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One More Moment (The McCormicks Book 3)

Page 18

by Elena Aitken

But Milena wasn’t ready for what she saw when Evie drove her down to the end of Main Street where the sidewalk ended and the park and town beach began.

  “What is this?”

  It looked as if clotheslines had been strung all over the park, but from the parking lot, Milena couldn’t quite make out what was hanging from them.

  “You’ll see.”

  Evie held her hand and walked her to the first line. Milena’s breath caught in her throat.

  She dropped her friend’s hand and stepped forward. “What is…” She turned to look at Evie. “Is this…I don’t…”

  “It’s you.” Evie took Milena’s hand and placed it on the photograph hanging from the line.

  It was a photo of Milena taken the night of the Mr. Summer party. She wasn’t looking at the photographer; in fact, up until right then, Milena had no idea the moment had been captured. She was staring out into the distance, and the look on her face was so beautiful it took her breath away just looking at it.

  No doubt, anyone looking at the photo would have no idea who she’d been looking at, maybe not even the photographer knew, but Milena remembered that moment.

  It was later in the evening, after all the unpleasantness had occurred. Cal had left her alone for a few minutes as he fetched them drinks. She’d been talking to someone—she could no longer remember who—when he’d caught her eye from across the room. At first, he hadn’t realized she was watching him as he smiled and chatted with his co-workers who’d been at the bar. But the moment he’d turned around and seen her watching, he’d blown her a kiss.

  It was in that moment Milena realized she was falling, hard, for Cal McCormick.

  She had no idea someone had captured the moment with a camera.

  Milena let her fingers slide down the photograph. It was hard to believe the woman in the image was her. And even harder to believe she was standing there staring at it.

  She turned to Evie, so many questions on the tip of her tongue, but her friend had anticipated them. “Here.” Evie handed Milena the invitation she’d given her on her front lawn.

  Milena unfolded it and read it one more time.

  Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations.

  Please join me on the journey.

  “I don’t under—” But Evie had vanished. Milena turned again and for the first time saw the clotheslines were strung in a weaving pattern across the lawn, leading to the gazebo.

  Her lips curled up into a cautious smile and she started to walk.

  The next photo was one of the two of them. They were dancing, staring into each other’s eyes.


  It had to have been Bria who’d taken the photos. When she’d met her the other night, she’d mentioned these pictures, but Milena had forgotten all about them. Now, though…to see them…to touch them…

  Being able to see, from the outside looking in—the way Cal had gazed at her, the love in her own eyes—it all at the same time warmed her heart and broke it.

  Milena took a deep breath and walked to the next picture and then the next. She moved slowly, examining each one and remembering the moment it had been taken. By the time she was halfway across the lawn, the sun started to dip low behind the mountains and the space lit up with twinkly lights and paper lanterns that had been strung all across the lawn. She stopped and turned in a circle, taking it all in.

  Had Cal done all this?

  Had he set all this up?

  Of course he had. Who else?

  But where was—

  Her eyes landed on him in the center of the gazebo and everything else stopped.


  He’d watched her as she looked at the first picture and then the second one. Her face changed with each one. Softening somehow as she started to understand why she was there.

  At least Cal hoped she understood.

  She had to understand.

  She had to see that even though it was bound to be hard, it was worth it.

  He waited and watched and finally she turned around and their eyes met. For a moment, he didn’t move. He just took it all in—her, the photos, the gazebo, everything. It was perfect.

  In that moment, Cal knew, it could never be anything else.

  And it would never be anyone else.

  He took a deep breath and stepped from the gazebo out onto the lawn. She didn’t move, but watched and waited for him to reach her.

  When he was within arm’s reach, Cal stopped, suddenly unsure of how to proceed.

  Finally he reached for her hand, hoping she’d take it.

  She did.

  “I’m glad you came.”

  Her smile was stunning. Made even more so because it was all for him.

  “Me too.”

  He squeezed her hand in response.

  “This is all so—”

  “What do you—”

  They spoke at the same time.

  Milena giggled and tried again. “This is all so amazing.” With her free hand, she gestured to everything he’d set up. “The photos, the lights, the…everything.” She turned back to him and took his other hand. “It’s beautiful, Cal.”

  “You’re beautiful.”

  She blushed and ducked her head but before he could say anything else, she looked up. “Thank you. I feel amazing tonight.”

  In the entire time Cal had known Milena, she’d never before accepted a compliment so easily and with so much grace.

  Her confidence made her even more stunning.

  He traced her cheek with his fingers and cupped her chin. “You should feel amazing,” he said. “Because you are. And you are absolutely the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

  Every word was the truth, and he hoped she heard it.

  Standing there with her, touching her, looking into her eyes—it was everything. More than anything, he wanted to kiss her, but it was too soon. He still didn’t know where he stood or what she was feeling about everything.


  She nodded.

  “Can I finish showing you the pictures?”

  She blinked, obviously expecting him to say something different. “Yes,” she said after a moment. “I’d like that.”

  Gently, he led her down the path to the next photo. It was a shot of them standing together, their backs to the photographer. They were clearly in a conversation with other partygoers, but they weren’t paying them any attention. Cal remembered the moment. They’d been talking to a group of cast and crew members, and Byron had been telling them all some kind of story about when he was an extra on a criminal investigation show. Cal didn’t remember what Byron had been talking about because all his attention had been on Milena and the way she’d laughed. It was the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard.

  What Cal remembered from that moment was thinking he wanted to hear that sound every day for the rest of his life. He’d known then that Milena was the woman he wanted to be with.


  “I can’t believe how many pictures she took.” Milena gazed at the photo. “It’s like she followed us around all night. She captured the entire evening.”

  “It’s pretty incredible,” Cal agreed. “I had no idea she’d done this.”

  Milena looked at him. “I’m glad she did.”

  “Me too.”

  He led her to the last picture. It was his favorite.

  It was taken right after they’d reentered the party. Cal had dipped her low and kissed her with so much passion that there could be no doubt exactly how he felt about her.

  It was their first official photo as a couple and the one that should have run in the Stars Secrets magazine, not that it mattered. Cal no longer cared what anyone wrote about him, truth or not. The only person who needed to be okay with things stood next to him.

  Without saying anything, he led her away from the pictures and took her up into the gazebo.

  “Cal? What was all that for?” Her face was screwed up in question. “Why did you print all those pict
ures? I mean, they were…but why?”

  “Because you need to understand.” He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. For all the planning he’d done, all the preparing and setting up, none of it really mattered. Because ultimately, the only thing that mattered was that Milena accept who he was and what his life was like. She had to be okay with it.

  “I need you to be okay with all of this.” He gestured out to the lawn.

  “Of course I’m okay with those pictures. They’re beautiful.”

  “Yes.” He nodded and tried to regroup. “Those pictures are beautiful. But you know they aren’t all like that.”

  He shook his head. He was screwing it all up. He wanted everything to be romantic and perfect so she couldn’t possibly turn her back on him again. But now that she was in front of him, all he could think of was how badly he wanted to pull her into his arms and never let her leave again.

  “Milena.” He swallowed hard and started over. “I’m so sorry about the pictures and the story on that stupid website. If I could, I’d protect you from something like that ever happening again. But I can’t.”

  “I know.”

  “No.” He shook his head. “It’s not that simple. You need to understand that seeing how hurt you were because of me, and who I am, almost broke me.”

  She opened her mouth but he held up a finger. If he didn’t get it all out, he might never say what needed to be said.

  “I never want to cause you pain, or have you exposed to a situation that might open you up to public scrutiny in any way because you have to understand how much I love you.” He held his breath. The last time he’d told her he loved her, she turned away. “Being with me means there will sometimes be photographers—there will sometimes be reporters and sometimes what they report won’t be flattering or true.” She pressed her lips together as he spoke. “But, I also need you to know that sometimes, like tonight, the pictures are flattering and the story is true. That’s what I wanted to show you tonight. I wanted to show you that it’s not all bad, and the good will far outweigh the bad. And no matter what, we’ll handle it together. Always together. That’s a promise I’ll make to you today and vow to keep forever.”

  Milena dipped her head and Cal’s heart froze in his chest. If she told him no, if she looked at him and told him it didn’t matter whether there would be good moments, she still wouldn’t be able to handle the bad ones, he didn’t know what he’d do.

  He held his breath and waited.

  Everything he’d done had been amazing. The photos, the lights, the whole setup was incredible and beyond romantic. But it was more than that, too. Everything Cal said made sense. There were definitely going to be challenging times being with a celebrity. Especially once the show became the hit they knew it would be.

  Was it really only that morning when she’d decided she couldn’t do it? When she’d declared she wasn’t strong enough to handle the rough times? It felt like years ago.

  How could things change so quickly?

  Milena swallowed hard and looked up into Cal’s waiting eyes. “I’m not naive,” she said. “Today has been the hardest, most emotionally draining day I can remember. This morning…it was hard, Cal. So hard.”

  “I know, sweetheart. If I could take it—”

  “But you can’t,” she interrupted him. “And you never will be able to take it away or stop it from happening again. I know that, too. And I’m not going to lie to you, Cal. I don’t think I’ve ever been so embarrassed or humiliated. I didn’t know what to do,” she continued. “The only thing I could think to do was walk away even though it broke my heart to do it. You have to understand something.” He tilted his head, listening. “Being with someone like you, exposed to the media who wants nothing more than a good story, would be very hard. It would require a very special person who was strong enough to be sure of herself and the relationship, even in the face of the hardest adversity. It would require an exceptionally strong, confident woman, who didn’t care what other people thought.” Milena struggled to keep the tears at bay. “I just don’t know if—”

  “Don’t say it.”

  “Please, Cal. Let me finish.”

  He nodded and closed his mouth, although it was clear to see how difficult it was for him.

  When she was sure he wouldn’t interrupt again, Milena continued. “As I was saying. It would be very difficult to have a relationship with you.” She swallowed hard, looked up and smiled. “It would also be amazing.” Cal opened his mouth, but a quick look from her and he shut it again. “In fact,” Milena said, “I know it will be amazing. Like I said, you need a strong, confident woman, which works out pretty well because that’s exactly what I am.” She looked up. The smile on her face was flirty, fun, and most importantly, full of the love she could no longer pretend to contain.

  “What are you saying?” He squeezed her hands in his. “Because if you’re saying what I think you’re saying, then I’m going to be…”

  “Very happy?” Milena finished for him with a laugh.

  “Come here.” Cal pulled her close, put his hands on her face and kissed her until neither of them could breathe. “Happy doesn’t even begin to describe how you make me feel. I know being with me isn’t always going to be easy, sweetheart, but—”

  “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”

  He kissed her again and again until she was dizzy from it all. When they finally came up for air, the sun had all but slipped behind the mountains and the twinkle lights that had been strung all over the gazebo were sparkling and dancing in the dusk.

  “The surprises aren’t over yet,” Cal said.

  Milena stepped back. She didn’t need any more surprises or declarations or anything else. She just needed Cal. It had been a long day full of emotional highs and lows. She didn’t know whether she could take any more. Besides, the McCormicks had a bit of a reputation when it came to romantic gestures.

  “Please don’t tell me you’re going to ask me to marry you.” She was mostly joking because as much as she might like to entertain that idea in the future, she wasn’t ready to make that decision yet. As far as Milena was concerned, there was no need to rush into anything beyond what they already had going. Which was pretty damn good.

  Or at least it was going to be now.

  Cal laughed. “I’m not my brothers,” he said. “Although I wouldn’t totally rule it out for the future, sweetheart, because I have no intention of ever letting you slip away again. Not even for a moment.”

  “Don’t worry.” She leaned forward and kissed him on the nose. “I’m not going anywhere. And I don’t need any more surprises. This was enough. This was more than enough. A beautiful dress, the photos, the lights…you.” She tugged lightly on his hands. “It’s not only enough. It’s everything. Thank you for all of this.”

  “There’s no need to thank me,” Cal said. “I’d do it one hundred times over if it meant showing you that even though our life might be lived partly in the public eye doesn’t mean we can’t have our own special spotlight moments.”

  “What does that even mean?”

  “It means…” Cal took her hand and led her to the door of the gazebo but turned her back to it, making sure she was focused squarely on him. “That sometimes the parties or events might be for the show, or publicity or something else to do with my career. But tonight is all about you.”

  He turned her to face out onto the lawn at the exact moment music started to play and the lights came up to reveal all their friends and family.

  Milena scanned the crowd in wonder, shaking her head. “What is…” She turned to Cal, who was grinning wide. “What is this?”

  “This is for you, sweetheart. To show you how loved you are and also because a dress this gorgeous should not be wasted. We’re going to dance the night away and celebrate you the way you deserve to be celebrated.”

  For a moment, Milena was speechless. She looked out at the crowd, who were all waiting to see her reaction. Her dad and Estelle, sta
nding together with their arms around each other. Mitch and Jade. Ian and Gwen. Evie, and across the way watching her, Declan. Samantha was there with her husband Trent. Beth and Slade Black. Bria, whom she’d only just met, had her camera pointed at them and dozens of other people.

  To say she was overwhelmed was an understatement.

  Finally, Milena twisted around to look at Cal, who stood behind her with his arms around her waist. “This is for me?”

  He nodded. “All of it. I can’t ever promise that the tabloids will leave us alone and I can’t promise you that they’ll never publish lies. But what I can do is properly introduce you to the world as Cal McCormick’s girlfriend. You deserve to be shown off, not hidden. You deserve to have your beautiful face splashed all over the magazines, not hidden in shady illicit photographs. We’re going to do this properly and then we’re going to spend the night celebrating you.”

  She shook her head. It was still so much to wrap her head around. Dating Cal meant a life in the spotlight. It meant always having to wonder whether she was being photographed while she was in her sweatpants with no makeup on, or being scrutinized by people she didn’t know and would never meet for her choice in bathing suit or what she was eating. It meant not having any privacy.


  Cal’s face fell.

  But all of that also meant having Cal. And being loved in a way she’d never been loved before. Sharing in a life together meant taking the good and the bad. Together.

  “No,” she said again. “This isn’t for me. This is for us. If we’re going to do this, we’re doing it together. We deserve to be celebrated and the only way I want to do this is with you. Together. Always.”

  His face lit up in the smile that never failed to get a reaction. “Sweetheart.” He spun her around so she was once more in his arms. “There is no other place I’d rather be.” He kissed her thoroughly and someone let out a cheer. “Are you ready?”

  She shook her head. “Not yet. There’s something else I need to tell you.”

  His eyes clouded momentarily with confusion. “What could you possibly have to tell me?”

  “I love you.”


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