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The Beast and the Homecoming Queen

Page 12

by Khelsey Jackson

  She looks at Kaden and he nods, but looks at Justin. Quinn looks at her boyfriend, and he nods. “I'm sorry Quinn, I just don’t like hearing him say that to you. I know there is something between you two, and I don’t like it,” Justin says, and Quinn doesn’t know how to make him feel better. There is something between her and Kaden, and she doesn’t want to take it away.

  Quinn looks back at Kaden, and he turns away from her. She wishes she could give her whole heart to Justin, and then things would be easier. She shakes her head, and walks back to the table. These boys will be the death of her. Quinn puts her elbows on the table and puts her head in her hands. She might lose her mind with these two always starting things with each other.

  Quinn smells food, and looks up to a plate of steak and veggies. Kaden is standing next to her. “I'm sorry Quinn, I don’t want to hurt you. I know you are with Justin, I will control myself,” Kaden says, and turns around.

  She doesn’t want talk anymore; there is nothing left to say. Kaden brings Justin his food, and then Kaden sits at the table. They eat in complete silent, the only noise is chewing, and no one besides Quinn is looking at anyone.

  Quinn finishes first, and sits back to watch them. “Are you guys mad at me?” Slowly to sets of different eyes look at her. Quinn would have never guessed they are brother, they don’t look anything alike.

  Kaden looks like you typical bad boy, straight long jet black hair. With a black leather jacket, and the motorcycle. Dark blue eyes, that seems to look right to your soul. Then Justin is your clean cut boy next door. Short spiky jet-black hair and gray-yellow eyes. She now knows that the yellow is from his wolf. But somehow she feels something for both of them. Quinn knows she loves Justin, but she wonders if she can love Kaden too.

  Each of them takes one of her hands. Just is the first to speak. “Quinn I’m not mad, I could never be mad at you. It just hurts to know he loves you like I do, and somewhere inside you, you do too.” Quinn doesn’t say anything to him, and Kaden squeezes her hand.

  She looks at him and he smiles. “Sweetheart I will be what you want me to be. I will be your friend if that's what you want.”

  Quinn squeezes both of their hands, and smiles. “Thank you, I just want us to live peaceful together.”

  Kaden smiles his wicked smile. “You wish is our command.” Quinn takes her hands back, and laughs.

  “Okay well I’m going to go lay down.” Quinn stands up and walks to the doorway. She looks over her shoulder at them and grins. “Don't kill each other when I’m sleeping. I will be pisses if I have to clean up blood.” Justin's and Kaden's laughter make her smile as she walks up the stair to her bedroom.


  Justin glares at Kaden, as he smirks. “I don’t like to see her mad,” Justin says and nods towards the stairs.

  Kaden loses his smirk, and nods. “I don’t either, but sometimes I can't help it. I have to tell you something.” Justin raises one of his thick black eyebrows at Kaden. “I think she is my mate.” Kaden says and smiles. Justin glares at Kaden, he is wrong. “I know she is supposed to be yours, but she and I do have a connection.”

  Justin forces himself to count to twenty after ten didn’t work. After he gets most of his anger down he opens his mouth. “You are wrong, she is mine. I know she is my mate too, not yours.”

  Kaden is just about to say something but a crashing sound makes them both jump up.

  “What the hell?” Kaden says, and a man is standing in front of them he has a black sweatshirt and black jeans. He has a gun in his left hand.

  He points the gun at Justin and he puts his hand up. “We don’t have anything worth stealing,” Justin says with a calm voice.

  The man grins and everything seems to slow down. Justin watches the man's pointer finger squeeze the trigger, and the bullet explode from the gun. Justin can feel himself being shoved out of the bullet's path. “No!” Kaden yells.

  Justin lifts his head, and watches the man walks away. Quinn. He thinks as he forces himself up, that is when he sees Kaden. He was the one that pushed Justin out of the way, and he was shot.

  “Go after him…protect Quinn,” Kaden says, and Justin nods.


  Quinn jumps out of bed when she hears a loud bang noise, and then a loud crash follows. She runs to her door, and she can hear someone yelling. Quinn gets to the stairs, and sees a man in all black at the bottom of them. She notices a gun in his hand, and he smiles evil at her. Quinn turns back around and runs to her bedroom. There is someone in her house, she wonders if Kaden and Justin are okay. That makes her get up and head to the door again. Slowly she opens the door and peeks out. Quinn doesn’t see anyone, so she walks out, and walks back to the stairs.

  She stops in her living room the man she saw with a gun is bond to the chair. “Who sent you?” Kaden yells, and she wants to fall to her knees. She knows he is alive, but what about Justin?

  “You know who,” a deep voice says, and starts coughing. Quinn walks down the stairs, hoping to find her both of her boys alive.

  “Kaden, he's a hunter.” Quinn can feel her tears in her eyes when she hears Justin's beautiful voice.

  Her mind takes her back to what he said. Hunter. Someone came here to hunt her?

  “Who did you come to hunt, hunter?” Kaden asks, and groans.

  Quinn looks at the stranger's eyes. They are a pale green, and he is young, not much older than her. He had sandy blonde hair that slicked back. From what she can see of his body, he had muscles, and a lot of them. If he wasn’t here to kill her or someone she cared about he would be handsome.

  Quinn swears that his mouth drops opens when he looks at her. “Answer the question,” she says and walks closer to the men.

  Kaden and Justin turn their head to look at her, and that is when she sees Kaden bleeding in the stomach; she runs to him but he stops her before she can reach out to him. “I'm okay.” He smiles at her, and she knows he is lying.

  “I'm here to wipe out the last born pure blooded female. I was told she lived alone, and would have brought back up if I known she had two males where with her.” He looks at Justin, and smiles. “Alpha, and omega.” Kaden growls, and Quinn touches his face. He stops and looks at her. “Amazing, I wonder if what they say about the Princess was true. That she would be able to control the beast, with her touch.”

  Quinn looks back at the hunter. “What is your name?” The hunter smiles, she arches one of her blond eyebrows at him.

  “You know, for a monster, you are pretty sexy.” Justin punches the hunter in the face. When he looks back at Quinn he has blood on the side of his mouth. “I take it the alpha is your boyfriend.” Quinn doesn’t say anything, she just stares at him. “Right my name. It's Jax Maddox.”

  Quinn nods, and walks towards him. She sees that he is tied to a chair, and wonders who did this.

  She gets on her knees in front of him and he grins down at her. Quinn unties his legs from the legs of the chair, and slowly stands up. Quinn glances at Jax's hands and looks at her boys.

  Quinn puts her lips next to Jax's ear. “Jax, if I untie your hands do you promise me you won't do anything stupid?” Quinn asks; she lifts an elegant brow in curiosity.

  Jax chuckles, and Quinn looks at Justin. He looks like he wants to rip Jax's head off. “Right now I would promise you almost anything.”

  She moves her eyes away from his face, and grabs the robe that is around his one of his wrist and the arm of the chair, and then she does the same to the other wrist. She pulls on them just hard enough on both of the robe for him to feel a little pain. “You know if you touch me they will rip you apart.” Quinn frees one of Jax's hands. “Do you understand me, Mr. Maddox?” She frees one hand, and places both of her hands on his right wrist.

  “Oh I understand you perfectly, beautiful,” Jax says, and Quinn frees the other hand. He rubs his wrist, and she moves to face him. He is looking down at his hands, and smiling.

  Justin and Kaden walk up to stand on either side of her
. “Who told you about Quinn?” Justin asks and takes her hand.

  Jax's smile widens, and he slowly lifts his head to look at them, but settles his attention on her. “I was bitten and now I am a monster. I have made it my life's mission to kill every last one of your kind. Starting with pure bloods, and I thought I would go after the last female born. You are the key to everything, and I wanted to stop what happened to me from happening to others. I had to fake my own death because I was scared what I would do to them.” How horrible would that be to be turned into a monster without knowing what would happen? Quinn isn’t too happy about being a werewolf, but it is in her blood being a werewolf is who she is.

  “Who bit you?” Quinn asks, and Jax smirks.

  “I didn’t get her name I was too worried about other things. I know she was blonde and hot. She brought me to the peak, and I thought I was going to get lucky. I did, and she bit me.” He winks at Quinn then chuckles.

  “Jenna.” Kaden whispers, and Quinn already thought it was her. She remembers Jenna bragging about some older guys she messed with, and how hot he was. He was older, and in college.

  “Wasn't that the girl you killed last night, Princess?” Jax asks, and crosses his arms. Quinn bites her bottom lip, and glares at him. Jax Maddox was there last night. “That was the very same girl, and you killed her,” he says. “I should be thanking you. She was on my list too, and I was going to take my time on her.”

  Quinn looks away from his pale green eyes. She still can't believe she killed Jenna; she wonders if she will ever get over it. “You didn’t want to be a wolf?” she asks and looks back to Jax.

  Jax laughs, and shakes his head. “I didn’t even know what she was until she bit me. I never wanted to be a freaking werewolf, and what I’m told it doesn’t happen a lot. So I am one lucky mutt.”

  Quinn looks at Justin. “There is a pack law, right?” He nods. “Is there a law about biting someone that doesn’t want to be a werewolf? Or without telling them what you are?”

  Justin looks away, and shakes his head. “No, my father said because it doesn’t happen that much, there is no use to have a pack law.”

  Quinn moves away from her boys and to Jax. “Stand up,” she says, and he looks up at her. “Please, you owe me that much. You did come here to kill me.” Jax's smile falls, and he stands up in front of her. He towers over her, and she knows he has to be over six feet. She notices his perfect squared jaw line and his pale green eyes, with a silver ring.

  “You are have the command in your voice.” Jax steps closer to her until he is inches from her face, Quinn puts her hand up to stop Justin and Kaden. She knows that they are coming to remove Jax.

  “Jax I am sorry that you were made a werewolf without your consent. But I will become the Princess that I need to be so I can change that, I will change pack law. But if you ever come to my home and try to kill someone I care about, I will slice you apart.” Quinn runs her fingers through his hair and tugs on it so his head is to the side. “Do you understand stand me?”

  “I understand you,” Jax says with a deeper voice.

  Quinn lets go of the hunter, and nods. “Good, now leave.” He winks and walks away. When she hears the front down open and close she turns to Kaden and Justin. Kaden’s white shirt is soaked with bright red blood, and it’s starting to drip on the floor beneath him. “Kaden let me see where you are hurt.” Kaden closes his eyes, and she moves to him; she glances at Justin and his eyes are glowing bright yellow. Kaden reopens his eyes and his are a dull red; she has a feeling that isn’t a good sign. His face looks a little paler than normal, and she reaches out to his face; he feels clammy.

  “Sweetheart, I’ll be okay. I just need to get the bullet out.” Kaden smiles but is hiding something, she looks at Justin and he sighs.

  “Well if that bullet was silver, you'll need some pure blood to heal,” Justin says and looks at Quinn.

  She looks back at Kaden and he flips Justin off, she just shakes her head. “Hell no, I won’t let you hurt yourself for me, Quinn. I will be okay.” Kaden moans, and his pain is written on his face.

  “Kaden let me see it now.” Quinn walks over to him, and he rolls his eyes. Slowly he lifts his shirt and she covers her mouth. There is so much blood, and a huge hole. “Oh my god.” She looks at Justin for help; her mind takes her back to her father, and his blood. Her tears burn the back of her eyes, and her throat feels like it’s starting to close. She can’t lose Kaden, she knows she can’t handle anymore lost.

  Justin moves her out of the way, and leads Kaden into the kitchen. “Quinn when I take out the bullet, you need to feed him your blood.” She nods through her tears. Kaden lies on the floor and Justin puts his hand into Kaden’s abdomen. She forces herself to look away but Kaden’s groan echo through her head, and more tears fall down her cheeks. Quinn moves to grab a knife to cut her wrist when Kaden needs her blood. “Quinn when I take the bullet I need you to put your wrist to his mouth. I need you now!” Justin yells, and she rushes over to Kaden. She cuts her wrist and winces with pain from the knife. Quinn puts her wrist to Kaden's mouth and he sucks. She closes her eyes, and her tears fall from her eyes from the pain but mainly from fear. She hopes this will work, and she closes her eyes. She can feel her head get light with the loss of her blood, and she slowly opens her eyes.

  Justin yanks Quinn's arm away. “That's enough blood.” He says and wraps her wrist in a towel. “Quinn you will heal fast, since that knife isn’t sliver.” He applies pressure to her wrist, and he gently lifts the towel. “See.” He nods down to her wrist. Her once deep cut now looks like a cat scratch but there is still a lot of blood.

  “You are pure blood, the Princess. Since you changed last night you will heal faster than before.” Kaden says, and slowly sits up; he bites his bottom lip. “Now I will take a little longer.” Kaden moans, and Quinn walks over to him. “Sorry about the bloodshed. But you can't get mad at us we didn’t do the blood shedding.” He winks and Quinn laughs.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Lizzy and Heartache

  Quinn walks up in her dark room and strong arms wrap around her waist. “Quinn it's okay, I’m here,” Justin says as he moves his warm body against her back.

  “Are hunters common?” She whispers, and puts her hands over his.

  “No, I have never seen one until tonight.” He kisses the top of her head, and pulls her back on the bed. “Sleep my love.” She nods, and lays her head on his chest. Quinn falls back to sleep listening to Justin's heartbeat.

  Four hours later Quinn wakes up to an empty bed. Justin isn’t with her, she gets up and wonders how Kaden is doing. She hasn’t seen him since she gave him her blood, and he didn’t look that good then. He was still really pale, and the gunshot wasn’t healed. Justin told her that it would take some time because he wasn't a pure blood. She healed almost right away, and her wrist doesn’t even hurt.

  Quinn throws on a sweatshirt, and walks downstairs to the living room where she hears voices coming from. She stops in the doorway, and smiles. Justin and Kaden are watch football together.

  “Is there enough room for me?” Quinn asks, and they both look at her with smiles on their handsome faces.

  “There is always room for you sweetheart,” Kaden says and pats the seat between him and his brother. Quinn laughs and sits between them.

  She watches the TV for about five minutes, and she shakes her head. “I have never understood football.”

  Justin smiles at her. “And you are dating the quarterback.” Quinn looks at him and he shakes his head. He puts his elbows on his knees, and places his head in his hands. “Girls confuse me,” he says, and Kaden laughs.

  Quinn looks at the time when she hears a knock at the door. It's ten AM on Sunday, and no one is supposed to come over. Quinn gets up and shakes her head at the guys.

  She walks over to the door, and opens it to see Rose and Lizzy standing there. Her sister looks dirty, and skinny. “Liz, I have missed you!” Lizzy seems taller than what Qui
nn remembers. She glances at her stepmother, and glares at the women. She thought of her once as a mother, and even allowed herself to love her. Now Quinn has nothing but hate for her stepmother.

  “Quinn I need to come in, I have Lizzy's bags in the car,” her evil stepmother says.

  Quinn glances behind her, and looks at Kaden. “Kaden will you take Lizzy to the kitchen and give her some of those chocolate chip cookies you are hiding from me?”

  Kaden laughs, and winks. “Of course.” Kaden walks up to Lizzy and bows. “Would you care for some special homemade double chocolate chip cookies?”

  “I'm thirteen, not a baby,” Lizzy says, and Quinn smiles.

  “Then I guess you don’t want any then, since you aren’t a baby,” Kaden says and turns around to walk to the kitchen.

  “Wait!” Lizzy yells. “I do love chocolate.” Kaden turns around and give her his killer smile. Quinn's little sister giggles.

  After Kaden and Lizzy walk away, Quinn turns to face Rose. There was a time when she thought she would have been her mother, and she hoped they would be close; that never happened. Since her father married Rose she treated Quinn like she was nothing but burden. “What the hell is wrong with you? I don’t talk to you in month, and when I leave you a message asking about my sister you text me back saying she is nothing to me.”

  Rose smirks, and shrugs. “I can't do it anymore; your father was the main parent. Lizzy is yours now, her bags are in the car. I can't handle her moods anymore.”

  Quinn can't believe what she is hearing. If she ever had a child, she would never leave them no matter what. “Justin, will you get Lizzy bags?”

  “Sure,” Justin says, and kisses her cheek as he walks by her.

  Rose grins at her. “Two boys at your house on a Sunday morning.” Quinn doesn’t feel like she owes her stepmother any answer. “Fine, I have some papers for you to sign. I am signing Lizzy over to you, you will be her guardian.”


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