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The Last Chance

Page 19

by Darrien Lee

  Keilah was in shock. Michael was dead serious about marriage but she had always said she would marry for love and nothing else. She knew her heart was with Ramsey, but he’d made it clear that marriage was not in his plans. Feeling a headache coming on, she gave Michael a tender kiss and said, “I’ll think about it, Michael.”

  Michael smiled with satisfaction before pulling Keilah down on the bed next to him. He made love to Keilah and professed his love for her over and over until his body collapsed on top of her. Keilah was overwhelmed at the passion and force of Michael’s body as he made love to her. Michael was the only man she’d dated that accepted her career and loved her at the same time. Maybe military life wouldn’t be so bad after all, and hopefully she could grow to love him as much as he loved her.

  “Keilah, the next time we make love, I don’t want any barriers between us.”

  “What are you saying, Michael?” she asked.

  He kissed her neck and said, “I want to feel you ... all of you. I’m ready to have children, and if that look in your eyes is what I think it is, I would say so are you.”

  Michael put his finger up to her lips and said, “Don’t say anything. The next time we make love, it will be flesh against flesh, skin against skin. I want to enter your mind, body, and soul. I can’t do that with latex between us. I love you.”

  Keilah stared back at Michael. Was he in that big of a hurry to have children? Having unprotected sex with Michael wasn’t on her list of things to do anytime soon. Instead of replying to Michael’s comments, she turned over and went to sleep.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Back in D.C. as Ramsey finished up the last of his paperwork, he looked over at a picture he’d taken with Keilah on the firing range. After staring at the picture, he punched up the calendar on his computer and was happy to see that Keilah would be returning soon from California. He missed her around the office, and since she’d been away, he felt like a piece of him was also missing. It was an odd feeling, but it gave him a warm, protective sensation.

  Just as he picked up the telephone to call her, his thoughts of Keilah were interrupted when Andria Rockwell walked into his office and closed the door.

  He leaned back in his chair and shook his head in disbelief. She was sporting a very short silver dress with a plunging neckline and back. It left little of the fabulous body she had underneath her clothing to the imagination. Ramsey frowned and asked, “What are you doing here?”

  She strutted over to his desk and leaned over, giving Ramsey a clear view of her breasts. “I came to put you out of your misery.”

  “What makes you think I’m miserable?” Ramsey asked as he glanced down at her chest.

  Andria smiled and then sat down. She crossed her legs slowly and seductively, revealing the fact that she wasn’t wearing any undergarments.

  He laughed and said, “You’re nasty, Andria.”

  “You like it,” she responded as she grabbed a Hershey’s Kiss candy out of the bowl on his desk and provocatively placed it on the tip of her tongue before slowly pulling it into her mouth.

  Ramsey stood up and cleared his throat. He walked over to his small refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of water. He had to admit that Andria was pulling out all of her antics to seduce him. Instead of answering her question, he stated, “I bet the General would have something to say about that dress you’re wearing.”

  “You know I don’t care what my daddy thinks. What I want to know is, how much longer you’re going to be working so you can concentrate on me?” she asked with a seductive tone.

  “Where’s Ripley?” Ramsey asked as he twirled from side to side in his leather chair.

  Andria walked around his desk and behind his chair and started massaging his shoulders. She leaned down close to his ear and licked his earlobe. “She’s around here somewhere. She said something about making some calls or something.”

  Sanita Ripley was Andria’s personal security agent, and since she’d taken on the assignment, Andria had been more than a handful.

  “You haven’t been giving Ripley a hard time, have you?” he asked as he typed some information into his laptop.

  Andria giggled as she continued to massage his shoulders. “No more than I would anybody.”

  Ramsey couldn’t help but shake his head. “You’d better be doing whatever Ripley tells you to do. She’s one of my best agents, and your daddy’s paying us a lot of money to keep you safe. You know there’s plenty of people who wouldn’t mind snatching you off the streets so they could hold you for ransom.”

  She played with the diamond necklace around her neck and said softly, “But you already have me, Ramsey.”

  Ramsey quickly stood.. “Is that so?” he asked.

  With her lips within inches of his and her breasts pressed against his chest she blushed and said, “Without a doubt.”

  He tilted her chin upward and looked her in the eyes. Andria was a beautiful woman, but she wasn’t Keilah. He backed away and walked over to the closet and slid into his jacket.

  “What’s wrong, Ramsey? Are you really over me?” she asked.

  He turned to her and said, “We were never serious, Andria, you know that.”

  She walked over to him, pulled his collar out for him, and whispered, “Maybe you wasn’t, but I was.”

  “Since when?” he asked with a furrowed brow. “It was just sex, and you know it, Andria.”

  “Wow. I seriously thought we had something special,” she responded.

  He took her hand and said, “We do, Andria. We’re friends.”

  Andria batted her eyes at him and smiled. “Right now, I’ll take what I can get, even though it would nice to get things back to like they were.”

  Ramsey looked at his watch without agreeing to anything. He was starving, and the least he could do was take her out to dinner for old times’ sake. “Have you eaten? Are you hungry?”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and breathlessly said, “What I do want is for you to kiss me. We can talk about dinner afterward.”

  Ramsey wrapped his arms around her petite waist and whispered, “For old times’ sake.” He lowered his lips to hers, and within seconds he started feeling sick to his stomach and pulled back.

  “What’s wrong, Ramsey?”

  He backed away from her. “I don’t know. I don’t feel so good.”

  She felt his forehead. “You don’t feel warm at all.”

  He gagged again, so he walked over to his desk and took a sip of water. Andria followed him and caressed the back of his neck to soothe him. “Maybe you should get some ginger ale. It works better on an upset stomach.”

  Ramsey burped. “I think you’re right. Listen, maybe we should pass on dinner. I need to go home and lie down,” Ramsey suggested.

  “What time did you last eat?” she asked as she led him over to his chair to sit down.

  “I really didn’t eat. I had an energy drink and some dried fruit instead,” he revealed.

  She cupped his face and kissed him. “No wonder you’re sick. Your stomach is empty.”

  Ramsey felt nauseated again, and this time he pushed Andria out of the way and sprinted to the bathroom to throw up. When he returned to his office, Andria stood up and pulled her purse on her shoulder. “Come on, Ramsey. Let me help you home. You don’t need to be alone tonight.”

  “You don’t have to do that. I’ll be fine, Andria.”

  She took his keys out of his hand. “It’s not up for discussion, and if you’re not any better in the morning, I’m taking you to the doctor.”

  “That won’t be necessary.”

  She opened the door to his office “Yes, it is necessary. You need someone to take care of you. We’ll stop and pick up dinner before going home. You’ll feel so much better once you have something in your stomach.”

  He slowly followed her toward the door. “Andria, you don’t have to do this. I can take care of myself.”

  Andria put her hands on her hips. “I want to do it, R
amsey, so let me help you.”

  Ramsey thought for a moment and decided to let Andria take him home. He did feel terrible and hoped he wasn’t coming down with a virus, which wouldn’t be ideal with Keilah out of town.

  On their way out of the office, Ramsey relieved Sanita Ripley and told her he would see to it that Andria got home safe and sound. Ripley thanked Ramsey and told Andria she would make contact with her in the morning.

  Andria stopped at a restaurant near downtown to pick up their meal. As they waited in the bar area for their order, Ramsey noticed patrons staring at the tall, scantily clad, attractive woman accompanying him. This didn’t bother Andria at all, but Ramsey knew that if anyone recognized her, it wouldn’t be long before the media would show up to snap a picture. The restaurant was known to be a regular dining spot for senators and other high-profile government officials. The last thing he wanted was to have his picture plastered on the front page of the Washington Post.

  Ramsey pulled a chair out for Andria, and then sat down next to her. She rubbed his arm and asked, “How’s your stomach?”

  “Better, but not perfect,” he answered. “Andria, I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to be here. We could’ve gotten something at a fast-food restaurant.”

  “That greasy stuff? No way. Besides, I love this place. They have some of the best food in town.”

  He leaned over. “I know, Andria, but couldn’t you have picked somewhere less military and governmental?”

  She interlocked her arm with his and kissed him. “You worry too much, Ramsey. I got this. OK?”

  “I just don’t want you to get any unnecessary heat from your father,” he replied as he wiped more sweat off his brow.

  “Let me worry about Daddy,” she answered. Andria noticed the sweat on Ramsey’s brow. She pulled a tissue out of her purse and wiped it off. “It won’t be much longer, baby. Hold on.”

  Ramsey was feeling sick again, “Excuse me, Andria, I need to go to the bathroom.”

  Andria watched helplessly as Ramsey held his handkerchief over his mouth and hurried into the men’s room. She stood up and walked over to the hostess. “My date is not feeling well. Could you please check to see how much longer it will be for our order?”

  “Your name please?” the hostess asked.

  “Rockwell,” Andria replied.

  “I’ll be right back, Ms. Rockwell,” the hostess said before walking off.

  Several minutes later, as Ramsey exited the bathroom and made his way back to Andria, he came face to face with none other than General T.K. Rockwell and several of his colleagues. They were all decked out in their military uniforms, which were covered with all sorts of medals.

  “Hello, Daddy,” Andria said as she stood and kissed him on the cheek.

  “Hello, sweetheart, I believe you already know everyone here,” he said as he turned to his friends. “You all remember my daughter, Andria, don’t you?” The other men nodded and greeted Andria as well as Ramsey. “This is a friend of hers, Ramsey Stone.”

  Ramsey shook everyone’s hand, including the general’s. “Good evening, sir.”

  The general turned to his colleagues. “You guys can go ahead and sit down. I’ll join you in a second. Order me a martini, please.”

  “Will do, T.K.,” one of the men replied as they walked away.

  The general had a frown on his face as he turned and shook Ramsey’s hand again. “Ramsey, I assume you’ll see that my daughter gets home safely since it seems that Agent Ripley is not here.”

  “Without a doubt, sir,” he responded.

  “I have faith in you, son,” the general acknowledged.

  General Rockwell turned back to Andria, who was sitting once again. “Andria, the next time you decide to come out in public, I hope you won’t be so careless with your attire. That dress is barely covering your body.”

  She sat down and crossed her legs. “Don’t start, Daddy. There’s nothing wrong with my dress.”

  “Not if you’re a streetwalker, but you’re my daughter, and you have an image to uphold. I won’t let you embarrass yourself or your family.”

  Andria looked up at her father and boldly blurted out, “Don’t you mean embarrass you, Daddy?”

  He leaned down close to her and whispered, “We will not have this conversation here. I’ll talk to you in the morning.”

  Andria rolled her eyes as her father joined his colleagues at a nearby table.

  “He’s such a bully,” she said as she pouted.

  Ramsey looked at his watch. “Your father loves you, Andria, and you should be past the rebellious stage.”

  “Are you saying I’m acting childish?”

  “I’m saying you need to understand his position, and your antics make his job harder for him. People will see him as less capable of protecting this country if he can’t control his own daughter.”

  She pointed her finger at him angrily. “You men are all alike. It’s always about control. Well, I have news for you and Daddy. No one is going to control me.”

  Ramsey could see that Andria was clearly upset and hurt by his comments, but the truth does hurt sometimes.

  “I didn’t mean it like that, and you know it,” he apologized.

  She wiped away the tears that had formed in the corner of her eyes.

  “Andria, your father’s in a position of power. Stop fighting him. OK?”

  She looked over at him and said, “Whatever. Where’s our damn food?”

  After the hostess finally brought their carryout, the pair headed back to Ramsey’s house. When they got there, he was only able to eat half of his food, but Andria gobbled down her food like a wild animal. Once her stomach was full, it didn’t take long for her to fall into a deep sleep.

  Unfortunately, since Ramsey’s stomach was turning flips on him, he was unable to close his eyes. He was still nauseated, but he couldn’t understand why. As he lay there losing the battle, he decided to try a little ginger ale to calm his stomach. He felt better after he stepped outside to get a breath of fresh air, but the moment he reentered his bedroom, he got sick all over again. As he held his head over the toilet, he begged for mercy before crawling back into bed next to Andria. As soon as he pulled the comforter over his body, his stomach started churning once again. He was beginning to wonder if the culprit was Andria’s perfume, or her lipstick. Whatever it was, he realized that in order to get some sleep, he had to sleep in one of his spare bedrooms.

  As Ramsey’s intestinal system seemed to calm down once again, his thoughts went to Keilah. He was thankful she wasn’t hurt when she was attacked and was glad she showed them what Keilah Chance was made of. He smiled and wished he could’ve seen her fight off two men. The thought of her sweating and fighting caused him to become slightly aroused. He closed his eyes and reminisced about Keilah’s fiery kisses, the softness of her skin and her sexy sense of humor. He lay there savoring his erotic thoughts of Keilah until they were interrupted.

  “Ramsey, are you okay?” Andria asked as she stood in the doorway wearing one of his T-shirts. “Why are you sleeping all the way in here?”

  Lying, he said, “I didn’t want to disturb you. Besides, I’m not sure if what I have is contagious, and I don’t want you to get sick, too.”

  She walked over, sat on the side of the bed, and caressed his chest. “You’re so thoughtful, Ramsey.”

  As soon as she touched him, he immediately sat up and felt sick once again. He threw the covers back and hurried into the bathroom.

  “Can I get you anything?” Andria yelled from the other side of the door.

  Ramsey yelled, “No, just go back to bed. I’ll be fine.”

  Andria padded to the kitchen, got Ramsey a large glass of ginger ale, and left it on the nightstand before returning to bed. Once again, Ramsey slowly made his way back over to the bed. He sat there with his head in his hands. “My God. What is wrong with me?”

  Noticing the large glass of ginger ale, he drank it down, crawled back under the cov
ers, and fell fast asleep.

  Chapter Twenty

  Michael’s ringing cell phone at four AM woke him and Keilah, causing him to curse as he reached for it. “Hello?”

  “Michael, this is Colonel Bridgeforth. I’m sorry to call you at such an early hour, but there’s been a development, and we need you in back in D.C. right away for a meeting in Iraq regarding future deployments.”

  “Sir, I’m on the West Coast at the moment. Is there any way you could give me at least a week to get some personal business in order?”

  “I wish I could, Major, but I can’t. We’re leaving as soon as we can.”

  Michael sighed. “Yes, sir. I understand.”

  “It should only be for a couple of weeks, Michael. Get back here as soon as you can so you can be briefed on the trip.”

  Keilah listened quietly as Michael talked to the person on the other line. He didn’t have to tell her what was going on because she was used to these types of calls.

  “Will do, Colonel. Good-bye.”

  Michael hung up the cell phone and fell backwards onto the bed. Keilah caressed his arm. “How soon do you have to leave?”

  He turned and faced her. He put his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. “Today—if I can get a flight out. I have to go over to Iraq for a meeting, but I shouldn’t be gone more than a couple of weeks.”

  Keilah closed her eyes and whispered, “I can’t believe they can call you at the spur of the moment like that and you have to pick up and go.”

  He smiled. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll be back before you have time to miss me.”

  She cupped his face and kissed him softly on the lips. “You’re a good man, Michael.”

  He chucked. “I’d like to think I am. I love you, Keilah, and when I get back, I want to make us official. Marry me, baby.”

  “Are you serious, Michael?”

  “You know I would never joke about something this serious,” he replied as he ran his finger over her full lips.


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