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One More Moment (The McCormicks Book 3)

Page 6

by Elena Aitken

  Dec laughed. “Maybe they were feeling left out of all our bonding time.”

  “What took you so long?” Ian laughed. “We’re on our second cup already.” Gwen sat next to him and shook her head at Ian’s attempt at a joke.

  “I have a feeling some of us worked a little bit harder getting here than others.” Cal slipped into the seat across from Jade.

  “Judging by the looks of you two, I’d say that was Dec.” Mitch laughed. “I’ll get you guys some coffee. Sit.”

  Dec took Mitch’s vacated seat. “What are you guys all doing here anyway? Isn’t it kind of early for double dates?”

  “Don’t be jealous,” Ian said. He meant it as a joke, but Cal noticed the way Dec cringed just a little bit. He’d been wondering whether his older brother was feeling left out of all the new relationships. He made a mental note to bring it up with him later.

  “And no,” Jade chimed in for the first time. “We weren’t having a double date. We were actually just discussing a few things with the show.”

  Cal turned to her with interest. “Like possibly who was going to play the lead?” He couldn’t believe it still hadn’t been announced. He’d been doing his best to be patient, but he couldn’t help but feel that they should have at least a little time to get to know each other before filming started at the end of the month.

  To his surprise, Jade nodded. “That’s exactly what we were talking about,” she said. “I know it’s been frustrating for you, but—”

  “Who is it?” Cal looked from Jade to Gwen. “Tell me already.”

  “That’s the thing, Cal.” Jade shook her head apologetically. “The producers really want to build up some excitement and press energy with this, so they’re planning sort of a reveal.”

  “A reveal?” What the hell was she talking about? Once again he looked between the women, but this time, looking for more clarity, he looked also to his eldest brother. “Ian? What do you know about this?”

  He shrugged. “All I know is what you know,” he said. “The producers want to really create some buzz.” Ian held up his fingers in air quotes. “So they haven’t even told us.” He gestured between him and Gwen. “Just that it’s going to be news.”


  Jade nodded, but she didn’t look excited.

  Shouldn’t she look excited if this whole elaborate set up was supposed to be buzz worthy? It all seemed a little ridiculous and farfetched. But Cal had never done anything like it before, so ultimately he didn’t really know what to expect. And they did want the show to generate buzz and catch the attention of…well, of everyone. Maybe this was a good way.

  “Okay, then,” he agreed, not that he had any other choice. “So when does this reveal happen?”

  “At a reveal party, of course,” Gwen said.

  “Of course.” Cal tried not to roll his eyes. There were definitely parts of the celebrity scene he enjoyed and parts he enjoyed less. The endless parties that Bridget had dragged him to were definitely one of the parts he hadn’t enjoyed. Of course, they’d been in Australia with a bunch of people he didn’t care to know, and cared even less about impressing. A party in Cedar Springs would definitely be different. “When is this party?”

  “It will be at the Springs resort,” Gwen continued. “On Friday. I’m working on the details with Carmen, the manager there. It’s going to be amazing. Totally perfect.”

  He nodded and accepted the coffee Mitch had returned with. “Sounds good. I’ll bring Milena.”

  He couldn’t be certain, but he thought he saw Jade blanch at the mention of his new girlfriend. It was a strange reaction. Maybe just because the producers were hoping he’d stay single through the early promotion stage of the show the way Byron had been talking about. Whatever it was, he didn’t care. He wasn’t going to change things with Milena because of the show. No way.

  She needed a dress.

  And it couldn’t just be any old dress.

  No, Milena needed an absolutely, drop dead, stunning, Hollywood appropriate, type of dress.

  She’d never been to any type of Hollywood party before. Of course she hadn’t. She’d grown up and lived in Cedar Springs her entire life. Hell, there had never even been an opportunity to go anywhere a fancy dress was required. Unless you counted high school graduation, and she didn’t. She’d just started dating Michael back then, and although things weren’t nearly as bad as they had eventually become, they still weren’t great. She remembered being excited about prom and dressing up until Michael told her it was silly and they would have more important things to spend their money on than a fancy dress. Besides that, she was definitely the biggest of her friends, a fact Michael liked to point out. And while they were choosing sexy spaghetti strap dresses that clung to their perfect bodies in all the right places, Milena was trying to find one with full sleeves that hid her. She did end up going with a decent dress, but it was far from fancy.

  But that was then. And now, not only was her body different, her self-esteem was completely different, and the man on her arm was a huge upgrade.

  She needed to look fantastic. But with so many showings, and new clients looking for homes, she didn’t have time to go to the city. And shopping online was totally out of the question, because no matter what she ordered she’d never get it on time. And then what if it didn’t fit?

  She’d almost called Cal to tell him she couldn’t make it to his big party when she remembered the new boutique that just opened. Live, Love, Lake was the new shop run by Evelyn Rose. Milena didn’t know her well; Evelyn had been a year or two older than her in school, but of course she knew of her. And they were friendly enough acquaintances. But most importantly, she’d heard a number of people talking about what great clothes Evie carried in her store. And considering Milena didn’t have any options, she sure hoped that was true.

  The moment she opened the door to the little shop, Milena was overwhelmed. There were racks and racks of beautiful clothes, ranging from casual to way fancier than Milena could ever pull off.

  She almost turned around and left when Evie’s voice stopped her.

  “Milena? Is that you?”

  Milena turned, but she couldn’t find the source of the voice.

  “Just give me a minute,” Evie called. “I’ll be right with you.”

  Milena bent and ducked and looked around the racks. But still she couldn’t see Evie. “Where are you?”

  Evie’s laugh rang throughout the store. “I’m so sorry,” she said. “I’m just here in the middle of this display. I’m coming out now.”

  And then sure enough, Evie appeared from a cluster of mannequins in the center of the store.

  “That was crazy.” Milena looked around. “I didn’t even see you there.”

  Evie laughed. “I know. I’m so sorry. I always seem to be in the middle of something when a customer comes in.” She straightened her pretty dress. “What can I help you with today?”

  Milena’s eyes lingered on the dress Evie wore. It was beautiful. Light, feminine, and floral. So pretty. But she would never be able to pull it off. “I need a dress.” She sighed.

  “And you like mine?”

  Milena nodded. “I do. But there’s no way. I mean, you’re so petite and delicate and I’m…well…” She didn’t finish the sentence. Even after losing so much weight, she still saw herself the way she used to be. And even if she could reconcile herself with her new body, it still was nowhere near Evie’s tiny frame.

  “This dress wouldn’t work on you,” Evie said sweetly. “You have beautiful curves that would be completely wasted in a shapeless dress like this.” The other woman grinned and tapped her finger to her lips thoughtfully. “No,” she said after a moment. “You need to show your body off and I have just the thing. Come with me.”

  Something about Evie put Milena at ease. She had never enjoyed shopping, even after she lost weight and was able to buy clothes in a smaller size. Milena just didn’t have the eye to put together an outfit that actually
looked good. It was largely an exercise in frustration for her, and something she left as long as possible. But with Evie at her side, she started to relax and maybe even start to feel a little bit excited about what she was there for.

  “Okay, so what kind of dress exactly are we looking for?” Evie held two garments in her hands, each of them beautiful but very different. And neither of them appropriate for Hollywood party.

  “I really like those,” Milena said. “But, I need something that will wow. I’ve been invited to a party at the Springs, and not just any party. It’s a Hollywood type party.”

  “You mean for the show, Mr. Summer?” Evie’s eyes lit up. “That’s so cool.”

  Maybe it was cool. No, it was. And maybe she’d even be able to think it was, as soon as she got over the whole nothing to wear thing. Milena nodded. “It is.” She took a deep breath. “But I’m going as Cal McCormick’s date, and I feel a little out of my element already.”

  Evie nodded in understanding. “I see. So you need a dress dress.”

  “Exactly.” Milena sighed in relief. “Please tell me you have something.”

  “Something?” Evie put her hand her chest and exaggerated surprise. “Darling, I have everything.” She moved to put the two dresses she was holding back on the rack, but Milena stopped her.

  “No,” she said. “I like those, too. Maybe I could try them.”

  “Of course.” Evie wiggled her eyebrows. “Because it’s always a good idea to have date clothes.”

  For a moment, Milena felt as though she should deny it. Would Cal want their budding relationship to be a secret? Was it a thing that because he was at the start of the new show, they should keep things under wraps? But he hadn’t said anything. He hadn’t told her not to tell. He had invited her to this party and she’d just told Evie she was going with him. With a shrug and a smile, Milena answered, “Absolutely. Date clothes are going to be more than necessary.”

  Evie draped the dresses over her arm and led Milena to the other side of the store, where she hung them on a hook outside of a curtained-off changing room before digging into another rack of beautiful dresses. “So am I to assume that you’re officially dating Cal McCormick?”

  “Yes. I guess that would be a fair assumption. I am officially dating Cal McCormick.” It felt strange to say. Milena had never said it out loud before until that moment. Strange, yes. But good too. “I can still hardly believe it myself. It just kind of happened. One minute we were flirting, the next he was showing me some strength training. The next…” She laughed, aware of how it all sounded. But she didn’t care—the story was their story.

  “I think it’s fantastic,” Evie said. “Those McCormick boys are certainly something, aren’t they?”

  Milena paused from looking at the dresses in front of her to look at Evie in question. Was there something more behind what the woman was saying? Did she maybe have a thing for a McCormick? She had heard something about how Evie and Mitch had gone on a date or two. But that had obviously gone nowhere, considering Mitch was now married to Jade Johnson. But maybe Evie had felt something for Mitch?

  “They really are,” Milena agreed. “Do you know them well?” Milena knew she was fishing. She didn’t know Evie very well herself, but she could tell that there was something the other woman wanted to get off her chest.

  Evie blushed a little, but she couldn’t be sure because the woman turned away quickly. “Not really. When we were kids and they spent their summers here, I was mostly too young to care who they were. Of course, I did know who they were.”

  “Everyone did.”

  Evie nodded. “Yes, everyone did. But I guess now, I probably know Mitch the best. He helped my son Jonah with some math. He is really a great teacher. I was glad to hear he got on with the school for fall.” Evie pulled garments off the rack and hung them on the hook as she spoke. “And of course Ian, and the marina. Everyone knows Ian.”

  Milena nodded even though Evie wasn’t looking at her.

  “And Cal,” she continued. “He’s created quite a stir in town, as the star of the show. But beyond a few conversations in passing, I don’t really know Cal either.”

  There was one brother left and Milena had a feeling that was the brother who was making Evie blush.

  “This is the one!” Evie grabbed a dress off the rack and spun around with a flourish. “This is the dress you’re going to wear to the party.”

  All conversation about the brothers was forgotten as Milena gaped at the dress. It was gorgeous: a shimmery red with a deep V that Milena knew would show off her cleavage perfectly, and a flouncy skirt that would float around her knees. It was perfect.

  On the rack.

  “It’s beautiful,” she said. “But I don’t—”

  “Try it on.” Evie cut her off before she could protest that it wouldn’t look nearly as good on her as it did on the hanger. “Do not say one more thing until you have this dress on your body.”

  Before she could protest, Evie pushed her and the dress into the changing room. For a moment, Milena stared at the garment. She didn’t want to ruin its perfection by trying it on and having it not fit.

  “I’m waiting,” Evie called from outside the curtain. “And I’m not moving until you come out with that dress on.”

  Milena didn’t doubt for a minute that Evie would stand there all day. They both had things to do and she wasn’t about to waste anybody’s time. With a sigh, Milena pulled her shirt over her head, slipped the dress off the hanger, and tried it on.

  She didn’t bother looking in the mirror. She just pushed the curtain aside and went to show Evie the final result.

  Evie didn’t say anything at first. She put her hand to her mouth and shook her head back and forth.

  “Is it really that bad?”

  “Bad?” She shook her head again. “Milena, it’s gorgeous.”

  “What? Gorgeous?”

  Evie took a step forward, put her hands on her shoulders, and gently turned her to face the mirror. “Gorgeous,” Evie repeated in a whisper. “Look.”

  Milena did look. It took her a minute to adjust her eyes and to believe that the reflection she was looking at was really her. After a moment, she shook her head and looked back at Evie, who just nodded. “Is that…”

  “That’s you. And you are stunning. Totally Hollywood ready.”

  Milena looked back at the mirror and gazed at her reflection again. “Wow. Evie, I don’t know what to say. You’re a miracle worker.” She took a moment and spun, watching the fabric flutter around her knees. “It’s perfect. Thank you.”

  Evie laughed. “Don’t thank me. This is all you. You’re gorgeous—the dress simply shows it off.”

  Milena’s confidence was bolstered by trying on the red dress, so she tried on a few more outfits. And by the time she was done, she had a nice stack to take to the checkout counter. “Evie, I think you are too good at this. And I think my credit card will agree.”

  The other woman smiled and rang up her purchases. “I can’t help it if you just have the perfect body for these clothes.”

  No one had ever said that she had had the perfect body for any clothes. But looking at the outfits she was buying, Milena finally believed it. And that felt good.

  “So, you never did tell me if you knew Declan McCormick.” Milena had been waiting to bring the subject back to the topic of the McCormick men, because she knew Evie had more to say about the subject. Sure enough, Evie’s face flushed. “Well?” Milena prompted. “Do you know Declan?”

  Evie nodded. “We’ve met. And talked a few times. He is a really interesting man. All his charity work, and the way he helps people. He’s just so… I don’t know. Good.”

  “And handsome?”

  “Of course. All the McCormick men are.”

  Milena couldn’t help it; she pushed a little harder. “But especially Declan, right?”

  “You’re crazy.” Evie giggled a little. “But yes. You’re right.”

  Of course she
was right. Milena knew all too well how it felt to be caught up by one of the McCormick men.

  Chapter Six

  Cal had been told the party was going to be a small affair. Just the cast members, crew, and a few media people. For some reason, Jade had asked him to come early. Of course he’d wanted to go pick Milena up and walk into the party with her on his arm. But Jade had insisted.

  Not that it mattered. Not really. He couldn’t wait to see Milena all dressed up. Heck, he couldn’t wait to see her.

  They had seen each other every day since that first date, and their time together just got better.

  In all ways.

  His dick twitched in his pants, just remembering earlier that morning before she’d snuck out of his room, like two teenagers. He really did have to get his own place. Not that his brothers would mind if Milena slept over—hell, they would love it. They’d been harassing him to bring her over for dinner, to get to know her properly. But Cal had selfishly wanted to keep her to himself. They were both so busy, the time they did have together, he didn’t want to share.

  Except for tonight.

  He was more than happy to show her off to everyone in town. And show everyone, including her, exactly how strong his feelings for her were becoming.

  But first, he had to take care of business. Jade wanted to chat with him before the party started. Mitch was going to go pick up Milena and bring her to the Springs for him. It was less than ideal, but it would have to do. And Cal planned to make up for it the moment she got there.

  The party had been set up in a large room with the glass wall on one side that overlooked the pools of the Springs resort. The other side of the room was floor-to-ceiling windows, with a large deck area right next to the mountain. It was a gorgeous room and in only an hour it would be full of people. For now, there were just a few people floating around getting ready, and Jade of course. Cal found her next to the bar.


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