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Amish Circle Letters II: The Second Circle of Letters

Page 16

by Price, Sarah

  Anna was surprised to see Mary Ruth walk through the door that connected the grossdaadihaus to her own. She hadn’t seen Mary Ruth arrive and hadn’t recognized Menno’s horse and buggy that was hitched to the side of the barn by the hitching rail. She was sitting in a plush chair, bent over a pair of black pants as she repaired a tear in one of the knees.

  “Why, Mary Ruth!” she exclaimed. “Is everything all right?”

  “Just stopped by to visit with my mamm,” Mary Ruth said as she shut the door behind herself. “Also, I wanted to ask if you might bring Katie to the barn raising. I know it would mean she’d miss school but it might be a big help for us. Could be a distraction for Melvin,” she explained.

  Anna set down the pants and studied her sister-in-law’s face. “Still having problems with Melvin, then?”

  Sitting down in the rocking chair next to Anna, Mary Ruth sighed. “Ja, problems,” she admitted. How could she explain this to Anna? After all, the only two people who knew about the reason for the fire were Menno and herself. “He’s just so quiet and withdrawn.” She lowered her voice as she continued, “And Suzanna confided in me that he’s daydreaming at school. Teacher yelled at him so many times that he lost his recess privilege.”

  With a short intake of air, Anna seemed genuinely surprised. “Oh help!”

  Nodding her head, Mary Ruth agreed. “Menno is beside himself and there is a certain tension in the house,” she admitted. “Not like it was before. I miss his laughter.”

  “Well, he certainly had a big scare, don’t you think?” Anna put forth. “First losing his mamm and then almost losing you? Poor child is probably fit to be tied with fright.”

  Or guilt, Mary Ruth thought.

  “Anyway,” Mary Ruth said, changing the direction of the conversation. “Menno thought it might be right nice to have Katie there. They get on so.”

  Anna laughed. “Oh ja, they sure do! Love notes in the mail and not even close to their rumschpringe!”

  Silently, Mary Ruth prayed that Katie might be able to snap Melvin out of his blue funk, to help him see that God had a plan for everyone and, in His plan, He had reasons for that fire and reasons for her near-death experience. These reasons were not to be questioned by man for only God knew why bad things happened. It was up to the people to accept these situations and continue living, their faith complete and whole, while focused on walking the path of Jesus.

  Mimi sat on the sofa in the kitchen and leaned back, shutting her eyes for just a moment. She was exhausted. With dark circles under her eyes, she knew that she looked dreadful. Even her hair was starting to gray at the part down the middle, something that had shocked her when she had first noticed it, just the other evening.

  After the morning milking, she wanted to go back to bed. But she just couldn’t. The laundry needed to be done. Since the weather was not as cold as previous days and the sun was shining, she hung it outside to dry. By the time that chore was finished, she knew that it was time to start cleaning the kitchen before focusing her attention on making dinner and baking the schnitz pies that she had promised Mary Ruth.

  Two weeks had gone by. Two very long weeks dealing with Steve’s strange milking schedule. In two days, they would leave after the early morning milking to head over to Mary Ruth and Menno’s farm for the barn raising. They would have to leave by early afternoon in order to return home for the next milking at four. Secretly, Mimi hoped that they’d be able to sleep in the afternoon before the milking at two o’clock in the morning.

  She wondered how he had managed to find the time to visit her so often when they had been courting. How had he found the time? She had a newfound respect for him. He must have been so tired, sparing the time between chores to come visiting with her. Yet, as she thought back, he never appeared tired. He had always been upbeat and energetic, sometimes a bit quiet but never weary. Realizing that made her feel ashamed at her own unspoken complaints.

  For years, she had longed to find the man who would appreciate her humor, love her just for herself, and want to spend his life on earth with her. Now that she had found him, how could she possibly complain?

  With a sigh, she stood up and walked over to the kitchen where she had already laid out the ingredients: cinnamon, sugar, salt, and lemon extract, along with the dried apples which had been soaking overnight in order to get started on the pies that she had promised. Steve had helped her clean out the refrigerator to store some of the pies and the tenants had volunteered room in their refrigerator, too. She figured that she would be able to safely make fourteen pies today and another fourteen tomorrow. Enough to keep quite a few of the men going during the barn raising.

  Just last evening, Steve had mentioned that he might take a ride over to the Yoders’ farm the following day to help prepare the wall frames. Close friends and family always got together the day before the barn raising to lay out the timber, cut it to size, and nail together the frames for the walls. It always expedited the raising of the barn when all of the workers were together.

  When he had mentioned it, Mimi had felt a surge within her. The chance to ride along with him excited her. Yet, she had felt hesitant to ask if she could. Would he think she was forward? A pushy wife? She must have made a face, glancing away and chewing on her lower lip or perhaps he had read her mind; for, without any further prodding, he had made that very suggestion.

  “Mayhaps you could help Mary Ruth get the house ready, ja?” he had said.

  Eagerly, she had agreed. Just the time alone in the buggy ride would be worth it. Since their marriage, they had rarely spent time alone in the buggy as they used to doing their short courtship. She had looked forward to it all night and morning, hoping that it would bring back the luster of their courtship. Even if she had to work inside with Mary Ruth, Mimi didn’t care.

  Now, she wasn’t so sure that she’d feel up to it. In the mornings, she felt as though she was dragging along, barely able to keep her eyes open. She had taken to making two pots of coffee: one to take to Steve in the barn and one for herself while working. But even caffeine wasn’t helping very much.

  She began making the piecrust, using a large metal bowl to combine the flour, sugar, and a sprinkle of salt. She mixed it with a large fork, making sure that everything was mixed into large crumbly flakes before she combined milk with vegetable oil to pour into the dry ingredients. Her mother always used Crisco but Mimi had forgotten to purchase some at the store. It hadn’t taken long to mix everything and then, with clean hands, she began pressing the dough into the pie tins that she had set onto the table. When the dough was gone, she made another batch for the rest of the tins.

  Rather than use a potato ricer to press the apples, she decided on a large mill instead. It took her almost thirty minutes to mill the apples and her arm ached when she was finish. Liquid had splashed all over the counter and dripped down the edge of the bowl that she was using to collect the droppings and the juice. It was a mess indeed, especially with flour scattered everywhere. Something else to clean, she thought wryly.

  Mimi was able to bake eight pies at a time in the oven, leaving the other six to set on the counter until the first batch was finished. Then, she focused on cleaning up the mess that stared back at her. If there was one thing she didn’t like, it was messy kitchens. To Mimi, when a kitchen was not orderly, it seemed to reflect on a disorderly household. Sometimes when she went visiting with Anna, she was appalled at how messy and dirty the kitchen was. Still, Anna and the kinner always seemed happy enough.

  The outside door opened and a burst of cold air swept into the warm kitchen. Mimi looked up, surprised to see Steve sweep into the house. He shut the door behind him and hung his coat on the peg from the door. As he walked toward her, he set his hat on the counter and reached for her hand.

  The gesture surprised Mimi. They had both been so tired as of late that any sort of affection was saved for the privacy of their bedroom. And even that was infrequent. She felt his cold hand holding hers and he pulled her in
to his arms, his red cheeks bright and cheerful as he smiled at her.

  “Heavens to Betsy, Steve,” she said, half laughing at his jovial mood. “What on earth?”

  He walked backward, gently pushing her away from the kitchen. “I was just thinking about you,” he murmured. “Thinking about how wonderful a wife you are and how wonderful you make me feel, Mimi.” He held her close in his arms. “I am a most fortunate man to have such a wife. And it got me to thinking…” His voice trailed off as he stared into her eyes. There was no need to continue speaking to know what was on his mind.

  Her eyes quickly glanced at the clock. “I…I think we have to leave soon,” she whispered, feeling shy in his embrace.

  “Nee,” he replied. “You still have some pies to bake, ain’t so?”

  With a soft kiss on her lips, he released his hold on her but not her hand. Neither spoke as he led her out of the kitchen and up the stairs toward the privacy of their bedroom.

  Melvin stood beside his daed, a tool belt strapped around his waist. It was too big for him and occasionally slipped so he kept tugging at the sides, hoisting it higher on his hips. He didn’t mind, although he always took a good look around to make certain the other men weren’t watching and no one was noticing. He didn’t want anybody to think that he was too small to be helping out with the framing of the barn walls.

  He had been surprised when his daed had approached him in the kitchen that morning. With the cows at the neighbors, Melvin hadn’t helped with morning chores. It was too far for him to walk back and still have time to get ready for school. This morning, his daed had returned earlier than usual and, after washing his hands in the sink, turned to look at the four round faces staring at him from the table.

  “Melvin,” he started. The sound of his deep voice caused Melvin to jump. He had been on edge recently; there was no denying that. His father addressing him directly, and so unexpectedly, had certainly startled him. “I’m going to be framing those barn walls today. I’d like you to help, if you don’t mind missing two days of school, that is.”

  The three girls groaned, their disappointment more than apparent at not having the invitation to stay home extended in their direction. Melvin glanced at them before turning his eyes to meet his father’s. “Me?”

  Menno laughed, his laughter lightening the mood in the room and Mary Ruth, who had been in the mudroom, walked in, smiling at the sound. She didn’t ask what was going on; one glance at Menno’s joyful face and Melvin’s confused expression told her all that she needed to know. “Anyone in the room named Melvin?”

  “I…” Melvin didn’t know what to say so he let the sentence trail off.

  Menno took a step forward and tousled his son’s hair. The gesture not only surprised Mary Ruth but also pleased everyone in the room that had witnessed it. “I take it that’s an indication that you’d be right pleased to help frame the barn walls, then,” he said. He hadn’t waited for a response before he turned back to take the hot cup of coffee that Mary Ruth handed to him. Smiling his gratitude, he had walked over to the head of the table in order to sit for the breakfast meal.

  Now, with the cold air chilling Melvin to the bone, he wished that Mary Ruth might bring him a hot cup of cocoa or tea. He wouldn’t think of complaining, however. To do so would most certainly cause his daed to regret inviting him to help the men. There were ten Amish men who had volunteered to help Menno with the framing. Melvin knew all of them but one man, a cousin who was visiting Jacob Riehl.

  For the first hour, the men had been pouring over plans that were laid out atop the large wooden table in the kitchen. With one ear on their conversation, Mary Ruth had kept herself busy, ensuring that there was plenty of coffee while she went about her regular chores. Melvin had stood by his daed’s side, trying to make sense of what the men were saying and too intimidated to ask for explanations when he didn’t understand something.

  Then, all of a sudden, everything seemed to skip into motion. Jacob Riehl and his cousin began carrying lumber into the clearing behind the construction site while the Miller brothers started measuring, marking the wood with small pencils. Menno gestured to two other men to begin cutting the wood. Melvin stood in the shadows, hoisting his tool belt and wondering what to do.

  “Melvin,” his daed finally called out. “Run into the back shed and get some of those long nails, ja?”

  Eager for a task, Melvin didn’t skip a beat and hurried to the shed. He slid the door open and peered inside, taking a minute for his eyes to adjust before he entered. There were ten boxes of nails on the bench. Unsure of how many to grab, he took two boxes and hurried back to the clearing where the men were working.

  Much to his surprise, Melvin heard his daed direct him to work with Whitey Smucker, helping the older man nail together boards that two other men had been busy mitering. Before he knew it, part of an exterior wall was almost assembled and ready for the following day’s activity.

  “Looks like you have everything under control here, then!”

  Melvin looked up, surprised to see his uncle Steve walking toward him. It was close to noon and the men would be breaking soon for dinner. Melvin glanced toward the house and saw Steve’s wife, Mimi, disappearing into the side door, a box in her arms that was probably full of pies for the following day.

  Menno reached out and shook Steve’s hand. “Right gut of you to come,” he said.

  Removing his hat from his head, Steve scratched behind his ear and assessed the situation. “Would’ve been here sooner but had to finish a few chores,” he mumbled. “What can I do you for here, Menno?”

  Without any more discussion, Menno directed Steve to help with the mitering. Melvin returned his attention to helping Whitey with the nailing of the beams, his stomach rumbling after a morning of long, hard work. Despite being so hungry, Melvin didn’t want to stop working. Helping the men with the barn preparation sent a thrill through him in a way that nothing else had, not since that awful morning when he learned that the barn had burnt down and Mary Ruth was missing.

  Inside the house, Mary Ruth greeted Mimi with a warm and grateful smile. This was the first time that Mary Ruth was feeding so many men at one time, men that she didn’t know very well. It was a great practice meal, in preparation of what she would face the following day. Her nerves were rattled and the sight of a familiar face comforted her.

  “I’m ever so glad that you are here!” she gushed, hurrying to help take the box from Mimi’s arms. “Oh help! What do you have here?”

  Relieved of her burden, a smiling Mimi quickly shook off her black wool wrap and hung it on the wall. She removed her black bonnet and set it on the bench beneath her wrap. “Schnitz pies for tomorrow. Might have some time to make more later tonight since we have a later milking,” she said.

  Mary Ruth paused, her eyebrows knitting together in a frown. “Steve still doing that awful ten-hour schedule?” She didn’t wait for a response as she clucked her tongue. “Never could understand how that little bit of extra milk could be worth the crazy schedule!”

  Biting her tongue, Mimi held back commenting on Mary Ruth’s observation. She didn’t want to think about that horrid schedule that was keeping her from having a good night sleep and working hard at tearing apart her relationship with Steve. Nee, she told herself. Keep the warm glow of Steve’s attention from earlier and don’t think about that silly milking schedule. However, truth be told, Mimi couldn’t help but admit that she, too, wished Steve would change the schedule…wean the dairy cows onto regular twice-a-day milkings.

  For the next hour, the two women worked side by side to prepare the dinner meal for the men. From time to time, Mimi caught Mary Ruth peeking out the window, watching the progress of the barn walls being framed on the ground. At some point, Mimi stood behind Mary Ruth, staring over her shoulder as the men worked together, Melvin between old man Whitey and a protective Menno, to carry one completed wall to a new place in the clearing. For an instant, it had looked as if Melvin had caught Mary
Ruth’s eyes and had slightly nodded at her with a shy smile on his face.

  Mary Ruth had returned the smile eagerly, but there were tears now forming at the corner of her eyes. Realizing, Mimi stepped closer to her friend, placing a hand on her right shoulder to share in the emotion of the moment. Indeed there were tears in Mary Ruth’s eyes, but these were neither tears of joy nor tears of sadness; these were tears of relief, as Mary Ruth came to the realization that her prayer had been answered.

  The Lord had bestowed His grace upon her family as He had given Menno the wisdom of involving his son in the raising of their new barn. By doing so, Menno had provided Melvin with the gift of redeeming himself. He had not wanted his son to wallow in self-pity or public display of guilt. He had wanted him to come out clean, as a man would. He had made him a man.

  “What a beautiful sight,” Mary Ruth said, turning her head toward her sister-in-law. “So many gut men in our community to help us with this new barn.”

  Mimi returned the smile. She, too, felt lightness in her heart at the sight of the men working together, a bond of friendship and unity. “Ja,” she replied, her eyes drifting back to the men and seeing how Steve was right in the middle of the activity, helping his brother-in-law. “Right beautiful, indeed.”

  Chapter 8: Lovina’s Letter

  Dear Family,

  Church on Sunday was at Henry Petersheim’s. We had a few visitors at the service. Abe Troyer and his family attended, including their newborn dochder. I held the baby when she was fussing during Das Loblieb.

  John Yoder had a sale at their store last week. James won a drawing for a new stockpot. I reckon that will come in handy with the cold weather. I’ll be able to make lots of good soup and freeze what we don’t eat.

  Starting to hear a lot about the upcoming Christmas programs at schools. We have three nearby schools and they were nice enough to invite us to attend, even though we don’t have any kinner in the districts. I’m looking forward to the kinner visiting the local houses for caroling this year.


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