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Page 18

by Joy King

  "Unfinished business like what?"

  "When it's finished I'll let you know."

  "Alright, smartass. We been like this," Shari crossed two fingers on her right hand, "Since we were damn near in Pampers, and now you want to hold out on me."

  "It ain't like that. I'm about to tread in unfamiliar territory and I'm afraid if I discuss it out loud I might change my mind."

  "Boy oh boy, I can't wait to hear how this plays out."

  "If you keep running your mouth, it might not."

  "Next subject. So how is Andre holding up after he got caught out there?"

  "I told you that didn't nothing happen between me Andre."

  "I know, but that picture didn't relay the same message. Has Tyler forgiven his black ass yet?"

  "We spoke briefly when he came to my parents' house to say bye to Melanie before he went back to LA."

  "Your parents' house?"

  "Oh yeah, after that story hit he said he wasn't coming back to my crib. He would see Melanie at my parents'."

  "Tyler got that dude shook."

  "Damn sure do. She still not answering his calls."

  "Wow, Tyler gangsta with hers. Andre finally met his match. Someone who can put him on pause longer than he can them."

  "I can't front. I knew the broad had balls when after I slapped her she came back with that right hook. I didn't think she had it in her."

  "I would've paid money to see the two of you go at it that night. Sound like Tyler got the best of you."

  "We got the best of each other."

  "Un hum, if you say so."

  "Whatever. I ain't fucking with you. Like I said, I have some business to handle and a flight to catch."

  "Then get the fuck out the car," Shari said jokingly, stopping in front of the American Airlines terminal.

  "I'll call and let you know what the hell is going on."

  "Do that, because I never know with your crazy ass."

  "Bye, girl."

  As Chantal waited to have her luggage checked, in she was having second thoughts about the decision she made, but decided to move forward. She was a lot of things, but a coward wasn't one of them.

  Tyler arrived back to her hotel suite feeling like a brand new woman with a newfound confidence. "Hi, Deanna. Where's Christian? I have exciting news for him. I want to take him to meet his grandpa."

  Deanna was bringing her luggage to the sitting area when Tyler walked in and she didn't respond to Tyler's question. "Deanna, you don't have to bring your luggage out, we're not leaving until tomorrow afternoon. Where's Christian? Is he in the room taking a nap?"

  "Christian is fine."

  "Where is he? I saw my dad today for the first time in over twenty years and I want to take Christian to meet him. Isn't it wonderful?"

  "It hasn't been that long since you've seen Michael."

  "Michael. Michael is my stepfather's name. How did you even know that?"

  "I know a lot more about you than you think, Tyler. So now that your biological father is back, you just disregard Michael after you and your mother stole him and turned him against his real family."

  "What are you talking about, and where is my son?" An avalanche of worry fell on Tyler. She ran to all the bedrooms, opened the doors, and there was no sign of Christian. She then searched both bathrooms and the closet. All of Christian's clothes and other belongs were gone. "Deanna, where is my son?" Tyler screamed.

  "He is somewhere safe waiting for me to return so we can leave."

  "Leave. You think you're leaving with my son? I'm calling the police."

  "Put that phone down right now."

  Tyler dropped the receiver when Deanna brandished a gun. "What is going on? Are you trying to kidnap my son for a ransom? Tell me how much. I'll give you any amount that you want, just give me back my son."

  "I'll tell you what. If you bring back my son then I'll give you back yours. But then that would be impossible even for a glamorous, rich movie star like you since my son is dead."

  "Who is your son and what does it have to do with me?"

  "It has everything to do with you. You stole my son's father, and because of your lies, Evan never had the life he was entitled to."

  "No, no you can't be Evan's mother. Your name is Deanna Cooper."

  "Evan had his father's last name. Michael never married me. I wasn't good enough. Instead he chose to marry your slutty mother and be a father to kids that weren't even his. He turned his back on his own blood because of your lies. My son had his whole future ahead of him, and with your one accusation it was all ruined."

  "It wasn't an accusation. Your son tried to rape me and when I was only six years old. I didn't have to lie about any of it. His father caught him and saw it with his own eyes."

  "You're a liar! You're a filthy whore like your mother and seduced my son."

  "I was six years old. Do you know how sick you sound?"

  "Shut up! Your lies drove my son to kill himself and now it's time for you to rot in hell."

  "Deanna, don't do this. Christian needs me."

  "He'll have me. I'll take care of him. By the time they find your dead body we will be long gone. It's only fair; one son for another."

  Both women turned to look at the door as they heard someone knocking. "Don't say a word," Deanna mouthed with her finger firmly gripped on the trigger. The knocking continued.

  "Tyler, are you there?" Tyler recognized T-Roc's voice and wanted to scream for help but was afraid Deanna would shoot to kill. Deanna was only a few feet away from her, and all Tyler could think about was never seeing Christian again.

  There was a long silence and both women thought T-Roc gave up, and then unexpectedly the knocking started back up, startling Deanna.

  Tyler used the distraction to her advantage. She quickly grabbed a piece of luggage that Deanna had brought out and tossed it at her. One shot went off as the gun flew out of Deanna's hand.

  "Tyler, what's going on in there?" T-Roc yelled as he tried to kick the door down

  "T-Roc, call the police," Tyler screamed as she dove to the floor trying to reach the gun before Deanna. Tyler didn't know if it was pure determination, anger, strength or a combination of all three, but Deanna was much stronger than Tyler thought and was putting up a hell of a fight as the women struggled to gain control of the gun. Tyler pounded her elbow into Deanna's stomach.

  "Ouch," Deanna cried out.

  Tyler reached out and grabbed the gun and the tables had now turned. She ran to the door and let T-Roc in.

  "I've never been so happy to see you in all my life," Tyler said.

  "What happened?" T-Roc asked, seeing Deanna trying to get up holding her stomach.

  "This psycho took my son and tried to kill me."

  "What in the hell, are you serious?"

  "Dead serious. Did you call the police?"

  "No, I was too busy trying to kick the door down."

  "Keep your eye on her. Make sure she doesn't move," Tyler said, walking over to the phone and dialing 911."

  When Tyler came back in the room she heard Deanna say to T-Roc, "You better let me go or I'll tell Tyler everything."

  "Everything like what?"

  "I don't know what this crazy woman is talking about," T-Roc said.

  Tyler stared back at Deanna.

  "You thought when my son killed himself your secrets died with him."

  "Who is your son?"

  "Evan McNeil, or that would be Gee to you. I knew all about your arrangement with him. Who do you think he trusted with all the money you gave him to handle your dirty work?"

  "Tyler, she's delusional."

  "No I'm not. T-Roc hired my son to make your life miserable. From having William Donovan catch you in the bed with Andre Jackson so he could replace him in the role of `Angel', to having that story leaked about Andre in the Los Angeles Times. He was behind it all. He was even sleeping with your best friend, Chrissie to pump information from her. He orchestrated everything, and everyone else wa
s his puppets."

  T-Roc jumped forward to get the gun out of Tyler's hand. "Shoot this lying, bitch. She's crazy."

  Tyler moved her hand out of T-Roc's reach. "Get away from me."

  "Tyler, you can't believe this preposterous nonsense."

  "The pieces to the puzzle are falling into place, one misfortune after another, never understanding the reason why."

  "Because I love you."

  "Stop using that word to describe what you feel for me because it isn't love. I don't know what to call such twisted and demented behavior."

  "Ms. put your weapon down," the police ordered after finally showing up and interrupting the grilling she was about to put on T -Roc.

  Tyler placed the gun on the floor and the officer came over and picked it up. "Was it you that call us?" he directed his question to Tyler.

  "Yes, my name is Tyler Blake, and this woman took my son and tried to kill me."

  "What is your name?"

  Deanna remained silent.

  "Her name is Deanna Cooper," Tyler informed the officer.

  "Deanna Cooper, you're under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can be used against you in a court of law..." As the officer continued to read Deanna her rights, once he finished he began drilling her about Christian's whereabouts. But she said nothing.

  Another plainclothes officer sat down and spoke to Tyler. "Ms. Blake, we will find your son. An Amber Alert has been issued. Please give us as many details as possible-what he was wearing, any distinctive features or marks."

  Tyler answered every question and sat patiently waiting for any news on her son's wellbeing.

  "Tyler, they'll find Christian, and I don't believe he's been harmed," T-Roc said, sitting down beside Tyler.

  "T-Roc, I don't even want to hear the sound of your voice right now."

  "Please don't be angry with me. I did a terrible thing by hiring someone to break up you and Andre, but never did I know Evan was your stepbrother. I was in shock when Deanna revealed that."

  "That's the only thing you're guilty of is sabotaging my relationship with Andre?"

  "Yes, and perhaps manipulating situations to secure the role in this movie, but frankly, I believe that was justified."

  "Why aren't I surprised?"

  "Because you know that the role of Damien should have gone to me. Instead you gave it to Andre for your own selfish reasons."

  "You hire a maniac to ruin my life, have sex with my best friend to obtain information to use against me, but I'm selfish? My gut tells me you're responsible for a lot more, and if I can ever prove it you'll be walking out in handcuffs, just like Deanna."

  Before T-Roc could counter, the detective walked up. "We have good news, Ms. Blake. Your son has been located and he appears to be unharmed."

  "What, where is he?" Tyler jumped up relieved and astonished Christian had been located so soon.

  "The officers are bringing him up as we speak. He was actually down the street in a parking garage in the car Deanna Cooper rented. Apparently he's been sitting there alone for some time now. A pedestrian became suspicious and contacted the authorities."

  "Praise the Lord."

  "I told you he would be fine," T-Roc said, rubbing Tyler's back.

  Tyler flexed her body forward not wanting to feel T-Roc's touch.

  Three officers came through the door, and at first Tyler didn't see Christian because he was being blocked, but when he heard Tyler call out his name he yelled out, "Mommy, Mommy," breaking free from the grasp of one of the officer's.

  "Oh, baby, I'm so happy you're okay. Mommy will never let you go again." Tyler held her son tightly, knowing he was truly the most important thing in her life.

  After the terrifying ordeal with Deanna in New York, Tyler became increasingly cautious about the people she had around her and her son. Once back in Malibu, she used a reputable firm that William recommended to do a meticulous check on her security and to hire additional help. Tyler then began the task of hiring a full time nanny for Christian. That required a grueling interview process. When the nanny agency selected their top picks, the next round of screening went through the security firm. The final step was for Tyler to meet them. She always had Christian sit with her during each interview because Tyler couldn't forget that the very first time he met Deanna, he pulled away from her. Tyler took that as a sign that a child's initial reaction could be the most important.

  As Tyler waited for a potential nanny to arrive for her first interview of the morning, her cell rang. "Hello," she answered.

  "I've left you several messages. Why haven't you called me back?"

  "I'm sorry, Ian, so much has been going on and I haven't had time."

  "How's your son?"

  "Wonderful, and thank you for all the gifts you sent him. He especially loved the signed basketball and jersey. Christian wanted to thank you personally. He couldn't believe that his mother was friends with basketball great, Ian Addison."

  "Yeah, although I was hoping we could be more than friends."


  "You don't have to answer that now," Ian said, cutting Tyler off. "But last time we saw each other I felt we still had a deep connection and maybe there was a chance for us. If T-Roc hadn't shown up, who knows what could've happened that night between us."

  "You're right, but maybe it's good that he did show up. I mean I wish the fight never broke out between you guys. But I think I was vulnerable that evening and things could've gone too far and I would've woken up the next morning with a lot of regrets."

  "How could you regret letting me make love to you?"

  "Because I'm still in love withAndre, and until I've come to a resolution, my heart or my mind aren't ready to be with anyone else. I don't want to sleep with one man to get over another one anymore. I rather embrace the pain and disappointment, heal from it, and then move on."

  "Wow, you really have grown up. You're not the Tyler Blake I used to know, but I still love you just the same. If and when you decide to give us another chance, you know how to reach me. I'll always be here for you."

  "Thank you, Ian. Bye."

  Tyler hung up the phone and looked around, staring at the pink and red rose compositions, vandella roses, pink peony, and white hydrangeas. Her living room resembled a flower shop, all courtesy of Andre. She then stared at her wrist, admiring the gorgeous Tiffany diamond bracelet that was lying on the center of the bed when she came back from her trip to New York. The card read, I still love you, Love Andre. But Tyler couldn't bring herself to call him. The picture of him and Chantal remained fresh in her mind, and with all Andre's denials, not knowing for sure was eating her up.

  "Ms. Blake?" The sound of one of Tyler's security guards snapped her out of deep thought. "The guard at the gate informed me the nanny is here for the interview, and also that a woman trying to trespass was apprehended."

  "What woman?"

  "He's bringing her up now."

  Tyler followed the security man to the front door. The nanny came in first, and right behind her was Chantal being held tightly by a guard.

  "You're hurting my arms. Can you please let go?" Chantal shrieked through clenched teeth.

  "Ms. Blake, this woman claims she is a friend of yours."

  "I didn't say friend, I said we know each other. There is a difference."

  "Call the police. This woman is trespassing and in violation of the restraining order. Again, sorry about that," Tyler said, turning to the nanny. "You can follow me inside."

  "Tyler, wait. I must speak to you. This is important." Tyler continued to walk away. "It's about Andre," Chantal screamed.

  "Go have a seat in the living room. I'll be with you shortly." Tyler walked back to the door. "What do you want, Chantal?"

  "Please, I only need a few minutes. You need to hear this."

  "Let her go," Tyler said reluctantly. "You have five minutes and that's being generous. Then I want you gone, or I'll have you thrown out."

ine." Chantal exhaled as the women stood in the foyer. "I know you saw the picture, but nothing happened between me and Andre."

  "So what were doing in your lingerie?"

  "I'll admit I did try to seduce him. When he came to visit Melanie I pulled out all the stops. But he rejected me," Chantal said putting her head down.

  "Why should I believe you?"

  "Why would I lie? Do you think I like standing here degrading myself by confessing that I pranced around half naked and I couldn't get Andre back in my bed?"

  "So why are you here?" Tyler asked, not convinced with Chantal's admission.

  "I'm trying to do the right thing for the first time in my life, and it's not because of you or Andre, but for my daughter. She loves her dad more than anything, and I know that if I continue to use the relationship he has with her to try to get him back, he'll end up hating me and distancing himself from her because he doesn't want to have anything to do with me. All my life I've been selfish, and I still am in a lot of ways, but Melanie shouldn't suffer anymore because of it. Melanie and I aren't a packaged deal. I've finally accepted that Andre doesn't want me, but he does want his daughter and I have to separate the two."

  "This sounds very noble, but maybe you're just trying to score brownie points with Andre."

  "Even if that was the case it wouldn't matter. After I made a fool of myself, Andre and I sat down and had a serious talk and he kept it extra crispy with me. This is hard for me to acknowledge, especially to you." Chantal swallowed hard before continuing. "He's truly in love with you. I thought it was a passing infatuation because you're some famous movie star, but I was wrong. You have his heart-something that I was never able to obtain. I just hope you know how lucky you are, because I pulled every trick in the book and I couldn't make him love me. So if you want him, he's yours. I believe my five minutes are up, so I won't keep you any longer," Chantal said, turning to walk away.

  "Thank you," Tyler said sincerely.

  "You welcome. Oh, and Tyler."


  "You better not hurt him or I'll be back." Chantal gave a slight grin and left. "Now all I have to make is one last stop and I'll finally have my life on the right track."

  T -Roc sat in the dark drinking a glass of Remy Martin Louis XIII cognac. Marvin Gaye's greatest hits were playing in the back as he reflected on what had taken place in the last few days. Tyler had completely shut him out. She didn't want anything to do with him no matter how many times he begged for her forgiveness.


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