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Mugs of Love

Page 29

by Norma Jeanne Karlsson

  I realize then that’s what she wanted. She wanted it to be my decision. Fuck, I love this woman. It’s time to get a ring and do this shit the right way. She deserves that much from me.

  I get us naked quickly. And when I move inside her, it feels different. There’s hope in Emily’s eyes as I rest my forehead against hers. When her lips press into the ink on my chest, I feel the burn down to my toes. She gets me. And I get her.

  She’s mine.

  Adjusting my hair over my shoulders, I mess with the camera for the millionth time before clicking the call button.

  I’m excited for my dad to meet Garrett and Cody, even if it’s over the computer. It’s time. I’ve given my dad a pretty detailed background on Garrett. He knows about his past. He knows about the life of crime and why Garrett was sent to prison. It wasn’t an easy conversation to have with my father. He asked a lot of questions. I’m sure he did his own digging into Garrett once we got off the phone. But the question that sealed my dad’s wary approval was if I felt safe with Garrett.

  “I’ve never felt safer in my life, Dad,” I said with conviction.

  That meant the world to him.

  So this is the next step. The face-to-face moment.

  “Hey, Emmy,” my dad coos as the screen lights up with his handsome face.

  He looks almost the same as he did when I was a little girl. A high and tight haircut that now has the faintest grey speckled through it. A strong jaw. His hazel eyes are starting to crinkle around the edges in the most distinguished of ways. And the smile that’s always warm and inviting has left little creases at the edge of his mouth.

  “Hi, Dad. Happy Thanksgiving.”

  “I’m sorry this storm kept us apart today. You come down next weekend so I can get my little girl in my arms.”

  “We’ll be there.”

  “Your grandparents stayed at the retirement community. I went and ate with them, but I didn’t want to get them out in this. So you’ve got me all to yourself.”

  “I’ll call them later. It’s so good to see you, Dad. I miss you,” I say genuinely.

  I do miss him. I also lied to my father for the first time in my life a few weeks ago and feel incredibly guilty about it. I told him the accident story. The same story we’ve told everyone. The truth about what happened is too much to try to explain to someone on the outside. It was a lot to handle being inside it. I don’t want him to worry about me.

  We talk for a while about nothing and everything. I can tell he’s eager to get the meeting over with when he starts rambling about sports. He always rambles when he’s antsy. I guess that’s where I get it. The difference is, my father is rarely anxious if ever and I seem to be a bottle of babble at all times these days.

  I leave my laptop on the kitchen table and walk into the garage where Cody, Caleb, Hunter, Jordan and Garrett are working on Cody’s new car. Garrett’s head snaps up from beneath the hood when I enter the area.

  He pushes off and strides to me, wiping his greasy hands on a rag that was in his back pocket. The rag gets thrown on a table as he retrieves the hunter green sweater I bought him. He drags it over his undershirt, giving me a show of his powerful muscles. Once he’s covered, his hands push his chocolate caramel hair to the side. So freaking sexy.

  Garrett stops in front of me and gazes down with his kaleidoscopes before saying, “You’re gonna have to control yourself while I talk to your father. I can’t have a hard-on when I meet him.”

  I feel my face flush as I nod.

  “Cody,” Garrett grunts over his shoulder.

  Cody rolls out from under his car and climbs to his feet. As he walks to us, it’s like watching Garrett all over again without the sexually enticing experience. Cody moves like Garrett. His mannerisms are almost identical. I can imagine as Cody transitions from teenager to young adult his body will end up being the mirror image of Garrett’s and the girls will be all over him.

  Garrett kisses my lips quickly and pats my butt. I move back into the house with my men following me. My men. I love that.

  I settle in the same chair I was in and zoom the camera out so my dad can see all three of us. Garrett’s at my right and Cody’s on my left. Garrett threads his fingers with mine and offers me a strong squeeze. I put my hand on Cody’s knee when I notice he seems the most nervous.

  “Dad, this is Garrett Sharp and Cody Matthews. Guys, meet my dad, Gerald Garner,” I introduce happily.

  “It’s nice to meet you Mister Garner,” Garrett says respectfully.

  “Please call me Gerry. It’s nice to meet the two of you as well. Cody, I was sorry to hear about your accident. How are you feeling?” my dad asks with concern on his face.

  “It’s nice to meet you. I’m doin’ pretty well. Thanks for askin’,” Cody answers quietly.

  “You’ve got a good frame for sports. You play anything?”

  “No, sir. Garrett thinks I should go out for football next year.”

  “I think he’s onto somethin’ there. I tried to get Emmy to play sports, but she’s got the coordination of a newborn foal.” My dad chuckles and Cody follows along.

  “I’m a good swimmer,” I argue. He’s right. I can’t play sports to save my life. But I’m like a fish in the water.

  My dad nods and turns his attention to Garrett.

  “I’m sure you’re aware Emmy’s told me about your past.”

  “I am.”

  “My daughter is the most forgiving person I know. And I knew my wife. Emmy’s got her beat and that’s sayin’ something. I’m not a forgiving person, but I’m a logical one. I won’t hold your past against you unless it affects the present. The past is meant to relish the good not wallow in the bad. So, that’s how I choose to live. You keep my daughter safe and lookin’ like she does right now, you’re welcome in my family.”

  “I can do that,” Garrett assures him.

  “Never seen you look so full of life, Emmy. I wish your mother were here to see it. She’d be proud of you,” my dad finishes softly.

  “Dad,” I whisper, holding back tears.

  Cody’s hand covers mine and Garrett gives me a quick squeeze.

  “All right. Tell me about this car you’re workin’ on,” my dad changes the subject and the heavy feeling settling around me.

  Garrett, Cody, and my dad spend the next forty-five minutes discussing cars. It’s a really boring conversation, but it makes me so happy. Jenna and Alyssa emerge from Cody’s room where they were taking a post-Thanksgiving dinner nap about halfway through our talk. They both say a quick hello and then head out to the garage.

  Clyde and Arlene are doing a dinner at their house tonight with all of Arlene’s family. The kids didn’t feel comfortable with that and asked to come here. I was elated to have them and devastated at how much they’re continuing to struggle without their mom. Hunter’s angry and Alyssa’s hurt. I’m so thankful they have each other.

  Garrett’s tried to find her. But nothing’s come of it. It’s like she evaporated. Hunter believes the guy she was seeing was supplying her drugs again. That’s what he meant when he said he needed to deal with his mom the first day I met him. She left her kids for drugs…again. I hate that. It makes me sick. And I’ll be damned if I let anything bad come from her terrible decisions.

  “We should let you go, Dad. I’m sure you have football to watch,” I say when the car conversation is putting me to sleep.

  “Can you give me a minute with your dad?” Garrett asks, shocking the crap out of me. “If that’s all right with you,” he says to my dad.

  “Of course,” my dad agrees.

  “I love you, Dad. I’ll see you next weekend,” I say, blowing him a big kiss.

  “Love you too, Emmy. It was nice talkin’ to you, Cody. You come down to see me next weekend.”

  “Yes, sir. I’d like that. I guess I’ll see you soon. Happy Thanksgiving,” Cody finishes, climbing to his feet with a little wave.

  “I like that kid,” my dad comments as Cody disappe
ars into the garage.

  “I love that kid,” I respond through a wide smile. “Mom would’ve loved him too.”

  “Yeah, she would have.”

  “I’ll leave you two to talk. I’ll go to the garage and pretend to pay attention while they try to explain stuff to me. Happy Thanksgiving, Dad. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Bye, Emmy.”

  I wave and walk out to the garage after kissing Garrett’s cheek. My dad didn’t growl when I did it so that’s encouraging. I have no idea why Garrett wants to talk to my dad alone. I’m not nervous, but there are some very curious butterflies flapping away in my stomach.

  “I’m done with this car shit. Let’s go build a snowman,” Jenna dictates as soon as I enter the room.

  I think that’s a great idea. I’m glad I keep a coat out here. The garage is heated, but I always freeze when I’m in here with Garrett. After tugging on my mittens, I join Alyssa and Jenna in the front yard.

  The snow just stopped about an hour ago. It’s a beautiful winter wonderland over a foot and a half deep. It smells like Christmas, crisp and fresh with a hint of hickory from the smoke billowing out of the chimney. The lights on the front of the house combined with the open garage gives us enough light to start our project.

  “How’d it go?” Jenna asks as we start building a massive snowball that will be the base of our snowman.

  “Really well,” I say through a smile.

  “Garrett’s hot, but I doubt that worked in his favor on your dad. So if it went well, it’s because your dad saw what a good guy you have. Cody’s just an added bonus.”

  “Garrett asked to talk to my dad alone.”

  Jenna stops and stands up, wiping snow from her black leather gloves. Her big bluish green eyes study me for a moment before she beams a smile at me. A knowing smile.

  “What?” I ask pushing the snowball away with Alyssa’s silent help.

  Jenna breaks into a song and dance that has Alyssa and I dying laughing. She’s doing the most hilarious version of “Single Ladies”. I clutch my stomach when it starts to cramp until I catch why Jenna’s dancing and singing.

  “You think he’s asking my dad for permission to propose?” I screech a little too loudly.

  With a dramatic Beyoncé hand flip, Jenna nods.

  “You’re nuts, Jenna. It’s only been a few weeks,” I say dismissively and start pushing the snowball again.

  “He loves you,” Alyssa says quietly.

  She barely speaks so I take her words seriously when she does, much like I do with Garrett.

  “And I love him. But I don’t think he’s ready for that, honey,” I say softly.

  “Bullshit and you know it, Em,” Jenna scoffs. “You might only be six weeks in, but you’ve both been fallin’ in love across the street from each other for months. And what’s the point in waiting? You want the same things. You’re livin’ together. There’s no rulebook for how this should go. Fuck the rules about waiting years and planning a massive wedding that makes you hate the idea of marriage. Do what feels right. I guarantee you Garrett’s inside makin’ the move to make you his wife. And you fuckin’ love it.”

  “What about you and Caleb? I don’t see you runnin’ to the altar,” I try to change the subject.

  “If he asked me right now, I’d say yes. I know what I want. I’m not stupid enough to shy away from it anymore. I made my choice when I decided to date him. I’m all in now.”

  “You wanna get married?” Caleb asks in a low timbre from behind us.

  “Is that a lame ass proposal?” Jenna snarks, turning to face her man.

  Caleb stalks to Jenna and grabs her face, smashing his lips to hers. She leans into him and fists his T-shirt. I don’t think he’s cold even though he’s underdressed. Jordan, Hunter and Cody are watching from the garage, intent on the moment between the lovebirds.

  When Caleb releases Jenna’s face, he sinks to one knee and Alyssa gasps. I grab her hand and we watch the romance unfold.

  “I love you. I’ve loved you since the first moment I laid eyes on you. You’re the good in my life, Jenna. Be my wife and let me have a lifetime of good with you,” Caleb says as tenderly as his rough voice will allow.

  Then he digs in his pocket and retrieves a ring. A ring!

  “Holy shit,” Jenna whispers. “Yes! Hell yes!”

  Caleb shoves the ring on her finger after tugging her glove off. Then he rips her off her feet, spinning her around as they kiss. Hunter whistles through his fingers before Cody and Jordan clap loudly.

  Alyssa and I giggle and hug each other. This is better than mugs of love. I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed raw love like this. You can feel the need they have for each other. It’s palpable.

  When Caleb rights Jenna’s feet in the snow, I rush at her. I crush her thin body in my arms and squeal right along with her.

  “Congratulations,” I mumble into her shoulder.

  “Be my maid of honor?” she asks sweetly.


  Now we’re laughing and jumping which leads to us falling. We keep our arms wrapped around each other as we lay in the snow like little kids. I’m so happy for her. She deserves the love Caleb gives her.

  Alyssa jumps on our pile and we pull her into our embrace.

  “You wanna be a bride’s maid?” Jenna asks Alyssa.

  “Really?” she questions, pushing her ebony hair out of her face.

  “Yeah,” Jenna replies with a rough jiggle.

  Alyssa nods and snuggles into Jenna’s neck. I kiss Alyssa’s hair and climb to my feet. I’m immediately swept into Caleb’s massive arms.

  “I’m so happy for you,” I mumble against his cheek before pressing a kiss there.

  “You’re next, honey,” he whispers before kissing my hair.

  “Do you have another ring in your pocket?” I tease.

  “If I thought Jenna would be down for that, I’d keep you both. But I have the feelin’ Sharp might gut me if I made that move.”

  “Off,” Garrett growls, stalking toward us in the snow.

  Caleb holds me tighter before smugly saying, “Just talkin’ about makin’ Em my second wife.”

  Jenna climbs to her feet and flings herself into Garrett’s shocked arms.

  “I’m getting married!” she announces gleefully.

  Garrett softens immediately at her joy, holding her close to his chest. He closes his eyes and presses a kiss to her hair.

  “My turn,” Hunter demands and Garrett passes Jenna over while Caleb rights my feet on the ground.

  Caleb walks around me and snatches Alyssa off the ground. He holds her like a baby. And even though she’s fifteen-years old, she cuddles into him like a child. They have a whispered conversation and I notice her shoulders beginning to shake as Garrett wraps his arms around my waist from behind.

  “He’s got a soft spot for her,” Garrett mumbles into my hair.

  “We all do,” I respond.

  “Can we stay here tonight?” Hunter asks, sliding next to us.

  “Sure, sweetheart,” I answer.

  “Alyssa wants to live with Caleb. She’s good with Arlene and Clyde’s place, but she’s fuckin’ scared all the time. I don’t make her feel safe anymore,” he finishes sadly.

  “That’s not true,” Garrett snarls. “She’s fuckin’ worried about you too. Alyssa knows Devlin can keep you two safe. She’s not scared to be with you. She’s scared something’s gonna happen to you.”

  “I didn’t keep her safe.”

  “You saved her fuckin’ life.”

  Garrett releases me and wraps his massive hand around the side of Hunter’s neck before continuing.

  “Those motherfuckers had to almost kill you to keep you from getting to your sister. You know how proud she is of you? How proud all of us are? What happened is fucked up. No question. But what you did for her…fighting for her, was so goddamn brave. Alyssa feels safe with you, Hunter. She just wants to make sure you’re safe too.”

er takes a shuddered breath and nods minutely before swinging his gaze to his baby sister still cradled in Caleb’s powerful arms.

  “Did you kill them?” Hunter asks plainly.

  “Yeah,” Garrett grunts.

  “I’m safe with you guys,” he says softly, looking back into Garrett’s eyes.

  “Yeah,” Garrett rumbles before smashing Hunter’s face into his shoulder.

  Hunter’s arms go around Garrett’s waist and a few tears leak from my eyes. We said we wouldn’t lie to the kids about what happened that night. We also didn’t offer them any specifics. Hunter needed to know. There’s relief in his face as he stands up.

  I look over and see Jenna swiping big tears from her cheeks. Cody and Jordan are watching all of us with worry on their faces.

  “Devlin,” Garrett calls out.

  Caleb looks up from Alyssa’s face to find our group in the throes of multiple emotions.


  “You think you can make yourself good enough on paper to sell you and Jenna as guardians for Hunter and Alyssa?”

  He looks at his woman and she nods definitively. This is a lot for her to take on. She’s only twenty-four. But Jenna’s lived way more life than her years give her credit for.

  “Yeah,” Caleb grunts in a very Garrett-like sound.

  “Really?” Alyssa’s tiny voice croaks.

  “You’re already mine, honey,” Caleb responds and I burst into tears right along with Jenna and Alyssa.

  In her first maternal duty, Jenna walks over to Hunter as Garrett squeezes his neck to release him. She gathers Hunter in her arms and leads him over to Caleb and Alyssa. And in a truly magnificent feat, Caleb enfolds them all in his arms and smiles the biggest smile I’ve ever seen on the man’s scary face.

  Garrett pulls me flush against his radiating heat and I shiver from the contact.

  “Cold?” he grunts, squeezing me tighter.

  I peer over at Cody and Jordan chuckling as they walk back to the garage. Then I switch my gaze back to where Caleb is still holding everyone. Looking up from beneath my lashes into Garrett’s green happy eyes, I say tenderly, “No. I’m the warmest I’ve ever been.”

  Then he smiles at me and I’m instantly made a liar.


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