Chrysalis: The Crucible of Immortality Book 2

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Chrysalis: The Crucible of Immortality Book 2 Page 24

by Leto Spirit Blackman

  One hour later Kala, Max, and Meela'los are a few miles outside of Tola'Val. They are all riding a creature called a Lalavis, which looks like a cross between a horse and a crocodile. Behind them are 2,000 Tola'Val soldiers.

  "I have missed this." Max proclaims. "Being on the open road is just what I needed. My wandering heart has yearned for this."

  "Oh boy, he's getting on poetic on us." Meela'los says while rolling her eyes.

  "More than the road, my heart yearns for you, my horned beauty." Max says to Meela'los.

  "Anyway, Kala, how about you and I scout ahead and find something to test out your new weapons on. We need to power level you before we get to Land's Wound." Meela'los says.

  "Please be careful. I'm adding you both to the War Party, don't worry you won't have to share your experience points with 2,000 soldiers. I just need to be able to see where you are on my map and track your health in case you decide to fight a dragon." Max tells Kala and Meela'los.

  "Yes, yes. I know how a War Party works, Max." Meela'los looks at Kala and smirks.

  "I was…" Max starts to say.

  "Don't stare at my ass when we ride away." Meela'los yells, causing the nearest soldiers to snicker. Ten minutes later Kala and Meela'los are stalking through the woods. "A dragon. Ha! What a fool, no one has seen one of those flying lizards for years."

  "So, what exactly are we looking for?" Kala asks.

  "I'm a level 25 Tracker, I am able to see tracks highlighted with a description and level of what made the tracks. I spotted the tracks of a level 46 Dire Biger that are only 30 minutes old." The horned woman stops from staring at the ground and looks up at Kala.

  "So, I'm guessing that's a bear/tiger hybrid?" Kala asks.

  "You got it babe." Meela'los smiles.

  "My friend has a Dire Wiger as a pet. Where is this tiger that is getting it on with wolves and bears? And how does that even work?" Kala asks with a pensive face.

  "Anyway. Let me see your crystal rods. I want to show a few things."

  Kala gets them out and hands them to Meela'los.

  "Okay. So first, let me show you how to do a ranged attack." Meela'los takes the crystal rods and connects the two ends. Crackling blue energy forms, like burning water. Then she pushes both rods out in front of her and disconnects them. The burning blue mass of energy flies off in the direction she pushed. "So, pretty easy? You can modify the amount of energy released by holding the rods together in longer or shorter frequency." She demonstrates by first rapidly tapping and pushing to fire quickly. Then she holds the rods together for a few seconds and releases a larger, slower moving mass of energy. "Just depends of the situation as to whether you want to use the light or heavy ranged attack. Okay, now show me." Meela'los hands the rods back.

  Kala tries out both styles of attack. "That is easy, plus it doesn't use my mental energy for attacks, like my bow did."

  Meela'los takes the rods back. "Now, I will show you a defensive technique." She takes the rods and connects the middle of each rod to each other. She then rubs them up and down quickly. "Throw a rock at me from in front of me."

  Kala picks up a small rock and throws it right at Meela'los's face. The rock hits an invisible barrier and shoots back towards Kala missing her by a few inches.

  Meela'los gasps and drops the rods, "Are you okay? I actually didn't know that would happen."

  "I'm fine, I know it was an accident, plus it didn't even hit me. So, it can generate a type of shield?" Kala asks.

  Meela'los picks up the rods, "Yeah, as you heard it will make a horrible grating sound, but the shield it generates will be a lifesaver. Alright, let me show you one more thing. But, please stand behind me. This next one will take some strength, so if you are low on that attribute I wouldn't try this one." She takes the rods and places one of the tips against the base of the other. Meela'los' muscles flex and it looks like she is straining. She then releases one of the rods and it goes shooting from her hand and smashes into a tree. "I would maybe only use that technique in a dire situation, like if your opponent is resistant to the elemental plasma attack. It can do substantial crushing damage, but will leave you with only one of your rods, and you need both for your ranged attacks. It's a good thing Colizium is incredibly durable, because that technique would be horrible for the care of your weapons." Meela'los hands the rods back to Kala.

  Kala bows to Meela'los, "I bow to your superior knowledge. These rods are amazing. Thank you for picking them out for me." Kala steps forward and kisses the platinum blonde woman on the cheek. Kala hears a barely perceptible growl from the woman. Kala clears her throat, "Well, should we continue?"

  "Of course, my dear." Meela'los walks off, her tail swishing happily.

  Soon they are both crouched down behind a bush watching a large, no…huge bear with orange-brown shaggy fur, black stripes, and a long tail. Its snout is buried in an animal carcass, blood smeared all over its face. They are far enough away that they can talk quietly without drawing the attention of the Dire Biger.

  "Is it okay to just attack this animal? It hasn't done anything to us." Kala asks.

  Meela'los smiles at Kala, like she is an innocent child. "It is the way of this world. If you haven't learned yet, it's kill or be killed. Besides, the meat will feed the soldiers."

  "But... it doesn't have to be this way, does it? Why can there not be peace?" Kala asks, feeling a slight sickness in the pit of her stomach.

  "You may be right my dear, but you can't do anything from a position of weakness. Get stronger, at least for now, strength is the only language this world understands. Besides, it's dangerous to leave a Dire Biger in this area, so close to the farms that surround Tola'Vas. That beast would not have a moral quandary about killing and eating a human child." Meela'los looks at Kala's crestfallen face, she reaches out and squeezes her hand, "I have faith if anyone can change this world it is the beautiful woman before me with a heart larger than any I've known." Meela'los gets out a staff almost has tall as she is. It has glowing script on the entirety of its length, the top has a globe of silver, about the size of a fist that is hovering in the air a few inches from the staff top. "Kala, meet Silver Wind."

  "Uh, hi?" Kala says a little confused. Then Kala hears whispering all around her, but she can't make out any of the words. Her eyes widen, "What was that sound?"

  Meela'los sighs, "Kala, this is the Legendary Weapon Silver Wind."

  Kala's eyes get even bigger, "You have a legendary weapon?! Can I hold it?"

  Meela'los chuckles, "That's the response I was looking for. Sorry, I can't let you hold her. Silver Wind and I need to get to know you a little more first, it's nothing personal."

  "Meela'los, what level are you?" Kala asks, her eyes not leaving the beautiful legendary weapon.

  "Normally I wouldn't just give that info out, but I like you. I'm level 62, and before you ask, I'm 79 years old. Langhu live for an average of 325 years."

  "Wow. Does Max have a legendary weapon too?" Kala asks.

  Meela'los laughs a little too loud and then covers her mouth and looks in the direction of the eating beast. "He wishes. They are not called legendary for fun. I actually am the only one to have a legendary weapon in the Tola'Vas kingdom. Mythic items are even more rare, it is rumored that the Alvinius have one, but it hasn't been confirmed."

  "Huh... there is a Progenitor ruin under the village that was attacked. There was a locked and Core Bound case that contained multiple legendary weapons." Kala tells the Master of Arms.

  Meela'los just stares at Kala.

  "Um, Meela'los? Are you okay?" Kala asks adverting her eyes, as Meela'los' stare was becoming uncomfortable.

  "You're serious?" The horned woman asks.

  Kala nods her head yes.

  "Korth the Savior... this is...I don't even know what to say. After this war is over you will need to show me this Progenitor ruin." Meela'los says in an intense tone.

  "Sure. We tried to open it, but it seemed impenetrable."

p; "Hmm... we'll see about that." Meela'los looks at the Dire Biger. "Let’s do this. This is going to be cheating, but we need to catch up with the army."

  "You do know that I am only level 11, right?"

  "And you know that I am level 62 with a legendary weapon, right?" Meela'los smirks.

  "I see your point."

  Meela'los stands up and walks right into the clearing, "Hey there, how are you? Would you mind if my lovely friend here eats your soul?"

  The Dire Biger growls, its snout still lowered into the gaping bloody hole of the dead beast. It bites down and then drags the carcass a few feet back.

  "Oh, you stop that now. We don't want your stinky meat, my friend here just wants your eternal soul." Meela'los turns to the bush Kala is still hiding behind. "Kala, my dear, come introduce yourself, don't be rude."

  Kala shakes her head, this woman is a little crazy. Kala stands up and walks out. "Hi."

  "Now that we have all made our introductions, let’s begin." Meela'los holds Silver Wind forward and then the horned woman begins to float, wind whipping about her, and a glow radiating from all around her. Both Kala and the Dire Biger stare at the floating woman in awe. The silver globe flies off of the staff and then circles around the beast. Wind ruffles the beast’s fur and then it is floating in the air, roaring and thrashing about. "If you don't mind." Meela'los raises her eyebrow and then gestures towards the floating beast.

  Kala takes a few steps forward and then uses her rods to fire off an elemental plasma bolt. The beast roars louder.

  "Use your Flare skill too. Then once it is down to 25% health use your Consume Core skill." Meela'los instructs Kala.

  Kala uses Flare, only taking 1% of the angry beast's health.

  "Okay. Stand back, we will be here all day at this rate. No offense my dear, but your damage output is pitiful."

  Kala glares at the woman and is met with a warm smile, Kala's glare turns into a smile too.

  The silver globe circling the bear crackles and electricity shoots out of it striking the Dire Biger. It only has 3% health left.

  "Oops, almost ended the fight. Alright do your thing." Meela'los says.

  Kala is stunned at the level of power this woman so casually commands. After a moment she snaps out of her stunned state and uses Xoria Communion and sees the energy thread she can pull on that is attached to the Dire Biger. Kala looks closer and notices other threads that are harder to see, these are a slightly different color. She tries to pull on one of these other threads, but is unable to latch on. Maybe she needs to be a higher level? She looks over at Meela'los, "Are you sure I should do this? This beast is 35 levels higher than I am. There was a warning with my Consume Core skill that taking Cores that are a much higher level than my own may cause death."

  "I know, it's exciting, right?" Meela'los grins.

  Kala groans internally, "Fuck it." As soon as she uses Consume Core she squeezes her eyes shut so she doesn't see her own death rush towards her. Then a Mack Truck of energy hits Kala. She is thrown to the ground and her mouth opens in a silent scream as light streams out of her mouth and eyes, and then...

  "Greetings Progenitor Construct Kala. You may now choose a Tier Two Focus Skill."

  Meela'los is by Kala's side, holding her hand. "Korth the Savior, Kala. That was incredible, you just jumped 15 levels in a matter of seconds." She squeezes Kala's hand and then helps her sit up. "Are you okay?"

  "Actually, yes. I feel amazing, like I could lift a mountain, or destroy one." Kala looks up at the buzzing form of The Administrator. "I guess that's one way to power level."

  "What in the world just happened?" Max yells as he comes charging into the clearing. He looks at the dead Dire Biger, then at Kala on the ground, and then The Administrator. "Meela'los, what did you do?" Max's eyes stop on Silver Wind for a moment, envy flashing across his face.

  "I just power leveled your grandma. You're welcome." Meela'los replies.

  "Yeah, I was watching my War Party lunette when all of the sudden Kala's name flashed over and over. I watched her go from level 11 to 26." Max shakes his head in disbelief. "Well, what are your Tier Two options?" Max gives Kala a strange look.

  "Don't rush her, and why are you looking at her like that?" Meela'los looks at Kala. "Oh. Your eyes my dear. It's a little disconcerting." Meela'los says looking at Kala's eyes, which look like glowing mercury.

  "Sorry." Kala says and deactivates Xoria Communion. Then she stands up and faces The Administrator. "What are my choices?"

  Xoria Master, Tier Two

  -Divine Shaper (Novice, Lvl 1)

  -Mental Cost: 5% per golem

  Xoria Master, Tier Two

  -Divine Bubble (Novice, Lvl 1)

  -Mental Cost: 75

  The Xoria Master can at level 1 shape dirt into a golem. The Dirt Golem can follow simple commands and will have 50 health points. The total mass available per golem at level 1 is 16 ounces. At level 1 the user can control 3 golems.

  The Xoria Master can command the ambient Xoria to form an impenetrable bubble around the user in an 8 foot radius for 5 seconds. While under the bubble health will regenerate 300% faster. Attacks from inside the bubble will not be possible. This skill has a 5 minute cool-down.

  Max and Meela'los exchange looks after Kala tells them her options.

  "What?" Kala asks.

  "We were wondering the path your focus would follow. The use of the word Divine is...interesting." Max says and then sighs, "I can see a religion popping up around this if word gets out."

  "Like the Cult of the Wanderer." Meela'los says to Max.

  "We need to keep this quiet." Max looks around to see a few soldiers watching from a distance. "Stand guard by the road and do not let anyone approach." He barks his orders.

  "I'd join the Cult of Kala." Meela'los says with a grin, but then sees Kala's and Max's faces. "Sorry. Too soon?"

  "I would recommend the bubble one, sounds like it can be a lifesaver." Max says.

  "Are you kidding me? Don't be silly. She has to take the shaper one. Have you ever heard of such a thing? Golems? They sound funny, but I think the potential is amazing." Meela'los says passionately.

  "What is she going to do with little mud toys? She needs-" Max says before Kala interrupts him.

  "Stop!" Kala yells. "I'm going to stop asking for help if you two are just going to talk about me like I'm not here."

  Max and Meela'los both look admonished.

  "Thank you, Progenitor Construct Kala. You may choose a passive skill at level 30." The Administrator dissipates into the air.

  Kala walks over and is about to loot the Dire Biger, but then remembers that the body will be absorbed into the earth after looted, so she leaves it there so the meat can be harvested.

  "Uh, Kala? What did you choose?" Max asks.

  "You better have your soldiers get the meat from this and then give me the loot." Kala says as she walks past Max and Meela'los.

  "I think you grandma is angry at us." Meela'los whispers to Max.

  Just then the sound of the soldiers yelling and a mighty roar startles everyone. Max, Meela'los, and Kala all look up to see a black dragon flying toward them.

  "Don't say a word." Meela'los says to Max's grinning face.

  Chapter Twenty: The Wanderer


  I used Portals to get Sarvina and I up the wall, only to be greeted with arrows whizzing by our faces.

  "Seems they are not very happy to see us." My blue skinned lover says.

  "Idiots. I don't understand, I only wish to defeat The Caste, we share the same enemy. Why do they fight us, it's silly?" I ask ducking behind the wall. I knew intellectually my questions were in fact the silly part of this situation. They are fighting against an invading force. They are fighting against a monster that I have become. I am still capable of having these thoughts, but I could give zero fucks. I am driven to find my enemy and kill them. All of them. That is all I care about. What about your sister? "Shut up."

  I tell you about fighting with yourself? Your persona can splinter and you can inherit a passenger.> Sarvina speaks in my mind. Her feelings push against my mind, like a bully.

  I fire off a few Chao shards and hear a woman screaming in pain as the chaos energy bypasses her armor.

  94 humans left.

  My devious companion tells me.

  I look down to see the unicorn standing there, its sickly green eyes glowing, like a jack-o-lantern. I open a portal and Sarvina instructs the undead beast to walk through. The unicorn snaps into existence next to us and takes an arrow in its side before I open another Portal. I quickly open another Portal, wincing at the headache forming from using so much mental energy so quickly. Killing those first two guards had netted us a substantial amount of experience, as most of the guards are at least level 25. I am already to level 14. I had dumped most of my attribute points into intelligence, to boost my mental energy pool.

  The arrow doesn't do much damage to the undead unicorn. It steps through the Portal and appears next to the startled soldiers. The unicorn impales one and uses its hind legs to bash in the face of another.

  92 humans left.

  Sarvina tells me.

  I point with my finger to the dead soldier on the ground next to us, a crossbow bolt sticking out of his bloody face.


  Sarvina raises the dead man. I hear someone scream down below.

  "Monsters! That man had a family."

  I open another Portal and send him down. More screams. I use the distraction to use Laser Beam, but find it less effective than Chaos Shard.

  89 humans left.

  Both Sarvina and I flash with light as we level up again. I can feel my companion’s lust rolling into me like the ocean.


  A blast crumbles the wall around us and we fall to the ground inside the courtyard. The wind is knocked out of me and 18% of my health is gone. I crawl behind a section of the wall that had fallen with me.


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