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Challenged (Vipers Creed MC#1)

Page 9

by Ryan Michele

  She rolled her eyes.

  “You roll your eyes again, and I’m spanking your ass right here in front of everyone.”

  “You wouldn’t.” Her hand flew to my chest, pressing against me.

  “Fuck yeah, I would.”

  She flushed red. This time, there was no way I was going soft. The kiss was wet, hard, and brutal. The moment she relaxed into me, I pulled away. Fucking loved her pliant against me, but if I didn’t stop, we’d be fucking.

  “Let me introduce you to everyone.”

  She only nodded, her eyes a bit glazed. Fuck me, I was screwed.

  “Okay, I’ve met a Boner, Stiff, Bosco, and Hooch. They call you Spook or Boss man. What’s up with all the names?”

  I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. Surprisingly, she didn’t stop me. “Road names. We each get one when we become a member.”

  She bit her bottom lip then let it pop out from her teeth. “So, why do you have two?”

  Giving her a soft squeeze, I led her over to the fire pit where several brothers sat, drinking beer. “I only have Spook officially. Boss man is really only for the shop, but it’s been catching on more lately. I answer to both.”

  “So why Spook?”

  Stiff walked up, clamping his hand on my shoulder before moving to a nearby chair. “Yeah, Spook, why don’t you tell the woman?”

  Boner groaned. “Fucking hate this story.”

  Stiff chuckled. “You would, brother.” He turned to me. “Want me to tell it?”

  I stared him down, but he kept the smile on his face. “No.”

  “What? Now I’m even more curious,” Trixie said, turning to me fully.

  I looked up, catching sight of a couple of stars in the night’s sky. “Dipshit over there”—I pointed to Boner—“thought it would be a fantastic idea to get tattoos when we were piss-ass drunk. We were supposed to pick each other’s pieces, not telling the other.”

  “Why in the hell would you do that?” Trixie asked.

  I shrugged. “Stupid drunk.” I held out my arm, displaying my intricate sleeve. “What do you see here?”

  She looked down. “Roses, skulls, and snakes.”

  “Vipers,” I corrected. “What you do not see is the goofy-ass ghost tattoo that Boner thought would be hilarious. It was so damn cartoony the brothers teased me about how spooky it wasn’t. Hence, Spook.”

  “I thought it would be because of some stealth you had on sneaking into places or something,” Trixie said.

  I chuckled. “I’m not that lucky.”

  She turned to Boner. “What did you get?”

  I burst out laughing. Boner’s happened to be really bad.

  “Asshole here put an erect cock above my real cock.”

  Trixie erupted with laughter so strong it caught me off guard. “Let me see.”

  “Fuck no!” I snapped. No way in hell would I allow that shit.

  Her eyes danced. “Oh, come on.”

  Boner rose.

  “You pull your cock out, I’ll beat the fuck out you,” I warned, dead serious.

  Trixie would see no cocks other than mine.

  “You have to be special to see it,” Boner chided, winked, and then sat back down.

  “What? That leaves me out?”

  The easy banter between Boner and Trixie should have set me at ease, but it didn’t sit right with me. Fuck.

  WELL, THIS WAS how Cade lived. We sat in lawn chairs that I had to say were very comfortable around a fire pit, the heat taking off the chill of the crisp night air. Cade sat to one side of me while Stiff sat on the other. He hadn’t given up his teasing over the last hour, and feeling the waves coming off Cade, Stiff would be lucky to have all of his teeth before the night was over.

  It was strange, though. Cade had been acting so damn possessive over me, making my stomach flutter. I, of course, kept zapping those fucking butterflies, because I had no expectations of this lasting more than a couple of days, maybe a week or two.

  His brothers were easy to talk to. Finding out the reason for Spook’s name was funny, but even more so was Boner’s. Glimpsing at his tattoo would be hilarious, but I really had no need to see his dick.

  “So, you run Sirens?” Stiff asked.

  “Yep. Owned it for five years now. It’s my baby.” Speaking of which …

  I pulled out my phone to find a text from Jett. Everything is fine. Not that I thought it wouldn’t be, but I had never left the club as much as I’d done since coming in contact with Cade.

  I would never tell him this, but I liked taking a break from it. I spent my time always on the go, go, go. Hanging out here, I got to take a nice breather. A bit of calm amongst the storm of my life.

  “You gonna hook us up with some new mouses?” Stiff asked.

  “Mouses?” What the hell was the deal with these guys and mouses?

  “Yeah, girls who like action.”

  Cade chuckled beside me as the pieces started falling in place.

  “I own a strip club, not a brothel.” In the TV shows, I had never heard the guys call the hookers, whores, or whoever, mouses. To each their own.

  “Here, we have mouses and ol’ ladies.” I turned to Cade, listening. “Ol’ ladies are the brothers’ women. Right now, we don’t have too many of those since most of the guys are single. There are a few, though.”

  “Great.” I rolled my eyes.

  Stiff laughed. “You know we got girls here from Sirens.”

  I scanned the area, trying to figure out who in the hell was here. I didn’t see anyone.

  “Don’t know their names, but none of them said they’re your Nanette. Two of them did say they worked at Sirens, though.”


  I looked to the far end of the grassy area. From the side view, I could now see Tab on her knees, giving one of the biker dudes a blow job. Nice. What in the fuck was wrong with these women? To each their own.

  “Easy, wildcat.”

  No way would I go over there while she mouth-fucked; however, she could be my key to finding Nanette. Sure, I had lied to Cade about letting it go, but from the look in his eyes, he didn’t believe me for a second.

  “That one of your girls?” Spook asked, tipping his beer toward Tab.

  He’d given me a beer, too, and I’d been holding it by the neck for the past hour. I’d never been big on alcohol, and I definitely wanted to keep my wits about me around people I didn’t know.

  I nodded. “Tab. I’ll talk to her when her mouth isn’t full.”

  Stiff spewed his sip of beer out of his mouth, and I jumped closer to Cade, getting away from the spray.

  “What the hell?” I complained.

  “That shit’s funny, Trixie.”

  “Trix. I go by Trix,” I corrected.

  “Nah, you’re Trixie,” Boner said, and I shook my head. He held his hand up. “It is what it is. Get the fuck over it.”

  I didn’t remember much about Ben, or Boner, during school, only surface stuff. I never liked him the way I had Cade. Still, he seemed rougher now, more take charge. Add that in with his looks, and he was a handsome man. Not as hot as Cade, but still.

  Tab rose, kissed the guy on the mouth, and then strutted away.

  “I’ll be back.” Neither Cade nor Stiff stopped me as I made my way through the grass. “Tab,” I called out, and she turned quickly, her eyes widening in definite surprise.

  “Trix, what are you doing here?” Her words were fast and anxious as she quickly wiped her mouth. I didn’t give a shit about her being at Vipers. Whatever she did outside of work was her business.

  “Visiting. Is Nanette here?”

  It didn’t surprise me when she snapped her mouth shut. I had assumed all the girls knew I lent Nanette the money. I waited for the day when one of my girls had enough balls to say something. So far, that hadn’t happened.

  I stepped closer. “Is she here?”

  “I …” She covered her mouth with her hand.

  Oh, fuck this shit. I grabbed
her tightly around her bicep, giving enough force for her to know I meant business.

  “Tell me,” I growled. I felt heat at my back, but I didn’t turn around because the smell of Cade fell upon me. “Now, Tab. Is she here?”

  She shook her head. “She’s supposed to be, but she didn’t show.”

  “Where is she?”

  “Trix, I don’t know. I’ve seen her here a couple of times, but that’s it. We don’t talk or anything like that.”

  That, I could believe.

  When tears sprang to her eyes, I let her arm go, stepping back into Cade’s heat. I ignored it.

  “You call me if you hear from her.”

  She nodded.

  “You working tonight?”


  “Okay, then, have fun.”

  Tab’s eyes grew as she nodded then raced off.

  I turned to Cade. “What?”

  “Thought you were giving up.”

  I shrugged. “Might as well ask if I’m here. I need to pee.”

  He pointed to the clubhouse door. “In, down the hall you were in before, and to the left.”

  I sidestepped, but he stepped back in front of me. He brought his hand to my chin and lifted it until my eyes met his.

  “Wanna fuck you.”

  I smirked. “Later.” I went up on my tiptoes, kissed his lips, and then strode away quickly, no doubt shocking the shit out him.

  He didn’t chase me, so I figured it was all good. It actually felt a little empowering surprising the big guy. Why? I didn’t want to think about that.

  The clubhouse climbed with people as the music pumped through the speakers. Laughter spread throughout as some of the guys Spook introduced me to lifted their chins in recognition while several of the women scowled at me. I noticed the difference. The difference between the mouses and the ol’ ladies. Where the mouses had barely any clothes on, the ol’ ladies did. They were classy yet still very sexy. I could tag each one.

  I made my way through the crowd, finally finding the bathroom. I had one just like this at Sirens; except, this one had five stalls with doors and three sinks. Shock hit me at how clean the men kept it.

  I went in, going about my business, and was coming out to wash my hands when a buxom blonde strode through the door. By the look of her nonexistent clothes, she had mouse written all over her. Whatever.

  I continued washing my hands, looking in the mirror and checking my no longer there lip-gloss. I’d gone light tonight, as I did most nights, but I did pay attention to my eyes. I wanted that pop with liner and lots of mascara.

  “You know you’ll be gone tomorrow,” the voice said as I turned to her.


  She stepped closer, a mischievous gleam in her eye. “He doesn’t want you. He’ll fuck you tonight. Then I’ll be in his bed tomorrow.”

  I rested my hip against the sink as I dried my hand with a paper towel. “Is that so?”

  She licked her lips. “He always comes back to me.”

  I could see why. Beauty, she had it. As for the brain department, I couldn’t make that call yet.

  “Great.” I shrugged, but on the inside, my stomach turned. The thought of him with someone else didn’t sit right. I shouldn’t care, but I didn’t like it. Not one little bit. I wouldn’t let her know that, though. I wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of getting under my skin, because that would be playing directly into her hands. Not happening.

  “Great?” She ran her fingers through her hair. “You won’t change him.”

  Okay, whatever. Like I would even put the effort into that.

  I tossed the towel into the trash.

  “Everyone thinks they’re gonna be the one to snag Spook, but no one will.” Her eyes gleamed.

  “Except you, of course.” I crossed my arms over my chest, needing to put them somewhere yet not wanting to let my guard down for a minute, especially with this crazy bitch. Wringing her neck would be too easy.

  “I’m the only one who makes him happy.”

  Yep, crazy.

  I shook my head, proceeding toward the door. No way was I playing this game.

  A hand came out, grabbing my arm. I turned quickly, dislodging her grasp and pushing her into the door with my hand at her throat, arm extended straight.

  Her eyes widened in panic as I gave it a sharp squeeze. I made sure my fingers were on just the right point to inhibit her air. I might not have strong muscle behind me, but I’d been taught how to defend myself.

  My arms flexed as I kept my hold tight while she franticly tried to remove my arm to get away.

  “You do not put your hands on me. You have an issue with Spook, fucking deal with it. It does not involve me. Do you understand?”

  I squeezed again when she didn’t answer. Instead, she flailed and scratched me with her nails. It hurt, but I pushed it back, not letting that show a bit, another thing my father taught me well.

  I released only enough to lift her head before slamming it into the door. This bitch was seriously stupid. Hopefully, that would knock some sense into her.

  “Do.” Slam. “You.” Slam. “Understand?”

  “I got it,” she mumbled, not sure how to take me.

  I wanted to laugh, but I didn’t. I smiled, though.

  “Good. I don’t give a flying fuck what you do, but you leave me the hell out of it.” I meant every word. I needed to bring my gun next time.

  Listen to me. Next time? I needed to get the hell out of here.

  With one more squeeze, I released her.

  She gasped for breath, scrambling away from me and tripping over her heels, just to fall back to the floor.

  “You’re fucking crazy,” she choked out.

  I smiled, opening the door. “No, bitch, you are.”

  As the door clattered behind me, I looked at my arms. The fucking bitch drew blood, but I didn’t want to go back in the bathroom to deal with Spook’s tail.

  As I wiped the red iron, it just smeared. The cuts weren’t bad, but I needed to get them cleaned up. Bitch must have had points on her damn nails.

  I headed to the bar, moving through the throng of people. Surely, they could give me some paper towels or something.

  The kid who had followed me to the clubhouse stood behind the bar, handing out beers. His eyes hit me then my arms. “What happened?”

  “Little misunderstanding. Can I get a towel and some water?”

  He nodded as he pulled out his phone, punching in something.

  “Girlfriend?” I asked as I watched him.


  “Why the hell did you text him?”

  He shrugged. “You’re his girl. You’re hurt.” He pulled the paper towels from the bottom of the bar then handed me a bottle of water. “He’d be pissed if I didn’t.”

  I gripped the bottle, opening it then pouring some on a towel. “I’m not his girl.”

  “Whatever.” The guy left as I cleaned myself quickly.

  The door to the clubhouse burst open with a heavy crash, and my eyes flew to it.


  His eyes were glittering with anger as he found me at the bar, predatorily stalking my way. People moved, no one daring to block him. Part of me wanted to cower, but no way would I let that happen. Instead, I straightened my shoulders and lifted my chin.

  He grabbed my arms, though not hard, and then turned them, inspecting me.

  “What the fuck happened?”

  It was over. No need to deal with the bullshit.

  “Misunderstanding. It’s all taken care of.”

  His eyes turned intense, demanding. Fuck, it sent my body aflame.

  “What. The. Fuck. Happened?” Each word was clipped.

  I met his stare, not saying anything. I would not let him intimidate me.

  “Tell me.” Unfortunately, he didn’t feel the urge to step back.

  I could feel eyes on me from all around the room. Everything stopped around us: the music, people dancing, talking. I really
didn’t like that shit. I breathed out, wanting the focus off me.

  “Some bitch in the bathroom had a problem with me, said you’d be done with me tomorrow and go back to her. I ignored her until she put her hands on me. Once that happened, I had to let her know that no one touches me like that. It’s done with. I’m fine. Ease the testosterone.” And he did ooze that shit. I could smell it. Damn, it turned me on.


  “She didn’t tell me her name.”

  He released my arm, his focus on searching the room. “Show me who she is.”

  As his body vibrated, I felt the need to calm him, so I stepped up close, putting my hand on his arm. His eyes came to my hands.

  “It’s okay, Cade. I handled it.”

  He covered my hand with his hot one, sending sparks up my arm. “Anyone touches you, Trixie—I mean, fucking anyone—they deal with me.”

  A thrill coursed through my veins. I liked it. Did that make me a freak? I didn’t care.

  “I get that, but I handled it.”

  “No, Trixie. This is my club, and you’re my girl. No one touches what’s mine.”

  I full-out shivered, even if I disagreed with the my girl thing.

  I looked out into the crowd, pretending to look for the woman. I really didn’t know what Cade would do to her, but it wasn’t worth it. My eyes hit hers. She gasped, widening her eyes. Damn, she gave herself away.

  “Stacy,” Cade growled before leaving my side.

  I should have run after him, should have stopped him, but I did neither. I stayed still. He was right. This was his club, and he did things his own way. If he tried to tell me how to run my business, I’d be pissed as shit.

  Cade grabbed the woman by the arm, saying a few things to her. Her skin paled as he led her through the crowd, escorting her out the main door.

  I turned back to the bar to find the kid who followed me here staring.


  “Told you that you were his girl.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “FOLD.” I THREW my cards into the middle of the table while the guys around me smiled. Seven of them: Stiff, Bosco, Boner, Dawg, Hooch, who Cade introduced me to earlier, then the new guys; Worm and Skid. Each of them had their own sex appeal, but their names … Worm? Seriously? And Skid? The first thing I thought of were skid marks on underwear and hoped that wasn’t how he had gotten his name. I hadn’t asked. After learning about Spook’s name, I realized anything went.


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