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My Fake Relationship

Page 9

by V. R. Knight

  “Come on!”

  I shook my head again.

  “We’re trespassing!” I yelled.

  He gasped.

  “I sort of know these people. I did this all the time! They won’t even know.”

  “You’re an idiot!”

  He chuckled and it echoed through the room. There was a hot tub in the corner. I shivered.

  “Olivia,” Zane said pulling my attention to me. His blue eyes gleamed below me. “For once in your life: do something that surprises people.” The words took me aback. His lips had a little smile on them but they were kind. I didn’t know what to say. I had never done anything like this before. But does it matter? I mean come on! I think this would be fun - plus I’m freezing.

  “Fine!” I said and sat down then jumped to the ground. He laughed quietly and brought me up. He stepped back and I felt the heat of the water breeze on me and smiled.

  “So I hope you don’t mind,” he started, as he pulled off his jacket. I raised an eyebrow. “But I didn’t bring my trunks.”

  He pulled off his long sleeved shirt and revealed his nice chest. He kicked off his shoes, smirking at me, then his socks.

  “Wait, what?” I asked.

  He smiled as I stared at his chest.

  “I’m getting in. I don’t know about you.” He went over to the edge then dove in disappearing for a while then coming back up. He shook his head and smiled. “Man, this is warm!”

  “But I don’t have a bathing suit! I can’t get in!” I yelled frantic. He grinned.

  “Well, then I guess you can’t get in then, can you?” I glared.

  “I will get in.” I took off my jacket then my shoes and socks. I hesitated for a moment.

  “Oh, what? The Princess is afraid?” Zane mocked laughing.

  I turned to him and smiled devilishly.

  “Actually, no,” with that I pulled off my shirt and threw it to the ground.

  His eyes got a little wide.

  I smirked and yanked off my belt.

  “How’s the Princess now?” I asked standing in front of him with my baggy jeans and bright red bra.

  His eyes were still wide but he smirked. I ran along the side of the pool then dove in the deeper area. The water felt so good on my cold skin. It made me tingle. I came back up and breathed in a deep breath and laughed. Zane smiled at me from across the pool. “Wow! It feels so good!” I said and laughed. He did too. I went back under and touched the bottom then saw Zane’s leg and grabbed one. He yelled and I laughed as I came back up.

  “I so scared you!” he shook his head.

  “Did not!” I laughed and held onto the edge. Zane looked at me and I smiled.

  “Happy?” I asked. He frowned for a moment.


  “I did something I normally wouldn’t do.”

  He nodded and smiled.


  I dunked down and let the heat warm my body again. That hot tub in the corner looked really good right now.

  “So where are the people that own this?”

  He smirked.

  “Some rich family bought this a couple years ago after the other man died. The man who used to live here, I would animal sit for and would swim after taking his old dog out. After he died, a couple years later, his house went up for sale. But now the family barely comes around here anymore. Only in the summer. So I come every once in a while to swim.”

  I shook my head.

  “Only you.”

  He grinned.

  “And no one is ever out here so they won’t see us.”

  I nodded.

  “It’s cool,” I said looking around. “So do you take all your fake girlfriends out here?” I asked with a laugh. He looked at me and laughed then swam over to me. He came two inches from me and stopped looking into my eyes.

  “No, you’re the first,” he answered quietly. I swallowed staring at him then to his lips. I wanted to taste them again. The urge was fierce but I couldn’t give in.

  “Um,” I thought. “Let’s go get in the hot tub.” I said and lifted myself out. My pants hung down and I laughed as did Zane. I got out and water dripped all over me, my pants were heavy. I pulled them up a little. Zane jumped out and laughed.

  “Nice red polka-dot underwear Taylor.” He said laughing.

  I rolled my eyes and blushed a little.

  “Oh! Is Olivia Taylor really blushing?” he mocked.

  I laughed.

  “Maybe!” I said.

  He grinned.

  “Don’t worry I won’t tell the cheerleading team,” he whispered.

  “Brat!” I yelled laughing. He giggled and I pushed him back into the pool. I laughed and ran to the hot tub. My feet slid a little as I ran but something quickly grabbed me.

  “Zane!” I yelled. He laughed. He started backwards my feet slipping.

  “Baby, you’re going in!” he said. I laughed then turned and grabbed onto him.

  “Not without you!”

  He laughed, then as we slipped over the edge, we fell into together. I let go of him as we hit the water and rushed to the top and spitting out water laughing. Zane came up and was laughing too. We looked at each other and just kept laughing.

  “Come on Romeo I’m freezing!” I climbed out again and Zane slapped my butt. I swatted at his hand laughing. I sat down on the edge of the tub and let my feet in. It burned!

  “Is it hot?” Zane asked. There was a control on the side and he turned it on. Jets mixed the water up and I slowly slid my body into the water wincing slightly.

  “Oh man, it’s hot!” I said and giggled. He laughed and got in next to me. The water came up to my waist and I stood in the middle.

  “Wow!” Zane said his bare chest heaving up and down. It was so nice! Not the water; his chest. It was a little tan with little tiny freckles on it. I looked down at myself and saw I really was just in my red bra and pants. I felt suddenly self conscious of my body. I wasn’t the skinniest but I wasn’t the biggest. “Ooh!” he said wincing. I laughed. He looked at me and we both froze. I felt like he was looking into me feeling that I was a little uncomfortable. He sat down on the seat and I did the same slowly. It was silent for a while.

  “Why do you like Grant?” Zane asked suddenly. I frowned.

  “Um,” I thought for a moment. “I’m not sure.” I admitted. “I guess it’s because he’s….” why couldn’t I think of anything? This is nuts! I thought I loved Grant. But to tell you the truth he had no personality. For some reason he agreed with everyone, didn’t stand for what he believed in. Zane waited. “I don’t know. For once I’m not sure.” Zane nodded slowly looking away. It was quiet. Then Zane looked at me stood up then came to stand in front of me grinning.

  “Well you’re probably glad you’ve got a fake boyfriend like me!” he said pointing to himself. I rolled my eyes. He crouched down and grabbed my legs. I jumped and stared at him. He smiled. His hands rolled down my legs to my knees and grabbed me there. He picked me up and I reached for his neck. He sat back down and put my legs on either side of him. I gasped a little surprised. He was still grinning. I didn’t want my hands on his bare shoulders but I didn’t know where to put them. He had his on my back, comfortably. He looked at me and I could feel his chest on my stomach but I didn’t want to think about it. The water made bubbles around us with a humming sound. “Olivia,” he said calmly. “Look at me,” I didn’t want to but I did. Before we both even knew it, we were kissing. It was eager and passionate. We were holding each other tightly, my hands on his neck his somewhere on my back. I couldn’t tell my head was dizzy. I only knew where his lips were and how they felt on me. He kissed down my neck and I gasped with the pleasure.

  “Just for befits?” I asked; my breath heavy.

  He nodded and came back up to my lips.

  “No strings,” he whispered.

  I nodded too and forced his lips back onto mine.

  “No strings,” I repeated. I kissed down his jaw feeling a little st
ubble and his hands tightened on my back. I sucked on his neck then kissed up by his ear. He moaned a little. I came back to his mouth and crashed mine with his once again. It almost pained me because I was kissing him so hard. I felt it in my lower stomach. It hurt but it felt so good. I put my hands down onto his chest feeling him. His hands roamed my back and his fingers drifted under my bra. He was about to undo it. I didn’t know what my mind was telling me. The only thing I heard was. ‘Just do it. You know you like him more than a friend or fake boyfriend. Do what you want’ that’s what it was telling me. And that’s all I wanted to do. No objections. Just go with it…..just go--ACDC’s Back in Black rang from across the room. We both jumped and looked over. It was Zane’s cell phone. It went off but I just looked at Zane and kissed his neck again.

  “Ignore it,” I whispered.

  He nodded and then his hand came down to my jeans. He went under them. I was so hot and it wasn’t from the water! His hand accidently went over the front part of my pants and I moaned in his mouth. This made him groan as I gripped his back with my hands. I could—“ Black in black!” it rang again. I rolled my eyes and pulled back. Zane sighed and pulled his hands away from me looking over at his glowing phone on the floor.

  “It might be important,” he said still out of breath.

  I nodded and he lifted me off of him. I sat back down in the water and tried to get my head straight on again. What were you just doing with him?! His hands were….very close to me. I wish maybe we could have---

  “Mom?” Zane answered kicking me out of my thoughts. Which was a very, very good thing! “Yeah, yeah I’m fine……Mom I can’t!.....where are you?” there was a pause. He rolled his eyes. His pants drooped in the front and I forced my eyes to the window. “Right now?....I’m busy……yeah I know…..ok fine….yes I will pick it up….ok….be there in a while….love you too.” he whispered more quietly. I smiled and got out knowing we were done. Which was probably a good thing. I didn’t trust myself with him anymore. He looked back at me and his face was sad. “My mom wants me to come pick something up and take it home.” I nodded.

  “OK, that’s fine.” He smiled slightly.

  “Want to come along?” I smiled.

  “Sure,” I grabbed my shirt and sighed as the rest of my body was wet and soaking wet that is. So was Zane. I looked at him and he went to the other side of the room and came back with two big white towels.

  “I think we’ll have to stop at your house for you so you can change.” I laughed.

  “Yeah, I think so.” He gave me a towel.

  “We’ll put this under us when we get into the car.” I nodded and yanked on my shirt and pulled my jacket around me. “It’s going to be cold.” he warned as we headed back to the window. I nodded.

  “Yeah I know,” I said already feeling the cold air. We got out easily and ran across the field shivering but laughing. He put his arm around me and I could feel the warmth from his body next to mine. I laughed as our teeth chattered. We ran to the car and got in. it was still a little warm. “Ugh I’m freezing!” I said and rubbing my wet hands together. Zane chatted his teeth and I laughed. We started up and drove out turning the heat up so our skin tingled and burned.

  “Thanks Zane,” I said with a smile.

  He glanced over at me and shrugged.

  “Yeah, sure.” he answered with a small smile.

  I turned the radio up and listened to some music.

  Chapter 22

  We got back to my house about 2 hours later. I dreaded getting out of the car and into the cold air. “We’ll make a run for it,” Zane said reading my thoughts. I nodded. I jumped out of the car when Zane did laughing as we ran to the door. I pushed open the door but it was locked. I laughed.

  “Olivia!” Zane yelled. I pulled my keys out of my bag ,my hands shaking. They fell out and Zane laughed and chattered his teeth. “Just go!” he yelled. I laughed and pushed the key into the key hole and threw open the door. We stumbled in laughing. He slammed the door shut with his foot. I pulled off my jacket and threw it on the floor.

  “It’s warm!” I yelled with pleasure. Zane laughed. “I’m going to go get changed. Do you need jeans?” I asked as I started for the stairs. Zane nodded.

  “Um, yeah if you can find any.”

  I nodded.

  “You can borrow some of my dad’s.”

  I got changed quickly and Zane came in wearing a pair of my dad’s old jeans. They fit him pretty well. I smiled.

  “Not bad Mr. Walker,” I said and he rolled his eyes. I combed out my wet hair and was about to put on some makeup when a hand caught my wrist. I looked at Zane frowning.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked. His hand was gently on my wrist.

  “Don’t put any on,” I was watching his eyes. But they were just kind.

  “Ok,” I said and put down my eye linger pen. I smiled.

  “We have to go anyhow.” he said as he let go of my wrist and cleared his throat.

  “OK, then let’s go.” We went back to the car and this time I dressed warmer. We headed down the road and into the city. “Where are we going anyhow?”

  “My mom’s work. She works at a restaurant in the city.”

  I nodded.

  “And why are we going there?” I asked.

  He sighed.

  “She wants me to pick something up to take home. Probably something for a friend.”

  I smiled. “Oh ok.”

  We drove up to a small restaurant and got out. I wrapped my scarf around my neck tighter and we walked up to the door. Our hands accidently touched, then automatically they entangled together. It didn’t really feel like a surprise because we had always done it every time we walked into the school. We walked in and behind the counter was an older woman with dark blonde hair and very short.

  “Mom,” Zane said and the woman looked up from a note pad. Her smile brightened and her blue eyes gleamed. Now I know where Zane get’s those eyes.

  “Hey honey,” she said coming out from behind the counter. She put her hands on her hips and beamed at him.

  “Mom, um, this is Olivia.” he said pointing down to me.

  I smiled at her. Her eyes went to our hands then up to me and gave me a heartwarming smile.

  “So you’re Olivia? Zane has told me a lot about you. But he never introduced me to you!” she gave him a mean look, and then smiled at me. I laughed.

  “Mom,” Zane mumbled getting embarrassed.

  “My name’s Jane.”

  I smiled.

  “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Yes, finally!” she gave Zane another look and I laughed. “So Olivia, what did my son here get you to do with him today?” I looked at him and he stared at his mother.

  “Well, he took me back where you guys lived. We went to Lisa’s Diner to eat.” His mom raised an eyebrow at Zane.

  “You didn’t, did you?” she asked almost laughing.

  “Excuse me?” I asked. Zane looked down a little pink in his cheek. She looked at me.

  “Did he take you to the pool?”

  My mouth almost fell a little but I laughed.

  “Yeah, actually he did. I had a lot of fun.”

  Jane smiled at me and it had more of something admiring in it.

  “Zane never takes girls there. You must be very important to him.” she said quietly and then winked. I blushed. I was the first girl he took there? Wow. That’s um….that really sweet. But stop thinking about him like that!

  An hour later, Jane and I were still talking. She was so nice. Zane lounged beside me looking like he was about to fall asleep.

  “Oh it was so funny! When Zane turned 10 he had a wetting the bed—“

  “Ok, that’s enough!” Zane said looking like he was about to jump out of his seat. I laughed.

  “Oh no, I want to hear this!” I said and Jane laughed.

  “No, no, no I think it’s time we go now. Mom where’s the stuff to take home please?”

  Jane pouted but smiled.<
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  “Ok fine. But on one condition.” Zane narrowed his eyes playfully at her.

  “And that would be?” he asked.

  I smiled. She leaned over the table looking him straight in the eyes.

  “You have to bring this adorable, amazing girl of yours to dinner next weekend.” He clucked his tongue and looked at me.

  “What do you say?” he asked.

  I smiled and nodded. He looked back at his mom. “It’s a deal. And you never bring up that conversation again.”

  “Well I don’t know—“ she started but he growled and she laughed. He creaked a smile. “OK, Ok I will try not to say that you peed your pants during your play at school.”

  His mouth fell and Jane and I burst out laughing.

  “You little brat,” he said shaking his head his cheeks a little red.

  “Aww, look he’s blushing again!” I said pointing to his cheeks. He grabbed my hand and chomped his teeth down close to it. I giggled and pulled it back.

  “You both are ganging up on me. It’s not fair,” he muttered. Jane laughed and left the room for a moment. He spun on the stool and looked at me.

  “What?” I asked innocently. He shook his head and I laughed.

  “Ok here we go,” she brought out a bag with a bowl of soup and homemade bread. “Take this home and put it in the frig right away. I don’t want it to get rotten.” As she gave the bag to me, I saw a bruise on her arm. I frowned. “Now you two have a good day and don’t get her into too much trouble.” she said pointing a finger at Zane. He smirked.

  “I won’t but she might get me into trouble.”

  I gasped.

  “Will not!”

  He grinned.

  “OK honey, well, I’ll see you next weekend Olivia.” She said and gave me a small hug.

  “Thanks Jane.”

  She smiled.

  “Oh and Scott will be there too.” Zane almost lost his balance and looked at his mom. I stared at him surprised. He was tense.

  “What?” he asked his mom. She gave a nervous smile and she nodded.


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