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Dangerous Liaisons: Bound To Serve

Page 12

by Honey Jans

  "I've got my ways. You always were spunky, Bridge,” he said with a grin. “If only I'd known you liked kink, I might have stayed around."

  "Why didn't you?” She batted her eyes up at him. “I told everyone you probably had amnesia and didn't remember who you were. They threatened to fire me if I didn't let up.” She watched his suspicion fade, replaced by smug self-importance. He always did think he was hot stuff. “Eventually they put me on medical leave. I had no choice but to let it go. Please say you'll forgive me,” she added, seeing him preen.

  "Of course I do. No hard feelings. So who are you here with?” he asked, looking at the crowd of men.

  "Jason Welch is my master,” she said, following James’ glance to see Lola and Condor still in each other's arms on the dance floor, a little surprised that James instantly focused on him. But it went to confirm Condor's story about the meeting on the boat and James’ connection to Lola. Do they have an intimate relationship? Judging by James’ sudden frown, he was jealous of her. “He's dancing with Mistress Lola.” She itched to throw a bucket of cold water on the two and peel Lola off him. She was practically screwing him on the dance floor, damn it all.

  James scowled. “He's the old guy who peeked at Ari's charter."

  Old guy! She frowned up at James’ handsome, but shallow, good looks. He was like an overgrown, slightly aging, surfer type. Realizing that he now looked like a low rent version of Robert Redford made her wonder what she'd ever seen in him. “He's not old,” she said, instantly springing to Condor's defense, relieved that James didn't seem to recognize him from the agency. Of course, Condor could be a chameleon and now looked vastly different from his usual disreputable biker persona.

  "Sure, honey, and he's rich I'll bet,” James said, patting her head to calm her down.

  "Of course,” she said, stepping away from the patting, and batting her eyes at him. His condescending tone was making her doubly furious and she fought not to show it. “It's the only way he could afford me. My contract is up in a few weeks."

  "There's something familiar about him,” James said with a frown.

  "Of course there is,” she said, instantly alarmed. He did remember Condor. She didn't want James to dwell on his newfound suspicions. “You just saw him by the water."

  "That's not it,” James said, shaking his head as he continued to study Condor. He reminds me of somebody..."

  "My contract is up in a few weeks,” she cut in, feeling things go south, and ran her hand down James’ chest to distract him. The renewed flare of interest in his eyes made her smile. Now if she could just keep him interested and distracted. She purred, slipping her hand down to cup his swelling hard-on, leaning into him. “Maybe you'd like to own me."

  James chuckled as she fondled him. “You don't even have to ask, babe. You'll forget all about limp dick over there when I handle you."

  * * * *

  Condor froze up inside as he watched James pull Bridget into his arms, his hands roving over her lush body. She looked like a sexy angel in her thong and nipple clamps, the jewels sparkling in the moonlight, along with her eyes. She'd drawn every man's eye, but he was the lucky one who got to take her home. She leaned into James to laugh, and whisper something, twisting Condor's gut. Damn it all, she is responding too well. She really seems to be flirting with the jerk. He stumbled and stepped on Lola's toes as they danced.

  "Ouch,” Lola cried, wincing and easing back, as she scowled up at him.

  "Sorry,” he murmured, glad that she'd given him a little breathing room. Her perfume was too damned cloying. His gaze immediately went back to Bridget and James snuggling in the cabana. Damn it all, the other man's hands were on her ass. The man had gone from wary to charmed and leering in six seconds flat. Bridget could do that to a man. He couldn't hear their conversation, but was able to read their body language loud and clear. Bridget was downright flirting with him, and even though it was for the cause, it didn't set well with him. Crap, he was jealous. That knowledge brought him back to earth with a thud.

  Great way to keep on target, stupid!

  His eyes narrowed as he watched Bridget slip her hand down the front of James’ pants. Well shit, he could see taking one for the team, but this was going too far. For his part, James was eating it up, falling for her allure hook, line, and sinker, grinning like an idiot.

  "Watch it,” Lola snapped. “And you could at least look at me when we're dancing. I'm not so sure I made the right decision to let you stay."

  Condor gritted his teeth at Lola's pouting tone. Her grumbled complaint brought Condor back in line, and on target. He still had a job to do. He gave Lola a practiced smile that seemed to mollify her. “Sorry, I was thinking about the end of the week. It's coming too soon. I'm going to miss this place."

  "Just the place?” she asked, smiling.

  "Not just the place. You too,” he said, her perfume making him gasp as he pulled her back into his arms.

  Lola put her hand flat against his chest and pulled back. Frowning up at him, she said, “We'll need to clear the air about your fishing expedition today, in order for you to be invited back. The powers that be are suspicious of you."

  He sighed and hung his head a little. “Sorry about that. I tend to be focused when it comes to something I want. After the fight with Star, the urge to get away from it all and see blue water was just too much.” He cast another look at Bridget and James. Damn it all, they were still in each other's arms.

  "I like a man who's focused, but from now on, all future arrangements need to go through me; it's the only way I can keep you here. You're going to be on a very short leash, Mr. Welch."

  "As long as you're the one holding it, I won't mind.” He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed it, seeing her ice blue eyes soften for a moment, but her guard was definitely up. He had to smooth this over so that they could stay, and he could take down Perez. “Like I said, I was a little overeager to see blue water again. It was all for naught. I wound up napping in the mangroves.” He flicked another wary look toward the cabana.

  "What do you keep looking at?” Lola said, annoyed.

  "Some strange surfer-type chatting up Star,” he said, watching Lola go still. Her reaction was telling. She and James had something personal going on between them.

  "Strange surfer-type?” Her brow wrinkled as she turned around to look. “Well damn. What the hell is he doing here?” After a moment, she turned to look at Condor. “You're jealous,” she said in a disgruntled tone, staring at the stiff set of his shoulders.

  "No, just territorial,” he said, with a negligent nod, doing his best to deny the accusation. It hit too damned close to home. “I told you before; I don't like to share my toys. Star is mine for the next week, and I mean to keep her, and hold her to her contract.” He watched Lola's militant expression ease and a pleased smile steal across her face. Of course, she thought in only monetary terms.

  Across the compound, James seemed to notice Lola glaring at him and frowned, letting loose of Bridget. Condor let out a sigh of relief. Looked like Lola kept him on a short leash, too.

  "I've got business to take care of, Jason,” Lola said, giving him a smile before stepping away. “Later."

  Condor smiled at Lola and eased back to give her space, but surreptitiously watched her movements. Seeing James with Bridget had unsettled her. She made a beeline to the table where Perez's women sat looking bored out of their minds. Lola's nod to an armed guard sent him scurrying to their table. The guard led the two women back to their bungalow, and Lola walked to the far end of the dance floor. She glared at James who immediately went still. Condor watched James slap Bridget on the ass and send her on her way. One thing was for sure—Lola's scrutiny had cooled his ardor. What is their relationship? Are they lovers? Time would tell.

  Condor pasted on a slow smile as Bridget headed directly toward him. He could read the banked anger in her eyes. She was furious with James, not attracted to him. The relief he felt knowing this troubled him. He didn't
want to fall for Bridget, or need her in his life. He was a ghost and traveled alone. As she stepped into his personal space, her eyes damp with unshed tears, his heart melted and his anger built. One thing was sure, when this was over, he was going to take out Clayton permanently. “All done playing waitress?” he asked, to forestall her when she opened her mouth. Wetzel and Kahn were within shouting distance and he didn't want them to overhear a possible hysterical reaction. A glance back to the far side told him Lola and James were gone. Good. It was time to make a strategic retreat.

  "Uh huh,” she managed to say, her body trembling a little.

  He hadn't been able to hear her conversation with James, but could read Bridget's body language now. She was close to her breaking point. “Come on, let's go,” he said, taking her arm and steering her away from the party.

  "But the miss—"

  "Fuck that,” he muttered, furious with Frost for sending Bridget into a war zone and himself for not pulling her out.

  She shuddered and leaned close to him, their bodies touching as they walked. “Okay."

  Noisy couples brushed by them on the path and Condor growled. He steered her off the path and onto the grass to get away from the crowds. Whatever had happened between her and James wasn't good. He drew her to a halt near some bougainvillea bushes, and turned her to face him. “You okay?” he asked gruffly, not used to babying partners.

  "Never better,” she said grimly, her teeth chattering a little. “We've got to get that jerk. I can't believe he thought me that stupid and lovesick."

  Condor nodded, glad that she was getting her feisty spirit back. “Tell you what, I'll take you back to the bungalow, then go follow him and pound him for you,” he said, smiling when she flashed a startled look up at him.

  "You would?"

  He relaxed, chucking her under the chin. “For you, anything, love. Just say the word."

  She grinned. “Thanks but I'd rather pound him myself, and we do have a job to do."

  He relaxed and recalled her groping the jerk. “You two were getting rather cozy."

  "So were you and the dragon lady,” Bridget shot back, and then sighed, saying, “Honest, I didn't enjoy it. I was trying to distract him. He thought he recognized you. You two didn't work together, did you?"

  Crap, he hadn't counted on being recognized. “No. But he might have seen me once or twice around the compound. I think he took one of the intro courses I taught. Shit, I'd better inform Frost."

  "Don't, I diverted his attention. Actually, I convinced him that I never got over him, and that I'd like him to own me and take me in hand."

  "Like hell."

  "I agree,” she said, focusing a wobbly smile at him. “You're the only one I want to take me in hand."

  Chapter 11

  Bridget fought to keep the tears from falling as they stood in seclusion. Moonlight shone down on them, turning the small clearing into a magical nook, if not for the devastating scene she'd just played out with James. Her body still trembled a little; a delayed reaction that she couldn't seem to control. She leaned into Condor for strength, touched by his offer to pound James. It was true James was a traitor. Somehow, she'd held out hope that it wasn't true, that they'd been mistaken about seeing him. Stupid tears misted her eyes. She sniffed them back, refusing to cry, but still getting Condor's shirt damp. Damn it all, he'd played her for a fool. She'd never meant a thing to him. The tears fell and Condor pulled her tight, cradling her, and holding her steady.

  At least James had seemed to buy her story, which was one positive thing. They should be able to complete this mission as planned, and on schedule. This adventure with Condor ending made her sad and frustrated. Still he never actually said that he wanted to continue to love her after the mission. A thousand questions were whirling around in her head. Will he even miss me when this is over?

  "Easy, babe, only a little farther to the bungalow and then you can cry your eyes out."

  "I'm not crying,” she protested, fighting the assertion, even as she sniffled into his shirtfront.

  Suddenly he went still, shushing her. He pulled them further behind the bush and pointed toward the courtyard. James and Lola were standing in the moonlight, arguing. Their heated words punctuated the air.

  Lola leaned forward. “I don't trust the redheaded bitch. I told you I want her gone."

  James smiled; his body leaned toward hers in a confident pose as he casually brushed a hand through her blond hair. “Why? Are you jealous, Lolly?"

  "Don't call me that, or pull your stud games on me, Jimmy boy. Remember, I know where the bodies are buried. Give me too much cause and the boss will dump you."

  "Now, honey, don't make threats you don't have the power to carry out. You know that you need me. Come back to the suite with me and I'll...” He leaned in to whisper.

  Lola sucked in a breath. “I don't do that. Just because you're okay in the sack, doesn't mean I'll let you ride roughshod over me. And stop trying to disarm me with sex. It's not gonna work."

  James scowled. “I bet you'd let the dude you were canoodling with do you."

  "What Jason and I do is none of your business,” she said, withdrawing from him.

  "You were getting too cozy. You wouldn't like me to spill the beans to Perez when he shows up tomorrow."

  "Don't worry about Welch,” Lola snapped. “I just want to keep close tabs on him."

  "And screw him,” James said, sourly.

  "What's it to you? He'll be gone in a few days, and so will your Bridget. Wonder why he said her name was Star?"

  "Probably because she comes from an East Coast, well-connected family. Her father's the former head of Delta Star. She used to work there as a matter of fact."

  "Oh my God,” Lola said, pushing him back with a slap to the chest. “You stupid ass. Do you mean she's spying for them?"

  He smirked. “Are you kidding? The girl's cute, but she's a moron just the same. Saucy little Bridget doesn't know one end of a gun from another. She works in the computer lab, that is she did, before they accused her of being mental and put her on medical leave after I was blown up."

  Lola shook her head. “Something about this whole situation doesn't add up. We've got to run it by Perez."

  "And wake him up! Are you nuts? You know he's always in bed by ten. It can wait until he comes over tomorrow night. Until then, I'll have the guards put the place on lockdown and do extra patrols by their bungalow."

  Lola huffed out a breath. “I guess it'll have to do. We still have the issue of getting rid of Bridget."

  "Bullshit. I'm taking her from Welch. She won't be leaving the island with him. Her contract is up in a week."

  "And have her replace me?” she hissed. “Now who's the one acting lovesick?"

  "Nobody could replace you, sweet. And it's business, babe. I'll have my fun, and she could still have some live connections back at Delta we could tap into. When I'm through with her, I'll sell her back to her family. They'd pay big bucks to get her back and hush up any scandal."

  Lola smiled. “Now I remember why I recruited you all those years ago."

  * * * *

  Condor tugged on Bridget's arm, and pulled her away in the opposite direction of their bungalow. She wanted to ask where they were headed, but didn't dare. She didn't want to go back and be under Lola's scrutiny or island arrest. But running away wouldn't solve their problems.

  "Come on, let's make tracks."

  "But we should go back ... the mission,” she said.

  "Screw the mission.” He walked her down the beach to the far side of the island.

  She relaxed with a gratitude she couldn't express and leaned into him, her bare feet crunching in the sand. The full moon shone down on them, and she reveled in the feeling of being alone with Condor, as the sounds of the party faded into the distance. She didn't even bother asking where they were headed; she didn't care. All she cared about was being alone with Condor, and savoring their last moments together. “This is nice,” she said, her a
rm stealing around his back.

  "Uh huh,” he said, nuzzling the top of her head.

  They walked toward the unoccupied part of the island. She looked around, noticing the rocky outcroppings and the wild untamed beauty of the place. In the distance, she heard the rush of water. As they turned, passing a large boulder, she saw the reason. A beautiful waterfall glistened in the moonlight. She caught her breath in wonder. This was a far cry from the manicured staginess of The Retreat. The water splashed down into a beautiful pool. “It's lovely."

  "Thought you'd like it,” he said.

  Bridget glanced at Condor's pleased expression, her heart opening to him. He was such a complicated man, hard one moment, soft the next. She took the hand he extended and walked with him around the edge of the pool and back into the rocks. They were dotted with ferns, vines, and birds of paradise. “Just where are you taking me?"

  "Somewhere private,” he said.

  She walked with him back toward the moonlit opening of a grotto. It was a cave she realized, and noticed the soft sandy floor. “How did you ever find this?"

  "Scouting around the island the first day, I decided that it was the perfect choice for an outpost."

  "Good choice,” she said. “I'm sorry I screwed up back there. I'd hoped to prove my worth as a partner, instead I've complicated things.” She could see by the way his eyes softened that he was touched. Hell, she wasn't trying to be soft. She scowled, looking away, but his hand on her chin turned her back to face him.

  "That may be the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me."

  "I'm not sweet,” she muttered.

  "I know, you're the whole package, sweet, salty, sour at times."

  "Gee thanks,” she snapped.

  He chuckled and bent to kiss her.

  She shut up and kissed him back, whimpering when her tortured nips brushed against his hard chest. Damn, she'd almost forgotten about the nipple clamps she was wearing. His hands came up to fondle her breasts, his fingertips toying with her clamps, making her gasp into his mouth.

  He broke the kiss to nibble her ear. “Honey, you can make all the noise you want tonight. This night is just for us."


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