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Page 19

by Lagomarsino, Giulia


  Alec, Florrie, Craig


  “So, are you shoving me aside for the night or do I get the honor of your company?” I asked as I walked into Florrie’s room.

  She was lying on the bed in just a t-shirt and she was watching tv. “Don’t be such an asshole. Just because I don’t want a relationship doesn’t mean that I don’t want you in my bed.”

  “It’s hard to tell anymore. It doesn’t seem like there’s a whole lot that I can do anymore to please you.”

  “There’s one thing you can do.” She spread her legs, showing me her bare pussy. I stalked toward her, ripping off my shirt and tossing it somewhere behind me. I barely undid my pants before she was on her knees and ripping the zipper down. Then her hands were in my jeans and she was pulling me out. I groaned and let my head drop back. I just sat there, enjoying her mouth on me, that warmth coating my dick and sending pleasure sizzling throughout my body.

  “Is that better?” she asked, looking up at me like a seductress.

  “It’d be better if I had another set of hands to love you with.”

  What? Did I just say that? What did that even mean?

  “I have an idea. Something that might be pleasurable for both of us.”

  “Anything you want.”

  Where was the guy that demanded we fuck my way? I always had my way in bed.

  She looked past me and motioned for someone to come over. Excitement filled my gut. She was bringing in another chick to make this more fun. I could do this. It had been a while for me, but I was all for having a little fun for one night. Hands ran over my shoulders, caressing me and then wrapping around my torso. Something was different though. I looked down and noticed that they weren’t hands on me, but very large, very male hands.

  What the fuck? Why are there man hands on me? Maybe it’s like that Seinfeld episode and this woman just has giant hands. It could be a good thing. She’d have a better grip on my cock.

  Lips touched my neck and then hot, wet breath fanned out over my skin. “I’ve been dreaming of this,” Craig said from behind me. I jerked to the side and saw him grinning at me.

  “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “I thought about what the therapist said and I think she’s onto something. We could be so good together. Besides, it might be easier for all of us this way. We’d always be watching out for each other like friends.” He kissed my shoulder, running his tongue along my neck. “Like lovers. You just have to let yourself enjoy this.”

  I wasn’t sure I could do that, but I was willing to try for Florrie and she looked excited for this. Hell, if she could do this, so could I.

  No, you can’t, because you’re not fucking gay or bisexual or any of the other sexual things that people call themselves nowadays!

  Florrie continued to suck my cock and Craig continued to run his hands over my body. Then he was pushing my pants down, and this was really fucking happening. I took a deep breath as his hands ran over my ass, but when his thumb rubbed against my asshole, i jerked away, not sure I was ready for that.

  “Don’t worry,” Craig whispered in my ear. “I’ll use lube.”


  I laid down on the bed and took Alec’s hand, bringing him closer to me. He kissed and licked at my breasts, his tongue hot and wet against my chilled skin. Craig walked around and sat behind my head on the bed, his hands going immediately to my shoulders. He rubbed the tension from them as Alec continued to kiss me.

  “Roll over,” Craig murmured against my neck. Alec sat up and I rolled over as asked.

  “Look at those legs,” Alec groaned. “Fucking perfect.”

  “Massage her feet,” Craig said, bending over to lick the side of my neck. I moved my head to the side to allow him better access.

  “That feels nice,” I groaned. Craig moved to straddle my ass and then he was squirting warm oil on my back and massaging it into my sore muscles. His thick fingers rubbed and pressed against the hard knots that had formed from working too much and the warmth of his legs wrapped around me lulled me into a sleepy state.

  “You like that?” Alec asked. “You like Craig rubbing your back while I dig in and fuck the hell out of these knots in your feet?”

  “Yes,” I moaned. “I want more.”

  “Oh, I’ll give you more.” His hand slid up one of my legs, all the way to my ass, and then he was rubbing my pussy, just getting me turned on enough to keep me from falling asleep.

  Craig started moving against me, pushing his erection against my ass. “I’m gonna rub these sore spots right out of your back. You’re gonna be so loose by the time I’m through with you.”

  “Yes, make me loose. Rub me hard.”

  I had two sets of hands rubbing, caressing, and loving me. It felt fantastic. At some point, I dropped off to sleep and when I woke, I still had the pressure of Craig sitting on me, but no one was massaging. “What’s going on? Why’d you stop?” I asked. I started to flip over and stopped when I saw Alec and Craig kissing, tonguing each other and gripping each other’s cocks and jerking each other off.


  “So,” Craig cleared his throat. “Are we really going to do this?”

  Alec narrowed his eyes at me, like I really wanted to do this too.

  “I’m ready when you are.”Florrie tore off her shirt and shucked her pants, standing only in her panties. This was so fucking awesome. But then I saw Alec glaring at me and he marched over, snatching a blanket off the bed and wrapped it around her hastily.

  “Umm, I’m not sure that covering her up is the way to go here,” I said in confusion. “If I recall, Ms. Sunshine,” I said sarcastically, “said that we should explore this…thing…openly and honestly.”

  Florrie threw off the blanket and stepped back from Alec. “I agree.”

  Alec cleared his throat several times and jerked his head at me. “I think before we do this, we need to set some boundaries.”

  “Good. That sounds…good. Boundaries will keep things…” I waved my hand in a circle and flicked it between all of us, trying to sign what I couldn’t explain.

  “Right,” Alec continued. “First, Florrie can say no at any time and we have to stop.”

  “Of course. You don’t even have to say that.”

  “Second, we don’t touch. Ever. This is for Florrie, and Florrie alone.”

  “Agreed. Swords do not cross under any circumstances.”

  “Wait,” Florrie interjected. “What if there’s something I want to try? Are the two of you open to it?”

  Alec grimaced. “Like what?”

  “I don’t know. I guess I’d have to see in the moment.”

  “I’m not agreeing to anything until I know for sure what you might want us to do,” I argued.

  Florrie glanced between the two of us. “How do you feel about doing things together?”

  “No, no fucking way,” Alec growled.

  “I mean to me. Not to each other.”

  “Well, there would have to be boundaries to that. I would have to calculate the distance from his dick to mine. There can never, under any circumstances, be an instance in which Alec’s dick is closer than, say, three feet from mine.”

  “Three feet? Did you bring a tape measure?”

  “Let’s just say that if he could reach out and grab my junk, he’s too close,” Alec said matter of factly. “I would also add that at no time should either of our dicks be facing the other’s ass. Even ninety degrees is just a little too close to a direct line to Puckerland.”

  “So, at no time are you allowed in arm’s length of each other or at a ninety degree angle,” Florrie clarified.

  “Correct,” Alec said.

  “Is this hard or soft?”

  “Like, are these hard rules?” I asked.

  “No, are the distances when you’re hard or soft?” Florrie asked. I looked at Alec in confusion. “Well, men are always saying how big they are when they’re hard. I’m assuming tha
t it would be a significant difference. And does this measurement go from one dick to another or one dick to the other’s hand?”

  I wiggled uncomfortably, glancing down at my groin for just a second. “I guess it would be dick to the other. I mean, our hands won’t necessarily be in the same spot all the time.”

  “Yeah, I agree, but we also need to think about girth.”

  “Why would you need to think about girth?” Florrie asked. “Are you measuring the distance from side to side also?”

  I cleared my throat and then motioned front to back and then side to side. Before I could make an intelligible response, Alec explained. “Sometimes men are fatter or skinnier. Length is adjustable. I mean, depending on blood flow.”

  “What are we talking here? Half an inch? Five inches?”

  “It varies,” I croaked.

  “So, how do you want to do this?” Alec asked me. “We could do some practice measurements when we switch positions.”

  “Like, hold out an arm to make sure we’re far enough apart?”

  Alec shrugged. “Not the most…romantic, but we’re not really worried about that between the two of us.”

  “I suppose. Or we could set up a sort of coms system, you know, key words to let each other know when one is getting too close.”

  “I think I still have some ear pieces in my bag.” Alec started back for his bag, Florrie stopped him.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake. You’ll be three feet from each other. If you’re too fucking close, take a fucking step back. You don’t need to fucking measure!” She stared at both of us and finally, Alec shrugged and started pulling his shirt over his head. “Now, can we get started on this extremely weird team exercise? Or maybe you need to check your equipment first and make sure that works too.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with our equipment,” I grumbled before pulling my own shirt over my head.

  “Just who exactly are you going to be fucking?” Alec bit out as he noticed Florrie checking me out.

  “Afraid of a little competition?” Florrie snapped.

  “Uh, just a thought, but maybe we should put on some music. I’m not sure that I want to hear the noises Alec makes when he’s fucking you.”

  “Seriously, this is ridiculous. You two are so worked up over where your dicks go and what noises you’ll hear that you’re ruining the whole experience.”

  “Fine,” I snapped. “Just tell me what the fuck you want me to do and I’ll do it.”

  Florrie got on all fours on the bed and Alec lined up behind her. I waited on instructions.

  “This is how we’ll do this,” Alec said, panting slightly as he held his cock just outside of Florrie’s pussy. “I’ll take her from behind. You get under her and lick that pussy. Make her come all over my cock.”

  “You want me to put my face down there where your cock will be.”

  He glared at me, but I just stared him down. There was no way that was happening.

  “Are you a man or a pussy? Because my woman needs you.”

  Never backing away from a challenge, I got down on my back and scooted under Florrie, who was on her hands and knees.

  “Alright, I’m moving in. Now, you lick that pussy when I pull out and you make it good.”

  I took a deep breath and watched as he slid inside her.

  Don’t do this. This is wrong!

  He pulled out and I fucking ate that pussy like she was sweet potatoes and turkey at Thanksgiving. God, she fucking tasted good. I pulled back as he pushed back inside her and moved my lips up to her clit, licking and sucking. It was a little weird because I could feel his dick inside her, but I ignored it. She wanted this and I would make it good for her.

  Every time he pulled out, I feasted on her. Her moans pushed me on, making me need that cream like I would die without it. Alec started moving faster, so fast that I couldn’t always pull back in time. My lips touched his dick and I tried to pull back, but then he pulled out and she moved, and the next thing I knew, Alec’s dick was in my mouth.

  I jumped back, yanking my mouth away from him, and squirmed out from under Florrie. “What the fuck was that?”

  “You sucked my dick,” Alec shouted.

  “You moved too fast and shoved your dick in my mouth! That’s fucking disgusting!”

  “Boys, it’s not that big of a deal. I kind of liked it. In fact, why can’t we do a little more of that. The therapist said that we needed to get acquainted with each other.”

  “Not like that. I had his dick in my mouth. I’ll be scarred for life. I’ll never be able to look at him the same way again.”

  “You?” Alec shouted back at me. “I felt a warm mouth around my dick and it wasn’t a woman’s. And I fucking liked it! Now, you tell me who’s more fucked up!”

  “Yeah? Well, I liked it too!”

  “Well, then maybe we should just fuck.”

  “Maybe we should,” I shouted back. And then he was kissing me, all the while Florrie was watching.

  I’m not seeing this. It’s not real. This is not happening.



  I cleared my throat as I approached Craig and Florrie the next morning in the gym. It was awkward as hell to see them. Not that they knew what happened last night. It was my fucking dream, but still, just seeing them made me feel like we had all been a part of the same sordid business.

  “Hey,” I said uncomfortably.

  “Hey,” Craig said, holding out his hand for a fist bump, but then retracting it and rubbing his hand against his shirt. “Uh, what’s new? I mean, anything weird…happen…last night?”

  “Nope,” I said quickly.

  “Nope, not a thing,” Florrie added. “Completely normal night. Just bed and sleeping. No dreams. None whatsoever.”

  “Yeah,” I cleared my throat. “Me neither. Just your normal night of sleep where nothing happens. Absolutely nothing.”

  Craig nodded. “Same here. Nothing new to report.”

  We all stood there nodding and refusing to look at each other. “So, that doctor,” I said after a moment. “She’s kind of weird, right? I mean, the things she suggested, they could put thoughts in a person’s head, right?”

  “You mean, like, make people think things they wouldn’t normally think?” Craig asked.

  “Yes,” Florrie said. “I agree. Totally weird.”

  “Like, maybe she might have made some suggestions that might make me dream about something that I would normally never think. Not that I did,” I added quickly.

  “Right,” Florrie nodded. “Like maybe add elements to a dream that would never have been there in the first place without her suggestions.”

  “Yeah. I mean, I’m not gay,” Craig said. “Not that I had dreams about being gay. I’m just saying, the power of suggestion can be very strong.”

  “Exactly,” I said, holding up my hand like he had just hit the jackpot on ideas. “We’re not gay.”

  “No,” Craig shook his head. “And dreams don’t mean a thing.”

  “Right,” Florrie agreed. “Not that any of us had any dreams.”

  “No,” I said, shaking my head and still not quite able to look either of them in the eye.

  “So, I’m kind of thinking that we should all take the day apart from each other. You know, do the opposite of what she said and get some space,” Craig advised.

  “Sounds good.” Florrie stepped back like she was ready to bolt.

  “So, we’re agreed. No more talk of anything suggestive in therapy,” I said to be clear.

  “Or seeing each other the rest of the day,” Florrie added.

  “Or talking about our dreams.”

  “No,” I shook my head. “Definitely no talking about dreams.”

  We all took another step back and stood there awkwardly. “Well, I’m gonna split. I’ve got shit to do.”

  “Yeah,” Craig nodded. “I’ve got…other things that don’t involve sleep. Or beds,” he added quickly. “And definitely require c

  “Right,” Florrie added. “And mouthwash.”

  Craig had started to look away, but looked back quickly, eyeing me strangely. It couldn’t be. We didn’t all have the same dream, right?

  Florrie snapped her fingers and pointed in the other direction. “Look. Bundt cake.”

  She took off leaving me alone with Craig. “Let’s never speak of this again,” Craig said quietly.




  Present Day…

  “Jamie Hanson?” I stepped forward and shook the man’s hand. “I’m Alec Wesley. I’m your primary contact while we’re protecting you. This is Florrie, she’ll be your personal security while-”

  “Excuse me,” Jamie grinned. “A woman is going to be protecting me? I’m not trying to be sexist, but she doesn’t look like she could hurt a fly.”

  I quirked an eyebrow in Florrie’s direction. She strut up to him in her summer dress and slingback heels, her blonde hair blowing in the breeze, and laid her hand on his chest. “I promise not to let anyone hurt you.”

  He looked down at her and returned her smile. “I’m sure you would try.” She gripped his hand, twisted his arm up behind his back, and shoved him up against the wall in the entryway of the house. “Okay, okay,” he laughed nervously. “You don’t have to prove it to me. I believe you,” he said desperately.

  Florrie stepped back, brushing the hair out of her face. God, she was sexy. I shook that thought from my head.

  “Trust me, I won’t let anything happen to you. This is part of the reason I’m your close protection. People will assume I’m your date and not the woman that will kill anyone that tries to come close to you.”

  “I won’t ever make that mistake again, Florrie.” He smiled at her and she fucking beamed back at him. This was all wrong. That was the smile she used to give me, only now, she was free to give it to anyone.

  “Why don’t I show you inside and you can go over everything with me and tell me what’s expected of me?”


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