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Chrysalis: The Crucible of Immortality Book 2

Page 20

by Leto Spirit Blackman

  "Hmm...I am so turned around. This world has changed, I do not recognize anything anymore." She looks around at our surroundings. "A military base, you say? Were there Personal Multi-Purpose Utility Pods?" She asks.

  "Yes, I used one. It is amazing technology." I tell her.

  She gets a horrified look on her face that morphs into a laugh. "Oh, you poor child. You willingly did this to yourself?"

  "Yes. It enhanced my body greatly. As well as curing a lot of ailments. Why does it matter?" My patience wearing thin.

  "Those are Thrall Pods, they condition the troops so they are stripped of most emotions. Anger, hate, greed, lust and few others are all that is left. It was how we controlled our vast armies. They became solely focused on killing their enemies, and then fornicating when there were no battles to be fought." Sarvina studies me for a few minutes. "Well, as there is no one left to compel you, it may not be a problem. Anger and lust is all I require from you." Her eyes wander down to the bulge in my pants. "There are a few ways to become a Companion. The two most common ways is either by having the compulsion built into your very being. We had Companion Orbs, that most people enjoyed. They were mainly advanced artificial intelligence built upon an energy matrix. They had no choice as to whether or not they were a Companion."

  "Yes. I had one of those. Although she chose to become human. I am supposed to love her, but that word doesn't have much meaning anymore." I tell her.

  "What do you mean? That is not possible...Companion Orbs are nothing more than what they are. They do not become human, or any other creature for that matter." She pauses for a moment. "As for love, that would be the Thrall conditioning at work. But, I never found such an emotion useful. You should be thankful. What generation and model was your Companion Orb?"

  "I do not know." I tell her.

  She sighs, frustrated. "A Terran that became a Corrupted Progenitor Thrall that had a rare Companion Orb. Quite the enigma you are, Jax Stone."

  "What is the other method?" I ask her.

  She faux pouts, "You are no fun. The other way is for us to perform a Blood Bonding, with me speaking the words of Subjugation. We must then sacrifice ten virgins and bathe in their blood."

  I raise an eyebrow, "Where do we find ten virgins? And do we just ask if they are...pure? Is there a skill to tell if someone is a virgin?"

  Sarvina looks at me with a straight face. "Oh. You are serious." She begins laughing, "I take it back, you are quite fun!"

  I turn around to leave.

  She grabs my arm, "So serious. I threw that last part in about the virgins as fun. The process is actually quite simple and quick. And yes...there is a skill to tell if someone is a virgin."

  "Then stop wasting my time and let’s proceed." My anger flaring up.

  "Yes, Master." She gets on her knees. "Come stand before me."

  I step forward.

  "Do you have a knife?" She asks.

  I get out a simple iron dagger. I begin to hand it over then stop, the dagger just out of her reach.

  "You know, you were right. I am much more powerful than you are. I do not need a dagger to kill you." She looks at me with an expression I can't quite place. "Jax, I will not harm you. I only wish to join with you, so that we both may grow in power, and have some side benefits."

  I hand the dagger to her.

  Sarvina slices her hand and then takes mine and slices me across my palm, then she joins our bloody hands together. "I Sarvina Uils, invoke the Blood Bonding of Subjugation. I pledge my life in service to Jax Stone. I promise to never harm or deceive my new Master under the Penalty of Laws of Companionship."

  A heat blooms between our joined hands.

  Warning! You may only have one Companion at one time. Do you wish to break the Companion Bond with Kala?* Y/N

  *Please choose carefully. Once a Companion Bond is severed it may not be renewed for one year.

  I think back on my time with Kala. She had helped keep me alive and acted as a limited guide to this world. We had been through a lot together. Kala and I have been running around this planet as a team for almost a thousand years, but I remember only this current life. I want her safe, and I want the best for her. But, I have no idea where she is, and I must grow in power. I believe this insane woman in front of me will be of great use in achieving my goals. I feel like this decision should be hard, but it's actually easy. It's not like I am forsaking Kala, I'm doing this for her and Jill. I am weak and must become strong and kill our enemies. I'm sorry, Kala.

  I select yes.

  NO! A voice in the back of my mind screams.

  The heat between our joined hands intensifies until it feels like a fire burns. Then I feel something new. Satisfaction. But it is not my emotion, it is coming off of Sarvina.

  "It is done, Master." Still holding our bloody hands she pulls me down to my knees so that we are facing each other. "Now...we must seal the deal."

  "What do you mean? I can feel your emotions, is it not done?" I ask her.

  She smiles knowingly. "I thought you understood? I chose Subjugation. It is meant for Companions that are sexually compatible. If we weren't, it wouldn't have worked. Did you not know that there are different types of Companion Laws?"

  "You tricked me." I say, getting angry.

  "No, my dear. I just thought you understood. I promise in the future to make sure you completely understand before a course of action is taken."

  Her words seem to be genuine, but I will need to be more vigilant going forward. It seems there is some wiggle room for deception that I can expect from her. "What must happen?" I ask her.

  "Mmm...I can feel your anger rolling off you, it makes me wet..." She reaches out and pulls me in closer. "Subjugation requires us to be joined sexually within the first 12 hours of the Blood Bonding, or the Companion Bond will be severed, there will be some nasty side effects if it is broken so soon."

  It's strange how much of who we are is dictated by hormones and emotions. I am still Jax Stone, but intellectually I know I am not the same person I was back on Earth. Actually, I take that back. I'm not even human anymore, I'm a Progenitor. I only look human. Actually, I take that back as well. The black veins under my skin don't exactly look human. I'm a Corrupted Progenitor Thrall, whatever that means. Am I still capable of empathy? Love? All these words are just that, words. There is nothing I can do about it right now. I know those human emotions still exist in me, they annoyingly yell at me from the back of my mind.

  "My Master thinks too much. Sometimes all that is required is action." She snaps me out of my pondering by slapping me, hard. She knocked 3% of my health away.

  Anger flares up in me light an exploding sun, I grab her throat and squeeze. She makes a gurgled sound of pleasure and grabs my throbbing member. I slam her into the ground by her throat. I am hit with overwhelming emotions of lust, both mine and hers, feeding each other like binary stars. I pry the dagger out of her fingers and use it to cut away her potato sack of a shirt. I accidentally cut her torso, it is only skin deep. Her body shudders under me from the pain I just caused her. Her breasts are exposed and...I'm shocked for a moment. She has two normal breasts, and then two smaller ones underneath. She pulls my face down to hers and me kisses passionately, driven by lust.

  Two hours later we lay side by side, both of us panting. Claw marks adorn my back. Her face, ass, nipples and neck are red from being slapped, pinched, choked, and scratched.

  Sarvina laughs,

  "Of course I can hear you, you’re right next to me." I say.

  " She says.

  I prop myself up on my elbows and look at her grinning face.


  Her lips did not move. "Are you talking directly into my brain?"


  "No. She said that over time we might be able to speak in such a fashion."

  You had a strange Companion Orb. Was there anything else about it that was noteworthy?> She asks me.

  "She..." I begin to say.

  Sarvina tells me.

  Looking down at her large round eyes, she looks innocent and insidious at the same time. I just had relations with an alien. It's so strange. You have betrayed her. A voice whispers from a dark corner of my mind. "Shut up."

  Sarvina touches my face, "My poor dear. Don't fight with yourself, you may end up with another passenger like I have."


  She leans up and kisses me, and then bites my lower lip, a little too hard.

  I reach down and twist her nipple.

  She leans her head back and gasps, She laughs out loud.

  I tell her.

  Sarvina sits up, "What do you mean? Your Companion Orb is immortal?" Her eyes even larger than normal.

  "I'm guessing from your confused emotions that Kala being immortal is unusual?" I ask.

  "Yes." She says.

  I raise an eyebrow, waiting for her to elaborate. When it becomes evident that she is not going to add more, "Okay. I'm sure you will tell me when you are ready."

  She bows her head, "Yes, Master."

  "You don't have to call me that, Jax is fine." I say, getting my clothes back on. I wonder if she has more clothes, I kind of ruined her burlap shirt.

  "You can't fool me, Master. I can sense how it makes you feel when I call you Master. You enjoy it." She smiles wickedly at me.

  "Do you have another shirt?" I say, ignoring her statement.

  She swipes in the air, accessing her menus. A new shirt materializes around her. "I think the loot drop system has gotten a bit screwy, I kept getting these horrible rough cotton pants and shirts. I literally have 15 of each in my Flux Inventory."

  I dump 30 pairs of rough cotton pants in front of her. "I know. They have come in useful from time to time." I click on the pile of pants to return them back into my inventory. I notice a notification wanting my attention.

  Congratulations! You have learned the Skill:

  Fornication* (Novice, Lvl 1)

  You have learned the very basics of interacting intimately with someone or creature. Dexterity and constitution will increase by 1 per 5 levels of this skill.

  Stamina Cost: 5 per thrust

  Experience awarded: 30

  *Due to your Ameliorater Focus, you may Upgrade this skill. Do you wish to proceed? Y/N

  "Really? I wasn't a virgin." I mumble quietly. We went at it for almost two hours and the skill didn't go up a level? My focus can be a real pain.

  "What was that? I couldn't hear you." Sarvina asks.

  Ignoring her, I select yes.

  Congratulations! You can Upgrade or Empower the Skill:

  Fornication (Novice, Lvl 1)

  Upgrade: Orgasmator

  Boost: Fornication (Empowered)

  When you use this skill, you are able to bring any sentient being to instant orgasm. Range is 15 feet. Skill cooldown is 1 hour. This is a form of mental attack and must pass a mental resistance check to succeed.

  User will sense the wants and needs of their partner, and will be better equipped to please. User will last twice as long and have faster recovery. There is a 50% increased critical chance to hit the G-Spot.

  I do not even hesitate, I make my choice.

  "Why are you looking at me like that?" Sarvina asks me.

  I flick my fingers at her and she falls to the ground, her back arched as she yells out in what is half scream and half moan. Her body twitches and she digs her fingers into the dirt. After a few aftershocks, she settles down.

  "What did you do to me? That was amazing." She stretches like a sleepy cat and then yawns.

  "Interesting. I could probably use this as a form of stun." I say, thinking of the possibilities. I look at her on the ground, "You ready to go?"

  "Ugh, you Thrall's are no fun, so singularly minded."

  I start walking away.

  "Do you know where you are going?" She yells at me.

  "To kill as many of The Caste as I can."

  "Again. I repeat, do you know where you are going?" She sounds annoyed.

  "If you know the way, please enlighten me."

  "I believe these are the Great Ala-Vis Red Mountains." She says, getting up.

  "Did your point get lost in these mountains?"

  "My point, Master, is that we both received the War Event notification. The Red Mountains are near impassable, except for one location." She gestures around us, "These mountains run across the entirety of Ala-Vis, cutting the continent in half, right down the middle. We only need find The Red Gates. Once we do The Caste must go through us."

  She looks to the sky. "There you are." She looks at me and then points to the sky. "See that blinking orange dot, that's The Eye of the Administrator. It always points north. So, we head that way."

  "How do you know we haven't passed these Red Gates?"

  She sighs, "You should trust me. I am so vastly older than you are."

  I stare at her with a blank expression.

  "You said you came from a military facility? I could be wrong, be I remember one being south of The Red Gates." She tells me.

  "You have proven your usefulness... so far." I say and head in the direction she pointed.

  Chapter Seventeen: The Red Gate


  Dodging to my left, the horn of the unicorn barely misses impaling my face. I fire off a Chaos Shard, hitting the majestic beast in the ribs of its stupid pure-white coat of hair. The unicorn falls down dead.

  My blue skinned Progenitor lover says. She is leaning against a tree watching me. She wanted to see what I could do.

  I am about to reach down and loot the beast...

  I look up at Sarvina sauntering over. She looks down at the dead unicorn.

  I tell her.

  She snorts, She extends her hands and starts speaking under her breath. The harder I try to hear what she is saying the more difficult it becomes to even hear her. Smoky green tendrils leave her hands and enter the dead creature. The unicorn convulses violently on the ground. Then its eyes snap open and blaze with a sickly green light.

  "Rise my dear." Sarvina speaks to it, like a mother to a child.

  The dead...undead? Unicorn convulses one last time, then gets to its feet.

  "Impressive. How many...uh minions?" I am unsure of the correct term to use.

  "Yes, minions. How many can I control at once?" She asks me.

  I nod at her, confirming what I was going to ask her.

  "At my current skill level and willpower, I am able to control just this one beast. But that is because it is a unique rare creature, it takes up all four of my minion slots." She tells me.

  "So, if it is a normal creature you can control four?"

  "Yes. You can do math, very good, Master." She has a slight smirk on her face.

  There is a pang of something in my heart...what is it? Sadness? My mind flashes with a memory of Kala being snarky with me. But as quickly as it came, the feeling disappears.

  "What can you do with it?" I ask, pushing the memories of Kala down.

  Sarvina walks around the beast, petting its not so pure white hair. "Oh, this
was a very good catch. Rare creatures like this retain some of their levels and skills. Here, it would be easier to just show you." She swipes in the air and then a window pops up in my vision.

  Name: The White Unicorn

  Title: Minion of Sarvina Uils

  Level: 15 (9)

  Synthesis: 63%

  Health: 241

  Mental: 350

  Stamina: N/A

  Focus: N/A

  Race: Unicorn (Reanimated)

  Skills: Charge, Bless, Inspire

  Loot: Rare

  "Ooo...this gets better!" The blue woman exclaims.

  "Care to fill me in?" I ask her.

  "It says on my Minion Sheet that this beast can be used as a mount." She grabs some of its mane, "Give me a hand?"

  I hoist her up onto the unicorns back, her skirt rides up exposing her butt. She notices where I'm looking.

  "Really, Master? I just satisfied you but a few minutes before we killed this wonderful beast." She rolls her eyes. She gives the animal little kick and trots around me in a circle. She thinks to me.

  Using a little effort, I pull myself up, seems putting some points into strength pays off. Sarvina moves up to make room for me. I wrap my arms around her waist. I have discovered that physical contact amplifies the effects of the bond we share. She feels the lust I am feeling, which in turn causes her to get worked up, it turns into a vicious cycle.

  She presses herself into me and moans.


  She laughs as her response, and the unicorn takes off at a full gallop.

  We ride for what seems like hours, my legs are sore and my butt numb. We stop for water and a snack.

  Sarvina is stretching while eating some roasted critter. I ask her.

  She looks up at me, her face unreadable, even the emotions I feel from her do not enlighten me.

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