At First Blush (A Well Paired Novel Book 1)
Page 19
“Why do you say it like that?” He tossed a towel over his shoulder and leaned his hip against the sink.
“I told you I played football.”
“Yeah.” Ben wiggled his eyebrows and let his gaze slowly assess her body. “I can only imagine what it was like being tackled by you. Or landing on top of you. Well, I guess I can imagine. Been there, done that.”
“Stop it,” she hushed. “My parents are in the other room.”
He only laughed, drawing her in by her hips. “What will they say if they catch me making out with their daughter in the kitchen?” He flashed his Italian dimples and her heart skipped a beat.
“Nothing compared to what they’ll do to you if they catch you sneaking into my bedroom tonight.”
“I think Shane is encouraging our behavior.”
“Our behavior?”
“Mm.” Ben looped the towel behind her neck and drew her close.
“We’re not doing it tonight,” she whispered, her cheeks warming.
“I can be very quiet,” he whispered in her ear, planting kisses on her neck. “The question is, can you?”
“Stop it,” Alexis warned through gritted teeth.
He let her go, chuckling as he wiped down the counter. “I’m going to ask your dad about the tree. How many punks he’s caught.”
“You are not.”
“Aww, very telling.”
What was telling was how static her love life had been, and how active her younger sister’s had been. Their father caught plenty of boys scaling the giant maple and sneaking into her room.
To get to Grace.
Her father came into the kitchen, taking their coats off the hook and helping Claudia into hers. “Your mother and I are heading into Rockland to see a movie. You kids want to come?”
They never went out on a weeknight. Heck, she couldn’t even remember the last time they went to see a movie.
“I appreciate the offer, but I’m a bit jet-lagged. I planned on calling it an early night.” Ben turned to Alexis, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. “You go out with your parents. There’s no need to entertain me.”
She did all she could not to roll her eyes. He was more obvious than her father had been. “I don’t plan on entertaining you anyway. I have research to do.”
“Speaking of,” Shane cut in. “There’s been a lot of excited chatter with the folks in town. If you’re going to be around for a few days, maybe you could give them some consulting advice? They’d pay you for your services.”
“I’ve been in touch with Hope Windward and Lily Novak. I can contact others as well.”
A tingle of jealousy worked its way up her spine. The only people he’d been in contact with were the two young, beautiful business owners. Figures.
“You know,” Alexis said, stomping across the kitchen to her coat. “Maybe I will go to the movies with you.”
Her father didn’t hide his surprise and her mother tucked in her lips to hold back a laugh. None of this was funny. She didn’t like being the center of attention. Her parents were trying to be matchmakers to something that was never going to happen.
“Oh, uh…well,” her father stammered.
“You’re more than welcome to come, sweetie. And so is Ben.” her mother said over Alexis’s shoulder, “even though it’s only four in the afternoon California time, and you’re still jet lagged.”
Elephants in the room didn’t sit pretty with Alexis. Always one to speak her mind, she chucked her coat back on the hook and fisted her knuckles on her hips.
“Mom. Dad. I appreciate you trying to be matchmakers here, but please stop. Ben lives in California. I live in Maine. He’s helped us with our business and is a…family friend now. Stop with the wedding planning and prayers for grandchildren. It’s not like that with us. Okay? Ben and I are friends, sure. You’re not getting a fairytale out of it. I’m going to stay home, work on the new wine labels for the fruit wine, and go to bed early. Hemmy has a vet appointment in the morning.” At hearing his name, Hemmy lifted his head from his chicken coma and whined. “Yes, it’s time for shots. Buck it up, big fella. Have fun on your date night,” she said to her parents, hugging them before she fled from the kitchen.
Her parents meant well, she knew that, but they didn’t need to meddle in her social life. It was embarrassing.
She settled at her father’s desk in the corner of the living room and opened her laptop. The Maine Wine Trail listed most of the wineries in the state and she clicked through their websites, noting the varieties of fruit wines and uniqueness of each winery.
It wasn’t something she often did, preferring to keep to tradition and not be influenced by trends or social media. But Ben had a point. If she wanted to keep the business going she’d have to keep up with the times. She respected her Grumpy’s wishes, but maybe it was time to broaden their wine selection. They could do so without interfering with Grumpy’s blends. And learning they’d been losing money over the years gave her no choice.
She balked at having a website but it did lead more people to the winery. That, and being part of the Maine Wine Trail, which was online as well.
Deep in research, Hemmy a heavy, warm blanket on her feet, she almost forgot about Ben until she heard the back door close and her foot warmer disappear.
“Hey, big fella. At least someone is happy to see me.”
She didn’t bother looking up, Ben’s presence was as strong and bold as the Chianti he sent her a few weeks ago. She saw him from the corner of her eye, her gaze following him to the couch.
He sat on the couch, patted the cushion next to him, and placed a hand on Hemmy’s neck. “I don’t suppose the beast is allowed on the furniture?”
“No. Not here.”
Hemmy rolled over and Ben slid to the floor, scratching her dog’s belly. He really needed to stop doing these things. It was insane on her girly parts. They were getting a workout on their own, quivering in want just watching him play with her dog.
Knowing no productive work would happen with the two males in her life now cuddling and playing together on the floor, Alexis slammed her laptop shut and stood.
“I’m going to bed.”
“Is that an offer?”
“Nope. Alone. I have a lock on my door.”
“Why the sudden need to keep me out?”
“Because you mess with my head.”
“I’d like to mess with your other parts.” He pushed himself to standing, ignoring Hemmy’s whining. “Are you going to show me to your room?”
“No. I’ll show you to Grace’s room.”
Ben picked up the carry-on he must have brought in when she was working and followed her up the stairs.
“It’s not much. Our rooms are small. Barely enough room for a twin bed and a tall dresser.”
“All I need is your bed.”
She rolled her eyes. “Your bed is right here.” She opened the door to her sister’s room, expecting him to grimace at the pink walls and zebra print comforter and curtains. Her parents never redid the rooms when the girls moved out, claiming the décor was nostalgic to their younger years.
He kept his eyes on her, ignoring the room, and pushing past her. “And this must be your room.” He opened the door and she cringed.
Most of her stuff from the apartment went into a portable storage unit behind the barn, and she kept only the bare minimum in her cramped space.
“I like this room better.” Ben dropped his bag on her navy striped comforter and checked out the posters on the wall. Patriots and Red Sox players, all now retired, covered the beige walls.
“You’re not sleeping in here.”
“That’s fine. I don’t plan on sleeping much.” He tweaked her nose and picked up one of the football trophies from the shelf above her bed. “Rookie of the year.” He set it down and picked up a softball trophy. “MVP.”
Reminiscing about her successful high school days would be a reminder of what she’d become today. Not much. No fancy education. No
solid group of friends. Helping to run her parents’ failing winery. And no boyfriend. Sort of. Maybe. She didn’t have a clue what she and Ben were.
When he reached for another, she grabbed his shirt collar, yanking him backward. “Enough. Those are old. Get your bag and toss it in the princess room.”
Ignoring her, he stepped over to the window, peering outside. “It’s like those trees you see in the movies. I bet you snuck out all the time.”
“I got up early to work. Staying out late would only make my days more miserable.” In other words, she was boring.
He sat on the bed and tugged at her wrists until she stood between his open thighs. “You work too much.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
“It is if you don’t have any fun. That bucket list we talked about a while ago…”
“No.” Alexis shook her head and stepped out of his reach. She didn’t need another reminder at how dull she was. How exciting Ben was. How incompatible they were.
“Sweetheart.” His tone soft and compassionate. Men didn’t talk to her like that. “What’s wrong?”
What’s wrong? If she told him how insecure she was, how she’d never been cared for this way before, how she’d never had a fountain of emotions bubbling up in her chest, ready to spill out her eyes before, he’d run the hell away.
All these years Alexis was content and happy with her life. The old cliché ignorance is bliss could never be more true. She didn’t know what she was missing in her life until Ben showed her. And the sucky part of it all was that she couldn’t have him.
Geography, culture, and life kept them apart.
Ben was no shrink, but he sure the hell could tell there was a mess of issues going on in Alexis’s head. If he calmed his raging hormones for a few minutes and thought back to what he’d said or done right before she turned cold or distant, he might be able to figure it out.
To figure her out.
Growing up with a passionate, emotional mother and sisters had toughened him in the way of women. It didn’t mean he understood them any more than the next guy, but he didn’t scare easily. Alexis…intrigued him.
Anytime he gave her compliments or teased her about her past boyfriends she clammed up. Putting two and two together, he’d surmised her past experiences with men were uneventful and slim. Or she got hurt so badly she didn’t trust men.
If she’d been hurt her parents would be more protective. So if she was harboring some sort of angst, Ben figured Shane and Claudia hadn’t a clue. Not wanting to push her further, he decided to turn the conversation to light and flirty.
She could handle the sex talk, as long as he didn’t lay on the accolades too thick. He could, however, say them in Italian.
“Sei bellissima,” he said, rubbing his thumbs against the back of her hands.
“Isn’t that Italian?”
“Are you going to talk dirty or something?”
Her eyebrows furrowed together as if deep in thought, deciding if she should keep up the wall or let him through. He had to keep the light façade or the barrier would go back up.
“Dammi un bacio.”
“Sounds like you’re swearing at me.”
Ben chuckled. “Hardly.”
“Then what did you say?”
He pulled at her wrists, making her fall into his lap, hoping the twin bed could hold them both. “It means, give me a kiss.”
“Quite demanding. You could at least ask.”
“Per favore.”
“Better.” Alexis relaxed against his body, looping her hands around the back of his neck.
“You understand that?”
“I took Spanish in school. That sounded like please.”
“Si. There are some words that sound the same.”
“What else you got?” She licked her lips, her dark eyes dancing in delight.
“You like Italian?” He nudged her hair aside and kissed her neck. “That turns you on, bella?”
“Bella? Who is she?” Alexis attempted to break free from his embrace but he was fast, holding her in place.
“Bella means beautiful.”
“Oh. Oh,” she sighed, offering her neck again. “Can I ask you something?”
He murmured, not lifting his lips from her skin. Even coming from the vineyard or barn, or after making love, she always tasted like sweetness and nature.
“Why do you always kiss my neck?”
Ben lifted his head and looked into her heavy-lidded eyes. “You’re the most sensitive there. I know if you let me kiss your neck you’ll let me do other things as well.”
“Oh.” She closed her eyes and sighed again, sounding sleepy. “Like what.”
Smiling at his victory, he made a trail with his lips to her wanting mouth. Her unique flavor of grape and spices luring him in like a siren. She clutched at his back and he took the kiss deeper until the sensations behind his eyes, in his chest, in his hands were nearly too strong to contain.
“Sono dipendente dei tuoi baci.” He lay back, bringing Alexis’s body on top of his, his hands working their way under her shirt until he struck gold, caressing her satin skin.
“Mmm, yes. The sun depends on you, too,” she said between gasps.
Ben stopped, his hands cupping her breasts. “What did you say?”
“I don’t know. Don’t stop kissing me though. Keep these moving.” She dug under her shirt and squeezed her breasts with his hands, and then worked her hands in between their bodies until she met his zipper.
“The sun depends on me?” He chuckled and Alexis stopped working his fly. She lifted her head, her auburn waves tickling his face, and scowled. “You’re going to make fun of my translation?”
He couldn’t stop the stupid grin on his face. She did that to him. A lot. “You have no clue what I said.”
“Something about the sun. Which is going to be up any minute, and my parents are going to be home, and we aren’t going to be able to finish this. If you don’t stop talking.”
“I’m not one to keep a lady waiting.” Ben flipped their bodies so he was on top, hoping they didn’t fall off the tiny bed, appreciating the gasp that flew from Alexis’s melodious mouth. “Tell me, bella, where should I start? Here?” He lifted her shirt and kissed her hip. “Or here?” He lifted higher, kissing under her sports bra. “Possibly here.” He skimmed his way up her body, licking her mouth like she was an ice cream cone. “Or somewhere else?”
She squirmed underneath him, raising her hips against his hardness that had been straining to get free and join her heat.
“Sono dipendente dei tuoi baci,” he said again as he explored, devoured, and loved every inch of her body.
* * *
Knowing her parents would be home from the movie soon, Ben brushed the sweaty tangles of hair from Alexis’s face and kissed the tip of her nose.
“I’m quite content lying here with your naked body on top of me, but I’m not sure how Shane and Claudia will feel about it.”
“Are my parents home?” She pushed up off him.
Ben was quick, though, and held onto her hips, anchoring her so she straddled his body. “Not yet.”
“How do you know?” Her hair swung in every direction as her eyes darted about the room, looking for what, he hadn’t a clue.
“Easy, prin—” He stopped himself, knowing she wouldn’t appreciate an endearment right now, especially being called princess.
Alexis may not see herself as one, but Ben saw the beauty that existed inside. Her beautiful heart loved her family, her traditions, even her town. She wasn’t one to succumb to money or the glittery light of fame.
Not that he was anywhere close to fame. In her eyes, however, she thought of him as the elite and wealthy, he could tell by the way she called him California boy, and Italian. It was the tone of her voice that was the dead giveaway. The way she got defensive about her rural, intimate winery. The way she avoided compliments, and grew t
ense and irritable when he teased her about boyfriends.
She shied from the spotlight, unlike the girls he usually dated. They were attracted to his upscale condo, the black Audi, the Martevino connection. Little did they know Ben was not rolling in money. Sure, he did well for himself. Being single with few financial responsibilities at thirty-three allowed him to save and spend at his leisure.
Most of his money was tied up in investments and the vineyard, and a good chunk of change went back into the community to support low-income housing in and around San Francisco. None of his cash or investments would impress Alexis.
Which was why she made the perfect princess. Too bad the connotation of the title came with snobbery and materialism. The classic princesses, not that he knew many, but he’d heard stories from his Italian grandmother, cared about the less fortunate, gave back to the community, and were more about character than reputation and glory.
“Uh, thinking much?” Alexis cocked an eyebrow but his eyes traveled south to her naked breasts. “Eyes up here. You sort of drifted off.” She crossed her arms, covering her chest, and he gently moved them to the side.
“Just reliving the past thirty minutes.” He sat up and her muscular legs wrapped around his waist.
“Do you ever think about anything else?”
“Not lately.” He pushed her hair away exposing her bare neck. Like a long, smooth, white beacon of light calling for him. He didn’t know what it was about Alexis’s neck; normally he was a breast man, but there was something about her sensitive skin that drove him mad.
“What did you…earlier…what did you say to me in Italian?”
Her vulnerability struck a soft chord in him.
Tracing her lips with his fingers, he spoke the Italian phrase again. “Sono dipendente dei tuoi baci. I’m addicted to your kisses.”
Alexis gasped. Caught in a powerful battle of wills, they sat and stared deep in each other’s eyes, the intensity of her gaze hitting him deep in his core. A wall broke around his heart, exposing something he didn’t know existed.
She must have felt the intense emotion too, her eyes focusing again, her body snapping out of its trance.