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Page 15

by Joy King

  "You got that right. That sign will come in a little black box with about ten carats weighing it down. Damn, it seem like you got here fast as hell," Chantal said as they pulled up to her parents' small two-story brick house on the tree-lined street. "Don't think you're about to pull off, because I need you to help me with my bags."

  "I got you."

  The ladies carried Chantal's heavy luggage to the front entrance and rang the doorbell. Nobody answered so Chantal opened the screen door and knocked. She could hear Melanie running and then the door opened.

  "It's Mommy!" Melanie screamed, giving Chantal a big hug and kiss.

  "Oh, baby, I'm so happy to see you! You've gotten so big. Look how pretty you are." Melanie paused and twirled around, showing off her hot pink Juicy couture jogging suit with matching bows in her two French braids. "You are too cute, sweetie."

  "And grown, just like her momma," Shari added.

  "Mommy, follow me in the kitchen. I have a surprise for you."

  Chantal dropped her luggage, leaving Shari to carry them as she followed Melanie.

  "Look who's here, Daddy, it's Mommy," Melanie said brightly as Andre sat at the kitchen table.

  "Andre, I'm surprised to see you here."

  "I'm surprised to see you too."

  "If you think I followed you on some stalking type mess, I didn't."

  "No, I don't think that at all."

  "Good. So how long have you been here?"

  "For a few days, visiting my little princess," Andre said, putting Melanie in a bear hug. Melanie laughed so hard and it put a smile on Chantal's face seeing her so happy to be with her dad.

  "Isn't this cute," Shari said, coming into the kitchen. "Andre, I didn't know you were here. I didn't see your car out front."

  "I had my driver drop me off and I'll call him when I'm ready to be picked up. With press hounding me, I try my best not to let them be able to track my every move."

  "I feel you. The life of a superstar, it never stops," Shari giggled. "Well, I'm outta here, so call me tomorrow, Chantal so we can hang out."

  "Will do."

  "Bye, Andre, bye Melanie."

  "Bye, Auntie Shari. Tell Alex I said hi."

  "I will." Shari let her self out and Chantal had a sit at the table with Andre and Melanie.

  "Where my parents' at?"

  "Grandma's upstairs reading the Bible and Grandpa is at work."

  "Some things never change. So how much longer are you going to be here, Andre?"

  "I'm actually about to head out in a few."

  "I hope you're not leaving because I showed up."

  "No it's not like that."

  "So you wouldn't mind giving me and Melanie a ride home?"

  "Would you, Daddy."

  "Of course." Melanie gave her dad a big kiss.

  "Great. I'm going upstairs to speak with my mother and I'll be down in a few."

  Chantal walked out of the kitchen and upstairs, bypassing the same floral couch with matching loveseat, the old wooden table that was filled with pictures from when Chantal was a child all the way up to her high school graduation. The wall was decorated with pictures of Melanie, and one that had her, Andre and Melanie when they were a family. When Chantal reached the middle step it still squeaked like it did when she was in high school. It made her laugh to herself because when she would stay out late and miss her curfew, she would always forget to skip that step and it would wake her mother up, and she would get caught. How so many things changes and so much stays the same, Chantal thought to herself.

  Chantal lightly knocked on her mother's door, "Who is it?" Mrs. Morgan said in a gentle voice.

  "It's me, Ma, Chantal."

  "Come on in. I was just finishing up my reading for the night." Mrs. Morgan closed up her Bible and set it down on the nightstand next to her bed. "Come give me a hug, When did you get here?"

  "A few minutes ago. Shari dropped me off."

  "Is Shari here her sweet self?"

  "No, she's gone, but you'll see her before I leave."

  "How long you staying?"

  "I'm not sure, but I missed Melanie so much and it was time for me to come home."

  "I guess you and Andre was both missing Melanie. You saw him downstairs, didn't you?"

  "Yes I did, and it felt so good to see Melanie happy. She's always been a daddy's little girl."

  "Hmm hum, just like her mother."

  Chantal sat down next to her mother on the hand-quilted blanket. "I know I haven't told you this, but thank you so much for taking care of Melanie while I've been dealing with all my drama."

  "You don't have to thank me, that's my granddaughter. I would do anything for her."

  "I know you would, but still, you don't have to."

  "Yes I do. I owe it to that child because somewhere I went wrong with you," Mrs. Morgan said solemnly.

  "What do you mean?"

  "You know what I mean."

  "No, Ma, I don't."

  "Chantal, look at you... running over people with your car, going to j ail, scheming and manipulating. I never thought I would raise a child to be that type of a person. Somewhere I failed you, and hopefully, by the grace of God, I will find salvation through Melanie."

  "Ma, you're still angry that I took that seven-thousanddollars when I left here on my graduation. That's what this is about. I told you I was sorry, I even tried to give you the money back but you wouldn't accept it."

  "Dear child, it isn't about the money. God always takes care of his children. He may not give you what you want, but he always gives you what you need and it's always right on time, so your father and I were never without. You didn't steal that money from me, you stole it from yourself. And until you realize that true wealth in this world is not from this," she rubbed her fingers together indicating money, "But from what's in this," she pointed to her heart, "Then you'll forever be a slave in your own world."

  Chantal was speechless. She had heard the many sermons growing up from her mother, but this one struck a chord. With all the sex, lies and videotapes, what had she gained? Andre never married her, she was still alone, and although Melanie was her greatest achievement, what else had she accomplished in life? She had no career and her biggest goal still remained being a superstar's wife.

  When Tyler arrived home from Chrissie's funeral, the first thing she did was go in the kitchen and gulp down more than half a bottle of champagne from the bottle before pouring what was left over into a glass. The paparazzi were relentless in their pursuit of her, and it was wearing Tyler down. She hoped they would at least respect her privacy while mourning her best friend, but they didn't care. With the story of her stepbrother, Evan being responsible for Chrissie's death now trickling down, combined with all the questions surrounding Andre, the media was having a field day. Everyday Tyler's face was splashed across some newspaper or magazine, and the headline on every entertainment news program.

  "Tyler, do you really need to be drinking?" her mother asked as her and William sat down in the living room.

  "Yes, I do. And although I do appreciate both of your concern, there is no need for you to stay here and baby sit me."

  "We're not babysitting, we're just making sure you're okay."

  "William, if you're worried that I won't be ready to go to New York on Wednesday to work, you're wrong. I'll be fine."

  "You say that, but I'm becoming somewhat concerned about your drinking."

  "Me too," her mother chimed in.

  "I'm just going through a rough time right now. With Chrissie and Andre, then the whole Evan situation, I need something to calm my nerves. But I have it under control." Tyler caught her mother and William giving each other a sly look. "What are you guys, like my parents' now? I mean really, it seems that overnight you all have turned into some couple. Is that what's going on, my ex-lover and mother are now a serious item-and you wonder why I drink."

  "Tyler, I know you're stressed. The whole Evan coming back for revenge took me by complete surprise
. I knew he was vile but not to that extent. And Chrissie, that's devastating, but I believe your anxiety is because of Andre. I tried to warn you that he was no good for you. I know his type. He'll cause you nothing but heartbreak. It's better that he is out of your life now instead of you having some kids with him and he end up abandoning you later," said Maria.

  "Can you please just shut up?" Tyler's demand made Maria's mouth drop.

  "Ms. Blake, there is a Mr. T-Roc at the gate for you."

  "Thank goodness the gate is finally working correctly," Tyler said to no one in particular. "Yes, Deanna, let him in. Now the two of you can get out. T-Roc can baby sit me while you all go off and do whatever it is you do."

  "Tyler, dear, you don't even like T-Roc."

  "Mother, once again you're wrong, but then anybody is better than watching the two of you sit up in my face. You all's relationship is absolutely disgusting."

  "You're drunk," William said, grabbing the glass out of Tyler's hand."

  "Whether I'm drunk or not is beside the point. It doesn't change a thing. And besides, aren't you still married, William?"

  "As a matter of fact my divorce went through a month ago." Maria's face instantly lit up upon hearing the news.

  "Don't get any ideas, Mother. William likes his women young." Tyler patted William on his shoulder in a patronizing way. "You're a little bit too long in the tooth for him."

  "William, I think we ought to go now," Maria said, grabbing her purse.

  "I'm sure you do."

  "We can't leave her like this."

  "Can I help?" All three of them turned simultaneously and stared at T-Roc. "Your maid let me in. Is everything okay? I feel like I just walked in on something."

  "Everything is fine. William and I were just leaving."

  "Don't let the door hit you on your way out, Mother."

  "I think I should stay here with her, Maria. She doesn't look well."

  "William, she's drunk. She'll be fine. Besides, T -Roc is here. He can take care of her now."

  "She's right. I'll make sure that Tyler is okay." William looked at T-Roc and then back at Tyler.

  "William, I'll be fine. I'm headed to bed anyway. I need the rest."

  "Okay, I'll call and check up on you later on." William kissed Tyler on the cheek before leaving.

  Tyler sat back down on the couch relieved that both William and her mother were gone.

  "I guess you're taking Chrissie's death pretty hard," T -Roc said as he sat down across from Tyler.

  "I guess so." Tyler let out a yawn as the champagne and sleepless nights began taking a toll on her body.

  "Tyler, you know I'm here if you need me."

  "That seems to be everyone's favorite line, but the person I need to hear it from the most is nowhere around."

  "I'm assuming you're speaking of Andre."

  "Of course."

  "When is the last time you spoke to him?"

  "It feels like a lifetime ago."

  "He hasn't called you since news spread about Chrissie's death?"

  "No, he hasn't. He sent some flowers, but when I called to thank him his voicemail picked up. He still doesn't want to speak to me. Andre and I have been through so much. I didn't think anything could come between us. Now, I don't know if anything will bring us back. I wish I had something to take all the pain away."

  "I figured you did. Here, I brought something for you." T-Roc handed Tyler a small package of white pills.

  "What are they? And don't say natural herbal pills."

  "There not harmful. They'll make you feel relaxed. But don't take more than one at a time."

  Tyler immediately popped one in her mouth and washed it down with the rest of her champagne.

  "In the future, don't take it with champagne. It's powerful enough on its own. All you need is the pill." T-Roc desperately wanted to hold Tyler, kiss her, but he didn't want her under these conditions. When they made love again he wanted Tyler to want him just as much as he wanted her.

  The sun was beginning to set as Chantal sat outside by the pool watching Andre and Melanie play catch. It was an unseasonably warm day as spring was approaching, and Melanie was taking full advantage.

  "Daddy, get the ball," Melanie said after tossing the ball in the bushes. Only Melanie could get Andre to get down on his hands and knees in his velour Sean John sweat suit with fresh out of the box sneakers to look for a ball. "You found it! You found it!" Melanie jumped up and down after Andre lifted his arm in the air with ball in hand.

  "Melanie, it's time for you to go inside and have dinner. Abby cooked your favorite."

  "But, Mommy, I want to keep playing with Daddy."

  "We can play tomorrow, princess. Go inside to eat. You need to be strong if you want to play with me," he said, tickling her tummy.

  "Okay, Daddy," Melanie giggled uncontrollably, and then Andre picked her up and carried her up to the house. Afterwards he walked back out and sat down outside with Chantal.

  "Melanie really adores Abby."

  "I would think so. She's been her nanny since she was practically a baby."

  "Wow, it's been that long?"

  "I know. I can't believe Melanie is going on six. It seems like yesterday she was barely walking. When you think about how fast time flies it makes you appreciate life so much more. Like having you spend time with us for the last few days have been incredible. I've never seen Melanie so happy."

  "I know and she deserves it. She's been through some pretty tough times with us."

  "Who you telling? We've had a few crazy times, me trying to run you over being the craziest."

  "Chantal, I'm sorry about that."

  "Why are you sorry?"

  "Because I know I drove you to it. You didn't deserve to be left at the church on our wedding day. That was cruel and I'll always feel ashamed about that."

  "I can't believe what you're saying. Where is this coming from?"

  "I've always felt guilty for what led up to that night and I never wanted to see you spend the rest of your life in jail. But for the last couple of weeks I've been doing a lot of soul searching and getting my priorities in order. And family is of the utmost importance. I'm trying to make things right."

  "Does this have anything to do with that article that was in the paper?"

  Andre looked off in the distance for a moment. "That was definitely an eye opener. When your past comes back to haunt you it can remind you of the mistakes you continue to make in the present. I'm still trying to figure all that out and maybe one day I'll be ready to explain to you what happened that night."

  Chantal put her hand on Andre's hand. "You don't have to. No matter what anybody says, I know in my heart you're not a murderer."

  "Thank you, Chantal, I needed to hear that, but I have to be getting back to my hotel. I'm starving."

  "Stay for dinner. Abby cooked enough for all of us."

  "I don't know..."

  "She made creamy Cajun shrimp linguine."

  "I guess I could stay a little while longer," Andre said with a smile.

  By the time Chantal and Andre came back inside from talking, Melanie had finished her dinner. They both gave her a kiss goodnight before Abby took her upstairs to prepare Melanie's bath for bedtime.

  "Go have a seat in the dining room."

  Andre got comfortable in one of the red leather armchairs while Chantal fixed his plate and poured him a glass of Chateau Margaux.

  "This looks delicious," Andre said as Chantal placed the plate on the glass top butterfly table.

  "Chantal, I put Melanie to bed. She was exhausted so I'll be heading home now. I'll see you in the morning. Have a good evening, Mr. Jackson," Abby said from the foyer.

  "You too," Andre replied as Chantal let Abby out.

  "Andre, have some more wine. I'm going upstairs to check on Melanie. I'll be back in a few." Chantal peeked in Melanie's room and she looked like a little angel sleeping so peacefully. She closed the door and went to her bedroom. With Melanie fast as
leep and Abby gone for the evening, Chantal felt it was time to make her move.

  She took off her grey cashmere dress and slipped on a seductive black mesh embroidery bra and panty set with a delicate floral pattern, oversized removable center bow with a diamante brooch. For the final touch, she decorated her freshly French manicured feet with black chandelier sandals with dripping, sparkling gemstones. She sprayed perfume on her neck, stomach, thighs and the back of her legs, and then released the clip from her hair and tossed her head down before letting it cascade across her delicate shoulder bones. Chantal sized herself quickly in the full-length mirror and made her way downstairs to capture her prey.

  Andre was so preoccupied pouring himself another glass of wine that he didn't hear Chantal come back down until she was right up on him.

  "How do I look?" Chantal asked, knowing she was putting the "d" in delicious. "Andre, you can close your mouth. It's not like you've never seen me in my bra and panties before," she said flirtatiously.

  "I don't know what to say."

  "You don't have to say a word. There's no need to talk for what we're about to do." Chantal glided closer, leaning over sideways so Andre could take in every ample curve on her body. The outline trace of her figure reflected an endless curl. She then reached her hand down, placing it provocatively on the crotch of his pants.

  "You need to stop."

  "Baby, if you're worried about Melanie, don't be, she's sound asleep. It's just me and you... like how it used to be back in the day."

  "That's the thing. We're not back in the day, we're in the present," Andre said, removing Chantal's hand from his crotch.

  "What are you doing?" Chantal's look of confusion was genuine. She didn't understand what was going on with Andre.

  "I have to stop doing this."

  "Doing what?"

  "Giving you these mixed signals."

  "Don't even go there. I know when a man is interested in me, especially you. You want me, Andre, and don't try to deny it or say I'm getting mixed signals, because it's bullshit."

  "I know you believe what you're saying and that's why I need to check myself. Chantal, these last few days have been great, and I am interested in you as the mother of my child, and hopefully one day as a friend."


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