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Her Chocolate Fantasy

Page 16

by Bergman, Jamallah

  “Keep it up, baby, don’t stop,” he whispered, his hand guiding my now-bobbing head up and down even more onto him.

  His hips slowly fell back into rhythm again, and I kept right up with him, as the heat that was forming from the fire next to us along with the warmth of the blanket made me eventually pull it off from my head, letting us both be exposed to the elements around us. I was so thankful there wasn’t anyone around to watch us as I continued to watch the beautiful sunset along with the flickering of the bonfire before us. I could feel his balls jump once or twice, and I knew right then he was almost about to let go, and soon my mouth felt the first spurts of cum. I greedily accepted it all, while he continued to repeat, over and over, “Sarah, oh God, Sarah.”

  I didn’t stop until I knew I had gotten every last drop of him. Squeezing his balls a bit, I heard him groan, while his body stiffened. He sighed in relief when I slowly stopped until his cock slowly went dormant again. He enveloped me within his arms once more and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes, relishing how he felt, how he smelled, and how beautiful of a moment we were having together.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The sunlight from behind the curtains brought warmth into the room, along with some light. I could smell something being cooked in the kitchen, and my stomach started to growl. But my eyes were closed, and I told myself I would stay in bed a little while longer before I started the day. I didn’t know all of what Max had planned for us, but later on that night, I planned on us having a night to remember. I turned over onto my back, looking at the ceiling fan, which was pretty much nothing more than your average, ordinary, wooden fan. Rubbing my eyes, I tried to get them into focus, trying my best to wake up, even just a little bit. I could hear footsteps, which let me know Max was on his way into our room. But I wasn’t expecting him to come in with a tray with breakfast on it.

  “Good morning, baby,” he said with a smile. He brought over the tray, which had some scrambled eggs, toast, some sausage links, and orange slices, along with a glass of orange juice and a cup of hot coffee.

  “Good morning.” I began to move some of the pillows behind me to prop myself up, and that’s when he sat the tray in my lap. “You know, you didn’t have to bring me breakfast in bed, but thank you. So, what are we going to be doing today?”

  “Have you ever gone swimming with dolphins?”

  My eyes got big when he said this, because I had always wanted to do that, but of course, it never came to be. “Are you serious, swimming with dolphins? No, I’ve never swam with dolphins before, but I’ve always wanted to. That’s what we are going to do today?”

  “At noon, we leave out to go and swim with the dolphins, so make sure you go and get your swim suit out after you eat.”

  Reaching for the back of his head, I pulled him to me for a passionate kiss.

  “And then we will go and have some lunch some place real nice, once we come back and change clothes, then we could do whatever you’d like afterwards.”

  “So, that means I can have my way with you, say, once we get back from being out and doing some more sightseeing and all.”

  He slowly nodded, and that’s when I gave him a devious as hell smile. Honestly, he had no idea what he was getting himself into tonight with me. I had planned on making our last evening together a memorable one.

  “This breakfast looks delicious. Oh, can you do me a favor while I’m eating? Can you take those four squeeze bottles of chocolate out of the fridge and put them on the counter?”

  “I sure can, sweetheart, and I’ll be right back.”

  He walked out of the room while I began to eat. I sure could get used to breakfast in bed, I thought, while munching on my sausage link. He came back in with a plate in one hand and a coffee cup in another.He sat in bed next to me, aswe both began eating. I noticed him looking over at me from time to time, and every time he did, we would smile at each other. I honestly didn’t want to get too full on the food, but it was so good.

  “You know I was thinking to myself how I could get used to having breakfast in bed like this.”

  “Well, how about I do this for you every Sunday? What do you say about that?” He put his plate on top of mine, grabbed the tray, and took everything out to the kitchen. I heard some plates being moved around and such, but he soon came back into the room. I watched as he slithered his way onto the bed, and before I knew it, he was on top of me while I started to giggle.

  “And afterwards, I’ll get back into bed with you just like this and snuggle with you until it’s time to get up again.”

  I ran my hands along his back, caressing his muscles, while he hovered over me. Our lips were inches from each other, and never did they touch, but just the feeling that our lips could be touching made me on edge. The look in his eyes was playful, and he slowly leaned down and pressed his cheek to mine, moaning as he rubbed me with his stubble.

  How could a man feel so good like this?

  A sound rumbled from deep within his throat, kind of a groan or a growl, or maybe a moan. But whatever it was, my God, it went right through my body.

  “I so love you, Sarah.”

  He looked over at me, softly kissing my forehead as he lay down on his side, wrapping his arm around my waist to pull me close to him. “And I would hold you just like this, running my fingers through your hair.”

  Of course, he did just that, massaging my scalp while I nuzzled into his neck, inhaling his scent.

  “While I do a little of this…” And that’s when he tickled me in my ribs.

  Immediately, I screamed bloody murder.He had me in a hold nearly impossible to get out of.

  “Stop it, Max, stop it!” I squealed and kept trying to catch my breath while laughing.

  He was getting a big as hell kick out of watching me, chuckling and snickering the entire time,as I giggled and then snorted. When he heard me snort, he stopped and buried his head into the side of my neck, as we both found ourselves laughing at our antics.

  He looked up at me. “You sound so funny when you snort.”

  “You had no right sneaking in a tickle like that.”

  He quickly stole a kiss from me, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, my fingers running through his hair. We both stopped for a moment, our foreheads softly touching. He licked his full lips, as I let out a sigh.

  “We better get ready. I’ve got to find my swimsuit.”

  “I can’t wait to see you in it.”

  * * * *

  Dolphins are funny mammals…

  I think they can be funnier than humans, for you honestly never know what they would or could do next. When we got to the place where we would swim with the dolphins, I had quickly gotten friendly with a dolphin name Sydney. He would give me kisses, splash water on me, give me a wave, and even talk with me.

  “I think our Sydney likes you, ma’am.” This is what the woman trainer name Abby told me while I had been rubbing Sydney’s head. “He never gives this much attention to anybody else, not even any of the other trainers, so he must really like you a lot.”

  “Yeah, Sarah has that way about her. Everyone and thing seems to like her,” Max said with a smile.

  “Do you think he’ll let me hold onto him again like before?” I asked.

  “Just hold on,” Abby told me, as I grabbed hold of Sydney’s fin.

  With a gesture of the hand, we both were off and swimming. I had never felt so free, and I found myself laughing and smiling the entire time. Max was taking pictures of me, and I waved at him, and he waved back. Sydney took me around in a couple of circles, the water rushing past me.

  “Come back, Sydney, come back!” Abby called, and with those words, I found myself heading back toward the dock.

  Max helped me out of the water, and I hugged him.

  “Having fun?” he asked me.

  “I’ve never had so much fun like this before in my life. Who can say that they’ve gone swimming with dolphins?” I told him, as he wrapped me up in my warm beach towel, rub
bing my body down to get me dry. “So, what are we going to be doing after this?”

  “Heading back to the house to change out of these wet things, and then we can grab something to eat or do whatever else you’d like.”

  We thanked the young lady, and then I went to thank Sydney. “Well, I guess this means goodbye, Sydney. I hope to see you again sometime soon.”

  He moved his head up and down, making that sound all dolphins seem to make. I thought maybe it was him laughing, but I waved at him and, surprisingly, he waved right back, which made Max and I laugh as we headed back to our car.

  “How about we have some Chinese food tonight or maybe some sushi from this Japanese place I found?”

  “The only thing I have a craving for tonight is chocolate, and plenty of it.” I smiled as I noticed him smiling as well. “You know we’ll have to get some plastic for the bed.”

  “Already got that covered. I got some plastic that will cover up the entire bed. Don’t think I haven’t figured that out already.”

  “Well, aren’t we a good Boy Scout, always prepared?” I looked out the window, watching the people going on about their business.

  Once we got showered and freshened up with a change of clothes, we decided to have a light dinner over at a Chinese restaurant, which was only a couple of blocks away, so we walked to the place. I ordered what I usually ordered whenever I went to a Chinese restaurant and wasn’t all that hungry…wonton soup and an egg roll, which I have to admit was just about as good as where I normally got it back home. Max, however, ended up getting some shrimp with mixed vegetables in a white sauce. I had gotten some sweet and sour sauce to dip my egg rolls in, but I always added a few drops of hot mustard to make it not only sweet and sour but hot, as well.

  Yeah, it’s unusual, but I dare you not to try it.

  I began to swirl the piece of my roll into the sauce, and the entire time, Max had been watching me. I wanted him to watch me, for everything I was doing at that moment, was to entice him. He watched while I began to lick off the sauce as if I were licking off his cock. I kept my eyes were fixed on his face, watching him biting his lower lip while I licked. Thank God, we had gotten a booth that was far from everyone else, because I know people would be staring at us. What we were doing was literally almost like porn, itself. I continued running my tongue from one side of the egg roll to the next, my eyes never leaving his gaze, until I bit into the egg roll because, of course, I was getting hungry.

  “You are bad, young lady,” he said, while I continued chewing my food.

  “Don’t tell me that didn’t get you hard as hell watching me.”

  “Woman, you know exactly what you are doing to me when you do that. But biting into it like that really was a buzz kill.”

  I tried not to choke up, so I covered my mouth to keep from laughing so hard. “Sorry, baby, but I was hungry, and that sauce was so good.”

  Once again, I dipped the egg roll into the sauce, and then playfully snaked my tongue around the egg roll once more. I had to pick on him some more, and I noticed that when I softly moaned a bit, only just enough for him to hear, I made the poor man drop his chopsticks. He snapped his fingers to get the attention of the waitress, and when she came over, he said, “Can we have some to-go boxes, please?”

  The young lady nodded, and he looked back at me. “You are a very bad girl, Sarah, doing all that, and now I’ll have to save my dinner for later.”

  I just smiled while continuing to eat on the last bit of egg roll I had. “Oh, it will be worth it once we get home, though.”

  Moving in to give me a kiss on the cheek, he said with a smile, “Oh, I know it will.”

  * * * *

  I honestly don’t know how the concept of a human sundae came to be, but whoever the person was that thought it up was a genius in my book. I had planned on having my first time with Max since the first time I laid eyes on him at the office. He was my dream, my fantasy, as far as who I had wanted to be with all my life, and having him as my sundae was something I had wanted more than anything in this world. When we got back to the house, the chocolate was still a bit cool, so I decided to put the bottles in two large cupsfilled with hot water.

  “Baby, can you help me with the bed?”

  “Sure.” I walked into the room and saw he had taken off all of the covers from the bed. The sheets of plastic were huge and thick and kind of reminded me of the plastic that mattresses were wrapped in. “Where’d you get this plastic?”

  “I have a friend who works for a furniture company, and he has tons of this stuff, so I told him I wanted one big enough for a queen-size bed. All we have to do is just slide it on like it’s a glove. I’m going to pull out the mattress, and I want you to try to start pulling the plastic up.”

  So as soon as he pulled the mattress out, I began trying to get the plastic on, which I found moved along with great ease, and it slipped right onto the mattress, just like Max said it would, like a glove. Once it was completely on, he put the mattress back onto the bed.

  “There we go. Do you think we need to take another shower, since we’ve already taken one, or just get right to it then?”

  “Why don’t you go and strip down, and I’ll go and check on the chocolate?” I walked away, but not before he smacked me on my ass for good measure.

  When I walked back into the kitchen, I had hoped the chocolate would be warmed up good enough. I got a piece of paper towel to wipe off the water from the bottles, shook them a bit, before I tested them both. The chocolate was still a bit cool, but it was slowly warming up. Looking over, I saw Max walking into the kitchen, naked as the day he was born, his body a complete masterpiece before my eyes. I love looking at his body. Every part of him was etched with muscular definition, from his shoulders, down to his thick, strong thighs and calves.

  “Is the chocolate warm enough?” he asked.

  “No, not quite yet. Would you like to have a taste?”

  “I don’t even know why you bothered asking, because you know I do.”

  He smiled as I took another squirt of the chocolate and made a small dot on my finger for him to have a taste. When he came up to me, he grabbed my hand, immediately capturing my finger in between those full lips of his. His tongue rolled around my finger, lapping up the chocolate, before he released my finger slowly. My God, even the feeling of his tongue went through me.

  “Damn, it tastes like heaven. We can wait a bit longer for it to warm up. We did get back here a bit early, thanks to you and your egg roll.”

  “Oh, hush. You know you enjoyed every minute of that.”

  He pulled me next to him, and soon we found ourselves kissing.

  “Easy tiger, we have to wait for the chocolate to warm up a bit. I put it in hot water, so it shouldn’t be too long.”

  “Why don’t you take your clothes off then, so you won’t feel so overdressed? I hate being the only one naked around here.”

  He began pulling up my white top, and I held my arms up over my head to get it off completely. He continued on with unzipping my fuchsia jean mini skirt, slipping it from off my hips and down to the floor. I stepped out of it for him to fold it up.

  “Turn around.”

  I felt his fingers move along my back, tugging to unhook my bra. I honestly felt such great relief when my boobs came out from the cups.

  I mean, come now, you can’t say that after a very long day with your bra on, you can’t wait to get that damn thing offand let the girls go free, especially when you have such a handsome man doing the unhooking for you. Strong hands cupped my breast, as I leaned back against his chest, and his immensely hard cock rubbed up against my ass.

  “Seems like someone wants to play,” I said rubbing up against him more and more.

  “Actually, someone wants to come inside to play.”

  He tweaked my nipples a bit, which made me tell him once again, “Steady, tiger, not yet. Go back into the bedroom as the chocolate should be warmed up by now.”

  I grabbed bot
h bottles from the cups, wiping them down before I shook them and tested them. I was thankful that this time, the chocolate was warm enough. I went over to the fridge to get the chocolate whipped cream, and shook them a bit while seductively looking back at him.“On the bed you go, handsome.”

  He smiled and said to me, “As you wish, cutie pie.”

  I shook my head and giggled as I followed him into the bedroom. Walking over to the bed, I watched Max lie down on his back, as I put the cans next to the bottles on the nightstand. Looking over at him, I gave him the softest kiss on the lips, before I went to shake up two of the bottles.

  “Let me know if it’s hot.” Slowly, I started to drizzle some of the warm milk chocolate and dark chocolate along his outstretched neck, slowly going down in long streams onto his broad chest, circling around his nipples, before going down his stomach. I decided to make some zigzag patterns along his stomach, before I made my way down to his still hard cock. I ended up making circles around his cock, as the chocolate dripped off the side of his thick shaft like wax off a candle. Honestly, I couldn’t wait to go down on him. This whole experience was making me wet. Every part of me ached to get my mouth and hands on him. Max looked gorgeous as well as yummy, and I finished squirting sauce along those muscular thighs. After looking him over to make sure I had just enough chocolate on him, I decided to go back over him again. A willing participant, Max laid there smiling while he watched. Going back over for the whipped cream cans quickly, I shook them both and asked him, “Are you hungry, baby?”

  He nodded as I walked over to him. “Open your mouth, darling.”

  He did as he was told, and I squirted some of the cream into his mouth, watching him slowly eating it with a smile.

  “Oh, that was good.”

  I had to laugh but continued in my endeavors, making circles around his nipples. The cold cream made his nipples hard while I made small peaks on top of them. I made a line all the way down the middle of his stomach, going straight down toward his belly button, which I then filled up with cream. He giggled a bit when I did this, which meant he must have been a bit ticklish.


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