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Defiant: A Future Dystopian Survival Series Adventure (Book 11) (The Forever Winter Chronicles)

Page 6

by KM Fortune

  NEVER IN HIS LIFE HAD Blaze felt more satisfied than he did right now. The grenades on the rooftop worked perfectly. After the concrete fell in on the penthouse, it had only been a quick matter of racing to the edge and pointing their rifles down. Of course Hector took it a step further and leaped through the gap with a roar to come crashing down on The Duke’s long, elaborate dining table. He’s lucky he didn’t get shot, Blaze thought as he remembered the scene. One of The Duke's men was still upright, albeit bleeding from the ears, and sporting a crushed leg, and had fired off a couple shots with his revolver. They went wild and, jumping into the room himself, without nearly the dramatics, Blaze was able to put a short burst of bullets into the attacker's chest and take care of the threat. It was then he heard The Duke laughing.

  Surprised, Blaze had turned and saw the man was sitting quietly on the couch among mounds of debris from the ceiling. Narrowing his eyes, Blaze stepped closer to the cowboy and pointed the tip of his rifle at the man's chest. "What's so funny?" Blaze asked. The Duke shook his head. His hat was gone and a spot of blood from a small cut was staining part of The Duke's hair with red. Still, there was a playful look in his blue eyes as he stared at Blaze. "Answer me," Blaze snarled. "Or I'll shoot you right now."

  "Aw, come on, Blaze," The Duke drawled. "Can't a guy laugh when he is outplayed? I'm a good sport! Blasting through the ceiling? An epic maneuver. I never anticipated it. Never." Then the cowboy glanced over to look at Matthew who had now climbed down into the room as well. "But let me guess, you were the one to think of it?" he said to Matthew. "Too imaginative for Red here." Blaze felt himself bristle at the dig but knew the man was only trying to get under his skin and stall for time.

  "Actually, it was me," Willow interjected as she joined them from the roof. The Duke laughed again.

  "Nice," he said with an appreciative shake of his head. "I wish I had a chance to get to know you better. Willow, isn't it?" Willow only nodded. "Well, if wishes were horses, beggars would ride, or so they say." He looked back at Blaze. "So, what's next? I can give you anything you want. Raven? She's all yours. Weapons? Booze? Just name it. You win." This time it was Blaze's turn to laugh.

  "I already have Raven back and all the weapons I need. You can keep the rest. There is nothing from you I want," he said. "So how about I shoot you and just be done?" Blaze enjoyed seeing The Duke's smile falter. He did a good job of hiding it, but a flicker of fear showed in his eyes. It was the moment Blaze had waited for and now all that was left was the killing. "Last words?" Blaze asked. Before The Duke could say anything, Matthew was beside Blaze.

  “No, Blaze,” he said. “We need to take him down and discuss this with Raven and the others. He needs to face all of those he has harmed and be held accountable.” Blaze shook his head. He did not want to hear what Matthew was saying. He wanted to kill his enemy.

  “Listen to him,” Willow said. “If you just shoot him right now, he gets the easy way out.” Blaze hesitated. He stared into the other man’s eyes and this time saw more than a flicker of fear. There was real panic growing there. He wants to go out with his boots on in a quick firefight, Blaze thought. He wants me to just get it over with. With a nod, Blaze stepped back and turned his rifle away.

  “Get Simon on one of these radios and have them turn the power back on so we can use the elevator,” Blaze said. “Let’s take him down.”

  RAVEN SAT BESIDE MATTHEW in one of the dozens of banquet chairs in a large conference room and rested her head on his shoulder. She was exhausted. Beyond exhausted, she thought closing her eyes. Aside from the crazy pace of her life for the last few days, she had spent the night working with the others to help refugees from the pit find places to live in the city. Maximillian, once freed of his shackles and having restored the power after The Duke was captured, had quickly convinced Raven to help him move the slaves from the tent city into the abandoned hotels in Reno. It took little to persuade her and they immediately set up a spot in an empty building near the main gate to in-process the men and women as they arrived in the shuttles Gabriel and other volunteers from the city drove back and forth through the night. It had been crazy, yet Raven knew, even without being able to remember her past life entirely, helping those people was the most rewarding things she had ever done. Only just now, as dawn was breaking, were things quiet again. Raven yawned as she heard the front door of the building opening again. Another few stragglers? She opened her eyes to see Maximillian, Blaze, and Hector come striding in. Raven lifted her head.

  "Everything okay?" she asked. Blaze nodded.

  "Things are secure. Seems the bit of resistance from earlier has faded away now that everyone sees the writing on the wall," he said.

  "And The Duke?" Raven asked. She knew the cowboy was locked away in a nearby basement, under constant guard by a rotating team in case some of his followers tried to stage a coup, but still she worried. Losing The Duke again, before he could be brought before his accusers and served his justice, would be devastating. Initially, Raven was surprised Blaze restrained himself from shooting The Duke outright, but when Matthew explained what happened, it made sense. It was the right choice and, in the morning, after letting more of the men and women from the pit arrive at the city, it would be time to decide what to do with The Duke.

  "We just went by and checked. Still locked up tight," Blaze said as he leaned his rifle up against the wall and removed his helmet. He looked exhausted too. In fact, we all do, Raven thought surveying the room. Willow, Kit, Simon ... well, everyone except Hector. He was actually waiting impatiently at the door.

  “Hector?” Raven asked.

  “So,” he started. “I know we are doing really great stuff here, but if I can leave in the next few minutes, I’ll be a happy cat.” Raven lifted her eyebrows.

  “You won’t stay to see the outcome with The Duke later today?” Raven asked. Hector shrugged and glanced around at all the others in the room.

  “I know you guys are on top of this,” Hector said. “I need to get back to Helen.” Raven understood. Hector needed to go home and it was true Blaze, with Willow’s subtle guidance, was taking quick command of Reno. She had never seen her friend look so confident.

  “Go,” Blaze said to Hector with absolutely no malice. “Helen needs you.” Hector gave Blaze a nod and walked over as he put out a paw.

  “I’ll be back. Once I make sure everything is settled in my kingdom,” he said. Raven watched Blaze look at Hector’s outstretched paw as if surprised and then he grinned and grabbed it in his own hand.

  “You better have a crown on your head,” Blaze joked. This time it was Hector’s turn to grin.

  “Agree with you there,” he said and after a quick shake, turned back to look at Raven. “I don’t suppose you’ll come with me? I know Helen wants to talk more with you.” Raven considered what he asked. She wanted to see The Duke business put to rest, but she also needed to see things through with Hector. I can trust Blaze and Willow and even Maximillian to make sure things are handled here, she thought. This is their city now.

  “Yes,” Raven said. “I will come with you. When are you leaving?”

  Clearly pleased, Hector nodded. “Within the hour I hope,” he said.

  “I’m going with you as well,” Simon chimed in. “It is essential I see to Helen’s well-being.” Raven saw Hector roll his eyes.

  “Of course,” he muttered and then turned to Simon. “Whatever. Just be ready because I’m not waiting for you.”

  “I’d like to go,” Matthew added as he stood up. “I want to take another look at the computers in Dr. Shelly’s laboratory.” Hector gritted his teeth. Raven could tell he had not expected to take a contingent back with him.

  “Okaaayyy,” Hector said and looked around at the others. “Anybody else?” There was no answer. “Good. We leave within the hour. It’s time I went home.”


  Riding in the sidecar was exhilarating. Kit had no other way to describe it. When Simon stated he was retu
rning to the hidden valley with Hector and the others, Kit made a point of going with him. It was not up for discussion. She had merely watched while people packed up and said their goodbyes and then climbed into her spot in the sidecar and waited. Simon beamed when he returned to his motorcycle and realized she was there. "This is the utmost of satisfactory," he said. "Your companionship is entirely welcome as we traverse the numerous miles to Hector's regal residence. As silent as it may be." Hector overheard his short speech and snorted as he walked by with the last of his gear to put in the Humvee he was driving back.

  "You know you like the silent part," Hector said. "Means you can do all the talking." Kit saw Simon blush a little at the statement and get ready to reply when Hector shook his head. "Don't want to hear it, little man. Let's just move out." Hector stowed his items and walked around to the driver's door to climb in. Inside, Raven and Matthew were already seated. "Race ya?" Hector said out the window as he fired up the vehicle's engine. Kit turned to look at Simon. He caught her eye and she could see he was about to say no, but then paused.

  "It's not particularly safe," he said to Kit. Kit shrugged. Simon stared thoughtfully down the road as he kick-started the cycle. Slowly he turned back to her. "You're sure?" he asked Kit. This time she smiled and gave a quick nod. With a nervous laugh, Simon lowered his goggles and gripped the handlebars. "Well then, let's go." He goosed the motorcycle and Kit felt the back tire slip a little on the asphalt and then they were tearing down the highway. As they blasted past a shocked Hector in the Humvee, Kit gave the cat mutant a little wave.

  See ya, she thought and smiled even broader as Simon raced them on their way.

  SAMUEL WAS LOST. GETTING up as soon as it was light enough to make his way through the forest, he had gathered his gear to move out. The unsettling conversation he overheard the night before was very motivating. Now he knew he would have to stick it out a little longer while he waited for Hannah to die and living in the tent was not going to work. Not to mention he did not have enough rations with him to go even another two days. His best option was to walk to an emergency outpost. Everything he would need would be inside. It was such a simple plan, yet Samuel was now finding it hard to execute. Every tree looked the same and he did not exactly remember the landmarks he was supposed to look for amongst the mountain peaks north of his location. He knew he should be able to orient himself by the faint sun, silver through the clouds, but so far it had been futile. It can’t be too much farther, he thought having walked for what felt like hours. Thankfully he had remembered snowshoes and was able to make it a reasonable distance away from the colony. So far there was no sight of any of the Patrols.

  Frustrated, Samuel decided to find a clear spot under the trees and cook some breakfast. He was famished after hiking so far so fast. As he hiked over the crisp frozen layer of ice atop the thick white carpet, something caught his eye. It was a large indentation in the snow and at first, he worried it was a man's boot print. Pausing to look, Samuel tilted his head. What is that? he thought. It was the size of a dinner plate and he realized far too large for a human print. Some kind of animal. Slowly, Samuel felt a sliver of fear climb up his spine. Yes, it is an animal. It is a— Before Samuel could finish his thought he heard a sound. Long and lonesome, the blood chilling noise echoed through the trees. Samuel swallowed hard as panic tried to grip him. It’s just the wind howling through the trees. Then it came again and there was no mistaking the sound. It was the howl of a wolf and Samuel turned to run.

  THE CHILD LAY ON THE bed, serene and sweet in her slumber. The Creator sat in his wheelchair and watched over her. Sadness filled his heart at the thought she might never wake from her coma. But at least she is stable, he thought, having been assured by the medical staff. No breathing tube was necessary and her vital signs were strong. "She is simply asleep," they explained. "And we can't get her to wake up." When The Creator pressed them for more information, they did not have any. "It will just be a matter of waiting," they said. So, The Creator sat and he waited. It was frustrating though. He wanted to do more and for the first time, sincerely wished he could perform a miracle.

  The Creator knew some of the brethren were expecting him to do one and wake the girl, but it was beyond his capabilities. All I can do is use smoke and mirrors, he thought. It was what he was taught to do by his mother when he was still a young man. She was the master of deception. Even he had thought her magical miracles were real until he was old enough to be told otherwise. He remembered being profoundly disappointed when he learned his mother could not disappear and reappear in a puff of smoke. Instead, he learned of trap doors and hidden passageways. "The following must never know the truth," his mother had explained. "Else they will have nothing to focus on. Nothing to worship." So, as his mother aged, The Creator was elevated. The Blessed Mother Mary wrote sermons for him and helped him memorize the words. She guided and coached him until the day she passed onto the next life. Above all else though, she reminded him daily that he was, in fact, The Creator from which every other clone in the colony was born. His DNA was the original. Each and every brother in Eden was a copy of Him. Their blood was his blood, their thoughts were his thoughts, and none of them would exist if he had not come first.

  Yet, if he could choose now, between being The Creator and being someone who could wake Hannah and ensure she would be all right, he would want to be just a man. "Please wake up, my child," The Creator whispered. "I need you. The colony needs you." His plan was simple. He would raise the girl as his mother raised him and when it appeared he could not go on much longer, he would teach her about the smoke and mirrors. She would learn the sermons and become The Daughter. Pure and holy. A new entity to be revered and worshiped in the model of his mother. Hannah was the future of the colony. She must wake up, The Creator thought again and wished for the first time there really was an entity to pray to and ask for help. A one true God as described in the holy text. But what if there is? The Creator shook his head at his crazy thinking. None of it was real and he alone knew it. The men in the colony were allowed to have hope and comfort, but The Creator was not.

  AS THE AFTERNOON GREW late, Willow watched as a group of men and women, mixed of both slave and Reno residents, filed into the fighting venue. The seats were filling up, and she wondered if the space would be big enough. If not, I am sure people will be willing to stand in the aisles, Willow thought. She was sure no one was going to want to miss the events tonight. There would not be a fight, but instead a trial. The Duke would be made to answer for his actions and it only seemed fitting he argue for his life in the room where he forced so many others to risk their own. Although Willow had never seen a battle of man against man in the cage, some of the others explained it to her. Losers, if they survived at all, were immediately stripped of all possessions and then they, as well as any family with them, were shipped to the pit for a life sentence of labor and horrible sickness. Looking around now, Willow saw the gaunt faces of so many now freed and there was no mistaking their intentions. Each wanted The Duke executed for what he did to them.

  Looking up into the cage on the platform, Willow saw Maximillian, the leader of the slaves deep in conversation with Blaze. The two men could not appear more different, and yet Willow knew they clicked immediately. It’s because they have the same ultimate goal. Justice, she thought. They both hated The Duke to their core, but she wondered what would happen after the business with the cowboy was over. Who will take control of Reno then? The few of The Duke’s followers who converted their allegiance when faced with an ultimatum did not include anyone who struck her as a leader. Gazing over the crowd now, the unruly mass, there was no sign of anyone who seemed to be taking control. It came down to Blaze and Maximillian. Willow sighed and knew the future could only get more complicated.

  “Everything okay?” Gabriel asked from beside her.

  “I just want to get this over,” Willow said. Gabriel nodded.

  “That makes two of us,” he said. As if on cue, the doo
rs to the lobby swung open and a quartet of cat mutants entered with The Duke, bloodied and without his hat, walking amongst them. His hands were bound in the front, yet as soon as he saw the crowd, he raised them over his head and grinned. Willow could almost feel the charisma ripple from him and some in the crowd cheered. Others, taking offense to the support of The Duke, turned on them and quickly fighting broke out. Oh, this is perfect, Willow thought with dismay and knew the last thing they needed was a riot. Trying to decide what action to take, Willow looked at Gabriel for input, only to have the air filled with a burst of automatic gunfire. Ducking, Willow turned to see Blaze pointing his combat rifle at the ceiling. He fired the shots and it worked to quiet the crowd. The only person who did not seem subdued by the action was The Duke who was still being escorted to the ring. He was laughing and shaking his head with the confidence of a man who was in complete control of events. Willow felt a sense of unease and wondered what final trick the man had up his sleeve.


  "Well if it isn't my old partner, Max," The Duke drawled as he gave the tall, gaunt leader of the slaves a look up and down. "You look like hell, man." Gabriel watched as Maximillian gave The Duke a grim smile.

  "It has been awhile since you exiled me," he said. "And you're not looking especially well at the moment either." The Duke laughed.

  "So I see a lot of your friends out there in the crowd. Did you shut down the pit?" The Duke asked with raised eyebrows. "Have you broken the news to folks the power they so enjoy so much here in Reno is about to go poof?" A grumble went through the crowd and Gabriel could feel a subtle shift in the room's sentiment toward The Duke and his offenses. Maximillian continued to smile however, and seemed unphased by the threat.


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