Chrysalis: The Crucible of Immortality Book 2

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Chrysalis: The Crucible of Immortality Book 2 Page 23

by Leto Spirit Blackman

  Shard looks up from the asshole she is eating, she grimaces, this human is filthy. She doesn't like eating dirty assholes, and hopes they are not all like this. She hears the larger not-human yell and attack the group of humans. She snorts, she could have finished them all in a matter of a few moments, but the not-human is now a friend and asked her not to interfere. She watches the one that is called Jill, such a silly short name, Jill dashes forward only to be blasted with a bolt of lightning from a glowing stick the woman human is holding. Hmm...maybe the not-human Jill will die and she can then eat her? She smells better then these dirty humans and is probably tasty.

  Mav'nan the Arcane Bandit Queen has initiated 1v1 Death Duel. Do you accept? Y/N

  *Warning! This is a duel to the death. Others will not be able to interfere until the duel concludes.

  After Jill gets up from being blasted from the bandit leader’s weapon, she sees a new notification. "Ouch." She rubs her chest where she took the lightning bolt.

  "Come on fantla, I don't have all day." Mav'nan yells at Jill.

  Jill sighs, it would really suck to die again. But, Aurelia is more powerful than she is and she has Thunder and Shard. She feels more than confident they can handle themselves while she takes care of this bitch. "Fine, let’s do this." Jill selects yes. Instantly the world flashes and Jill finds herself in the clouds, on a floating island the size of a house. The island is circular in shape and completely flat. There is a thick red line at the edge of the island. Jill walks over and looks past the red line, "What the hell?" They are thousands of feet high in the sky.

  Mav'nan laughs, "Is this your first duel? Stupid fantla, doesn't even know what she just got into. Welcome to where all Death Duels take place, The Floating Arena. This will be my tenth match, after I win, I will get a special Perk, so I will thank you now, your death will have meaning."

  Shard watches the not-human Jill and the bandit leader disappear in a flash of light. The other bandits look at each other, then at the child riding a Wiger, then at her. They all turn around to run away. Shard uses her skill Dragon's Roar, causing all the bandits to be stunned for five seconds. She then calmly walks over and then uses her other skill Dragon's Breath, out of her throat liquid blue-fire ravages the stunned bandits, their eyes frozen in terror. Surprisingly a few of them don't die instantly. They lie on the ground screaming, their skin charred. Shard finishes them off, tired of hearing their shrill noises. Maybe they will be tastier cooked? She begins eating one. Hmm, a little better. Where are her manners? She rips a leg off a bandit and drops it in front of the small not-human.

  Aurelia looks down at the charred human leg and jumps off of Thunder, runs to the side of the dirt road, and barfs.

  Shard watches the one called Aurelia get sick. Guess she doesn't like charred human? That's fine, more for her. She looks down to see the beast eating the leg, Shard snorts and thinks about taking the leg away, but she decides there is enough to go around.

  Jill skids to a halt, a few inches from falling over the red line and into her death. She is down to 48% health. Maybe her decision to choose a combat path that relies on close proximity to her target was a mistake? She has no armor and no weapons. What was she thinking? She could imagine her martial arts Master on Earth smacking the back of her head for thinking such things. Once, in a fit of frustration, Jill suggested that she just get a gun to protect herself. Her Master taught her a painful lesson that day. He went to the storeroom and brought out a compressed air pellet gun. He handed it to her and asked her to shoot him. He walked away and then stood in front of her, ten feet away. He told her she would be banned from the dojo if she didn't do as he asked. He mocked her until she became angry and raised the gun and fired. Her Master was not there, but a few feet away with a smirk on his face. She fired again. Her Master moved across the room like an ice skater, his hands clasped behind his back. Jill kept firing and missing until the gun clicked empty. Out of nowhere her Master was in front of her. He poked her hard with two fingers in multiple spots. Jill found herself on the ground paralyzed, her Master looking down at her with a smile. "Patience is power; with time and patience the mulberry becomes silk." He told her in a quiet voice. He left her there for an hour.

  "You ready to end this? I'm sure my gang has already handled your friends, do you really want to live with your loved ones dead?" Mav'nan asks with a laugh, her health only down 12%.

  Jill circles the cocky bandit, biding her time. Jill feints to the left, causing the Arcane Bandit to fire off a bolt of lightning. They dance around the arena, Jill never getting close to Mav'nan.

  "Enough! I grow tired of this." The bandit queen yells. She grabs her glowing rod with both hands and mutters something. The air crackles with electricity, from the air two hands made out of glowing energy appear, the hands grip the air, pulling a body out of nowhere.

  "Crap." Jill says, as some sort of elemental creature pulls its head out. It's now or never. Jill runs and flips over the elemental to land in front of Mav'nan. Jill had been running around this whole time dodging attacks so she could refill her Chi Energy. She shoots her hands out and screams Shaoyang, three fire balls come out of her hands and explode in the bitch’s face. Jill had never actually used this skill before, it was disconcerting to put it mildly. She felt incredible heat leave her body through her hands. After the fire balls left her body her hands look icy and have frost on the finger tips. Jill violently pokes Mav'nan in the same spots that her Master did on Earth. The queen bitch drops to the ground paralyzed, her face burnt. Jill takes only a moment to make eye contact with the woman, and then punches her face until nothing but pulp remains. The world flashes and Jill is back on the ground. Shard, Thunder, and Aurelia are curled up sleeping in a pile next to a smoldering area of ground.

  Jill falls to the ground as a light envelops her and she levels up to level 11. All of her health has returned and her exhaustion is gone.

  "Greeting Progenitor Jill, iteration number three."

  Jill yelps out, "Jesus. Do you always have to sneak up on me? I need to put a bell on you, like a cat."

  The gray buzzing humanoid mass just stands there for a moment, "You may now choose a Focus."

  Jill sighs, "Hey Alfred, what do you know about this thing in front of me?"

  "The entity known as the Administrator is older than all recorded history. It governs certain aspects of this world, providing focuses and quests are part of its privy." Her British butler says.

  Jill sighs again, "Gee, thanks. I'm truly enlightened, Alfred."

  "It is my pleasure, ma'am."

  "Okay, what do you have for me Admin guy." Jill asks.

  Shard cracks an eye to see what is making noise to see the not-human Jill talking to something that has a smell like the air right before a heavy rain. Boring. She closes her eye and goes back to sleep.

  Chi Warrior:

  This Focus is for users who have begun down the path of Chi Energy. Users on this path have increased Chi production and Natural Armor as a 2X multiplier. You also learn the Focus exclusive skill Strike of the Multi-Headed Tiger.

  Silent Core Monk:

  This Focus is for Progenitors who have the Energy Infusion skill and have Unarmed Combat at level 10. The Silent Core Monk is able to double the power and duration of Energy Infusion. You also learn the Focus exclusive skill Energy Form.

  Dragon Kin:

  This Focus is for users who have reached a disposition of at least Friendly with a dragon and have Unarmed Combat at level 10. This Focus allows the user to learn and incorporate dragon-based skills into unique hybrid skills. You also gain the Focus exclusive trait Dragon's Tongue.

  "Well damn. I guess using Unarmed Combat has paid off." Jill reads all three Focuses again. "You made it really hard this time. Dragon Kin doesn't have a Focus skill but a trait instead? So does that mean I would be able to talk to dragons?" Jill looks at the Administrator.

  Jill rolls her eyes when the swarm of gray just buzzes like a hive of bees.

p; "Alfred? Do you know anything about these Focus choices?" Jill asks.

  "I do not have sufficient data to answer that question." Her gauntlet tells her.

  "You know, the two of you should go on a date, it would be a match made in digital heaven." Jill says sarcastically.

  Chapter Nineteen: You Say Hello, I Say Holy Shit is That a Dragon?


  Kala holds Vua's hands, "I will miss you. I know we only have had a few months time together, but I feel close to you." Kala says.

  Vua looks at Kala and then squeezes her hands, "The family screams, breaks like shattered glass, yet no blood is drawn, many paths unfold, many taken without cut feet."

  Kala looks over at the two Alvinius diplomats, they are distinctively different than Vua. They no longer have a third eye, but have a glimmering jewel where their third eye would be. They are also about four inches taller and have genders. The one on the right is clearly a male and the one on the right is female. Vua is neither and both.

  Kala looks back at Vua, "I...I don't know what that means." Kala looks over at one of the Alvinius diplomats.

  "The song-verse speech of the Ancient Alvinius is quite complex to translate and has been mostly lost to time." The diplomat says in a clipped tone, which is quite the opposite of how Vua speaks.

  Vua leans in and kisses Kala on the lips, surprising her. Kala feels a stirring in her that is unexpected. Vua then turns around and leaves with the Alvinius diplomats.

  Max lays a hand on Kala's shoulder, "Well...that was interesting. Are you two an item?"

  "What? No. I don't know what that was. Vua is a strange one, I will miss her." Kala says.

  "I would imagine you may see her...him? You sure they are female? Vua is quite attractive, but my body gives me conflicting feelings when I look at her-him...Anyway, I was saying, you may see them again. The Alvinius are an ally and have agreed to send 1,000 soldiers to Land's Wound." Max tells her.

  Kala notices Meela'los, Master of Arms, saunter down the hallway toward Max and her.

  "Ah, Master of Arms, good to see you. Have you considered my proposal?" Max asks with a grin, and his cheeks flushing slightly.

  Meela'los rolls her eyes, ignores Max, and then hands Kala a large package. "Here you go my lovely little vixen." The scary and beautiful woman's hand lingers on Kala's wrist for a moment. "I think you will be pleasantly surprised."

  "Thank you, Meela'los." Kala holds the package with both hands.

  "Well, what are you waiting for? We need to leave soon." The horned woman tells her.

  "We? Are you coming with?" Kala asks confused and excited, as the Master of Arms is quickly becoming one of her favorite people.

  Meela'los laughs, with growls interspersed, "Oh yes my child, Land's Wound has a large stockpile of dangerous weapons. It takes the Master of Arms and a Commander to open the War Vault there." Meela'los slips her arm around Kala's waist, "Plus, I want more time to get to know my new favorite redhead." The striking woman's tail swishes back and forth happily. "Do you need help getting changed?"

  Kala coughs and blushes at the same time, "Oh, I can manage. Thank you. I'm happy to hear you will be joining us." Kala slips out of Meela'los' arm. "I'll be right back."

  Max and Meela'los both watch her scurry away, smirks on both of their faces.

  "You know, you shouldn't tease her like that." Max says to the Master of Arms.

  Without looking at Max the woman replies, "Who said I was teasing?" Then she turns to Max and frowns, "I'm still not talking to you. Sending the queen to see me without informing me first?"

  Max chuckles and then his smile disappears when he sees Meela'los' scowl on her face.

  Kala shuts the door to her room and leans against it, the cold wood feels good against her back. Physical contact with people is still a bit overwhelming, plus it just reminds her of Jax and how they never got to be together. Everything spiraled out of control, and she somehow ended up here, so far from the one that was supposed to her soulmate. Kala scolds herself, she can't dwell on such things. There are people that need her, Max, her grandson being one of them. It's still so strange that her grandson is almost the same age as her. Kala scrunches her face, "Ugh, this is all so confusing. Am I only less than six months old? Or am I hundreds of years old?" Kala mutters to herself, feeling a bit off kilter for a moment. She has the body of a 25-year-old human, but she was a glowing ball of energy less than a year ago. Kala sighs and pushes all of these thoughts away and decides to look at the loot. Everything can be made better with loot.

  Kala opens the package and first finds two strange rod-like items. They seem to be made of crystal. One is clear and white like quartz, the other is a smoky crystal with black and purple colors. Each of the rods are about two-feet long and have the perfect amount of heft. The base of each one the crystals has been smoothed down and then wrapped with leather.

  Twin Rods of Opposing Force

  Rarity: Rare

  Quality: Fine

  Durability: 400/400

  Weapon Type: Energy Projectile or Crushing

  Ranged Damage: 40 - 115, Refined Elemental Plasma

  Melee Damage: 21 - 31

  Bonus: Intelligence increased by 15

  -These rods are formed from Colizium Crystal, only found on the island of Colize. There are two mines on the island, one has the clear crystal, the other the smoky crystal. When held the crystals activate and begin cycling energy between each other. There are a number of techniques that can be performed to produce various effects. When the tips of each are brought together Elemental Plasma will be released.

  Interesting. What are these various effects? Kala makes a mental note to ask Meela'los about these strange rods, and why she picked them out.

  Kala next picks up a ring, it is just a simple silver band with an amethyst-like stone.

  Famous Joe's Flux Ring

  Rarity: Rare

  Quality: Fine

  Durability: 250/250

  Effect: Flux Inventory is increased by 50 slots.

  -In the year 234 A.H., a human discovered a way to increase a person’s internal Flux Inventory. Joe's Flux Rings became a must have item. Strangely, Joe disappeared, some say he entered his own Flux inventory.

  Kala grins, this is an amazing item. She slips it on her finger and then adds the crystal rods to her Flux Inventory. She is feeling a million times better at this point and can't wait to see what the next item is.

  She picks up a heavy dress with a hood attached. It is a deep purple color and feels like velvet. Kala holds it up to her body, if she were to put it on it would come down to her knees. On the inside of the dress/cloak hybrid Kala notices fine threads of silver and gold materials.

  Hooded Dress of the Mimic

  Rarity: Rare

  Quality: Masterwork

  Durability: 600/600

  Light Armor: 75

  Effect: Imparts the passive trait Reveal.

  -When this dress is worn the user will gain the passive trait Reveal, which will show the skills of beasts, creatures, monsters, and sentient beings up to level 40. Depending on the strength of the creature Reveal may show hidden skills. Revealed skills will have detailed descriptions.

  "Hmm, I told her I wasn't a Mimic. But, I can see how this dress will be helpful with my Consume Core skill." Kala talks to herself again. She unequips her cloths and equips the new dress and then looks in a mirror. There is an attached belt that Kala tightens and then she flips the hood over her head. "Damn, this dress feels amazing, and I look amazing."

  Kala walks back and picks up the final item. A pair of knee-high boots. They are a black leather material.

  Boots of Weak Invisibility

  Rarity: Rare

  Quality: Fine

  Durability: 320/320

  Light Armor: 35

  Effect: When the user stands still for 5 seconds they will gain Weak Invisibility, blending into their surroundings. Effect will be broken if combat is initiated. An attack from this state
will count as a Sneak Attack.

  "Well pull my tail, you look hot."

  Kala jumps at the voice and turns around to find Meela'los staring at her like she is dessert.

  "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you. It had been awhile and I wanted to make sure everything was to your liking?" Meela'los looks Kala up and down with a sharp-toothed smile.

  "Yes, it is all" Kala says.

  Meela'los laughs, "Yes, I knew these would look great with your red hair. I don't know why everyone thinks you have to choose between style or practicality, when you can have both." Meela'los takes a step closer, her tail swishing about. "Go ahead and give me a twirl."

  Kala blushes and does as she is asked.

  "So, what do you think of the Colizium Crystal Rods?" Meela'los asks.

  "They seem like nice weapons." Kala responds.

  "Nice?? Nice you say?! Those are some amazing weapons. There is a school dedicated to the training in Colizium Weapons. They are able to produce incredible effects." Meela'los tells Kala in a passionate tone.

  "You are really into weapons." Kala says.

  "Well, yeah. I'm not called Master of Arms for fun. Once we get out into the field I'll show you what those beauties can do. Your epic bow that you traded in is an extraordinarily beautiful work of art, but it can't adapt to situations like those crystal rods." The purple-red skinned woman says. Meela'los grabs Kala's hand and pulls her over to the mirror. "Would you look at us? Everyone is going to be turning their heads to get second, third and fourth glances at the pair of us." Kala notices that Meela'los also has on a battle robe and knee-high boots.


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