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Murderous Lies

Page 8

by Rhondeau, Chantel

  Someone needed to watch out for Julie, and she didn’t have anyone left here. Even though Rose didn’t like it and had thought he was dating Julie, he’d explain things to her later. For now, Max intended to make sure Julie didn’t get hurt.

  Chapter Ten

  Rose paced inside the empty store. It was a quarter after ten and she still hadn’t seen Cal. He’d seemed so eager to talk before. Maybe the fact that she’d once again expressed her belief in Max’s innocence changed his mind.

  With a sigh, she poured herself a cup of coffee and then returned to the stool behind the counter, picking up her book from beneath it and settling in for the rest of her boring night. One thing about small towns, she didn’t have to worry about working at a gas station by herself. She’d never be able to do this job in a bigger town.

  However, the thought that she’d been living all these years with a killer took away some of the safety she’d always felt. Max was innocent, which meant someone here—someone she likely knew and talked to every day—was the killer. She shuddered. Someone had looked her in the eye all these years, knowing they murdered her sister and got away with it. What if Max was right and they wanted to kill her now?

  The buzzer went off, signaling someone pulling up to the gas pumps. The loud noise startled her and she jumped, splashing hot coffee across the back of her hand. “Ouch! Damn it.”

  She dropped the cup onto the counter, racing to the sink by the soda machine. After turning on the cold water, Rose shoved her hand beneath the thin stream. Immediate relief soothed some of the stinging pain.

  Hard boots pounded across the linoleum from the doorway. Rose firmly told herself she was safe in this town, though her heart rate took a jump in pace. She should have grabbed the bat.

  “Who’s there?” she called, ashamed at how her voice shook.

  Calvin appeared from behind the aisle of candy bars. “It’s me. What happened to your hand?”

  Rose grimaced and shook out her shoulders, trying to relieve the tension in them. “I scared myself into thinking the killer was coming for me, and then burned myself with coffee when your car pulled up.” She shook her head. “Stupid, huh? I knew you were coming, but...”

  “But I’m late and all this fear about the murderer is getting under everyone’s skin.” He stepped forward and grabbed her arm. “Let me take a look.”

  She complied and pulled her hand from the water.

  Calvin sucked in a loud breath. “There’s a first aid kit in my cruiser. I think it has burn ointment inside. Hang on.”

  Before she could tell him there was a first aid kit in the store, he disappeared down the aisle. The throbbing in her hand returned, and Rose stuck it under the cool stream again. That was silly of her, getting scared like a little kid.

  Things were less complicated when she believed Max was the guilty party. Now she had to wonder who might be out there, plotting against her. Even if they weren’t specifically after her, Sage’s killer still needed brought to justice.

  The door swung open and Cal was soon by her side, blotting her hand dry with a sterile gauze pad before opening the small package of burn ointment. He smeared it across the back of her hand and blew gently on it.

  “There,” he said, finally releasing her and stepping back. “It’ll be good as new in no time.”

  The ointment went a long way toward cooling the stinging pain, and Rose smiled. “Thanks. I owe you. I shouldn’t have been so jumpy, but my nerves are wound tight tonight.”

  He nodded and walked to the coffee dispenser, filling a Styrofoam cup to the brim and covering it with a plastic lid. “I understand, what with your murdering boyfriend back in town and everything.”

  “You don’t really believe Max is guilty anymore, do you?” Rose sighed and leaned against the counter. “You said you had new information.”

  “I do,” he agreed, “but first there’s something I need from you.”

  Rose fidgeted nervously when Calvin set his coffee down and took a step toward her, filling the room as he always did. “What do you need?” she asked, trying to slide away from him.

  Calvin shook his head and planted his hands onto the counter on either side of her hips, trapping her. “You. I need you.” Calvin’s rough lips closed in on hers and his tongue prodded the corner of her mouth. “Come on, Rosie,” he mumbled into her lips. “Don’t fight it. See how good we could be together. Kiss me.”

  She shook her head, refusing to open her mouth to speak, worried he’d force his tongue inside it. Pushing against his chest with her hands was like hitting a brick wall. He didn’t budge.

  Calvin stroked his hand up her back, running his thick fingers through her hair, pulling it slightly. His tongue still pried at her, seeking entrance.

  Shoving harder, Rose managed to twist her head away from his. “Stop, Calvin! I don’t want this.”

  “Just give me a chance. We’re made for each other. I’m ten times the man Max is.”

  “Oh, really?” asked a growly voice.

  Rose looked up. Max stood behind Calvin, towering over the man with anger etched in every line of his drawn face.

  “Max?” She shook her head. “This isn’t what it looks like.”

  “Isn’t it?” Max grabbed Calvin’s shirt collar and hauled him away from her. “I think it is exactly what it looks like. Like a police officer who’s trying to take advantage of you when you told him no.”

  Okay, it is exactly what it looks like.

  Calvin jerked from Max’s grasp and took a step away, crossing his arms and glowering. “It’s not like I was molesting her. I just wanted...” He clenched his jaw tightly, and Rose could hear his teeth grind. “Forget it. It’ll never happen.”

  She felt so guilty. It wasn’t Calvin’s fault she wasn’t attracted to him. If only she could feel something for him, perhaps life would be easier. Max brought so many problems back with him. Not the least of which was how to tell her mother she was seeing him again. It’d be a bad day when they had that conversation.

  “I’m sorry, Cal.” She stepped forward to stroke his arm, but thought better of it and folded her hands. “You’re a good man, but not the one for me.”

  He stared at her a few moments, disappointment etched with a deep frown. “Guess I should tell you what I found out and get out of here, let you and Max...” He rubbed his hand over his head and his teeth ground again.

  Max’s dark eyes met hers and he raised an eyebrow.

  She shook her head very slightly, praying he didn’t open his mouth and hurt Calvin’s feelings further.

  “I’ll get it over with, then,” Calvin finally said. “I did a little digging, talked to a few people from Madras. I found out Jimmy Durant was there the night that Dubois girl was killed.”

  Rose’s breath stilled in her chest. It was one thing for Max to say he thought Jimmy did it. It was another to hear Jimmy was in the same town the night of one of the other murders.

  “Did he give a reason why he was there?” Max asked.

  Cal licked his lips and looked at Rose, not even glancing at Max. “I haven’t taken this to him yet. I’m going to check first if he was in Serenity when the girl there was killed.”

  “Of course,” Rose agreed. “If he had opportunity for all the murders, that would be something to question him about, but we all drive to Madras from time to time. It might not mean anything.” She glanced at Max with sympathy, hating she was about to give a plausible explanation for Jimmy to travel. “I know he had a friend there who used to buy him alcohol since we were all too young. Could be that’s why he went.”

  “Maybe,” Cal agreed. “I certainly haven’t ruled anyone out yet.” He finally looked at Max. “No one.”

  Max shrugged. “I’m not ruling anyone out either.”

  Great. Back to dogs sniffing each other.

  Rose sighed. “Let’s all be careful,” she said. “We don’t know anything at this point.” That was safe enough to hopefully not piss either man off.

��Fine,” Max agreed. “I didn’t come here to fight, anyway. I was looking for you, actually, Calvin.”

  “That’s Officer Black,” Calvin snarled.

  “Of course, Super Cop. That’s exactly why I’ve come to you. Because you need to do your job.” Max made his way to the soda machine and pulled one of the plastic cups from the dispenser. He filled it halfway with ice. “I had a little chat with our boy Jimmy tonight. Told him to stay away from Julie Barnes.”

  Rose gasped, feeling a knifing sensation in her stomach. Why was Max so damn interested in Julie? He swore it wasn’t a date, but it sure looked suspicious.

  “Why would he want anywhere near Julie?” Calvin asked.

  Max filled the cup with Pepsi before answering. “He’s threatening to tell everyone she’s a lesbian, and now he’s determined to have sex with her to prove to those dicks he hangs out with that he can do it. That he can turn her.”

  Rose gasped. “What?” That didn’t make any sense. If Julie was a lesbian... “I thought she had a thing for Jimmy. She always hung around him and Sage when we were kids.”

  Max turned around, raising one dark eyebrow. “Think about it, Rosemary.” He took a sip of his drink. “Turns out, that’s the reason Julie lied for so long about that night and didn’t come forward with the truth about my getting scratched by Sage and then leaving. Jimmy threatened to tell her parents about her being gay. Now, he’s been bugging her every day since she testified on my behalf.”

  A hot coil of guilt ate at Rose’s gut. Julie had never been trying to steal Max, but he was the only person treating her decent around town since she stepped forward with the truth. If Jimmy spread stories about her on top of what Julie already dealt with, people would treat her even worse.

  “What do you want me to do about it?” Calvin asked. “It’s not like I can force Jimmy not to tell people or flirt with Julie.”

  “No, you can’t,” Max agreed. “But you can keep that piece of garbage away from her house. He’s stalking her, and that’s illegal. Keep a patrol on her house and stop him if he tries to go near her. She’s terrorized to the point where she’s thinking it would be better to just sleep with him than to let him continue harassing her.” Max clutched one hand tight to his stomach and he glared at Calvin. “No one should have to deal with that. If Jimmy’s the killer, I think Jules might just be his next victim.”

  Jules? Only Sage had ever called her that. Just how close was Max to Julie? Rose mentally shook herself. It wasn’t like the younger girl was after her man. She needed to focus on the important issues, which was that Julie’s life could be in danger.

  She turned to Calvin. “You can protect her, right?”

  “I’ll have an officer drive by her place a few times tonight, and I’ll be personally keeping an eye on Jimmy.” Calvin jerked his head toward the front counter and picked up his coffee. “Let me pay for this and get out of here.”

  Rose glanced at Max. “Are you sticking around a few minutes?”

  He nodded, though made no move to follow them. “I’ll be right here.”

  Hurrying after Calvin, Rose stopped him as he pulled his wallet out. “No. It’s on the house, Cal.”

  He glanced down the aisle and then stepped sideways, out of Max’s line of vision. “You really love him, don’t you?”

  Rose bit her lip and nodded. “I can’t change how I feel.”

  “I wish you could.” He stared deep into her eyes, reaching his hand out, but dropping it before touching her face. “Somehow, I just always figured we’d end up married one day.”

  She forced a smile on her face. “I heard Veronica broke up with her boyfriend a few days ago. She tells everyone who’ll listen how you’re the cutest officer around and she wishes you’d go out with her.”

  “Hmmm... Are you telling me to ask her out? That’ll be kind of weird since she works in dispatch. I have to see her every day. What if it doesn’t work out?”

  Rose sighed. He had a point, but she didn’t like the idea of him being lonely, now that she understood why he’d acted the way he had over the years. “She’s a lot prettier than me and has a lot to offer a guy like you.” Rose smiled wider. “Plus, she’s into all that crime stuff. You’d probably have a lot in common.”

  Cal snorted out a laugh. “I guess that’s something. I’ll think about it.”


  Cal glanced to the back of the store briefly. “This will cause a scandal, you know? Especially for your poor mother.”

  ‘This’ must be her relationship with Max.

  “I know.” She shrugged. “I don’t get to have any happiness until the real killer is caught. I can’t go public with my feelings for Max and risk upsetting my mom.”

  “You wouldn’t have that issue with me, if you ever decide to take the easier path.” He winked, letting Rose know he was at least partially joking. Then his face turned sober. “Stay away from Jimmy. At least until I know whether or not he was in Serenity for the other murder, and be careful around...”

  Even though he didn’t finish his sentence, he didn’t have to. “Max is innocent,” she said, struggling to keep any trace of impatience from her voice. She was starting to feel like a broken record. “But I promise to be careful.”

  With a single nod of his head, Calvin turned and walked out the door.

  Chapter Eleven

  Max made his way to the front of the store. He hated Calvin nosing around. True, Rose was consistent and stood up for him, telling Calvin he was innocent, but it was not a good feeling knowing Super Cop wanted his girl. Max needed to play it cool, though. Rose already made it clear she didn’t appreciate him picking fights with Calvin.

  “So, that’s good news about the lead on Jimmy.” He leaned against the front counter and set his soda down. “I never thought Super Cop would look at another suspect. It’s surprising.”

  Rose’s lips pressed together and she looked up to the ceiling briefly. “Please don’t start in on Cal. He really is just trying to look out for me, and I had to break the poor man’s heart this week.”

  “Poor man?” Sounded like she had more feelings for Calvin than Max would like. “Don’t forget how he’s been harassing me at every opportunity and breaking up any chance you and I have to get together alone. He’s not some sort of saint or something.”

  “I never said he was, but I don’t like hurting people. I’m not a heartless bitch. And I’d never go on a date with someone else after making out with a person I claim to love.” Her words were clipped and stilted, as though she struggled not to yell them.

  “You’re jealous of Jules?” Max couldn’t stop the smile that turned up the corners of his lips. If she was jealous, that must be because he was the one she wanted, no matter what Super Cop tried to pull.

  She looked at the floor, avoiding his eyes. “Do you really think she’s in danger?”

  “Well, she does,” he replied. “She went as far as buying a hidden camera so she could take evidence to the police about what Jimmy’s doing. Today, she decided she should use it to record his confession about killing Sage, but she wanted to use herself as bait to draw it out of him.”

  “Bait?” Rose looked back up, cocking her head to the side. “What do you mean?”

  It was Max’s turn to look away. He shouldn’t talk about those sort of things with Rose. It wasn’t exactly romantic. Then again, if they were going to be partners in life, they had to be partners in everything, and he couldn’t keep things from her just because it was uncomfortable to talk about. “She said she’d agree to have sex with him to trick him into a confession.”

  “But she really doesn’t like men?”

  “No. It would be horrible for her, and I’m afraid Jimmy would end up killing her after getting what he wanted. She can’t be with him.”

  “Of course she can’t,” Rose agreed. “You did the right thing by bringing it to Cal. He’ll protect her.”

  Max’s hands flexed into fists without any conscious decision on his part
. There was Calvin, being the big hero in Rose’s eyes. “I wanted to help her myself, but I’ve been trying to keep an eye on you and now I’m working, too.” It sounded like a lame excuse. Why did he feel the need to be better than the cop?

  Well, truthfully, he only wanted to be better in Rose’s eyes. That was all that mattered.

  Rose reached across the space between them, caressing the back of his fist. “I thought maybe you changed your mind about us. I haven’t seen you since you left me with Cal last week, and I’ve been wanting to spend time with you. The truth is, I was jealous of Julie. I thought you found someone else in more danger than me and decided to move on.”

  He pulled his hand away from her and took a step back, meeting her eyes. Sudden anger coiled in a hard knot in his stomach and he tried to fight it back. “Is that what you think of me? Shit, Rose. All I’ve ever done is care about you and you think I’m...what? An asshole like Jimmy who uses women to make myself feel better?”

  Rose shrank back from him. “No. I didn’t think—”

  “Damn right you didn’t think!” The anger was getting the better of him. All that time she thought he could kill, and now she still thought he’d purposely hurt her. It was too much to handle.

  Max pulled out his wallet and grabbed two dollars, setting them on the counter. He snatched his drink up and headed for the door, turning as he reached it. “If you ever decide I’m a good guy that you want to be with, give me a call. I can’t keep beating my head against the wall trying to prove to you I’m not a bad person.”

  “Don’t put this on me.” An exasperated noise left her throat. “You’re the one who keeps pulling the hot and cold act. I’m one-hundred percent committed to this. To you. Every time I try to get close to you, you pull away. How was I supposed to know you weren’t dating Julie? It looked like a date and she’s a pretty girl. Plus, I hadn’t seen or heard from you for days.”

  He didn’t like to admit it, but it sounded bad when she put it like that. He hadn’t meant to leave her alone and confused. It got busy once he started working and he had wanted Rose to be certain of his innocence before they were alone again.


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