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The Last Chance

Page 16

by Darrien Lee

  A couple of young women walked in front of Romeo’s truck. One was dressed in a pair of denim shorts that revealed every curve she owned. Her top was lime green and sheer, falling just below her breasts and showing her diamond belly ring. Her braids hung down to her waist, and she had legs to die for. The other woman looked a few years older than her friend and was dressed more appropriately in a pair of jeans and a red spaghetti-strap top. Romeo leaned out the window and smiled at the young women. “Yo, ladies. You gon’ holler at me or what?”

  The more mature of the two seemed to be irritated by Romeo’s outburst. She grabbed the younger woman by the arm and hurried her past Romeo’s truck. Romeo burst out laughing. “Did you see that? I think that chick would’ve hollered at me if old girl hadn’t been with her.”

  Xavier seemed distracted from the conversation. He wasn’t looking at the two women nor listening to Romeo. Instead his mind was on the Chance brothers and the multi-million dollar casinos they owned.

  “X, are you listening to me?” Romeo yelled.

  Xavier sat up in the seat and let out a breath. “My mind is not on any shorties right now. I’m trying to figure out how I’m going to present my offer to the Chance brothers.”

  “Well, however you do it, they’re not going to like it, so I hope you’re ready to go to war.”

  Xavier frowned. “If it’s a war they want, I have no problem bringing it. You feel me?”

  It was at that time that Romeo’s cell phone rang. He reached into his pocket and answered. “Yeah.”

  While Romeo talked to the caller, Xavier had a million things running through his mind, but his main focus was on the casinos he would soon own. Romeo hung up his phone and looked over at Xavier.

  “Yo, X. Keilah just checked out of her hotel. Her brother, Luke, and that other guy were with her. Baby Dee lost them in traffic, so he don’t know where Luke took them. If I have to guess, they went back to his house.”

  Xavier let out a loud sigh. “She’ll resurface soon. Take me over to the Lucky Chance. It’s time for me to have a little chat with the Chance brothers.”

  Romeo started up the truck. “Are you sure you’re ready to do this now?”

  Xavier looked over at Romeo, disgusted. “Why? You act like you’re scared. Are you down or what?”

  “Don’t worry. I’m definitely down,” Romeo snapped back.

  “All I know is, I can’t just roll up on guys like the Chance brothers. They’re old school, and from what I heard, they haven’t always been legit.”

  Romeo laughed and asked, “Now who’s acting scared?”

  “Whatever, man. Let’s roll.”

  Romeo pulled the Escalade out of the park into traffic and disappeared around the corner.

  Luke pulled up in front of Malachi’s house with Keilah and Michael. “Luke, are you sure Malachi is cool with this?” He looked at Keilah with a smirk on his face and climbed out of the car.

  “He’s your brother, Keilah.”

  Michael exited the vehicle and helped Luke remove their luggage from the trunk. “Luke, I appreciate everything you guys are doing for me and Keilah, but we don’t want to impose on Malachi.”

  Luke took the luggage out of Michael’s hand and smiled. “We got this, Michael. It’s okay.”

  The trio was so deep in their conversation they didn’t notice that Malachi had joined them in the driveway. “What’s taking you guys so long to come in?”

  Keilah walked over to Malachi and hugged his neck. “Thanks for letting us stay here with you.”

  He hugged her, lifting her off the ground. “You don’t have to thank me. I needed a live-in cook anyway.”

  They all laughed and followed Malachi toward the house. When they got to the door, Malachi turned to Michael and asked, “You’re not afraid of dogs, are you, Michael?”

  Malachi had two huge German shepherds, but they were well trained, and he took very good care of them.

  Michael took a deep breath and replied, “No, it’s cool.”

  “In that case, Michael, you and Keilah are welcome to stay as long as you like.”

  “I appreciate that, Malachi,” Michael replied.

  Malachi’s dogs, Bonnie and Clyde, met them at the door, curious to see what stranger was entering their domain. Bonnie was jet black and Clyde had the typical black and tan markings. Malachi looked back at Michael. “Michael, they’re going to sniff you when you come in. They know Keilah and Luke’s scent. Just be cool, and they’ll go on about their business.”

  Michael did as he was told and the dogs did exactly what Malachi said they would. Minutes later, they all met out on the patio. While Michael and Malachi tossed balls to the dogs, Luke and Keilah watched from the railing as they enjoyed a glass of wine.

  “Luke, where are the rest of the guys?”

  “At the casinos. We rotate our shifts every week. This week, Genesis is running the Lucky Chance and Roman is handling your casino. Next week, Malachi will relieve Genesis, and I’ll relieve Roman. It’s not so bad, since we usually go by there anyway. Besides, we have good managers overseeing things when we’re not there.”

  She wrapped her arm around her brother’s waist. “Can you believe it? Daddy would be so proud of you guys.”

  Luke looked down at Keilah. “Daddy would be proud of you too, sis. Don’t forget, you’re doing your own thing, too.”

  “I know, but the casinos were Daddy’s dream.”

  He kissed her forehead and said, “You were Daddy’s dream.”

  She laid her head against his chest as she finished off her glass of wine in silence.

  “Keilah, I don’t know what’s going on. Maybe it would be best if you went back to D.C. You don’t need to get caught up in whatever is going on.”

  She walked over to the table, refilled her glass and sat down. “Luke, whoever jumped me put me in the middle of it, and I want to find out why.”

  He walked over and sat next to her. “I guess you didn’t understand what I said, Keilah. I said stay out of this and let us handle it.”

  When Luke raised his voice, it got Malachi and Michael’s attention. “Is everything OK over there?” Michael asked.

  Keilah sat up in her chair and gulped down the remainder of her wine. She smiled and waved at Michael. “Everything’s fine, baby.”

  Luke grabbed her firmly by the hand and whispered. “Keilah, I’m not kidding with you. If you want to play detective while you’re in D.C. then go right ahead because I can’t do anything about that, but when you’re home, I can. Don’t cross me on this, sis.”

  Keilah looked up into Luke’s eyes and knew he meant business. She didn’t want to defy or disappoint him, but she had a feeling he knew more about what was going on than he wanted to reveal. If only Keytone could find out what was going on, she wouldn’t have to snoop around behind her brothers’ backs. If not, she would have to do her own investigation and just pray they didn’t find out.

  “OK, Luke.”

  He scooted away from her. “I hope you mean that, Keilah, because I would hate to have to escort you back to D.C. myself tomorrow.”

  Her head snapped around, and when she looked into his eyes, she saw red and knew he was very serious. She walked over and refilled his wineglass. “Don’t worry, Luke. We’re out of here on Monday anyway,” she reminded him.

  “I wish you could stay longer. Every time we get together we always argue the first few days. I don’t like that, sis.”

  She smiled. “That’s what brothers and sisters do. We’re a passionate family. That’s why we argue, but it doesn’t mean we hate each other.”

  Luke leaned over the railing. “Oh, I know that. We all love very hard. I guess that’s why you and Michael are getting along okay. Are wedding bells in the future?”

  “I wouldn’t say that because we just met. He’s a great guy, but I’m not in love with him.”

  Luke studied his sister’s facial expression and said, “I see.”

  She turned to him and said, “So wh
en I do get ready to get married, are you going to walk me down the aisle?”

  He leaned against the railing and laughed. “Nothing would make me happier than to walk you down the aisle, but I’m sure your other brothers would have something to say about it.”

  “You’re the oldest. You’re supposed to do it since Daddy’s not here.”

  He waved her off. “Traditionally, yes, but we all raised you, Keilah and I’m sure they’ll want to be a part of it.”

  “They will be a part of my wedding. You know I wouldn’t leave them out.”

  Luke put his arm around his sister’s shoulder and recited the perfect solution. “How about this? Each one of us can walk you in, starting with the youngest brother. After they walk you down the aisle a few feet, they take their place up front as a groomsman. I would be the last to walk you to the altar and give you away. This way everyone’s involved.”

  “But what about my bridesmaids?” she asked. “They’ll need someone to escort them in.”

  Luke ran off the details like a wedding planner. “Not necessarily. A lot of weddings allow the bridesmaids to walk in alone. The brothers would be there to escort them out when the ceremony is over.”

  Keilah was speechless. What Luke had said just might work under their unusual circumstances. It would be heartwarming to have all of her brothers walk her down the aisle. “Sounds like a plan to me.”

  Malachi was out in the yard attending to his pool. Michael walked up on the deck with Clyde following close behind. He was clearly winded from playing with the dogs. “I see you two are making up for lost time,” Michael pointed out.

  Luke hugged Keilah’s shoulders. “Yeah, and it’s long overdue.”

  Michael kissed Keilah on the cheek as Clyde found a spot next to Keilah’s chair. “Well, I’m going up to shower. Playing with the dogs got me all sweaty. Malachi assured me that this neighborhood is safe, so after I get dressed, I’m going to ride over to the casino with Malachi and play a little poker if it’s OK with you.”

  “Go ahead, babe, because he’s right. The weather is beautiful, so I think I’ll just stay out here and enjoy this pool and Jacuzzi. You go and have fun.”

  Michael looked at Luke and asked, “Are you going to be here with her?”

  “No, I have some errands to run, but I can swing back through and hang out with you.”

  Michael stood there pondering on his decision to leave Keilah alone. “Never mind, I’ll stay here with you.”

  Luke laughed. “She’ll be fine, Michael. I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t know it for a fact.”

  Keilah plopped down in the chair and stroked one of the German shepherds on the head. “He’s right, Michael. Besides I have the dogs with me. You guys go and hang out.

  This is a gated community, so no one’s coming in that shouldn’t be here.”

  By that time, Malachi had joined them on the deck. He reached for the wine bottle and then noticed it was empty. “What the hell? Y’all drank all the wine.”

  Keilah took the empty bottle out of his hand and tossed it into a nearby garbage can. “Please, I know you have a fully stocked wine cellar, so don’t even go there, Malachi.”

  She was right. Wine collecting was one of Malachi’s hobbies, and most people who knew him were surprised he took up such an unusual hobby because he always portrayed himself as a tough guy. Most fine collectors are usually the total opposite.

  “That doesn’t mean y’all have to drink it all up,” Malachi teased. “Luke, you coming?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I guess I could go by there with you guys for a minute but I have some other errands I need to run.”

  They all looked over at Keilah once more. She threw up her hands and said, “Go. I’ll be fine. I hope you jackpot, Michael,” she teased.

  “So do I,” Michael said before disappearing into the house. Malachi looked over at Keilah. “You do remember where I keep my firearms, don’t you?”

  “You mean your arsenal?” she joked.

  “I see you’re a comedian now,” he responded sarcastically.

  “All of that won’t be necessary. I’ll be fine. Just go. Bonnie and Clyde are here with me. Besides, all I’m going to do is take a swim and then a nap.”

  Malachi walked off without responding, leaving Luke with their sister. “Keilah, don’t leave the house. We’re not going to be gone long.”

  She pulled her sunglasses down over her eyes and said, “OK. I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” he replied before entering the house.

  The guys left thirty minutes later, and Keilah was so glad to finally have the house all to herself. She quickly changed into her bathing suit and eased into the Jacuzzi. As she relaxed, she thought about Keytone and whether or not he’d found out any information. Her next thought went to Ramsey and the fact that she hadn’t called to tell him what happened, but before she could dial his number, he rang.

  “Ramsey, I was just about to call you. You are not going to believe what kind of day I’ve had.”

  He laughed as he putted a golf ball across the room. “All is good, I hope.”

  “Not at all. I got attacked in the hotel right after I got off the telephone with you this morning.”

  “Are you serious?” he asked, placing his putter back in his golf bag. “Are you OK?”

  Keilah went on to describe her assault to Ramsey in great detail. Once she finished, he sat down in the chair behind his desk, and with his voice cracking he asked, “Did they hurt you?”

  “Just bruised up a bit, but I’m good,” she informed him.

  “Are you sure? I mean two guys manhandling you like that is not good, Keilah. Did you see a doctor?”

  “No doctor. I’m good, Ramsey, honest.”

  “I’m coming out there,” he blurted out.

  “You don’t have to do that,” she replied.

  “I know I don’t have to. I want to. I need to see for myself that you’re OK,” he informed her.

  “Ramsey, I would never lie to you. If I were hurt, I would tell you, so there’s no reason for you to come out here.”

  Ramsey closed his eyes and held the phone without speaking. He had become choked up upon hearing about Keilah’s attack.

  “Hurry up and come home, Keilah. We have a lot of things to talk about.”

  “We do?” she asked.

  “Yes, and it’s long overdue.”

  Keilah could sense sadness and something else in Ramsey’s tone. “You’re not leaving the business, are you?”

  He chuckled. “No, I’m not leaving the company. Actually I’m trying to start something new and I want you to be a part of it.”

  “Are you serious?” she asked with excitement.

  “Most definitely. No one else could fill the job but you,” he answered with a sensual tone.

  Keilah’s stomach fluttered. “It sounds like the perfect position.”

  “Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet.”

  Keilah closed her eyes and felt a wave of sensuality sweep over her body.

  “It sounds like the perfect offer for me,” she purred. “I can’t wait to hear all about it.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that. Now hurry up and get back to D.C. I can’t have you out there fighting off-the-clock. You know we’re not going to get paid for your little fiasco,” he joked.

  The truth was, he missed Keilah, and it made his heart ache knowing she had been assaulted.

  “I promise. I’ll be careful, and this is definitely going on my expense account when I get back,” she replied.

  “Don’t even try it. By the way, I guess Michael’s pretty shaken up by all of this, huh?”

  Keilah played with the bubbles in the Jacuzzi. “Yes, he was upset.”

  “I can understand that. So, have you seen Keytone?”

  She laughed. “Of course, and he’s ready to kill somebody over this.”

  “I take it you haven’t told your brothers about him yet?”

  “No, but I’m going to have to
do it while I’m out here. I’ve kept it from them long enough,” she replied. “They need to know he’s family.”

  “You’re doing the right thing,” he assured her.

  Keilah took a sip of wine and sighed. “I’m not looking forward to facing all of them though. They hate Keytone because of his lifestyle and over some stuff that went down between them when they were teenagers. He’s been nothing but nice to me and I haven’t seen him do anything illegal, but I’ve heard the stories.”

  “I know, Keilah, but I’m sure your brothers have their reasons, and just because you haven’t witnessed anything don’t mean it doesn’t exist. Just talk to the guys and hopefully they’ll understand why you kept it from them. Maybe they’ll go easy on you after they get over the initial shock of the news.”

  “I hope you’re right,” she said softly.

  “You and I both know I am,” he responded. “I’m not going to hold you any longer. Good luck with your brothers, and be careful. Try to have some fun, and hurry back.”

  “Thanks, Ramsey. I’ll see you in a couple of days,”

  “Have a safe flight home. Good-bye.”

  “Bye, Ramsey,” she replied before hanging up the telephone.

  Ramsey hung up and sighed. He had an uneasy feeling in his gut about Keilah’s attack, but he also felt confident in finally telling Keilah how he felt about her once she returned to D.C. Her close encounter with death was enough to convince him that he didn’t need to wait any longer.

  Chapter Seventeen

  At the Lucky Chance, before Luke could get inside his office, Roman met him at the elevator. “Bro, you’re not going to believe who’s waiting for you in the office,” he said, clearly agitated.

  “Who?” Luke asked as he made his way down the hallway.


  Luke frowned. “What is that punk doing here?”

  “He said he didn’t want to talk to anyone but you.”

  Their assistant, Toya, walked over and greeted them. “Hey guys. Here’s your mail, and if it’s OK with you, I’d like to take off for an early lunch.”


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