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The Last Chance

Page 21

by Darrien Lee

  He sat down next to her and asked, “When are you and Malachi going to stop going to war with each other?”

  “Just as soon as he gets off my back. I think he enjoys picking fights with me.”

  “He does love you, even though he has a funny way of showing it, and you guys are a lot alike personality-wise. That’s why you clash so much.”

  Keilah looked at the cards the dealer gave her and said, “You’re delusional.”

  “Am I? You both have the hottest tempers and are the most stubborn. Do I need to go on?”

  She blushed and said, “No. Look, I know Malachi loves me, but he seems to go out of his way to aggravate me.”

  “Well, Malachi’s right about one thing. We do baby you too much, and I’m going to try not to anymore. Deal?”

  She leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Deal.”

  “Now can’t I convince you to stay a couple more days?” he asked.

  “I’m sorry, Genesis, but I can’t,” she replied as she picked her cards up and glanced at them.

  He sighed and said, “I understand. Look, about you going to lunch with Keytone.”

  She put her hand up to stop him. “Save it, Genesis. I understand where you guys are coming from, but Keytone would die before he let anything happen to me.”

  “I wish I had as much confidence in him as you do. If you’re determined to go, make sure he brings you back here when you’re done.”

  She smiled. “I will.”

  “Seriously, Keilah, be careful, and if you’re determined to fly out tonight, make your lunch short with Keytone so you see everyone before you leave.”

  She threw her cards on the table and stood. “I plan to and don’t worry, I’ll let Keytone know I can’t hang out too long.”

  Genesis kissed her on the forehead before walking off. “Hurry back.”

  “I will,” she replied as she picked up her purse and walked in the opposite direction across the casino floor. As she made her way across the room, her cell phone rang.


  “Are you ready for lunch?” Keytone asked.

  “Yes, where are you?”

  “I’m standing at the front entrance,” he replied.

  “I’ll be right there.”

  She quickly hung up the telephone and hurried across the room. It only took her a few minutes to greet him at the door, and as she moved closer she could see Li’l Mike standing next to him.

  “Hey, Keytone,” she said with a smile.

  He took her hand into his. “Good morning, Keilah. Hey, sis. I hope you’re hungry because I’m starving,” Keytone announced as he escorted her to their awaiting car.

  When they got outside, T. Money was standing next to the car. Li’l Mike opened the car door so Keytone and Keilah could get inside. Keytone turned to them and said, “I’ll catch up to you guys a little later. If you’re going to hang out here at the casino, be cool, otherwise I’ll see you when I see you.”

  “So where are we going?” Keilah asked.

  Keytone pulled out into a steady stream of traffic and said, “Oh, this little joint that some former residents of New Orleans just opened up a few weeks ago. They settled here after Hurricane Katrina. I can’t remember the name of it, but the food is off the chain. I know you’re going to love it.”

  “I’m sure I will,” she replied.

  “So, where’s your man?” Keytone asked. “His name is Michael, right?”

  She tilted her head, glanced over at him, and smiled. “At this moment, Michael is on a plane back to D.C. They’re sending him back to Iraq.”

  “Damn. That’s messed up. He seems like a cool dude.”

  “He is,” she acknowledged.

  Keytone pulled the car into a parking lot and came to a stop.

  “We’re here,” he announced as he looked out the window.

  When Keilah stepped out of the car, the Cajun aroma immediately appealed to her senses. “Something smells heavenly.”

  As the pair walked toward the entrance, Keytone smiled and said, “Just wait until you taste it.”

  Keilah linked her arm with his. “I can’t hang out with you long, Keytone, since I plan to fly out tonight. I want to make sure I get to see everyone before I go.”

  He nodded in agreement without speaking. A waitress escorted them to their table so they could consume the delicious cuisine of the Louisiana bayou.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Xavier was still angry that the Chance brothers passed on his offer to bring in more business to the Lucky Chance Casino in return for a piece of the ownership. He knew the casino was a gold mine, and it was the perfect spot for him to extend his power in the city. As he sat behind the desk in his office, he contemplated another way to get the Chances’ attention. Luke and Roman were the head of the family, but just maybe he could make Genesis and Malachi see what they didn’t.

  “Baby Dee,” Xavier called out.

  Baby Dee walked into Xavier’s office holding a piece of barbecue rib in his hands. His huge size and bulging physique clearly showed he was the muscle in the clan. “What’s up, X?”

  “Have you found out where Keilah Chance is staying?”

  Baby Dee took a bite of his rib. “Nah, but I figured she’s staying with one of her brothers. After what happened to her, you know they’re not going to let her out of their sight.”

  X nodded in agreement as he tapped his pen on the desk. “Do me a favor.”

  “What’s that?” he asked as he smacked his lips.

  “Go over to the Lucky Chance, see who’s running the show, and then give me a call. Luke and Roman might not want to listen to me, but I have a feeling Genesis and Malachi will be very interested in my offer.”

  Baby Dee finished off his rib. “A’ight. I’ll hit you up on your cell shortly.”

  Once Baby Dee was out of the room, X picked up the telephone and made a call, but unfortunately he got voice mail.

  “Yo, it’s X. I was calling to let you know that our little plan is in the works. If everything goes like planned, everything will be in place by the end of the week. Hit me up on my cell when you can. Later.”

  Xavier hung up the telephone and picked up the newspaper displaying a picture of the Chance family standing in front of the Special K Casino, and then it hit him. It was the perfect solution to get the Chance brothers to accept his offer, and they wouldn’t be able to take no for an answer. He grabbed his cell phone and called Slim and Romeo, who made up the rest of his ruthless entourage and told them to get back to the warehouse as soon as possible. At the moment they were terrorizing one of Xavier’s customers who owed X money. They held the man hostage in his own home, and after tying the helpless debtor to a chair and threatening to shoot him in the groin, only then did the terrified man instruct his girlfriend to hand over money to the pair. Before hanging up the telephone, Xavier instructed Slim to shoot the man in the knee as a receipt of payment, and to tell him that next time, he wouldn’t be so understanding. Slim did as he was told and the pair exited the man’s house leaving him crying out in pain and his girlfriend hysterical.

  After lunch, Keytone dropped Keilah off at the Special K Casino instead of the Lucky Chance as she requested. As soon as she entered their office, Luke sighed.

  “Keilah, I got a call from Genesis, and he said you went to lunch with Keytone. Are you trying to hurt us on purpose?”

  “Well, good afternoon to you too, big brother,” she replied as she sat down in the chair. “What are you doing here anyway? You’re supposed to be off this week.”

  “Keilah, don’t change the subject.”

  She waved him off. “I heard you, Luke. I don’t want to talk about Keytone, Luke, and while Genesis was running his mouth did he tell you I was leaving tonight?”

  Luke sat on the end of his desk. “He mentioned it.”

  Keilah picked up a framed picture of Luke, Sabrinia, and their children from his desk. “You guys look good together. Sabrinia’s perfect for you, Luke.” />
  He folded his arms and said, “Thank you, and I agree.”

  Keilah continued to stare at the picture and before putting it back in place she said, “I’m serious, Luke. Sabrinia’s a great mother and wife. I just hope you realize it.”

  He smiled with admiration. “She has to be a good woman to put up with me, huh?”

  Keilah smiled and said, “You’re not that hard to deal with, but you have your moments. I couldn’t ask for a better father figure.”

  She stood and hugged him lovingly. Luke didn’t know what was going on with Keilah, but he sensed a little sadness from her. She released him and said, “Look, I hate to leave you guys, but I’m flying back to D.C. tonight so I can spend some time with Michael before he heads off to Iraq. I need to get back to work too. Could you give me a ride over to Malachi’s so I can pack my things?”

  “I can do that. I only stopped by to pick up my mail. Let me check in with Roman before we leave.”

  She grabbed her purse. “I’ll wait for you in the reception area, and can you please call Genesis and let him know I’m with you? He was expecting me to come back over there after lunch with Keytone.”

  Luke picked up the telephone and said, “OK, I’ll be right with you.”

  Keilah walked out into the reception area so she could check in with Ramsey. When his cell phone rang, he answered immediately. She could tell he was in his car by the sounds in the background. “Hey, Ramsey, did I catch you at a bad time?”

  A smile immediately graced his face. “No, I’m good. What’s up?”

  “I was just calling to let you know I’m flying back home tonight. I really appreciate you holding things down until I took care of things out here,” she said with admiration.

  Ramsey’s heart thumped in his chest. That was the best news he’d heard all day. “I thought you were going to stay an extra day or two. What’s wrong? Nothing else has happened, has it?”

  She picked up a magazine and thumbed through it as she waited on Luke. “No, I’m just ready to come home. Michael’s already on his way back because they’re sending him over to Iraq for some type of meeting. He left LAX this morning.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. So what time does your flight get in?”

  She smiled as some of the employees walked by. “I’m leaving late—around ten—so that won’t put me back in D.C. until around eight A.M.”

  “Is Michael picking you up at the airport?” Ramsey asked. “Because if he can’t, I will pick you up.”

  “Michael doesn’t even know I’m coming home yet. Don’t worry. I’m going to grab a cab when I get in, but thanks anyway.”

  “Keilah, I’m picking you up and it’s not up for discussion.”

  She sighed. “I don’t want to put you out like that.”

  “You’re not putting me out. Besides, I need to see a friendly face. I was sick as a dog yesterday, but I’m better now.”

  “What was wrong?”

  “I don’t know. I felt like I had food poisoning or something. Look, we’ll talk more when you get back. What’s your flight number?”

  Keilah gave Ramsey her flight, and they discussed a few things regarding their business before they told each other good-bye. When Ramsey hung up the telephone he had to make an effort to keep from yelling at the top of his lungs. Keilah was finally on her way home.

  When Keilah tucked her cell phone back inside her purse, she felt her stomach quivering. Hearing Ramsey’s voice made her feel that much more anxious to look into his eyes and search for any indication that he felt more for her than friendship. However, Keilah had no idea what lay in store for her ... no idea.

  Later that evening, Sabrinia and Luke hosted a dinner in Keilah’s honor before she left for the airport. Since Italian cuisine was Keilah’s favorite, Sabrinia prepared a variety of dishes, including lasagna, chicken marsala, shrimp scampi, salad, and a basket full of garlic bread. The kids devoured nearly all of the lasagna before tearing into the cake and ice cream.

  Keilah leaned back in her chair and rubbed her stomach. “I am stuffed. Sabrinia, what are you trying to do with me?”

  Sabrinia laughed. “I was determined to fix all your favorites.”

  “Yeah, but I didn’t have to try and eat all of it,” Keilah joked.

  Sabrinia sipped her wine. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

  “That’s a no-brainer, Sabrinia. I don’t think you’re capable of making a bad meal. Now your husband, that’s a different story.”

  Luke threw his napkin at Keilah. “Speak for yourself. I bet your oven hasn’t been used since you bought it.”

  She threw his napkin back over to him. “That’s where you’re wrong, big brother. I’m a great cook.”

  “I’m sure you are, sis.”

  Keilah looked at her watch and stood. “I hate to eat and run, guys, but I really need to get to the airport.”

  Genesis stood. “Is Michael meeting you at the airport?”

  “No, Ramsey is going to pick me up. I want to surprise Michael.”

  “Michael doesn’t know you’re coming home?” Roman asked.

  “I told you, I want to surprise him,” she explained.

  Malachi laughed. “Ramsey’s picking you up? That’s a good move.”

  Genesis, Roman, and Luke looked over at Malachi in confusion. Roman asked, “What’s wrong with Ramsey picking her up?”

  Keilah stared at Malachi and spoke before he did. “Nothing’s wrong with him picking me up. Malachi’s just saying that because Michael asked me to marry him.”

  “What?” Luke asked. “Asked you to marry him? When did this happen?”

  Roman mumbled, “You’re not ready to get married, Keilah.”

  Genesis asked, “Did you just meet this dude?”

  Sabrinia giggled and said, “Y’all are funny.”

  Luke frowned at Sabrinia and asked, “What’s funny about her marrying some guy she doesn’t know?”

  Sabrinia held her wineglass up to Luke and said, “I’m not laughing at that. I’m laughing at the fact that you guys still don’t realize that Keilah doesn’t need any of your permission to do anything. She’s twenty-seven years old.”

  Luke turned his attention back to Keilah without responding to Sabrinia’s statement. “Keilah, don’t you do anything stupid. We’ll talk about this on the way to the airport.”

  “Wait a minute. I’ve already called a cab,” she announced. “Besides, all of you have had just a little too much wine to be driving right now.”

  They all knew she was right and agreed they needed to let the wine get out of their systems before they drove home. Keilah gave her nieces and nephews their good-bye hugs and kisses before hugging Sabrinia and her other family members.

  Keilah walked back over to her brothers and faced four pairs of eyes like hers. “Well, guys, I guess this is it. I’ll call you when I get back to D.C.”

  “Make sure you do,” Luke announced as he hugged her lovingly. “I love you, and I hope to see you soon.”

  Roman pulled her into an embrace and kissed her forehead. “Have a safe flight, sis.”

  “Thanks, Roman.”

  Genesis was next in line. He kissed her cheek and said, “Be good. I love you.”

  “I love you too, Genesis.”

  Last but not least, it was Malachi’s turn. When his eyes met hers, they were saddened. He hugged and whispered into her ear. “Good-bye, Keilah. You know I love you and don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.”

  She hugged his neck and whispered, “Thank you. I love you too.”

  It was at that moment they heard a car horn blaring. Sabrinia announced, “Keilah, your taxi is here.”

  “If you don’t mind, let him know I’ll be right out,” she replied as she fought back her tears.

  “Can we at least help you with your luggage?” Luke asked.

  “Of course you can.”

  All five siblings walked out the door to the awaiting cab and said their last good-byes before it drove down t
he street and out of sight.

  Later that night, as X and his crew rode around town, he was clearly angry that things weren’t going his way. He had hoped to get a chance to pitch his deal to Genesis and Malachi, but they had already left the casino. He turned to Slim and said, “I’m sick of this. It’s time for Plan B, and they’re not going to like it.”

  “Are you sure you want to go that route?” Slim asked.

  X laughed. “I’ll do whatever it takes to get what I want. Let’s roll. We have a lot of work to do.”

  Ramsey felt like having a little fun, so he talked Bradford into meeting him at a local jazz club for drinks. He wasn’t planning on staying out late because he knew he had to pick Keilah up from the airport early the next morning. But a little male bonding was something he needed.

  “Ramsey, over here,” his friend Bradford Hill yelled.

  Ramsey made his way through the crowd until he met up with his friend at the bar. Shaking Bradford’s hand he said, “Sorry I’m late.”

  Bradford twirled around on the bar stool and threw a shot of tequila at the back of his throat. “You’re not late. You’re right on time.”

  Ramsey placed his drink order with the bartender and said, “You’d better slow down on that stuff.”

  Bradford laughed. “That was my last one. I want my vision to be clear when I pick out my honey tonight.”

  The bartender sat Ramsey’s Corona in front of him, and he immediately took a sip. “There’s a nice crowd here tonight.”

  “It sure is, and I saw one of your old girls in here, too.”

  Ramsey took another sip and asked, “Who?”

  “Monica,” he informed him as he ordered a beer.

  “I haven’t hooked up with her in a minute. How did she look?”

  Bradford looked at Ramsey and just smiled.

  “That good, huh?” Ramsey asked.

  “Better,” Bradford replied.

  The bartender sat Bradford’s beer in front of him and Ramsey said, “I thought that was your last drink.”

  “No, that was my last tequila. I’m just getting started on the beer. Oh! Here comes your girl,” Bradford announced.


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