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The Alpha's Captive: Pursuit (BBW Werewolf Shifter Romance, #2)

Page 6

by V M Black

  Eventually, the shivering stopped—this time not because her body was shutting down but because it was warming up. She made a small motion against his chest, wiggling in unconscious provocativeness. Which did nothing for his state of mind. Or, for that matter, his state of cock.

  Her eyelids fluttered open, and she looked at him with the vagueness of semi-consciousness for a moment before her eyes focused.

  “Um,” Harper said, blinking at him, “Is there something I missed here?”

  “You fell asleep,” he said. “I told you not to fall asleep.”

  “ stripped me? What piece am I missing here?” She wiggled again—quite deliberately, this time. “Not that I’m protesting or anything. I’m just wondering, you know, why.”

  Levi relaxed, chuckling, even as the more primal part of him occupied an increasing portion of his awareness. “You were freezing to death. Hypothermia. It was a bit touch and go there for a while.”

  “Touch is right,” she said, almost absently. Then she looked worried. “I dropped your boots.”

  “I know. You told me twice,” he said.

  She looked up at him, and her eyes got the slightly dreamy look that he was beginning to recognize. With his skin against hers, his pheromones would be all over her. And if the sudden heat against his upper thigh was any indication, she was warming up in more than one way.

  “Mmm,” she said, inclining her head toward his and snugging her belly even more intimately against his raging erection. “Hypothermia, really? That’s a good excuse.”

  He should remind her that men were chasing them.

  Men who thought they were at the bottom of the river right now. Men who wouldn’t be looking for them until the next day.

  It wasn’t like they were going much of anywhere until the morning, anyway. Just going to hole up in her cousins’ place. And sex would be a very good way chase away the last of the chills....

  Screw it. Or, rather, her.


  “Quietly, then,” he said. “The bad guys think we’re dead, at least at the moment.”

  “Ooo, you know how to sweet talk a girl,” she said.

  And he cut her off with a kiss.

  Her mouth opened under his with a little sigh, and he needed no better invitation. He delved past her teeth, into her mouth. She smelled like sex and the river water, tasted like woman, and he’d never enjoyed a smell or a taste more. Sexy, earthy, damp, and needy—he drank her mouth as her body moved against his as if the stroke of his tongue went straight into her brainstem and made her dance.

  And if he’d thought he was turned on before, it was a candle to a bonfire. He knew what was happening to her—his shifter pheromones had messed with more than one woman’s head though not, perhaps, to this extent. But what the hell was the reason for what she was doing to him?

  He decided, with Harper’s willing and increasingly warm body in his arms, to think about it later. Right now, he was far more concerned with all the things he wanted to do to her....

  Levi started to slide down her body, but her shoulder came into contact with the cold earth, and she squealed and shivered. “Too cold!”

  So he slid back up again, lifting her away from the ground. Considering what he’d planned, that would present some logistical issues. But nothing he couldn’t work around.

  He took her mouth even more thoroughly than before, kissing her until she made tiny sounds of pleasure into his mouth. Holding her body against his, his touch roved over her damp skin, sliding down to cup her voluptuous ass, which overflowed his hands. He hooked his top hand over her thigh, urging her knee up higher so that he could reach around the curve of her rear.

  Harper’s hips were angled into his, her clit out of reach, but he didn’t need that to make her come. His hand slid up, across her thigh, to the crease in her leg. She gave a little catching sigh as he traced it slowly with his fingertips, in time to the movement of his tongue in her mouth and her body against his. Then he moved toward the center, slowly, deliberately, sliding the lengths of his fingers against her folds without parting them. Her thighs quivered at his touch, and she broke the kiss, her breath hot and fast against his cheek. Her movements changed, her back arching as she pushed her hips into his hand.

  But he wasn’t going to give her what she wanted—not yet. He took the slickness he found at her entrance and dragged his hand down, across her taint and anus all the way to the curve of her tailbone. She shuddered in his arms, her thighs clamping around his leg.

  Levi slid his hand to the front again, as high as he could reach, and back again just to the lower edge of her entrance. Then, just as he thrust his tongue into her hot, panting mouth, he slid both fingers into her heat and pulled against the sudden clenching of her muscles.

  She made a small noise into his mouth, her breasts bucking slightly against his body. She moved her hips against his hand, first toward it, relieving the pressure of his fingers, then away so hard that she whimpered, her legs shaking slightly around his as she pushed herself to her limit.

  God, she was magnificent as she reached for her own climax, driving for what she wanted with a reckless single-mindedness that was breathtaking. But he didn’t want her to go there alone, merely using him to get there. He wanted to have the control, to drive her over into a release of his making.

  The next time Harper rocked, he slid his fingers out of her until she ground her hips backward, seeking him, her hand that was hooked around his neck digging in, demanding. Then he drove in again, hard, anchoring his thumb against her taint as she clenched around his fingers, seeking purchase, seeking release.

  He took control of the rhythm, setting it with his mouth on hers, his fingers inside her, pitching it slow enough that she made noises of frustration and tried to force him to move faster. Her mouth on his was hard, insistent, driving him faster. But he could feel the tension building in her body and the heat increasing against his fingers, and he knew that he could push her to an even higher peak with his slow build. Only when her jaw was set with strain and every muscle in her body hummed with need did he shift, and moments later, she reached the tipping point and fell, hard.

  Harper tore her mouth from his, throwing her head back, biting her lip against her own strangled cries. Half-blind with his own need, he watched her, loving the knotted brows, the eyes screwed closed like she was afraid to open them, the expression of ecstatic intensity that was almost indistinguishable from pain.

  The expression that he was causing her to make.

  And then, as the spasms against his fingers faded and her body’s rocking slowed, she gave a final deep shudder and pushed her uppermost shoulder against him so that he overbalanced and rolled over onto his back on the leaves with her on top of him. He grabbed her thighs, feeling their strength under her softness as she leaned against him, her breasts pillowed against his chest.

  Then Harper groaned—not a sound of pleasure but an oh-dammit-not-now kind of sound.

  “Where’s my purse?”

  He blinked up at her eyes, the pupils so wide in the darkness that the faint gray ring of the her iris seemed to fade into the white. And he realized what she wanted.

  Damn. He hadn’t even been thinking about a condom. And he always remembered condoms—always.

  He liked his existence the way it was, simple, uncomplicated, no ties. Going bareback was a fast way to ruin it. However much werewolves weren’t really wolves, well, once there was young in the picture, that was it. No more lone wolf. Werewolves might not mate for life, the way wolves so often did, but they certainly bred for life.

  And he definitely didn’t want to do that. Harper might be pheromone-addled, but he was in full control of his faculties, and there was no part of that life he wanted.

  Was there?

  Wordlessly, he reached out and hooked the strap of the purse, dragging it over to her.

  Leaning with an elbow in the dirt beside him, she started tossing out clothes, muttering under her breath. Each mov
ement of her body sent interesting ripples down into her breasts against his chest, and he didn’t bother to pretend that he wasn’t looking at them. Eventually, she pulled something out of the purse—a strip of foil packets. She pulled one off, shoved the others back, and then ripped it open.

  “I’m stupid, but I’m not that stupid,” she muttered.

  “You’re not on the pill?” That would have been good to know before, wouldn’t it, Levi?

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but yes,” she said. “I’m pretty sure I’m late tonight, though, and me taking a pill doesn’t mean I know where you’ve been.”

  “If I’m screwing you, it becomes my business.”

  “Way to keep the mood, Mr. Romance.” Harper shifted her weight over to the side, sliding her hand between them until her hand came up against his cock, which was in itself far more arousing than it should be. She tried to slide the condom on one-handed, but it slipped off the head.

  With his hands on her hips, he urged her up, onto her knees on either side of him. He took the latex circle from her and reached around her body, rolling it down his length by feel. He wondered what she’d feel like without it, just his skin against her hot slickness—

  He was definitely losing it, because wanting that meant wanting everything that came with it.

  “I could have done that,” she said. She was on her elbows and knees now, her breasts pressed against him and the curve of her belly barely brushing his.

  “I’m sure,” he said. He reached over to her thigh, skimming across the goosebumps there to the folds between her legs. She shivered slightly, but it was nothing like the reaction he’d gotten moments before. She was cold again—in more ways than one.

  Well, there was definitely something he could do about that—while keeping her body off the chilly ground.

  Levi shifted his grip, his hands cradling the back of her thighs. She looked down at him.

  “My turn?” she asked.

  “You’re not ready yet,” he said.

  Her eyes narrowed. “I think I know when I’m ready.”

  He grinned up at her. He couldn’t help it. This was crazy, what he was doing, rolling around in the woods with her when moments before, they’d been nearly shot and half-frozen. But if her cousin’s place really was as close as she said, and they were spending the night there.... Well, why not?

  After all, something worth doing was worth doing well....

  “No, babycakes, you’re not. I’m going to make you so hot that you come around me the instant I bury myself in you. Which is good, because right now, with you—well, I’m not ashamed to admit that I don’t think I’ll last that long.”

  Harper snorted at him. “You have a lot of confidence in yourself.”

  “Oh, yes.” His grin widened. “Yes, I do.”

  And he reached up and caught a handful of the wet, tangled hair at the base of her neck and dragged her mouth down to meet his, kissing her until he thought he could taste her soul.

  Finally, he broke off, but only to move down to her jaw, her neck, loving the feel of her flesh against his mouth, the salty earthiness of her skin, with the dried river water blending with her own particular taste. The wolf in his blood could take apart each individual flavor—the man in him reveled in them, and a distant part of him wondered if maybe that was what had led him to nearly making that fatal lapse, that it had gotten into his brain, because surely no woman had ever tasted so good.

  He could hear her breath coming sharply as he worked his way down her throat, scooting his body against the dry leaves to play along the soft, slight hollows of her neck and collarbones. His cock was already aching in the confines of the condom, but he had made her a promise, and he intended to keep it.

  Her breasts were high against his chest, spilling up onto his shoulders now, and he released her hair to slide his hand down under the weight of one, coaxing the nipple up and into the night air. He moved down another few inches, kissing her flesh as he went, so that he could take it into his mouth.

  The cool flesh heated instantly in his mouth, her nipple going even harder against his tongue. He rolled it in his mouth, and she made a faint whimper, a tremor running through her body. Levi wanted to make her his, completely and utterly, through only that touch, and he kissed and stroked it with his tongue until she was panting and rocking under the power of his mouth.

  And that was only the beginning of what he was going to do to her.

  He nudged the other nipple free of his chest, taking that one in his mouth as he rolled the first in his fingers. Harper was making noises now, tiny ones at the end of each breath. He released her and slid down further, kissing down the valley of her breasts to her belly. Both his arms hooked behind her thighs, he rocked her back toward her heels to keep her stomach in contact with his mouth. At the narrow strip of curls, he shifted to the side, kissing the line of her inner thigh along her folds.

  The smell of her filled his head, hot and musky, and the jolt of need that went through him and straight into his groin almost broke his resolve, and he almost moved take her right then. But she was shaking and rocking over him, and he wanted to see just how far he could take her. He gave her taint a long, hot kiss, sucking against the skin as her thighs strained with tension on either side of his head, then he moved up the other side, along the other crease of her leg.

  He paused for a second, and she swore softly.

  “If that was just a tease, I swear, I’m going to—”

  With a burst of wickedness, he put the flat of his tongue against her folds then, and her sentence was cut off in an incoherent, strangled sound. He held it there as she breathed harshly, then slowly, deliberately, he moved up toward her clit, where he paused again, waiting....

  Then it came. “Levi—” she started.

  And he cut her off again as he moved his mouth against it, kissing, sucking, stroking until his chin slick with her need and she came again, rocking uncontrollably into his face as she made wonderful soft sounds, struggling to keep quiet as he showed her no mercy.

  Harper was still in grip of the end of her orgasm when he finally dipped his tongue between her folds, sending her into a second, longer peak as he stroked the length of her wet entrance with his tongue, savoring her muted cries as much as he loved the taste of her.

  He could feel her folds swelling under his mouth, engorging with blood as they became ever more sensitive, and he rode her into that orgasm until she was as high as she could go. And just as she was sliding down the other side of it, he broke off, moving up her body and angling his cock at her entrance, arching up into her just as he pulled her onto him, hard.

  And as he had promised, Harper came again. Her arms, no longer supporting her, slid around his neck, and the whole length of her body was against his, her mouth buried in his shoulder to muffle her cries. Using his hips and heels as leverage, he thrust into her, over and over, hard and fast to push her even further into her orgasm, urging her thighs even wider so that he could bury himself in her heat to the last fraction of an inch.

  He wasn’t going to be able to hold on long, not with her climax gripping him in the blazing heat of her slickness, but he gritted his teeth, determined to wring the last bit of pleasure from her trembling body first.

  But she surprised him. As her spasms faded and her cries ceased, she pushed herself up again on her trembling arms, not just to her elbows but all the way to her hands so that her full breasts hung above his body. And then, her expression distant and her breath hissing through her teeth, she took control of the rhythm, riding his cock, coming down so far that her clit rocked against his pubic bone.

  Levi realized what she was doing—taking them both up, this time, together. And he couldn’t have stopped her even if he wanted to, the fantastic sight of those bouncing tits and her face strained with what she was doing to both of them, and the heat of her around him, gripping him, going straight into his balls until they released with a twist of glory that went up his spinal cord lik
e a spike in the brain. And she kept going as they throbbed until every last drop had been milked from him by her clasping muscles.

  Then Harper slumped against him again, and it was several moments later than he realized that his hands were stroking her naked back.

  He groaned with reluctance, the post-orgasmic lethargy settling over him.

  “We need to get to shelter. Get our clothes dry, get food, get warm.”

  “I’m warm now,” she murmured, looking down at him with a flushed face and half-focused eyes that made his cock stir again, still buried inside her.

  “Yeah, but you won’t be, soon enough,” he said, pushing that reaction aside.

  She sighed and disengaged herself, standing and stretching her arms back in a way that made those wonderful tits rise provocatively.

  That woman probably wrote checks provocatively.

  Levi got to his feet. “Can you find it from here?”

  “That depends on where ‘here’ is,” she said.

  He stood up and shoveled everything back into her purse, carefully wrapping the condom in a big leaf he pulled off a bush first. He was up for sex in the woods—not so much for littering after. “We crossed the river about a hundred yards down from the bridge, maybe fifty yards into the woods.”

  “Then it should be pretty easy. There’s a short dock in the river with a jon boat—this time of year, it’s probably under a tarp chained up above the flood line on the shore, though. And there’s the trailer. They got it for free from someone who wanted it off his land, so it’s really small and old, but it’s weatherproof and it’s got plumbing and electricity and even a washer and dryer,” she said.

  “Works for me.” Levi offered her the purse, which was overflowing now with all her clothes draped over the top. “The jacket’s still wet, but it might give you some warmth. And don’t forget your boots.”

  Harper put it on, shivering as the cold liner touched her skin. “What are you going to wear?”

  He grinned at her. “Nothing it all, babycakes, because I’m going to be a wolf, and you’re going to go for a ride.”


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