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Chrysalis: The Crucible of Immortality Book 2

Page 22

by Leto Spirit Blackman

  After saying her goodbyes to Nessa, Jill heads outside to find Aurelia. She stands in front of the child, her hands propped up on her waist, in her best attempt to appear stern. "You tried to leave? Are you going to fight an army alone?"

  The child stares back at Jill defiantly.

  Jill sighs, she sees too much of herself in this fierce girl. She walks over to her and picks her up and hugs her. "We are a team; you, me, and Thunder. Please don't try to go off alone. I know you are angry. I know you want revenge against the ones that took your parents away. But you will die if you try and face them alone. And there are other families out there who need protecting." Jill pulls back to look Aurelia in the eyes, "You are special. Most do not have the power that you have. You must use your gift to protect those that cannot." Jill sighs, "I don't want you to fight. I don't want you to be involved in war." Aurelia stiffens. "But... it seems you may be fated to be involved. We are leaving, now. Human forces are gathering and we are to meet them and help however possible."

  Aurelia softens some, hearing that Jill will not try and stop her. "Thank you." She whispers.

  Jill hands her a silver and green bag, the size of a hand purse. Jill takes her own bag and holds it against her hip, the bag glows and tendrils extend from the bag and around Jill's waist until it is seamlessly attached to her body. The Fairy Bag of Holding is pretty amazing. There is no need to physically open the bag, you only need to picture the item in your mind and will the item into the bag, the same to remove items.

  Together, they travel to the edge of the fairy realm. There is a barely discernible barrier of shimmering air, the world beyond colorless and muted. The Caste is no longer in the area, having marched on a few hours before.

  "You ready?" Jill asks the girl mounted on Thunder. She had bathed and donned fresh clothes the night before, at Jill's insistence, but now she was again covered in mud. Her face caked with dry earth, her hair slicked back with mud and twigs. Jill sighs and rolls her eyes at the same time, seems this is the child's version of war paint, she even tried to paint a design on Thunder. The Dire Wiger chirps for the both of them as a response. They step through the barrier, the world snaps into color with a pop of sound. Jill looks back behind her but can no longer see the fairy realm.

  "Well, we have a long journey ahead of us, Nessa provided the location of where we need to go, some place called Land's Wound." She looks down at Aurelia on the beast. "Hey Thunder, you don't happen to have a friend I can ride, do you?" She asks with a chuckle.

  Aurelia grins and hops off the beast, then she kneels on the ground while placing both hands flat on the earth.

  "Um, what are you doing? Last time you did that some giant armored earthworm came and swallowed everything up.

  The child ignores the question, her eyes blaze with energy and then she up, still grinning.

  Jill looks around, nervous, but nothing seems to have happened. "Well... alright, we better get going."

  The child holds up a hand, indicating for Jill to wait. Off in the distance there is a squawking-roar like sound. Aurelia jumps up and down in excitement.

  "What did you do?!" Jill yells, looking for cover. Something large and black is flying towards them, smoke trails from the creature. "Holy shit... is that a dragon?" Jill's legs are shaking, she grabs the child's hand and begins to pull her away. Thunder growls, Aurelia pulls her hand away from Jill's and holds Thunder’s head in her hands. The child's eyes glow and the beast calms down.

  "Ma'am, a creature approaches." Alfred says from Jill's wrist.

  "Shut up, Alfred." Jill snaps.

  "Yes, ma'am."

  Wind blows down on them from the creature as it lands in front of them. Jill backs away, the dragon snaps its head in her direction and then issues a deafening screech. Aurelia steps before the large creature and locks eyes with the dragon. The creature screeches again and slams a foot on the ground, warning them to stay back. The child takes a step forward.

  "Aurelia! Stay back!" Jill yells.

  The child takes another step forward. The dragon head lunges forward and snaps its teeth a few inches from Aurelia's head. The child doesn't flinch. The dragon lowers its head, so that it is level with the small child, its forked tongue flickers out with a hiss. Aurelia reaches out with her hands and places them on the dragon’s head. The dragon closes its eyes, as does Aurelia. No one moves. Jill studies the large, scaled creature. It looks just like she remembers from the movies and games from Earth, only so much more real, it is about the size of a pickup truck. Black scales flow over its body. Its eyes are a striking white color, almost like it's blind, but there is a glittering within its eyes, like diamonds. Smoke slowly drifts out of its nostrils. Jill Analyzes it.

  Name: Shenxerinashardina

  Title: N/A

  Level: 4

  Synthesis: 57%

  Health: 830

  Mental: 210

  Stamina: 670

  Focus: N/A

  Race: Twilight Dragon

  Skills: Dragon's Breath, Dragon's Roar

  Loot: Rare

  Jill notices that the dragon opened one of its eyes and is staring right at her. A low grating growl comes from its throat.

  Aurelia turns her head and opens her eyes and scowls at Jill, then turns back to the dragon to continue whatever strange ritual they have going on.

  Thunder walks over and rubs against Jill's leg and then lays down at her feet. Well, if the Wiger is not worried, then Jill decides to sit. She pets Thunder's head.

  After maybe half an hour Aurelia takes her hands down and looks at Jill. "She will help us. She is an orphan, like all of us. She is only 2 years old, barely out of the nest." Aurelia sways on her feet, looking exhausted. Instead of the fierce warrior child, she looks like a tired kid who needs a nap.

  Jill gets to her feet and approaches the child, the dragon's tongue flicks out with a hiss. Jill holds up her hands, "Woah, easy now. I'm just going to help her."

  The dragon tilts her head so that one of its diamond eyes watches her.

  Jill catches Aurelia before she falls to the ground.

  "I'm... fine... tired..." The child protests, she looks up at the dragon. "Her name is She-nx... Shenxer..." She tries to pronounce the dragons long and complex name.

  Jill smiles, "It's okay." She looks up at the black scaled beast. "Can we call you Shen?"

  The dragon growls and puffs a plume of arid hot smoke into Jill's face.

  Jill coughs, "I guess she doesn't like that."

  "Shard." The child says. The dragon just tilts her head curiously.

  "You are an amazing and insane child." Jill leans down and kisses Aurelia's forehead. The child gives her a toothy grin. "Well, now what?"

  "You ride her." Aurelia says.

  "Wait. What? You can't be serious." Jill says, feeling terrified just thinking about riding the dragon.

  "Why do you think I called to her?" Aurelia asks.

  "I don't know, I guess to have a huge lizard fight for us?" Jill winces as another plume of smoke envelops her.

  "Will you stop making her angry?" Aurelia asks between coughs. "She is an Ally, for now, but if her Disposition toward us becomes too low she might eat us."

  Jill looks at Shard, her wicked teeth the size of daggers. "I'm sorry, you are a beautiful dragon, and I'm grateful you are on our side."

  Shard is not paying attention, but watching a bunny-like creature hop into a nearby bush. Shard sneezes and the bush is engulfed in flames. She leans her head down, her tongue lashes out and comes back with the charred remains of the bunny. She happily chops away.

  Jill looks back down at Aurelia, "Have I told you how happy I am that you are talking, and smiling?"

  Aurelia shrinks into herself and doesn't speak for a moment. "I hated how powerless I felt. My parents hiding me away... and then having to listen to them die. I hated myself... if only I had acted, used my power... they might still be alive..." Aurelia stops, tears glistening on her eyes.

  "I'm sorry swe
etie, I didn't mean to bring up hard memories." She hugs the child tightly. "But, I do know what it is like to feel powerless. We are both strong, and will only get stronger. I will protect you, and you will protect me." Thunder chirps and then licks Aurelia's face, making her giggle.

  "I love you too." Aurelia kisses Thunder's wet nose. "He says he will protect us both."

  "There is a saying my brother and I used to say, 'The bigger the asshole, the harder they fall.' This whole world is one big asshole, and it will fall before us. It's you and me kid." Jill tells her.

  "Asshole?" Aurelia asks.

  Jill stifles a laugh, it's funny to hear the small child say the curse word. "Um, yeah, it just means a person that is a bad guy, or really mean."

  Aurelia nods that she understands, "Yeah, a whole lot of assholes."

  "You feeling better? Are you able to travel?" Jill asks her.

  "Yeah, I can ride on Thunder, I'll be okay."

  "About that... why don't you ride Shard?" Jill looks over at the dragon, who seems to have gotten bored and laid down.

  "Because you are slow, and you are too big to ride Mr. Thunder Fluffy Cloud." Aurelia ruffles Thunder’s furry head.

  "Mr. Thunder Fluffy Cloud?" Jill asks with laugh.

  Aurelia blushes, realizing she said that.

  Jill's heart breaks, she is so happy that Aurelia still has some childlike ways about her. "If I had some Cores I could Infuse my body and be able to keep up."

  Aurelia raises an eyebrow and stares at Jill with a bemused look.

  "Right. So, I guess I'll be riding a huge liza... beautiful dragon." Jill looks over to see Shard looking at her. Jill sighs, "So... do I just get on top of her?"

  "Let her smell you. Move slowly and tell her your intentions." The child tells her.

  Jill gets up and slowly walks over to the dragon. Shard opens her eyes and gazes at Jill like a hawk looks at a mouse. Jill holds her hand out.

  Shard flicks her tongue out tasting and smelling the strange creature that looks like a human, but is something new, different. She wonders if this not-human is tasty. The smaller not-human smells like this larger one. But the small one spoke to her and used some sort of magic to charm her to view these squishy creatures as friends. She senses terrible power in the small not-human, when she first felt her power she almost cowered, but the small not-human spoke kindly and showed her how they are kindred spirits. They both lost their parents. She able to understand their crude language now and they speak of ridiculous and boring things. She even views the Dire Wiger as a friend now, even though the beast smells like a tasty treat. She knows the larger not-human wishes to ride her. The nerve. Normally she would just eat them, but now they are friends and it would be poor etiquette to eat her friends. The small not-human spoke of a great many enemies that she could feast on. But still... to have a meal ride on the great Shenxerinashardina, she would be the laughing stock of the Twilight Dragons, if any still existed. Her parents both went to fight a Kothrix, a monstrous evil beast, and never returned. She has not seen another of her kind. Great. The not-human is now touching her.

  Jill has her hand on the dragon’s head. She hasn't been eaten yet, so yay? "Do you think it would be okay if I fly with you?"

  Shard puffs air into Jill's face, but without smoke this time. Then she turns to Aurelia and screeches.

  "She thinks you will just fall off." Aurelia translates.

  Suddenly something falls to the ground, seemingly out of nowhere.

  Shard looks to where the object fell to the ground. She can see a slight shimmering in the air. Fairies. She tasted their presence for a moment. She was wondering why this not-humans smelled like the gross insect-like creatures. Too sweet they taste. They must have one of their great trees around here.

  Jill picks up the object. "I think it's a harness." She looks to where she thinks the fairy realm is. "Thank you!" She yells. They must have been watching everything unfold here. Jill turns around to see Aurelia and the dragon touching with eyes closed again.

  "Okay." Aurelia says to Shard smiling. "She will allow you to harness her. But, she said if she encounters another of her kind while you are riding her she may be forced to eat you."

  Jill's face pales. "Uh..."

  "She is joking." Aurelia says. "I think." The child grins, "I told her about all the assholes she will get to eat."

  Jill loses it. The combination of the stress, death, war, and dragons wanting to eat her is just too much. She starts laughing until tears stream down her face and her sides hurt.

  Aurelia and Shard exchange looks.

  Jill holds up a hand, "I'm okay. Sorry."

  Fifteen minutes later Jill has the harness and saddle firmly attached to Shard. Tentatively she climbs up, there is even a strap to attach a tether to Jill that will hold her if she falls off. Jill pats the side of Shard. "Okay, Beautiful, take it easy on me."

  Shard snorts, the not-human is now on top of her and speaking to her. She can sense weak auras of fear and seduction coming off of the not-human, but they have no effect on her. Flapping her wings, she takes to the sky. Shard hears the not-human yell out in fear and grip down with her squishy legs. The sky opens up to her. This is her domain, she takes off in the direction that the small not-human told her to go. She can see the child riding the beast below.

  Jill is scared out of her mind. She had ridden a horse once on Earth, and that was scary. This is a million times worse. She can feel the power and strength of the truck-sized flying lizard, its taut muscles ripple beneath her. Her knuckles are white from gripping the saddle so tightly and her heart is beating in her throat. They are now high above the tree line, "Holy shit." Jill says through clenched teeth. "Just don't look down. Don't do it Jill." She looks down. She feels her stomach flip as bile rises and burns her throat. She closes her eyes and counts to ten, then opens them again. "That's a girl, nice and easy." Jill pats the dragon. Shard turns her head to look back at Jill. "Watch the road, or um the sky, please!" Jill stumbles over her words. The dragon snorts and then bares her teeth. "Did you just grin at me?" Jill asks, the blood draining from her face.

  Shard grins at the dark haired not-human, the squishy meat treat seems to be terrified of flying. She is going to have some fun. Angling her head down she dives and she hears the not-human screech. Shard laughs, which to her passenger sounds like an angry roar. Up ahead she spots smoke and some humans laying on the ground, she can smell blood.

  Jill notices smoke and people up ahead. "Can you take us down to that wagon on fire?" Shard snorts and then dives at a way too steep angle causing Jill to almost lose the contents of her stomach. The dragon lands with a rumbling thud. Four men and two women, dressed in crude leathers jump up from looting the dead in front of them. They have blood splatters all over their clothes, faces, and bodies. Jill grins as the bandits’ faces turn pale. Aurelia and Thunder arrive a moment later.

  Aurelia turns to Shard, "Assholes."

  The small not-human uses the word that means these humans are treats. She says hi to them.

  Jill flinches as Shard issues a deafening roar. One of the men pisses himself and another falls on his ass backing away. Shard snaps her head to the left and then lunges forward and bites a man in half before he could run away.

  Everyone is stunned as they stare at the bloody scene.

  Jill notices the others about to run away. "Stop where you are."

  "Lo...lo...look, we just found them like this..." One of the women stammers.

  Jill Analyzes the woman. "Really? Because you literally have a Focus of Arcane Bandit. Doesn't sound like you rescue kittens for a living."

  The woman who had stuttered face morphs into a mask of a cold hard killer. "Easy for you to be speaking to us so calmly with a fantla dragon fighting for you." She spits on the ground, her stutter gone.

  Jill turns to Shard, "Do you mind if I take them?" The dragon picks up the dead man and then walks over to a tree to finish her meal. "You were saying?"

.. what the Wanderer is that?" One of the men asks with a chuckle while at the same time pulling out two curved swords.

  "I'm the sister of the Wanderer, and I need you to tell me what happened here." Jill says with venom in her voice, as she notices a dead child in the burning wagon. Aurelia moves next to Jill, she is still on top of Thunder. "Only help if it looks like they might take me. I need to catch up in levels with you." Jill whispers to the Beast Champion.

  "You got the same message that we got, The Caste is invading." The woman speaks again, obviously the leader of the group. She gestures to the dead people around her, "They were already dead, they just didn't know it, we fixed that." The woman sneers at Jill and pulls out a glowing rod, the size of a police baton. "Do you really think these farmers would have stood a chance against an invading army?"

  Jill moves her hands in front of herself, palms out, hands crossed over each other. When she trained with her Master on Earth he would speak of Chi Energy and how different parts of the body formed meridians that aligned with different times in the day. Jill always felt it was a little silly and didn't understand the point. But last night she decided to play around and discovered it's not so silly after all. The current time of the day was part of the earth cycle. Jill connects with her Chi Energy opening her earth meridian.

  The bandits form up behind the leader and exchange looks, then the woman laughs, "You don't even have a Focus. You should leave now before..."

  "Taiyin." Jill yells and then stomps her foot down. Jagged rocks shoot out of the ground in a 15-foot cone in front of her. The bandits are blasted with rocks, a few are knocked back onto the ground, the leader’s face is peppered with rocks. One of the men has a rock impaled in his ribs and is writhing on the ground.

  Jill runs forward to take advantage of the situation, all the while maintaining her breathing. Another thing she discovered was that if she used the breathing technique that her master taught her, she gained a new resource called Chi Energy. The longer she used the breathing technique the more the new resource bar filled up. Jill can't quite remember all the names, times, and bodily locations of her meridians, but she feels that she will remember. Right now she knows Taiyin, which is earth and is connected to her feet, and she also knows Shaoyang, which is fire. She has enough Chi Energy to open her fire meridian in her hands.


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