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So Much for Boundaries (Shower & Shelter Artist Collective Book 3)

Page 10

by Brooke St. James

  Lane turned and focused on us as if seeing us for the first time.

  "Hey Lane," I said, smiling my best smile at both Lane and the girl standing next to him.

  My heart was beating like crazy, and I felt mad at myself for hating a girl I didn't even know. She could have been the nicest person ever, and there I was, hating her for no reason.

  "How are you?" Rhett asked, extending his hand for Lane to shake.

  Lane smiled back at him but it was somewhat forced. He glanced back-and-forth between Rhett and myself as if making sure we weren't physically connected in anyway. "I'm fine," Lane said. "And you?"

  "Can't complain, can't complain," Rhett said. "Especially when Zoe's my date."

  "I see that," Lane said.

  "Who's your lovely lady?" Rhett said, shaking the blonde's hand.

  "Addison," Lane said.

  She smiled at Rhett while they shook hands, and then she and I greeted each other. I wanted to body slam her right then and there. I wanted us to engage in the biggest catfight in all eternity, but I just held the smile and shook her hand as if I was truly happy to make her acquaintance.

  "Zoe's one of our artists, and Rhett's a customer," Lane said, explaining to his date who we were.

  "A loyal customer," Rhett corrected. "Especially with Zoe's stuff. She's my favorite." Rhett pinched at my ribs, and I squirmed to the side and smiled at him. "Oh yeah, that's something I did want to talk to you about…" Rhett said to Lane. "She's got that new collection done, and I'd like you to just go ahead and put my name on it. The whole thing. I'd like to keep it a set."

  Lane studied Rhett with an unreadable expression. "I'm not working right now," he said. "But if I were, I'd tell you that the collective hasn't even met with Zoe yet about the collection. I'm really not even sure if it'll be for sale."

  Rhett let out a laugh as if Lane must surely be joking, but Lane remained serious. "Everything's got a price," Rhett said. "I just wanted to put a bug in your ear that I'm your buyer, and I don't want it broken up. I'd like to buy it as a set."

  "Well, Mr. Newman, it's not yet for sale," Lane said. "We're not even close to that point."

  Rhett put a hand in the air in a gesture of surrender at Lane's impassive tone. "Just make sure I'm the one you call when it is," Rhett said.

  Lane offered him a smile, but it wasn't genuine. Addison and I shared a regretful glance with each other that said we both realized there were some male dynamics going on with our dates.

  "How do you know Lane?" I asked Addison in a moment of bravery (or foolishness).

  She smiled and glanced at him before looking back at me. "We met at the gym," she said. "I'm a personal trainer. Not his personal trainer, but I work at the gym where he trains."

  I was sick to my stomach—literally nauseated at her words.

  "I figured he must've met you at the gym," Rhett said. "You can't miss those guns."

  Addison smiled and gave a small, shy flex of the back of her arm, which was ribbed with muscle like the cover of a fitness magazine. She was extremely fit but still feminine, which meant she was basically perfect. It was difficult, but I got through the conversation without having to rush to the restroom and have some kind of puking anxiety attack.

  I ran in to Lane again an hour later when Macy and I, along with our dates, decided it was time to leave. Rhett was talking to someone, and I had gone to get our coats from the coat check when I ran into Lane in the hall.

  "I can't believe you're here with Rhett," Lane said. "I didn't know you were coming to this."

  "Why wouldn't I come? Everyone else from S&S is here."

  We stood there and looked at each other.

  "Lu said I should bring a date, so I asked Addison," he said. "She's just my friend. We're not—"

  "You don't have to explain that," I said.

  "What about Rhett?"

  "What about him?"

  "Are you dating him?"

  "We're just friends."

  "He doesn't think that," Lane said.

  Someone walked by, so Lane and I stepped out of the way. He put his hand on my shoulder to guide me out of the way, and he let it linger there even after the person walked by. I looked down at it, causing Lane to take his hand away.

  "You need to stop seeing him if you just want to be his friend," Lane said. "Because that's not all he wants from you."

  I smiled cynically. "Oh, and you think you know that from the three minutes of conversation we had?"

  More people began passing us on their way to the coat check, so we conversed in a whisper.

  "Yes," Lane said without hesitation. "I do know. Rhett's not interested in being your friend, Zoe."

  "Thanks," I said.

  "Why do you say it like that?"

  "Because I think I can handle it," I said. "From where I'm sitting, it doesn’t look like Addison's very interested in being your friend, either."

  "I can't believe the audacity of that guy, trying to tell me he had dibs on your collection," he said. He was so annoyed I didn't think he had even heard my statement about Addison.

  "I can't believe he wants the whole thing," I said. "Can you imagine how much space you'd need to display all of them?"

  "Yes, I can, because I've measured it."

  "Are you mad?" I asked.


  "Then why are you so serious?"

  "Because it was rude of that guy to talk to me about work on my day off, and it was rude for him to assume he could just buy all of those paintings—like I'd just draw up the paperwork and make a deal right here at the reception. He rubs me the wrong way."

  "Well I wouldn't have had a ride, or a date, or a dress to wear if it weren't for him, so I don't think he's too rude."

  "What's he got to do with a dress?"

  "Nothing," I said, feeling instantly ashamed for saying that. "I just wouldn't be here, wearing this, and doing this, and experiencing Lu's wedding if I didn't have a date."

  "You're too good for him," he said, still speaking quietly.

  "You don't get to tell me that," I said. "You've done a lot for me, and I'm forever grateful for that, but you don't get to tell me who I can and can't go out with—just like I can't tell you that. Rhett's been nothing but a gentleman to me."

  "Well, he doesn't just want to be your friend," Lane said, his ice blue eyes looking right through my soul.

  "Well, Addison doesn't want to be your friend either," I said, since it was the truth and also the best thing I could think of.

  "Addison's fully aware of where I stand," he said.

  "And where is that, exactly?"

  "We're friends, and that's all."

  I huffed as I shook my head and rolled my eyes at him in a frustrated gesture. I wanted him and he wanted me, and I had absolutely no idea on God's green earth why we were standing there talking about two other people. Both of us were speechless for the next few seconds, which was a good thing, because Addison rounded the corner, smiling at us in all her personal trainer glory.

  "I was looking for you," she said.

  "It was good talking to you, Lane," I said, smiling and waving at him as if we had just stopped and exchanged small talk about the weather.

  "Zoe," he said.

  But I ignored it. I just focused on Addison who was approaching us by that point. I smiled and waved, planning on walking right past her. "It was nice meeting you."

  "You too," she said. "Lane says you're one of the most talented artists he's ever seen." I continued to smile even though I felt like doing something crazy like grabbing him and kissing him passionately right there in front of everyone.

  "Lane's one of the most talented managers I've ever seen," I said, smiling and remaining as nonchalant as possible. "Super professional," I added with a few old buddy, old pal pats on Lane's shoulder. "I was just headed to get our coats, but it was nice meeting you. You guys enjoy the rest of your evening."

  "Same to you," Addison said.

  "Hey, there you are," Rhett said, r
ounding the corner. He looked back and forth from Addison to me. "Lu's about to throw the bouquet."

  Addison regarded me like it was the most exciting thing she'd ever heard. "Should we go?" she asked.

  "Go ahead," I said.

  "Come on!" Addison said, beaming and taking my hand.

  "Go," Rhett encouraged.

  And just like that, I was being drug into the middle of the dance floor by Lane's beautiful date.

  It all happened so quickly. One second, she and I were scurrying onto the dance floor, and the next, I saw a handful of flowers flying end-over-end in the air above my head. I instinctually lunged to the side and reached out to catch it before it had the chance to hit the ground. Lu, being unaware of what was behind her, had overshot all of the participants, so I was the bouquet's only chance of being caught. It was a pretty epic grab if I do say so myself.

  Everyone standing around gave yells of approval at my spontaneous snag, and I held the bouquet in the air with a huge smile as they cheered. Lu hugged and congratulated me for being the lucky girl to catch the bouquet, and I thanked her inviting me to her beautiful wedding.

  Chapter 14

  The following fall

  "I think you should put some flowers in there," Linda said, coming to stand next to Whitney, who had just finished braiding my hair.

  "She wants to keep it simple," Whitney said.

  "Very elegant," Linda said, nodding as she stared at the back of my head. She focused on my reflection in the mirror, smiling at me. "What's the occasion?"

  "A banquet for the collective. The documentary people are hosting it as a 'thank you' and farewell."

  "They're all done filming," Whitney explained before her mom could ask.

  "That was fast," Linda said.

  "You're telling me," I said. "I can't believe I've been in New York a year—over a year."

  "How long have you been coming here?" Whitney asked, trying to remember.

  "Almost that long," I said. "Remember, I did the Thanksgiving and Christmas stuff with y'all at the food bank."

  Whitney made a shocked face at me in the mirror. "Oh, my gosh, that's crazy. I can't believe it's almost that time of year again."

  "September," Linda said, ticking off the months on her fingers. "October, November. It'll be here before we know it."

  "I wish it would slow down," I said. "I'm gonna hate it when they have to kick me out of S&S."

  Linda smiled. "We still need to get down there."

  "I went the other day," Whitney said. "With Michelle and Lindsay after we went to lunch." She patted me on the shoulder, indicating that she'd walk with me to the front. "And I wanted to buy everything I saw. I can't be going in there with a credit card."

  "Well, I want to go next time you girls go down there," Linda said. "I want to see some of Zoe's stuff." She reached out to hug me as Whitney and I made our way to the register.

  "Are you bringing a date?" Whitney asked raising her eyebrows. She knew I'd been seeing a little of Rhett, and she always called him my sugar daddy since he was rich. He wasn't old, nor were we really even seeing each other, but Whitney liked to ask me about the gentlemen in my life and tease me about it.

  I smiled. "Rhett's coming with me, yes."

  "Did he buy you a dress?" she asked as we meandered toward the front.

  "Nooo, I'm wearing jeans."

  "Is he your beau?"

  "Not really," I said with a sigh. "But maybe he thinks he is."

  "What makes you say that?"

  "I can just tell. I work a lot, so I really only see him about once a week, and we never do any boyfriend-girlfriend stuff. He kisses my cheek, but nothing else." I shook my head. "But I can tell he thinks we've got something just by the way he refers to the future."

  "You have to just tell him you're not wifey material," she said. "Tell him you're just looking for a sugar daddy."

  I bumped shoulders with her. "I don't even need that," I said. "It's not like he buys me anyth—"

  I cutoff speaking in mid-sentence, which made Whitney smile at me. "Does he?" she asked.

  "Just a necklace," I said. "It's beautiful, though. It's like a strip of leather with some gemstones mounted on the ends. I think they might be real, because it came in this really fancy packaging. He gave it to me when I asked him if he wanted to come with me to the banquet tonight."

  "Oh, I wish you would have brought it!" Whitney said. "I can't imagine what it looks like."

  "It's a thin strip of this soft leather that you loop around your neck several times like a choker, and it fastens into itself. It's gorgeous. It came with a card that showed how to put it on. Super fancy. It's the most upscale, bohemian-looking necklace I've ever seen. There's this pendant that dangles off of one end hanging down my chest, and I swear the little stones on it are real diamonds. I told him I couldn’t accept it, but he insisted. He said he'd toss it in the trash if I didn't."

  Whitney laughed.

  "I think he was actually serious."

  "I wish you would have brought it with you. I really want to see it."

  "I will next time," I said.


  There were a lot of guests at the banquet. The entire collective got to bring a plus one, and so did the documentary crew, apparently, because there were way more people there than I expected.

  Those of us who were spotlighted in the film were sitting near the front, which meant my table was in close proximity to Lane's. As far as I could see, he was sitting next to Theo, and did not bring a date with him, but I was happy that he was positioned at my back so that I didn't have to look at him at all. He was a great weakness of mine.

  I was wearing the beautiful necklace Rhett got for me. I had it on with a low-cut V-neck sweater, and everyone had complimented me on it. We got into a long conversation about it during dinner, and Rhett explained that it was a one-of-a-kind piece handcrafted in Italy. He told us all about the lady who makes them, and several of the girls sitting around the table took her information so they could look into one for themselves.

  We were still talking about it when Jane stood up to make a speech. "I'd just like to thank you all." she said, testing the microphone. She smiled when she realized it was working and we were all paying attention to her. "I know I've told you all thank you for helping us make this film, but I feel like I have to say it again. It was truly an honor and a privilege working with each of you. I wish we could have followed all thirty of you."

  "Season two!" one of the artists yelled from the back, causing all of us to laugh.

  "Theo, you have an amazing place here," Jane continued, getting back to her speech. "And I'm so thrilled that I get to be a part of sharing you guys with the rest of the world. We'll be in production for the next few months, and after some snipping, and clipping, and flipping, and flopping… and probably a few fist fights and some hair pulling, (laughs) we'll end up with six episodes of pure magic with a shiny bow on top." We clapped and Jane smiled and bowed before focusing on those of us right in the front. "It truly has been an amazing year for me," she said sincerely. "Getting to know you, Theo, and the dream team up here has been one of the most fun, life-changing things I've ever done. If we hadn't already settled on a six-episode deal, I'd just move in and film you guys indefinitely."

  "We love you, Jane!" someone yelled from the back, causing us all to laugh.

  "I love you, too!" Jane said.

  "When's it gonna be on Netflix?" someone else yelled.

  "That's a good question," Jane said into the mic. "One that several of you have asked me tonight. The truth is, I wish I had something more definite to tell you. We're looking at February, but we don't have the release date set in stone yet. I'll be in touch with Lane and Theo as soon as I know something for sure. I'd like to come back and have a viewing party if you guys are into that."

  Everyone cheered for Jane, and she blew kisses and waved to the group as a whole as she found her seat.

  Theo gave a speech after that—a deeply touch
ing speech that made us all happy to be a part of the collective and inspired us to go out and change the world. Theo finished his speech by saying that the desserts were being served shortly and that we should feel free to stay and hang out afterward. It was a nice speech to wrap up a fun evening, and we all said what a shame it was that the collective hadn't gotten together for a banquet sooner.

  We were all still sitting around our tables, talking when Lane came up behind me, touching me on the shoulder. I felt him standing there before I knew who he was, but the instant I looked at his hand on my shoulder, I knew it was Lane. There was an instant buzzing sensation in my lower abdomen, and I took a hitching breath when I realized I could smell him.

  He was standing directly behind me, so when I turned to look up at him from my seat, the side of my face brushed up against his stomach. My ear and cheek were literally touching his abs, and I stared up at him, unable to breathe or even think. I started to pull my head away, but for some crazy reason, I decided to let my face rest against him. If Lane wanted to break the contact, then he could take a step back. He didn't. He just stared down at me. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest but I just sat there, gazing up at him.

  "I like your hair," he said in a low tone that only I could hear. Maybe other people could hear, actually, but I didn't really care.

  "Thank you," I said, smiling. "Whitney did it." Was I flirting with him? I didn't know. I wasn't trying to, but I wanted him so badly that I might've been inadvertently doing it. I was leaning against his stomach and staring up at him like I never wanted him to move, if that counts as flirting.

  "I need to talk to you," he said. His expression was serious, and my eyebrows furrowed. Lane looked to my left to focus his attention on Rhett, who had apparently been looking at him. "I need to talk to Zoe for a few minutes," Lane said.

  I swiveled to get out of my seat without even looking at Rhett. "I'll be back in a few," I said.

  The banquet was being held downstairs in the gallery, and Lane made his way down the back hallway. He kept going past his office to the door that led outside.

  "I thought you quit seeing that guy," was the first thing he said when he opened the door. We stepped outside together, into the alleyway.


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