I’m so proud of you.”

  Michael interrupted them. “That is good news, Arhmelia.”

  “Thanks, Michael,” she replied.

  Michael turned his attention back to Keilah. “So, Keilah, you’re a bodyguard?”

  Keilah held her hand up and said, “Guilty as charged.”

  “How could someone as beautiful as you be in that line of work?”

  Arhmelia turned her back to Michael so he couldn’t see what she was doing. She pretended to gag her throat with her finger in response to Michael’s flirtatious comment. “Give it up, Michael.”

  He frowned and turned to Arhmelia. “Don’t you have some homework you need to be doing or something?”

  Arhmelia turned to walk back up the stairs. “Not really, but I know when I’m not wanted around. Keilah, don’t believe a word he says.”

  “Good-night, Arhmelia,” Michael said with a raised tone of voice.

  Keilah giggled. “She’s a sweetheart.”

  “She’s a brat,” Michael replied jokingly. “Seriously though, I love her to death. She’s a good girl, just a typical teenager.”

  “Now that I can agree with you on,” Keilah said.

  “I am so sorry. Arhmelia’s silliness distracted me. Won’t you come sit down until Aunt Teresa decides to grace us with her presence?”

  Keilah looked at her watch. “Thank you, but I’m sure she’ll be down in a second. I know she hates to be late to anything.”

  Michael leaned over and whispered, “You must know my aunt very well.”

  Keilah blushed. “I must say I do.”

  About that time, Teresa descended the stairs, dressed elegantly in a pink chiffon Vera Wang gown. “Keilah, I’m sorry I’m late. I see you’ve met my nephew.”

  “Yes ma’am, I have,” Keilah answered.

  “Now, we’ve been through this before. It’s Teresa, and I won’t have you addressing me any other way. Understood?” Teresa fingered her hair in the mirror. “By the way, I love that dress. You look stunning. Doesn’t she, Michael?”

  He stared at Keilah and said, “Without a doubt. I need to be scolded for not pointing that out when you first walked in.”

  “It’s okay. Thank both of
you, and I must say you both look very nice as well,” she replied.

  Teresa turned to Keilah. “That’s why I love you so much. Michael, could you get the door for us please?”

  Michael opened the front door for the ladies to exit. Keilah was shocked when she noticed that Michael was following them out to the car. The driver opened the door for them, and Teresa slid inside the vehicle. Keilah climbed in after her, with Michael following close behind. She turned to him. “Michael, I didn’t know you were joining us.”

  Teresa patted Keilah on the thigh. “I’m sorry, Keilah. When I found out Michael was already going to the dinner, I invited him to ride with us. That’s not a problem, is it?”

  “No, it’s not a problem, but I like to know anytime there’s a change of plans,” Keilah informed her.

  Teresa looked over at Michael. “See, this is the kind of woman you should be looking for instead of those women you ...”

  “Aunt Teresa, please,” he begged.

  Keilah turned away to conceal her laughter.

  Clearly embarrassed, he said, “Keilah, you have to excuse my aunt. She has the tendency to speak before she thinks.”

  “Hush up, Michael. You know I’m right. You need to settle down. I’m sure Keilah’s not treating her body like the devil’s playground.”

  Keilah lowered her head in embarrassment. Was Teresa Randolph a psychic or something? “Teresa, I’m sure Michael is nothing but a gentleman and only dates the finest women in town. So surely he’ll settle down when he finds the right woman,” Keilah replied.

  “I hope you’re right, Keilah,” Teresa said as she reached over and grabbed a bottle of champagne. “Open this for me, Michael.”

  Michael took the bottle out of her hand and opened it. Teresa held out her glass so Michael would fill it. He turned to Keilah and asked, “Would you like some?”

  She waved him off. “I’m on duty. Thanks anyway.”

  “I’m sorry. I forgot. It’s hard to look at you and see you for anything else but a very attractive woman,” he said, flirting.

  Teresa looked at Michael and then over at Keilah and smiled, hoping her prayers would be answered.

  The evening went off without a hitch. Michael couldn’t take his eyes off of Keilah, and she felt him staring at her all night long. Even at dinner, as they enjoyed a delicious meal of chicken breasts with chipotle orange sauce, steamed vegetables, and roasted potatoes with lemon, oregano, and garlic, Michael couldn’t restrain himself from staring at her. Her beauty had him awestruck and since she was a bodyguard, it excited him to the point that it affected him physically. It was a sensual turn-on for him, and he was glad they spent most of the evening sitting so he could conceal how much she aroused him.

  Keilah did her best to be relaxed and cordial while discreetly protecting Teresa Randolph. However, Michael was making it difficult for her to stay focused. He was so handsome, and his personality impressed her even more.

  “So, Michael, do you live in D.C.?”

  He took a sip of champagne and smiled. “Yes, but because of my job I spend a lot of time in Iraq.”

  Keilah frowned. “That has to be scary.”

  He leaned over and whispered, “I doubt it’s as scary as what you have to deal with.”

  She smiled and said, “You have a point, but it still has to be very tense over there.”

  “It is, but everyone is highly trained, which makes our job a little easier.”

  Keilah shook her head and solemnly said, “It’s a shame so many of our men and women are losing their lives over there.”

  “It is but they know they have a job to do, and unless you’re military it’s hard for others to understand the mission.”

  “Maybe so. It’s still a sad situation all around. I just wish our troops could come home.”

  He smiled and said, “So do a million or so other Americans.”

  “So I’ve heard,” she replied.

  “So, Miss Chance, what do you do for fun?” he inquired.

  “I have no limits, Mr. Monroe. I’m an adventurous woman,” she revealed.

  He sipped his champagne once more and said, “That’s good to know, because I’m an adventurous man.”

  She blushed. “I guess that remains to be seen, huh?”

  He tilted his head and smiled. “Excuse me, Miss Chance, but are you asking me out?”

  Keilah looked away and said, “Maybe.”

  “That is very flattering, Keilah, but you didn’t give me a chance to ask you out first. I was planning to make my move before the night was over.”

  She turned to him and asked, “Why wait? I’m sitting right here.”

  Michael could already see that Keilah was going to be different from any woman he’d ever known, and his craving for her was getting stronger. He leaned close to her ear and whispered, “Miss Chance, I would be honored if you would allow me to take you out for an evening of fun or whatever.”

  His warm, sweet breath caressed her ear and sent shivers over her body. She turned to him and said, “I would love to go out with you, Major Monroe.”

  “Good, now may I please have your number so that I may call you to make the proper arrangements?”

  Keilah reached inside her purse and handed him a business card. He took it and tucked it into his pocket for safekeeping. “Thank you, Keilah. You’ll be hearing from me very soon.”

  “I look forward to it, Major.”

  Needless to say, the evening ended on a high note for Keilah with the anticipation of what she hoped would be an exciting date with Major Michael Monroe.

  It was after midnight when Keilah finally made it home. She slowly made her way to her bedroom and turned on the lamp on the nightstand. Almost immediately, she noticed the blinking light on her answering machine. As she played back her message, she unzipped her gown and laid it across the chair. She fell across the bed in her black lace thong and matching strapless bra and listened to her message. The only message she had was from Ramsey.

  “Hey, Keilah, I hope everything went well tonight. Send me a text so I’ll know you made it back home, OK? Good-night, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Keilah picked up her cell and sent Ramsey a text message as instructed. Her conversation with him earlier opened her eyes to what she’d been doing to hold back herself and Ramsey. Meeting Michael tonight confirmed to her that it was past time for her to move on with her life and stop using Ramsey as a crutch. He would always have a special place in her heart, and she would always love him because of his unselfishness nature. His birthday was tomorrow, and she’d plan to do something wild and seductive for him. Ramsey never wanted her to make a big deal over his birthday, but since it was the end of their special time together, she wanted it to be a birthday he would never forget.

  As she rolled over onto her back and closed her eyes, she immediately got a visual of Michael Monroe. The thought of him made her lower region throb, and she couldn’t help but to touch her body in her most intimate spot, causing her to gasp. Michael was dignified, handsome, educated, and single, and if the way he had stared at her was any indication of how he felt about her, exciting things could be in the forecast with Major Monroe. Shaking his image out of her head, she got up, showered, and crawled under the soft sheets of her bed, succumbing to sleep within minutes.

  Chapter Six

  The next morning was Ramsey’s birthday, and Keilah left instructions for Sherrie to decorate his office with a few balloons and to put a small birthday cake on his desk. She arrived early at the office and gave Sherrie strict instructions to call as soon as Ramsey arrived.

  Around ten o’clock, Ramsey waltzed into the office with his cell phone to his ear. He was talking to Ronald Davenport. As he passed Sherrie’s desk, she handed him his messages. He mouthed thank you to her before entering his office. As soon as he stepped inside the door, he frowned when he saw the balloons, the confetti, and the cake on the desk. Since he was on a business call, he was unable to get off the phone and reprimand the c
ulprits. He knew it was between Sherrie and Keilah or both. Continuing to talk on the phone, he sat down at his desk and turned on his computer. Once his computer screen was up, he pulled some files out of his desk and opened them. Sherrie walked into his office with a mischievous smile on her face, then set a large cup of coffee on his desk. Ramsey covered up the mouthpiece on his phone and whispered, “You’re in big trouble, lady.”

  Without responding, Sherrie just smiled and exited his office. Seconds later, Keilah walked in and closed the door behind her. Ramsey glanced up at her and noticed she was wearing a trench coat. She walked over to his desk and flashed him.

  He yelled, “Sweet Jesus! Ron, I have to call you back.”

  “Is something wrong?” Ron asked.

  Lying, Ramsey said, “I just spilled my coffee all over my desk.”

  Ron laughed on the other end of the telephone and said, “No problem. I have a few calls to return anyway.”

  “Thank you, Ron. I’ll call you back within the hour.”

  He hung up the telephone and said, “Damn, Keilah. What are you trying to do to me?”

  Keilah stood before him in a black lace Victoria’s Secret bra and panty set with matching garters and sheer black stockings. She seductively replied, “Happy Birthday, Ramsey.”

  He walked around the desk so he could get a closer look at her sexy ensemble. Pulling her into his arms he said, “I can’t believe you came in here nearly butt naked. Did you lock the door?”

  She snuggled up to him. “Yes, it’s locked. I wanted to do something you would remember for your birthday, since you’re such a party pooper.”

  “Hell, I almost fell out of my chair,” he teased. “You know you can’t do stuff like this to me at work. Seriously, this was cool, and those Victoria’s Secret models have nothing on you because you’re wearing that lingerie.”

  Keilah cupped his face and kissed him. “Thank you, Ramsey.”

  “For what?” he asked as he glanced down at her cleavage.

  She kissed him again and said, “For everything. And just so you know, I have a big night planned for you, so don’t eat too much today.”


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