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A Beauty to His Beast 2: An Urban Werewolf Story

Page 2

by Natavia

  “Aye, nigga, are you trying to go to the club with me?” Izra asked me, when I walked downstairs with the twins in my arms.

  “I have to ask Kanya,” I said. Amadi, Elle and Izra looked at me, then started laughing.

  “What’s funny?” I asked them.

  “Nigga, your life is what’s funny! You are becoming human. You’re trying to open up stores and shit,” Izra said.

  We heard the sounds of glass breaking and growling. Kanya came into the kitchen in beast form. “What the fuck is that?” Amadi asked, ready to shift.

  “Kanya’s jackal has gotten bigger,” I said to them.

  “She is becoming you?” Elle asked me.

  “Yup, beast and all,” I said. I honestly wasn’t happy about that. I wanted Kanya to remain sweet and gentle like she was at first. Soon she will have my attitude. I know she is my soul mate, but I didn’t think it would be this way. I didn’t think when we became one, it would be literally.

  Blood dripped from her mouth, and she licked her teeth then growled. “Yo, what the fuck is wrong with her? You think she got rabies?” Izra asked me. Kanya walked past me with her tail raised up; she was taunting me.

  After she left out of the kitchen, everyone was quiet just staring at me. “You need to show her who is Alpha!” Elle said, with Amadi and Izra agreeing with him.

  “So, you think I’m losing my touch, huh?” I asked them.

  “Nigga, you losing something! Kanya just burst through the window, and she got blood on the floor. Not only is she breaking house rules, but she got her roles all screwed up. Look at you standing there holding your babies while your mate hunts. I think you are going soft on us, my nigga,” Izra laughed.

  “Two Goons under the same roof? I need a drink and perhaps some pleasure from a woman,” Amadi said.

  “Nigga, you wait years to finally realize that you need some pussy?” Izra asked Amadi.

  “Would you shut the fuck up for a second?” I barked at Izra. Izra growled at me, and I growled back louder causing him to step back. “Don’t fuck with me, little brother,” I warned him.

  “Seriously, Goon, Kanya is not supposed to be challenging you. She walked right past you with her tail raised up. Kanya’s beast is a little too strong for her. I remember how you were when you first turned. You were uncontrollable. You even killed everyone on the slave plantation. She cannot have that behavior around the pups,” Elle said, with everyone else agreeing. I didn’t know what to do at this point. Elle reached his arms out grabbing the twins from me. “Go and talk to her. It’s going to get ugly. I would keep an eye on them,” Elle said to me. Izra patted me on the back. “Good luck, my nigga.”

  When I walked into our bedroom, Kanya was applying lotion on her body. “I need to holla at you real quick,” I said to her.

  “I know your thoughts, Goon. I’m not up for that discussion,” she spat, with her eyes turning gold.

  “Oh, word?” I asked, walking towards her.

  “I’m tired and I just want to sleep. I’m stuffed,” she said, rubbing her stomach.

  “You are not supposed to hunt alone!” I barked at her.

  “I can handle myself,” she said, rolling her eyes at me. My canines grew out of my gums, and my breathing sped up. “Do you want to challenge me?” I asked her.

  I reached out to touch her, and she scratched my face in retaliation. It was that tattoo she had gotten that was doing this to her; she couldn’t control it. My cheek closed up from the deep wounds on my face that she gave me. Kanya covered her mouth with tears in her eyes. “Baby, I’m so sorry. What’s happening to me?” she asked, sadly.

  “You are becoming me, your rage, your strength, and not being able to control your beast,” I said to her. “You have to control it, Kanya.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Goon! I’m sick of all your bickering and go tend to our twins,” she said, getting into our bed.

  “What the fuck did you just say to me?” I asked her.

  “I’m tired, and all you are doing is nagging me,” she yawned. I charged into Kanya sinking my teeth into her neck. I wasn’t trying to kill her; I was showing her that I am the aggressive one. It was a love bite. It was to show her that I am her Alpha. She tried fighting me off.

  “You may be a part of me, but your strength will never be stronger than mine. I am Akua, your Alpha, and you will treat me as such,” I spoke into her head. Her nails sharpened and pierced through my skin like needles. I growled, biting her harder as she whimpered in pain. Her arousal filled the air, and a howl escaped from my throat. Kanya stopped trying to fight me. She started moaning. My hand slipped between her legs; she was wet.

  “Goon, please enter me,” her voice whined into my head. I pulled away from her as she tore my sweat pants into shreds. She tore my t-shirt off me. She pulled me down onto the bed, and gently bit my neck. My dick hardened; it needed to find its way inside of her. I rolled her over, propping her ass up into the air. I spread her cheeks gently as my nose nuzzled inside of her. I missed her arousal. She whimpered. I slowly licked between her wet folds, and she arched her back more. I palmed each cheek as my tongue gave her pleasure. I pulled her bud into my mouth, sucking gently on it. My teeth gently bit into her pussy lips. Kanya had an orgasm causing her body to tremble. I didn’t want to do this, but I had to tame her. I am the leader of my pack. I have to show that I can lead them. I cannot have my mate challenging me in front of my pack—that’s disrespect.

  After I licked her dry, I sat up on the bed. Kanya had sweat beads rolling down her tatted back from the pleasure she just received. I gripped the back of her neck with my sharp nails, digging into her skin. She couldn’t move. I gently slid inside of her, making myself grow a little more. I stretched her open, and her body tensed up.

  “SSSHHHHHHHHHHHHH! It’s too big. It’s too much,” she whined. I ignored her then slowly pulled out of her. I gripped the back of her neck tighter then thrust all of me inside of her. I gave Kanya every single inch of me. She let out a hoarse cry. Gold hairs pierced through her skin. Her mane grew longer with the tips turning brownish-gold. Her nails shredded the sheets as I pumped into her. She tightened her muscles around me to keep me from going deeper. I leaned forward then bit her shoulder, making her loosen up—she wetter. Her scent started to fill up the room. Every thrust I gave her caused her to howl out. I was too big for her, but her beast wanted me to fuck her. Her beast was getting wetter for me. I pulled out of her then slowly slid back in.

  “I’m cummmmiinnnggggggggggggg!” she howled out, followed with a growl. I pushed her face further into the mattress as I went harder.

  “Talk shit now, Kanya. I don’t hear that shit! You sounding like a little puppy over there,” I teased, going harder and faster, causing the head board to slam into the wall. The wall directly behind the headboard began to form a crack that traveled all the way up to the ceiling. Pieces of paint fell on us, but I didn’t stop. A howl escaped my throat when her pussy squeezed me tightly almost causing me to fall forward.

  “GGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!” I said loudly. My dick swelled up as I was on the verge of busting. The sounds of her ass cheeks slapping against me filled the room. I sped up until I emptied myself inside of her. I collapsed on top of her, her sweaty hair stuck to my face. After a few seconds, I pulled myself out of Kanya. I rolled her over, and she was still breathing fast. I laughed at her.

  “I love you, Kanya,” I said, kissing her face. She growled at me, causing me to laugh even harder.

  “You are lucky; I’m not in the mood,” she smirked.

  I ran her bath water, adding her favorite oils inside of the tub. I pulled her into me when I joined her inside of the tub. “I miss this,” she said, kissing my lips.

  “I had to bite the hell out of you just to remind you who I am,” I said, moving her thick, kinky hair out of her face.

  “That seriously hurt. I even stopped breathing for a few seconds. I felt like I was being suffocated.”

  “I had to show you who was Alp
ha in this pack,” I said, washing her back.

  After Kanya got out of the tub, I took a shower then got dressed. Kanya sat up in bed nursing the twins. “So, you are going out with Izra?” she asked me.

  “Yeah, I am. I don’t want to hear no shit about it neither,” I said, kissing her forehead then the twins. Kanya rolled her eyes at me. I chuckled then walked out of our bedroom. When I got outside, Izra was sitting in his Camaro smoking a blunt. When I got inside of the car, he passed it to me.

  “You are my nigga. I heard Kanya up there sounding like a newborn puppy. But, nigga, when you howled I was like that’s my fucking brother,” Izra said, patting my back.

  “Yo, seriously? You would be the only dumb muthafucka to listen to us. Where are we going?” I asked him, reclining the seat back.

  “We are going to the club, my nigga, V.I.P and all.”

  “I been telling you since this slang “nigga” came up to stop calling me that shit,” I said to Izra, blowing the smoke out of my mouth.

  “Nigga, seriously? Let the slavery days go. This is the new world that we live in, and I fucking love it. The style, the clothes, the bitches, the music. I love all of it, and you love it too, so stop fronting. You going to be like Amadi and Elle scared of this new generation,” Izra said.

  I chuckled. “It is refreshing though, but that nigga shit is for the birds,” I told Izra. If it weren’t for Izra and me always going out, we would’ve been behind with the new generation. We adapted faster than anyone else.


  We sat in our section sipping Henny. Izra was lighting up his blunt. “I miss Adika already,” he blurted out.

  “You got me out here to talk about a damn witch?”

  “Seriously, I miss her. I almost can’t think without her.”

  “That’s because you marked her,” I said to him. A strange scent was in the air. I sniffed. The scent was familiar, but I couldn’t point it out.

  “You smell that?” I asked Izra.

  “Another wolf,” Izra said.

  When I turned around, it was Dash and a few other guys. Dash was the new Alpha of Xavier’s pack. His pack wasn’t strongly bonded like mines. Xavier’s old pack was made up of wolves from all over the world. Any lone wolf could join his pack. My pack was from ancestry. Amadi’s, Izra’s, Elle’s, and Dayo’s parents all served my parents ages ago. They were peasants who worshipped the wolf god in return to get the chance to live for eternity by becoming immortals.

  “Look what we have here. Isn’t it the Egyptian prince?” one wolf asked and the others laughed.

  I chuckled. “In the flesh, but what’s up? Is there an issue that needs to be taken outside?” I asked the dark-skinned guy that was standing next to Dash. The other wolf standing with them growled at me.

  Dash smirked. “Be easy, fellas. We have to worship this nigga,” Dash spat, angrily.

  Izra stood up. “Y’all muthafuckas haven’t learned yet? How many pack brothers have y’all lost in these past few months when Xavier was here? Do y’all not know what the fuck is up with us?” Izra growled.

  “You let him speak for you, Goon? But I’m not surprised that he doesn’t have any manners. He did piss on our tree, on our territory, and it stinks. That alone is pack violation,” Dash spoke.

  I chuckled. “What is supposed to happen? Let’s be clear, Dash, if what he did was an issue, you should’ve challenged him at that moment. Like I stated before, if there is an issue let me know. I’m up for a fight. I hate to say this, but Xavier’s punk ass kept me entertained. Now that he’s gone, I’m assuming you are next runner-up. Don’t worry. I’ll try not to bite you too hard. Your neck looks a little frail,” I said, calmly sipping my Henny. Izra roared in laughter. Dash’s eyes turned yellow; his beast wanted to attack me. “I guess this conversation is over,” I said, bopping my head to the music. Dash and his pack brothers walked off. I turned to Izra and chuckled.

  “So, you do say nigga in your head? I knew that shit was a front,” Izra laughed. I always forget how well Izra can sometimes listen to all of my thoughts.

  “It was on the spur of the moment,” I laughed. A few girls walked passed us giggling. Izra started sniffing the air while I shook my head at him. “You see the one with the short-cut? Her scent is alluring. The scent of the one with the blonde, fake hair isn’t. The one with the blonde hair smells like that shit Kanya be eating,” Izra said.

  “I’m a mated man. I’m not allowed to smell another woman’s scent,” I told him.

  “Nigga, just sniff her out. You know what Kanya eats. I can’t think of the name.”

  “Her scent smells like shrimps,” I said.

  “That’s it!” Izra shouted. The two girls walked over to our section. The one with the blonde hair sat down next to Izra. They were both attractive in the face. Their skin was the color of Egyptian sand. The one with the short hair sat down next to me, and Izra was right—her scent was alluring.

  “Hi, handsome,” she said.

  This man is borderline gorgeous. Those tattoos are such a turn on. I wouldn’t mind letting him have his way with me. He smells so good. Oh my god! His body is tall and muscular. Thank god he isn’t bulky. I hate bulky men, she ranted off in her head.

  The short-hair one scooted closer to me. “My name is Sinea. What’s your name?” she asked me.

  “Goon,” I stated. I looked over at Izra, and he wasn’t too pleased with the blonde woman sitting on his lap.

  I have to throw my True Religion jeans away. She has a nice ass though. Maybe I can plug my nose then fuck her. I want to know if she uses Summer’s Eve, like Adika. Damn it! I’m still thinking about her. She must have put a curse on me. That’s what she did. Izra ain’t never hung up on a woman. I wonder if Amadi has a fragrance for this woman. I bet he does. Maybe I should call him to ask him. All this ass cannot go to waste, Izra thought.

  “So, what’s going on? Would you like to dance?” Sinea asked me, grabbing my dick. Her eyes widened. “Oh, my heavens,” she stated, when I pushed her hand away.

  “Look who is having fun,” I heard a voice coming from behind me. When I turned around, Kanya and Adika were grilling me. Izra pushed the blonde woman off of his lap. “Ouch, you asshole!” the woman screamed at Izra.

  Kanya had on a pair of tight jeans and a tan leather jacket that was unzipped, showing her cleavage. On her feet was a pair of pumps. I don’t know how it’s possible, but every time I see her, my stomach drops. I was infatuated with my mate. She is drop-dead gorgeous. Her slanted eyes pierced through me.

  “You hear that? It sounds like a dog is in the club. Where is that growling coming from?” Sinea asked, unaware of the dirty looks Kanya was giving her. Kanya’s beast wanted to come out, but she was fighting it. Kanya knows that we cannot shift around humans. Our world is separate from the human world, even if we live in it.

  “Elle has the twins?” I asked Kanya.

  “I just knew this nigga had a baby mama. He’s too damn fine. I just knew it was a catch to something,” Sinea said, getting up.

  “Oh no, sweetie, I’m his wife,” Kanya said, sitting down next to me.

  “Well, he didn’t tell me that!” Sinea shouted, as she stood up.

  “Did you give him a chance to?” Sinea rolled her eyes then walked off. The blonde one took her drink then threw it on Izra. “That’s for pushing me onto the floor you jerk.” When she walked past Adika, her blonde wig flew up into the air then disappeared.

  “My hair!” she screamed, running through the crowd.

  “That’s my—” Izra got out before Adika cut him off.

  “Go ahead and say bitch,” Adika warned him.

  “I was going to say witch, damn,” Izra smirked.

  Kanya crossed her arms, giving me an evil look. “What?” I asked.

  “I ought to bite the hell out of you. You left me home with the twins for this?” she yelled at me.

  “I’m just chilling, and I didn’t leave you home. Besides, that’s where you’re suppos
ed to be. I tried to give you your privacy. What, I got to be up in your head a lot again?” I asked her.

  She mushed my head back. “Don’t play with me. Don’t you do it. Did she make you aroused?” Kanya asked me.

  “Where is this coming from?” I asked her.

  “Nigga, do I need to keep reminding you that Kanya is from the new generation? She has that black woman, ‘I don’t take shit from a nigga’ attitude. Your old ass needs to get hipped,” Izra said, as Adika pinched him.

  “No, I didn’t get aroused. What are you accusing me of?” I asked Kanya.

  “Cheating, nigga!” Izra said.

  “Let them talk. Let’s dance, and while we’re at it, you can explain why you wanted Amadi’s oil. I read your thoughts, and it hasn’t even been two days since we broke up. I didn’t even break up with you. I just said I needed to think about us, and now you’re planning to screw someone?” Adika yelled at Izra.

  “Here we go with this bullshit,” Izra said, standing up. Adika put her hands on her hips, looking up at Izra. “Why are you looking at me like that? You miss the dick don’t you? Go ahead and touch it. I promise I will behave,” Izra said.

  “This is what I’m talking about! That’s all you care about; our relationship is built on sex!” Adika screamed making the glasses on the table burst, including the glass I had in my hand.

  “I’m out, Kanya. Call me when you get home.” Adika then stormed off with Izra following behind her trying to apologize.

  “I guess it’s just us. I don’t mind though. We can use this alone time,” I said, waving the waitress over.

  “Do you have thoughts about other women?” Kanya asked me.

  “No, I don’t. You can hear my thoughts anytime you want to, so I don’t understand why you are asking me that. Can we not fuss though? We are going to turn our beasts against each other. I don’t want that to happen because neither one of us can control our beasts, especially you.”

  “You look handsome, by the way. I forgot to tell you that.” Kanya sipped from the wine glass the waitress just gave her. I scooted closer to her then put my arm around her. “What do you want to do about that?” I asked, gently biting her ear. Kanya blushed as my hand rubbed her thigh. “Stop it,” she whined. I invaded her mind…


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