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Page 5

by Joy King

  "Hell no! That stupid fuck Ian really tried to play me. No, he did play me."

  "What happened?" Shari was beyond curious. She had never seen Chantal this visibly upset over a random prospect. She could only recall Andre having Chantal vexed like this.

  "I basically threw myself at that cocky motherfucker and then he had the nerve to tell me he would think about whether he wants to get with me or not. Can you believe that clown?"

  "You know he got mad bitches coming at him all the time so it shouldn't be surprising that he feeling himself. You can't really expect any less."

  Chantal gave Shari the frown face as if Shari forgot who she was talking to. Chantal didn't even have to say anything, because Shari already knew. Chantal didn't believe those type of rules applied to her. She always put herself on a shelf way above every other woman, which was understandable because with Chantal's bronzed complexion, honey-blonde hair that highlighted her perfectly featured face, and to top it off, a body that wouldn't stop even after having a baby, there was no mistaking she was in an elite class.

  "Chantal, don't even stress it. Fuck Mr. NBA. It's his loss," Shari said as the two women waited for the parking valet to pull around their car. The last thing Shari wanted was for Chantal to be in a funk, especially with all she had been going through. Knowing Andre was canoodling with Tyler Blake was already driving her crazy. She surly didn't need the first man she stepped to send her on her way.

  Both women stood deliberating on what transpired within the last hour. Shari had a huge grin on her face imagining being wined and dined by Jalen and then having dessert with the good looking 6'4 stud twisting her out.

  Chantal was secretly wondering had she lost her edge, and at the ripe age of twenty-six was her beauty fading. She imagined waking up in the middle of the night and walking to the bathroom. When she turned on the light and looked in the mirror her face was full of wrinkles and her once smooth as a babies bottom skin looked like bad leather that had been in the sun too long. Not only that, but she had ballooned to a size twenty-four. Right before she was about to have a panic attack, a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around the middle of her bare stomach, then took his finger and began playing with her diamond stud belly button ring.

  "I thought about it and I would like to give you a try," Ian whispered in her ear giving Chantal chills down her spine. "So you coming with me tonight or what?"

  "All you had to do was ask." When the valet pulled up with her car she gave Shari `the look' topped with a wink and headed off hand-in-hand with Ian.

  "Damn, baby, you working that pussy out!" Ian moaned as Chantal rode him seductively. It had been so long since she had a man inside her that Chantal put her mind, body and soul into her lovemaking session with Ian. She savored every stroke as she arched her back and flexed her inner muscles.

  Ian had his hands under her buttocks, squeezing them as if they felt like Charmin. He couldn't get over how moist her insides were and he closed his eyes relishing the unbelievable feeling she was giving him. When he opened them and saw Chantal had her eyes closed and was rubbing her breasts as if making love to herself, he became even more aroused.

  "Baby, do I feel good inside you?" Ian asked, wanting to hear more than the alluring sigh Chantal was making. He wanted confirmation that he felt just as good to her as she did to him.

  "Oh, yes, Ian! I can't get enough of you. You're about to make me come," Chantal uttered as she felt that tingling feeling in her body building up that she had been yearning to experience again for so long.

  Ian began stroking her harder in the exact spot he needed to tap. "Baby, yes, right there, right there, you feel so good! Oh, yes I'm about to come baby! Oh yes!" Chantal cried out one last time before collapsing on Ian's sweat glistened chest. Chantal's once straightened hair was now drenched from the workout she just put in.

  Ian slowly lifted Chantal up and laid her on the side of him. Since it was evident she was exhausted he gazed at Chantal's naked body and then took off his condom before jacking off while rubbing his hands through her hair. By the time he came, Chantal was now ready for part two.

  "Didn't we have an amazing night tonight?" Tyler gushed as the Limo driver headed back to their home in Malibu.

  "Yeah, I have to admit I truly enjoyed myself. I was a little skeptical about how I would feel seeing myself on a big ass screen with everybody critiquing me, but it wasn't that bad," Andre said as he nodded his head with a proud look on his face.

  "See, I knew you would love it. You were awesome. Your scenes with me seemed so sincere."

  "They were sincere. The course of our relationship seemed to follow the same path as our characters. When Damian was falling in love with Angel, I was falling in love with you. When Angel started breaking Damian's heart, you were breaking mine."

  "Oh, Andre, I'm so sorry. Baby, you know how much I love you and I still loved you even when I was pushing you away. Please forgive me."

  Andre put his finger to Tyler's lips. "You don't even have to apologize. We both made mistakes. The important thing is that we found our way back to each other. Everything else is irrelevant."

  "I love you so much," Tyler said as she leaned over and passionately kissed Andre. He rolled up the glass window for privacy and the two made love for the duration of their ride home.

  T -Roc was looking forward to meeting with Mitchell Stem and delivering what he hoped was his last payment for Chantal's defense. He knew the case would be costly, but never did he expect for the bill to reach the level it was currently at. But Stern was the best criminal attorney in the LA, if not the West Coast. T-Roc felt it was money well spent if all worked out as he planned.

  He arrived at the office bright and early so even Stem's secretary wasn't there. He preferred no one seeing him meeting with Stem, and to guarantee that they decided to meet at the crack of dawn.

  "T-Roc, always a pleasure," Stern said as he shook T-Roc's hand.

  "I'm sure, especially given the amount of money you've made from me," T-Roc said in a playful tone with a touch of sarcasm.

  "I think I've earned every dollar," Stern replied with the sly wink he was famous for.

  "I'll tell you that after I hear what you have to say." T-Roc sat down anxiously awaiting to hear Stem's report.

  "It's a done deal. I reached a final plea agreement with the prosecutor late yesterday afternoon. Chantal won't have to do any jail time, just a long probation, some community service, therapy and pay a rather large fine."

  "Have you told Chantal yet?"

  "No, I haven't spoken to her, but I figured you should be the first to know, given that your money has bought her freedom. I still don't quite understand why you did all this. You're not romantically involved with Chantal, and from what I understand you're not even friends, so please explain. My curiosity is starting to get the best of me."

  "I'm not paying you to have your curiosity quenched, I'm paying you to keep Chantal out of jail, which you've managed to do. I'm very impressed and happy to write you out what I believe is the final check." Stem nodded his head yes as T-Roc gladly pulled out his checkbook to clear up the remaining balance. "This should do it." Stem took a look at all the zeroes and couldn't have agreed more.

  "Pleasure doing business with you, T-Roc. Until we meet again." The two shook hands and T-Roc walked out of Stem's office a very happy man.

  Chantal woke up feeling like a new woman. Having three orgasms in one night was exactly what she needed to release all of her built up stress. Her sex drive was in high gear and was looking forward to a morning workout, but to her disappointment Ian was still fast asleep. That soon vanished when she got the call from Stern that a plea deal had been worked out and she wouldn't be seeing the inside of a jail cell. Now she no longer wanted to make love to Ian just for pleasure, but also for celebratory reasons.

  "Ian, wake up," Chantal said, gently shaking Ian's arm. He had the pillow covering his face and he wasn't budging. She started shaking a little harder until he final
ly responded.

  "What time is it?" he groaned, still not fully awake.

  "Eleven o'clock, and time for us to pick up where we left off last night." Chantal rolled over and sat on top of Ian's back hoping that the feel of her warm pussy on his skin would get him aroused.

  "Oh shit, I'm late for practice!" Ian jumped up damn near knocking Chantal off the bed. "I can't believe this shit! My fucking alarm didn't even go off."

  "Actually it did, but I turned it off," Chantal said innocently.

  "So why in the hell didn't you wake me up?'

  "You looked so peaceful and I didn't want to disturb you."

  "Bitches!" Ian muttered under his breath.

  "What the fuck did you just call me?"

  "Nothing, forget about it."

  "Nah, nigga, I ain't forgetting shit. You ain't been dealing with me long enough to come out your mouth and call me no bitch. You need to check yourself right now."

  "That little feisty attitude you got reminds me of this chick I used to deal with. I was trying to figure out what I dug about you so much, and now I know."

  "Don't be comparing me to no other bitch you used to fuck with."

  "First of all, she's no bitch, and second, take it as a compliment that you even remind me of her."

  Chantal couldn't help but catch a case of the green eye monster. She wanted to know who this woman was that he had the nerve to still be thinking about. One thing in her mind she was sure of that it wasn't Tyler Blake. Chantal always figured that Tyler had no backbone, and if anything, she was the timid demure type.

  "Whatever, Ian. Just don't call me no bitch anymore."

  "I apologize. I just hate being late for practice. I have to take a shower and be out of here."

  "Can I join you?"

  "As much as I would like that, you'd be a distraction, something I don't have time for."

  "So what am I supposed to do? You're obviously in a rush, and I didn't drive over here."

  "You got two options. I can either call you a car service or you can wait until I get back. It's up to you. You can decide while I'm in the shower."

  Chantal had already decided before he gave her the two options that she wasn't going anywhere. Ian Addison was beyond hot and she planned on making him her man.

  Tyler was up going over her script preparing for her first day of shooting tomorrow. Time seemed to be flying and she couldn't believe that she was about to begin filming and T-Roc was her leading man. Tyler already tested with him when he auditioned for the role in Angel, so she knew that he was a good actor and they had undeniable chemistry, which wasn't surprising since they shared a sordid past-a past that she wanted to forget and was happy Andre knew nothing about. Andre already detested T-Roc and didn't want her doing the film with him. If he knew they used to be lovers he would be livid.

  "Good morning, baby." Tyler was so caught up thinking about T-Roc that she didn't even hear Andre enter the living room.


  "What you reading?"

  "That script for my new movie. You know I have to be on set tomorrow."

  "Damn, time flies. You start shooting that movie with TRoc already?"

  "Yeah, I was just thinking the same thing. I wish I had another month to relax. It seems like yesterday I got out of the hospital."

  "I agree. That's why I think you should postpone starting the movie. You need to give yourself some more time to heal."

  "Look at me, Andre. I'm fine." Tyler stood up and did a playful twirl.

  "I'm not talking about physically, I'm talking mentally. You went through an unthinkable ordeal. Getting over something like that takes time. You need to think about that."

  "That's the thing. I don't want to think about it. Sitting around doing nothing gives me nothing but time to replay the incident over and over again in my head. I want to forget it ever happened and move on with my life. Starting this movie will be a good thing. I can start living my life again. That won't happen until I'm back working and that prosecutor can get a deal worked out with Chantal's attorney. The longer it's lingering over my head, the longer it will take for me to put this nightmare behind me."

  "I was going to wait until a little later but I guess you'll be happy to hear this news now."

  "What news?"

  Andre walked over to Tyler and sat her down on the couch. "The prosecutor just called before I came downstairs. They worked out a plea agreement with Chantal and her attorney. It's a done deal."

  "Are you serious?" Tyler asked as her eyes widened, overjoyed that the case was finally over.

  "Yes. Chantal agreed to several years of probation, extensive therapy and to pay a fine. And of course the permanent restraining order will stay in affect."

  "Wow, she practically killed me and she walks away with no jail time. Talk about lucky."

  "Baby, Chantal's attorney was adamant about no jail time. For that to happened the case would've had to go to trial. You didn't want to go through months of a long drawn out court case. I definitely didn't want to make a choice about what I would say if I testified."

  "Excuse me! Make a choice? What do you mean by that?" Tyler was taken aback by Andre's statement. She instantly stood up from the couch waiting to hear Andre's explanation."

  "That was the wrong choice of words. I didn't mean that literally. I'm just glad I wasn't put in the position to have to decide what to do."

  "What would you need to decide, whether to save Chantal's ass or stand by your fiancee's side who nearly died trying to protect you?"

  "Tyler, you're getting yourself all worked up over nothing. This has nothing to do with Chantal. It's about my daughter and the damage it would've done to her if my testimony would've sent her mother to jail. We discussed this and we both agreed it was best not to pursue it."

  "Yeah, but you made it seem that the decision was mine and you had no problem taking that stand and telling the truth whether Chantal went to jail or not. You never gave me the impression that if I had pursued a trial that you were weighing your options as to what you were going to do."

  "Baby, listen to me. If you had wanted to take this all the way I would've have supported you no matter what. I mean that. I was torn because I did feel guilty about what happened. A lot of that guilt was because no matter how we feel about Chantal, Melanie loves her mother, and I didn't want the burden of breaking my little girl's heart weighing on my conscious for the rest of my life. I thank you for not putting me in that position, but please believe that this has nothing to do with me trying to protect Chantal. I love you, Tyler, and only you."

  Andre lovingly wrapped his arms around Tyler hoping she could feel all the love he had for her. She wanted to believe that what he was saying was true, but part of her still believed that maybe Andre felt some sort of loyalty towards the mother of his child. She wondered if Andre had been put in the position to choose, would he had gone to bat for her, or got selective amnesia for Chantal. Part of her regretted that now with the case resolved she would never have the chance to know.

  "I know that you love me, and I love you too. I'm just happy that we can move on with our lives. Hopefully Chantal will get the help that she needs and will not bother us again."

  "I believe Chantal has learned her lesson. So now all we have to do is focus on us." Andre held Tyler's chin up and looked in her eyes. He could see there was some sort of hesitation behind her smile but chose not to question it, not wanting to get caught up in a potential argument. He loved her so much and knew only time would give her the security that she needed. "Baby, I have some business I need to handle so I'll give you a call later on," he said, kissing her on the forehead.

  "I need to get back to reading this script anyway. Tomorrow is the big day."

  "Don't work too hard. I'll see you later on."

  The moment Tyler heard the front door shut she went to the kitchen and opened a bottle of champagne. She knew it was a little early to be drinking but she needed something to mellow her out and bubbly always did the tri
ck. She grabbed a glass and headed back to the living room couch with bottle in tow.

  Tyler sat back reading her script, and before long she had finished the entire bottle of Dom Perignon. The effect of the alcohol had gone from giving her a buzz to mellowing her out to making her sleepy, which actually relieved her. Her conversation with Andre had left her feeling empty and insecure about their relationship. She knew that he loved her but didn't know how deep his feelings truly ran. Knowing that she was about to start filming a movie, the last thing she wanted to dwell on was her relationship with Andre. If drinking could take the edge off, then why not?

  Chantal was making herself very comfortable at Ian's crib. His penthouse apartment had a fabulous view of LA and his taste in furniture was exquisite. She figured this must be his bachelor pad, although he was technically married. She had gone through every part of the place meticulously and didn't see a sign of a child living here or any other woman's belongings. In fact, the place was so spotless it almost appeared that it wasn't lived in. The only area that had any sign of life was the master bedroom and bathroom. The closet was full of men's clothing, which Chantal assumed were Ian's, and the bathroom had the standard toothbrush and other toiletries. The refrigerator was damn near empty, and after a couple of hours had passed Chantal was praying Ian would walk through the door at any moment.

  Ring... Ring... Chantal was sitting at the dining room table flipping through a Sports Illustrated magazine she noticed on the kitchen counter when the phone started ringing. She tapped her fingers for a quick second debating on whether or not to answer the phone. "Hello," she answered after the fifth ring.

  "Why you answering my phone?" Ian asked in a nondescript tone.

  "I figured it was you."

  "My number comes up private, so what if it wasn't, then what?"

  "I don't know. I guess I would've said I was your cleaning lady and took a message." Chantal knew that was a lie and Ian did too.

  "Unless I give you permission, I would appreciate if you don't answer my phone."

  "Why the fuck did you call if you didn't want me answering your damn phone?" Chantal was annoyed he was trying to lay the law down when she had just fucked his brains out last night.


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