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Taking Control: A Billionaire Boss Romance (Playboys of New York Book 4)

Page 8

by JA Low

  Maybe he’s right.

  “How the hell do I get rid of the douche, then?”

  “I don’t think you are going to need to do a thing. He is going to hang himself.” I raise my glass to him, and we cheers to that. I know all I need to do is be patient because Dan’s going to fuck up, and when he does, I’m going to be the man Stella leans on. Then, hopefully, she will see what has been right in front of her all this time—the man she is supposed to be with.

  “Thanks.” Clapping him on the shoulder, we walk out of the sports bar. “Call me anytime, okay.”

  He gives me a curt nod and disappears out into the crowded New York streets while I head in the opposite direction.

  My hand hesitates for a moment before opening the door, but I push it open anyway. The apartment is quiet. I pick up the champagne glasses in the living room and put them in the dishwasher along with a couple of other things. I look down the hallway, and Stella’s door is shut.

  Should I check on her?

  After a couple of moments of mentally arguing with myself, I decide to go and check. I tap on the door and call out her name a couple of times.

  “I’m fine. EJ.”

  Ah, she doesn’t sound fine. So I push open the door, and Stella’s curled up crying into her pillow.

  “Stells.” Rushing through the door, I run to her.

  “EJ, I told you I was fine.”

  “Your snot bubbles tell me something entirely different.” This gets the tiniest of giggle before she wipes her hand across her nose. “What happened?”

  Did she get into a fight with Ariana after I left?

  “I don’t want to talk to you about it.” I see the pain written on her face as she tells me that.

  “I know I may not have been the best to you. I also may not have even been the best kind of friend to you either. But I want to be now,” I explain to her, and a tiny frown forms across her face. “I want to help. I don’t care what it is. I’m here for you.”

  Stella falls silent for a couple of moments, contemplating confessing her secret to me, then she lets out a heavy sigh.

  “Dan broke up with me.”




  That’s not at all what I thought she was going to say.

  However, there is a tiny part of me that is fist-pumping the air right now. I knew Douchebag Dan would eventually fuck up. I didn’t realize it would be so soon, though.

  “What happened?” Trying to show her I care about her break-up with Dan, she eyes me suspiciously.

  “He told me my broken leg was an inconvenience, and he didn’t have time for my neediness. Not when he is expanding his business. He needs to focus on that, not my drama.”

  “He actually said that?” Because damn, that shit was brutal.

  “Yep. That a broken leg was drama, that me nearly dying in that car crash is an inconvenience.” Tears begin to fall down her cheeks again, and something inside my chest tightens.

  Fuck, that’s cruel.

  Reaching out, I wrap myself around her, pulling her into her hug. “I’m sorry, Stell. You don’t deserve that,” I console her.

  “Bet… you’re… happy… now,” she says through her sniffles.

  “What! No!” Pulling away from her, I reach out and cup her face. “Anything that causes you pain I get no enjoyment out of.”

  Stella sucks in a shaky breath. “What’s wrong with me?” Her blue Bambi eyes look up at me as if I hold all the answers.

  “You are perfect, Stella. There is nothing wrong with you,” I tell her. “It’s his loss. He is going to realize the grave mistake he made losing you because I know that feeling.”

  Stella stills.

  Did I say too much?

  There I go pushing again.

  “You were right about him. He is a douchebag.” Stella gives me a sad smile.

  “Doesn’t feel nice being right in this instance,” I tell her, but she just shrugs.

  “I’m tired. Thanks for checking in on me.”

  “You’re welcome. Anytime.” And with that, I leave her room and do a little dance in the hallway.

  ‘Operation make Stella see I’m the man for her’ starts first thing in the morning.



  Urgh. Waking up and remembering what happened last night does not give me the warm and fuzzies. After Ariana left and EJ wasn’t home, I decided to call Dan. I knew it was late, but in all honesty, I thought he would want to speak to me. I was so wrong.

  “Hey,” Dan answers the phone a little annoyed. There is loud music playing in the background. He must be out again.

  “I thought you were calling me back?” I hate sounding like this. I never wanted to be a woman who’s always on their significant other to call them. But dammit, I’ve just gotten out of the hospital, and he should be contacting me.

  “I told you I was busy,” he answers angrily. “Some of us have to work for a living.”

  What the hell does that mean?

  And why is he so angry with me?

  “I’m sorry, but what have I done?”

  “You keep trying to keep tabs on me. That shit is suffocating.”

  Excuse me? What did he say?

  “I’m sorry that I miss my boyfriend. I’m sorry that I am stuck in bed with only the fucking ceiling for company, wishing my boyfriend gave a fucking shit and came and visited me.” I’ve never lost it like that before at Dan.

  “Wow, Stella. Dramatic much.”

  What in the ever-loving shit?

  “Dramatic? Because I miss my boyfriend?” I ask.

  “Um, yeah. I flew to Vegas for you. That was only a couple of days ago.” His tone sounds so frustrated with me.

  “That I paid for.” Hitting him where it hurts gives me some pleasure.

  “I knew you would throw that in my face. Most men can’t deal with their partner earning more than them,” he hisses.

  “Sounds like you’re one of them,” I throw it directly back at him.

  “Maybe I am.” He shuts down the conversation with that barb. “It’s fucking embarrassing.”

  “That I earn more than you?”


  “That’s not my fault. I worked hard to get where I am.”

  He bursts out laughing, and I’m not going to lie, it stings. “You’re only there because you’re cute, and EJ wants to fuck you.”

  My jaw falls to the floor over his comment.

  How dare he?

  “You are a real ass, but you know that, don’t you?”

  “Oh, come on… you can’t tell me you and EJ haven’t hooked up before. The way he looks at you tells me otherwise,” Dan inquires.

  “EJ is my boss and my friend’s brother. Nothing more,” I add.

  “And your little crush on your boss, that’s nothing, too?” he goads me, but I don’t answer him. “I’ve heard your friends talking about it. But I didn’t care then because we were just having fun, but now… now you are living with him, and that is the biggest slap in the face.”

  Genuinely, I’m shocked. I had no idea Dan felt like that.

  “You never said anything. I even asked you.”

  “How could I say no? You needed help,” he adds.

  “I can go home. I don’t have to live with EJ anymore if that will make you happy,” I add.

  “Honestly, Stell, this time apart has made me rethink our relationship.”

  He’s not serious, is he?

  “I need to devote all my spare time to my PT business. I don’t have time to be at your beck and call. I don’t have time for your neediness.”

  Is this asshole fucking serious right now?

  “I need a woman who’s independent and confident in herself. Someone who will support my business.”

  I feel like I’m having an out-of-body experience. He is not seriously saying I don’t support his business.

  “I did your business plan. I put you in touch with investors.” Shock is all I�
��m feeling at this moment.

  “Now you want to take credit for my business becoming successful?” Is he high? What the hell is happening? “The business is a success because of me and no one else. I don’t need your contacts to help me. I’m my own brand. Everyone wants the Dan Campbell experience.”

  I think I threw up in my mouth a little. This guy is one self-obsessed fool.

  “I can’t believe you’re making this all about you?” Shock filters through my veins.

  “It’s my business. Of course, it’s about me.”

  Urgh. I’m seconds away from reaching down the phone and strangling the bastard.

  “The fact you don’t understand this is making the fact that we are not suited for each other glaringly obvious.”

  Count to ten, Stella, before you throw your phone across the room again.

  “I’ve never dated anyone so dramatic before. I like my women chill, not high maintenance.” Tears of anger begin to bubble the surface. “Honestly, I think it’s for the best that we shouldn’t see each other again.”

  “No, shit.” I’m fucking seething.

  “You don’t need to be a bitch about it,” he adds.

  “Fuck you, Dan. I’ve been the best goddamn girlfriend you will ever have. But you’re only interested in fucking Insta-models and married women for money. Good luck with your business because you wouldn’t have it without me. You have no idea how to make it work, and it’s going to fall limp just like your dick.” And with those parting words, I hang up on him, then burst into tears and cradle my pillow.

  That’s it.

  I’m done with dating.

  I’m staying single for the rest of my life.

  Screw men.

  Especially douchebag strippers. Urgh.

  Then I remember how lovely EJ was to me when he found me crying in my room again. Honestly, I don’t think I have cried this many tears in my entire life. What the hell has happened to me?

  At the moment, I need to pee. Reaching, I grab my baseball bat and hobble into the bathroom and do my morning routine before stumbling back to bed. I grab my phone and text the girls.

  Stella: Dan’s a douchebag. He broke up with me last night.

  Lenna: Fucker.

  Chloe: I’m sorry.

  Ariana: What a dick. What did he say?

  I hit call, and we have a group chat instead, and I fill them in on the entire conversation. Of course, they’re in shock at his vile words, but they reassure me that I deserve better. I have to agree, but I think it will be a long time before I date anyone ever again.

  “Knock, Knock,” EJ calls out from the hall.

  “Come in.” Trying to make sure I don’t look like a mess when he sees me, I straighten my hair with my fingers. The door opens, and he has a tray filled with food. He walks further into my bedroom before laying it down beside me.

  “I thought I’d make you chocolate chip pancakes because you always said chocolate makes you feel better when you’re sad.”

  My body stills at his remark. How did he remember that?

  There’s orange juice and a freshly brewed cup of my favorite coffee. I stare at the glorious breakfast feast set out before me. After everything with Dan last night and then getting this, I just don’t know what to say to someone who remembers what I like.

  “Scoot up and settle in.” EJ fluffs my pillows and helps arrange me in bed. He places the tray over me so I can eat breakfast in bed. Then he grabs the remote off the bedside table and turns the television on. He finds my reality TV station and leaves it on that. “Okay. You’re all set, so I’ll leave you to it. Sing out if you need anything.”

  “EJ,” I call out to him. He turns around and gives me a bright smile. “If you want to join me, you’re more than welcome.” He seems surprised by my gesture, but after what he’s prepared for me this morning, I kind of want to spend time with him.

  “You sure?”

  “If you’re okay with watching the housewives, yeah.” I give him a huge grin.

  “You’re in. I’m kind of dying to know what’s happening next. Let me grab my breakfast, and I’ll join you.” EJ dashes out while I pop a strawberry into my mouth.

  He walks back in with his plate of pancakes and coffee. He jumps onto the bed and settles in beside me.

  We lose ourselves in the episode and then the next and the next. It’s nice just hanging out with EJ.

  No work.

  No Dan drama.

  No kissing.

  “Do you want to have a shower?” EJ asks. “I can go grab some plastic bags for your leg if you like.” After last night, I kind of want to rid myself of the lasting effects of Douchebag Dan.

  “Thanks, that would be great.” EJ busies himself cleaning up the breakfast feast and comes back to wrap my leg. Every single time his hand touches my inner thigh, I try to suppress the shudder that it inevitably brings. He doesn’t need to know he still affects me, especially now that Dan is no barrier between us.

  Like that has stopped you before. I shake that wayward thought away.

  “Okay. You’re ready to go. Need me to help you to the bathroom?” He stands back and tilts his head to the side.

  “Thanks, that would be great.”

  EJ helps me off the bed, then wraps his arm around me and helps me hobble to the shower.

  “Sing out if you need any help.” EJ gives me a sly grin before leaving the bathroom. Shaking my head with a smile, I jump under the warm water, and it feels like heaven. I scrub every last bit of me, hoping to feel brand new afterward. I turn the faucet off and spin a little too quickly, and I lose my footing. My life flashes before me as my hand misses the side, and I overbalance.


  This can’t be happening.

  Is this how I die? In a freak shower accident.


  This cannot be my legacy.

  A scream so loud falls from my mouth, and it’s so loud I’m surprised it hasn’t shattered the shower screen, then down I go like a lead balloon. I’m a twisted, naked, tangled mess.

  Moments later, EJ is bashing on the bathroom door because, out of habit, I’ve locked it.

  “Stella. Stella,” he screams while he continues to bang on the door. “Are you okay?”

  “No… not really.” I groan from the tiled floor—everything aches. Dammit all to hell, I think I’ve broken my wrist now. Urgh. Karma, why are you fucking up my shit?

  “The door’s locked.” He knocks on it again, and I don’t answer because I don’t have the strength. I need a couple of moments to get my shit together before I can somehow crawl across the bathroom floor to open the door.

  Then an awful breaking sound happens, and EJ is in the bathroom. Splinters of the door frame fall by his feet. His chest is heaving. His face looks wild with worry. His attention falls to my naked body, which is crumpled against the bathroom floor.

  “Shit, Stell,” he screams. EJ rushes over and picks me up.

  Every damn thing hurts.

  I groan as his arms wrap around me, and he holds my naked body against him.

  “Stell.” I hear the pain in his voice as he carries me out of the bathroom and past my bed. Then out of my room and down the hall to his bedroom, where he pulls back the covers to his bed and places me on his sheets. He quickly covers me again without taking a peek.

  “I need to call the doctor.” He begins to run wildly around as shock settles in.

  “EJ,” I call his name.

  He is pacing his room.

  “EJ,” I scream louder this time, and that gains his attention. “I’m okay.”

  He stares at me for a moment, and his eyes scan me. Thankfully, I’m covered by his duvet.

  “You sure? I think we should get someone here just in case.” He reaches for his phone.

  “Please just bring me my medication and a glass of water and let me catch my breath.”

  EJ nods and disappears into my bedroom and brings back my pills, some clothes and underwear.

  “I lik
e these.” He holds out the white pair with a pink bow. “They look almost virginal.” He grins. The tone of the situation has quickly changed from one of shock to now flirtation.

  “Didn’t realize you had a virgin fetish.” I raise a brow at him.

  “I didn’t either till I saw these.” He swings them from the end of his finger. “You don’t want to know what’s going on in my mind at the moment,” he adds huskily. The tension in the room has dropped from one of panic to one of heat.

  “Don’t think I want to know about your sexual fantasies and virgins.”

  EJ frowns at my comment. “It was you I was thinking about,” he says quietly before throwing the underwear at me and disappears from the room in a rush. I catch the offending underwear, my fingers sinking into the lace.

  What the hell just happened?



  I fall asleep in the time it takes EJ to come back into the room again. Groggily I wake and find him placing a bowl of salad on his bedside table for me. It must be lunchtime, maybe?

  “What time is it?” My voice is hoarse from sleep.

  “Almost two,” he replies. Well, damn, I slept the day away. “How are you feeling?”

  “Sore. Groggy. Frustrated.”

  “Have some lunch. You’re probably hungry. I’m sure that will make you feel better,” he says before he rushes out the door again, unable to look me in the eye.

  Why is he being awkward toward me? Then the whole underwear scenario comes flooding back.

  “EJ,” I call out to him. I hear his feet pad down the hall toward his bedroom, where I am currently located.


  “Come sit for a sec.” Patting the bed beside me, he hesitates for a couple of moments but eventually does as I ask. “Are we okay?”

  “Of course,” he answers.

  “Is it because you saw me naked today?” Chuckling to myself, I continue, “I’m sure that would freak anyone out.”

  EJ laughs and shakes his head. “Not because I saw you naked today.”

  “This is a lot. I mean, my boyfriend dumped me over my accident because he couldn’t handle it.” It must be exhausting looking after me like he has for the last couple of days. EJ’s good at it, but he doesn’t owe me any of this.


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