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AJ Mirag - Clippings

Page 11

by Clippings (lit)

  “No!” protested Daniel. “I want to do it. But maybe this is not the best time...”

  “Of course it's not. You've been injured, and you’re still in pain.”

  Daniel embraced him. “You're amazing, you know that?”

  “I know. But I'll only feel accomplished when I get you out of here. Tomorrow I'll have a serious talk with the Professor.”

  “You really want to get rid of me, don't you?”

  Mephisto gently wrapped his arms around Daniel. “It's not like I didn't want to have you with me forever. The problem is that this place is not safe for you.” Mephisto stayed in silence for a few seconds, then pushed Daniel away a little to look into his eyes. A mischievous glint crossed his dark eyes. “There are some other things we can do, now that we know that we both are safe...”

  Daniel put an innocent face on. “Really?”

  Mephisto knelt before Daniel, pulled down his trousers and briefs, held the base of his cock, leaned closer and teasingly licked its tip.

  Daniel held Mephisto's head with both hands to keep him right there, but then he had a new idea. “Vlado, let me do the same thing to you.”

  “Sixty-nine? I'm going to like that.” Mephisto stood up. “Let's go to bed, then.”

  They undressed and lay side-by-side, head to crotch. Mephisto, who was the taller, had to curve his body a bit. “I suppose you've never done this before.”

  “Never,” answered Daniel.

  “Be careful. Mind your teeth. Do as I'll do to you, but I'm bigger than you are. Don't choke yourself. The most sensitive parts are the head and the underside of the head, so you don't have to deep throat.

  Don't let me get too enthusiastic and go too deep. Oh, and you don't need to swallow, if I come into your mouth.” Mephisto looked at him with a worried expression. “If you don't want it, you don't have to do it at all.”

  “I want to,” declared Daniel, loudly and proudly. They had been sleeping together for more than a month, and Daniel had grown accustomed to Mephisto's body, its smells, textures and tastes. The idea of sucking him wasn't unpleasant in the least. “If you don't start it now, I'll start it first.”

  Mephisto massaged Daniel’s balls in his hand, applying just the right pressure to make Daniel long for more. Then he held the base of Daniel's cock firmly, but without squeezing it. Daniel did the same thing to Mephisto. The mere idea that soon his cock would be into Mephisto's hot, wet mouth was enough to make him deliriously horny.

  They began to suck each other in unison. Daniel pulled down the foreskin with his lips and tried to imitate the skillfulness and gentleness with which Mephisto was sucking him. Daniel was intoxicated, dizzy with pleasure.

  Mephisto's cock throbbed against his tongue. It was getting more and more difficult to keep focused, and when Mephisto slipped a finger into his hole, Daniel didn't know where his body wanted to go:

  deeper into Mephisto's mouth or farther onto his finger. Mephisto licked the head of Daniel’s cock, and Daniel jerked his hips forward desperately. Mephisto slid his lips down until Daniel could feel his tip hitting Mephisto's throat. Mephisto moved his hips back and forth in the same rhythm as he was sucking Daniel, faster and faster. Daniel realized he wouldn't last longer and closed his eyes, surrendering to the waves of pleasure sweeping over his body.

  When Daniel could breathe again, he felt eager to complete his mission. He held the root of Mephisto's cock, covered the head with his lips again, and then set up a rhythm, sliding up and down. He marveled when Mephisto's body contracted and a hot spurt of semen filled his mouth. Daniel swallowed the first spurt. It didn’t taste bad.

  He had to pull his mouth away to breathe, but he kept licking and pumping as Mephisto emptied himself.

  Mephisto kissed the tip of his cock, and Daniel turned around in the bed to kiss his mouth, wanting to taste himself on Mephisto's lips.

  “Mmm...” murmured Mephisto appreciatively, between kisses.

  “You seem to have healed well, brat.”

  Daniel smiled. During the last few minutes, he had completely forgotten the pain in his back.

  11. Parting Ways

  The Professor called Daniel and Mephisto to his shack. They sat around the Professor's desk; Daniel in the armchair and Mephisto perched upon a stool.

  “Daniel, even before the Military Police invasion our friend Mephisto was insisting that I should...activate my contacts to obtain your release. Now, after the invasion, he’s been pestering me night and day.”

  Mephisto rolled his eyes.

  Daniel sympathized with his companion's exasperation. He too was tired of the Professor's teasing. “The question is, do you or don’t you have any power to change this situation?”

  “Hmm... Maybe I have, maybe I have not. Nothing is simple.”

  “Can you stop beating around the bush and go straight to the point?” insisted Daniel. “Do you want something in return, I suppose.”

  Mephisto stood up from his stool. “Be careful, Lucifer, with what you're about to propose. I won't agree with anything that could put Daniel in any kind of...”

  “Calm down, man,” said the Professor to Mephisto. “I'm not going to ask Daniel to do anything that should disturb your sleep, or his.”

  “We'll see,” said Mephisto, still on his feet.

  “I’ll be very sincere, Daniel. I can’t promise you anything. We have a few contacts who act as 'process facilitators'...”

  “Process facilitators!” repeated Daniel. “Your terminology is fascinating, Professor.”

  TheProfessorsmiled.“Indeed.Bymeansof certain...stimuli...those process facilitators can act upon your behalf.

  If the conditions prove to be favorable, your habeas corpus petition may be granted, and then you will be able to wait for your trial in freedom.”

  “Right,” said Daniel. “And that wasn't done before because?

  Maybe because there wasn't an interest?”

  “You and I are good friends, Daniel. It's not that I wasn't concerned about you. There are, however, many other prisoners in worse conditions than you are, and I try to tend to the most critical cases first.”

  That was a rather cold approach, but Daniel understood the Professor's way of thinking. Perhaps in his place Daniel would do the same thing. “All right. So, how can I contribute to accelerate the process?” asked Daniel, with dripping irony.

  “I’ll be very sincere: this process will incur a monetary cost, but I will not charge you for that. What I’ll ask in return is a small favor.”

  Mephisto crossed his arms in front of his body and glared at the Professor. “Lucifer...”

  “Easy, Mephisto. As I told you, this is not anything that might cause you stress. Daniel, all I want from you is that you learn to decipher a code. I’ll teach you.”

  “A code.”

  “You're a very intelligent young man and will learn it easily. I will also show you a site on the Internet where I’ll post a message when you leave prison. After you leave, all you need to do is enter this site on a day that I’ll designate, decode the message, copy it on a piece of paper and take it to the place that will be specified in the message.”

  “Fine. It doesn't look difficult,” said Daniel.

  “You're a serpent, Lucifer,” said Mephisto between gritted teeth.

  “You didn't have to involve the boy in any of that. He's innocent, he's clean, he has never committed a crime.”

  The Professor made an impatient gesture. “Mephisto, your opinion has already been stated, and my decision has already been made. Now it's up to Daniel to decide.”

  Mephisto shook his head, but kept silent.

  Daniel thought on the Professor's plan. It must be an important message, one that the Professor didn't find safe to send by cellphone, e-mail, post or a messenger. It might involve business, money... It seemed easy, but there might be risks involved. The Professor would be running risks, too, since Daniel would have to be released to be able to accomplish the plan. Either the Profess
or trusted him, or he didn't have any other alternative. Daniel could relate to that: he had no alternatives except to agree to the deal. “When will our cryptography classes begin?”

  The Professor smiled. “Tomorrow. And don't worry: the

  'facilitator' will be activated immediately.”


  That night, Mephisto removed the mattress from the upper bed and put it on the floor, beside the set of bunk beds. Daniel didn't know what he intended to do, but could imagine it, and liked what he was imagining. Mephisto reached out for his hand; Daniel let himself be dragged onto the mattress, and lay down languidly.

  Mephisto held Daniel in his arms, exploring Daniel's body with deft hands, touching his most sensitive spots, eliciting the most pleasant sensations. Mephisto's smooth lips traveled down from his mouth to nibble at his earlobe. Daniel let a moan escape and held him tight, feeling vulnerable and eager for more.

  Moonlight crept through the window bars and bathed Mephisto's shoulders with a silver glow. Daniel was charmed, and once again wondered how he could have ever found Mephisto ugly.

  Mephisto turned Daniel face down and grazed his teeth on Daniel's neck, then licked his way down his spine. Daniel squirmed beneath him, his breath speeding up. The silky lips finally arrived at one of his buttocks, and not too sharp teeth plunged into the smooth flesh. Daniel couldn't hold back a cry of mild pain mixed with pleasure. Then Mephisto put him on all fours and separated his legs.

  Daniel saw Mephisto reaching out for the lube he had left on the lower bed, and took a deep breath, trying to relax. Mephisto gently inserted his forefinger between Daniel's buttocks, giving him time to get used to the feeling. Mephisto had done that many times before, had accustomed Daniel to the feeling of being penetrated by his fingers. Daniel told himself not to be afraid, and pushed back toward Mephisto. Mephisto's finger went deeper, probing, stretching him...

  When it touched his most sensitive spot, Daniel's body twitched.

  Mephisto added a second finger ever so gently, massaging him, preparing him. Leaning over Daniel's back, Mephisto licked the hollow of his neck as his free hand went to Daniel's chest to pinch one of his nipples.

  Daniel muffled a moan into the pillow when Mephisto removed his fingers. Daniel closed his eyes at the touch of Mephisto's cock against his cleft.

  “It will hurt less if you push back against me,” said Mephisto, clearly struggling to keep control, his voice husky and his breath uneven.

  Daniel bravely pushed backwards, and Mephisto plunged in. The first thrust was painful, but Daniel didn't want to stop. It had to work; he wanted it so much.

  “I don't want to hurt you, Dan.”

  “Don't stop,” said Daniel.

  “You're so tight...”

  “Please. I want you,” insisted Daniel.

  Mephisto thrust again, deeper, and Daniel started to like the feeling of having Mephisto inside him. It was uncomfortable, yet incredibly intimate.

  With each new thrust, Daniel felt tension building inside him, coiling tighter. Mephisto's hand closed around his cock, pumping it, speeding up until Daniel got lost in the rhythm of their joined bodies.

  It was as if they were melting together.

  “Vlado...” murmured Daniel, his heart hammering in his chest.

  Warm lips stroked Daniel's ear, making him shiver in pleasure.


  They continued rocking together. Daniel felt Mephisto's cock throbbing inside him, and clenched his muscles.

  Mephisto let out a strangled moan. “D-don't do that!”

  “Don't stop,” was all that Daniel managed to say.

  Mephisto thrust inside again, harder, deeper, once, twice, and then a jolt of intense pleasure swept through Daniel. Then he felt Mephisto's warm seed filling him. The long spasm made Daniel's body buck, yet Mephisto's cock continued deep inside him. Daniel held Mephisto tight and they rocked together until the very end.

  Daniel was still floating on the clouds when Mephisto's hoarse voice came to him:

  “Was it too horrible?”

  Daniel opened his eyes and snuggled to his lover. “It hurt in the beginning, but then it started to get better and better, and in the end, it was great. Who taught you that?”

  “What do you mean, 'that'?”

  Since he was a child, Daniel had heard men talking of sex as a conquest, as a power play. In prison, this had reached a peak. It didn't matter whether it was hetero or gay sex, what it mattered was to

  “take advantage,” to dominate your partner and make him or her do as you wish.

  “Who taught you to be so...unselfish?” asked Daniel, uncertain about how to express himself.

  “Ah. You want to know who taught me to be such a wonderful lover?”

  Daniel laughed. “Yes.”

  “I hope my answer doesn't shock you.”

  “Shock me? I was afraid of being jealous.”

  “I don't think you run this risk. I've never had a 'love of my life,'”

  said Mephisto. “At least not before you.”

  Daniel closed his eyes again for a moment to savor those words.

  Then he opened them again, willing to face the truth, even if it could hurt him. “Not even the guy who died of AIDS?”

  A shadow clouded Mephisto's eyes. “I was young. I was in love with him, it's true, but he had several lovers. Our relationship wasn't very good.”

  “Then who was the one who taught you?”

  Mephisto looked tense, and his breath was labored. “I learned with the whores, Daniel. Each one of them had different skills and different preferences. I didn't pay just for having pleasure, but to give pleasure, too.”

  At first, Daniel found that creepy, and felt somewhat scared.

  Then the pieces of the Mephisto enigma started to fit into place and Daniel got even more scared when he realized how hard it must have been for Mephisto to have admitted that.

  Mephisto didn't take his eyes off him, as if waiting for his reaction.

  Daniel swallowed hard. “I bet they couldn't believe how lucky they were. You find a guy who pays you and he's a wonderful lover, too? Unbelievable.”

  Mephisto gave a shy, sleepy smile, weaved his fingers through Daniel's and, taking Daniel's hand to his lips, kissed his knuckles tenderly. “Let's clean this mess up and go sleep in the bed.”


  The Professor waited until Daniel was comfortably seated in the armchair in front of his desk to ask, “Did you know the prophet Daniel was also a cryptographer?”

  “No, I didn't!”

  “According to the fifth chapter of the book of Daniel, he decoded a message written on a wall of King Balthasar's palace:

  'Menê menê tequêl u-parsîn.' The message refers to the end of King Balthasar's days. Indeed, Balthasar died moments after the message

  was deciphered.”

  “Will you teach me Daniel's code?”

  “Oh, no. Only the God of Israel could do that; I'm just a professor.” The Professor's lips curled in an ironic smile. “I will resort to a famous code. You probably heard about it: the Vigenère cipher.”

  “Oh, sure! Besides The Legacy of Ada Byron, by Sagdeev, I also read The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown. And there's also a brief mention to Vigenère cipher in Umberto Eco's Foucault's Pendulum.”

  The Professor smiled. “I knew you wouldn't disappoint me. Very well. Please explain to me how to build the Vigenère table.”

  “It's easy,” said Daniel, visualizing the table in his head. “First you have to write the whole alphabet in a row, from left to right, leaving the first square empty. After that, you do the same thing in the first column on the left. You write the alphabet from top to bottom, leaving that same square on the upper corner empty. Then you repeat the process, but without leaving any blank squares, starting from the ‘A’ in the upper left corner, and you go on. You have to write out the alphabet twenty-six times in different rows, each alphabet shifted cyclically to the left compared
to the previous alphabet.”

  “Perfect. I won't even ask you to demonstrate, since it's obvious that you know the procedure. I’ll let you choose the keyword.”

  Daniel thought for a couple of minutes, and then said, “Lucifer.”

  The Professor smiled again. “Interesting. As no one calls me that except Mephisto, it looks good to me. Besides the keyword and the building of the table, there is only one other information that you’ll have to memorize: the address of the site where I’ll post the message.

  Come closer and I’ll show you where you can find it.”

  Daniel circled the desk. The Professor typed a URL on his laptop and a password-protected page appeared on the screen.

  “You’ll have to memorize the password, too. Let's make it easier for you. The password will be my genus name in the Encyclopaedia Infernalis. Do you remember it?”


  “Yes! Now choose an important year for you. An important historical year, for instance.”


  “Ah... It's a rather obvious password, isn't it? But we can reverse the numbers: Psilocybe8691. I will not change the password yet, for security reasons. I’ll only do that when the moment to post the message comes. Do you think you can memorize both the password and the address?” asked the Professor.

  Daniel read the URL on the address bar: He laughed. “Very clever.”

  “I chose a symbolism no one but the two of us would understand.”

  “Great. I won't forget. Don't worry.”

  “Just one more detail. I’ll have to include digits in the message.

  I’ll write the numbers as words, but you should rewrite them as numbers,” warned the Professor. “You will understand when you decode the message.”

  “All right.”

  “Then it's a deal. As soon as you are informed of your release, I’ll ask you the site URL and the password, to check if you haven't forgotten them. Only then will we schedule the day when I will post the message.”


  Two weeks after the Professor had activated his process facilitator, one of the jailers, Fontana, knocked on Mephisto and Daniel's door. Fontana, who was replacing Josiah since the latter had been sent to another block due to Mephisto's complaints, told Daniel the General Director wanted to see him in his office. Fontana had been sent to escort Daniel there.


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