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Taken by The Billionaire (Sold to The Billionaire #3)

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by J. L. Beck

  Taken by The Billionaire

  Sold to The Billionaire #3

  J.L. Beck

  Chapter One


  I watched the blonde dance before me. She worked the pole like she was riding a dick, and as much as I liked staring at the slut in front me she wasn’t her, my sweet angel, Taylor.

  “Do you like what you see?” She twirled around on her four-inch heels, her eyes sparkling in the overhead lights. I could tell she was on something but did I really care? I could have her on her knees in a second, her warm mouth sucking me off to the image of Taylor.

  I shook my head. “No actually, I don’t. I’m here because I need a lead on something, someone…” I narrowed my eyes at her, all the lust draining from my face, seriousness overtaking my features.

  The little whore stared me down, her bottom lip protruding out in a pout. If she was trying to look cute she was failing horribly.

  “Whoever it is you’re looking for ain’t here, sweetheart…” She shoved from her bent position against the stage. If she thought she was going to get away with talking to me like that, she had another thing coming.

  “Excuse me, but we aren’t done here…” My fingers sunk into her warm flesh reminding me exactly why I had let Taylor go in the first place. I was too violent, too careless, too heartless to be with a woman.

  The stripper turned on her heels, her eyes filled to the brim with fear. The guard off to the left of the room made a step toward me but stood down once he realized who I was.

  I pulled the woman against my chest as her body slammed into me with more force than I had expected. She had no idea the kind of man I was, the things I could and would do to her if she failed to listen to me.

  “Let go of me.” Her lips trembled, and I knew she was finally feeling real fear.

  “No can do, sweetie. I need answers, and you have them.” I held her tighter against my chest, moving in the direction of the more private VIP lounges.

  She struggled of course, making this ten times harder than it really needed to be. All I needed were a few questions answered and then she could go on with her miserable life.

  “I don’t know where she is,” she growled, furious with me, I was sure.

  “Funny you know exactly who she is…” I released her with a fling. Her body landed against the soft cushioned couch as she twirled around, her fake tits bouncing up and down with every movement she made.

  “I understand why she didn’t want anyone to know who she was now,” the blonde spat like I was the asshole in this entire situation. Taylor had been on the run and hiding from me for the last three years, since I made the horrendous mistake of letting her go.

  “Here’s how this works…” I ground out, crossing the distance that separated us in two strides. My hand snaked out, my fingers gripping her by the chin, forcing her to feel the seriousness of the matter. “If you know something you’re going to tell me, or else...” I leaned into her ear, making sure she could hear the warning my words held. “Or I’ll kill you myself, right here, right now.”

  As I pulled away I could tell she got the gist of what I was saying but just in case she didn’t, I pulled my gun out smirking as her eyes grew wide with fear.

  “I don’t know her… I swear…” Her voice wobbled as she stumbled over her words. I slammed down on the couch next to her, my patience wearing thin. I pressed the barrel of the gun against the side of her head and watched as fresh tears slipped from her eyes. If she wasn’t going to give me the information I needed then she was a loose end, and loose ends always lead to trouble.

  “See if you don’t want to help me, Ericka…” I tilted my head at her, trying to shove away the part of me that said I didn’t have to do this. “That is your name right?” She nodded her head up and down, a sob ripping from her throat.

  “If you have no information that you’re willing to share with me, then you’re a loose end and loose ends die…” I hissed.

  “Okay, okay, she told me she was on the run. She never told me who she was running from, and as soon as she got the cash she needed she was gone…” The words rushed from Ericka’s mouth and a smirk pulled at my own lips as relief filled my belly. The last thing I wanted was another person’s blood on my hands.

  “Good… Do you happen to know where she ran off to?” Tracking Taylor to this strip club was hard enough. The woman left no trails, and it was out of sheer luck that my private investigator got a tip from someone that Taylor had been seen here a time or two.

  Ericka shook her head no, tears still falling from her eyes, as her life teetered in the balance.

  “She never… never told me anything like that.” My teeth ground together in frustration as I dropped the barrel of the gun from her head.

  “If she shows her face around here again, you send her my way. Do you understand me?” I ordered, tucking my gun back into the waistband of my dress slacks. The bitch nodded her head up and down, her loud sobs echoing through the space. I needed to get the fuck out of here.

  Walking out of the VIP room I headed straight for the exit. My fists were clenched and my body was filled to the brim with pent up aggression. It had been two years since I left what was left of my family behind. I prayed like hell that it was worth it to go out and find myself when in reality, all I had done was spend a year and a half killing people.

  I pushed through the exit door with more force than needed. My blacked out SUV was parked right where I left it. I squeezed my eyes shut, a vein in my head bulging. Taylor knew I was looking for her, she had to know by now. As soon as I let her go I realized the mistake I had made and just who her father was.

  “God fuckin’ damnit!!” I turned on my heels, slamming my fist into the door I had just come through. Pain raced up my arm, the sound of bone connecting with metal filtered into my ears. I wanted Taylor for numerous reason and not just because I had paid a pretty penny for her.

  She had something that belonged to me, something that I would relish in taking from her. The little cherry that resided between her legs belonged to me, as did her body, and I had every intention of making her mine, even if it meant that I had to hunt her down and bring her back to me kicking and screaming.

  The pain that filled my veins was nothing compared to the pain that I endured every single day. I was a living reminder of my father’s legacy, and if I didn’t find suicide to be the coward man’s way out I would’ve already offed myself.

  I stared at the dent in the door before landing another punch against the cold metal. I simmered in the pain as blood dripped from my hands. I was a monster, the devil in disguise, and Taylor was my last chance at good.

  The ringing of my cell pulled me from the hazy rage that consumed me. Shoving my bloody hand into my pocket, I pulled the device out and swiped, answering it all in one movement.

  “We’ve got her spotted,” the investigator on the other end of the line spoke. A million different emotions could’ve jumped out at me, everything from fear, to elation but one emotion seemed to stay rooted, digging deep into my dark depths of my soul.


  “Stay put. I’ll be there in a few,” I ground out, hanging up before he could say anything else. My intentions were the same as they were the day I bought her. Taylor was mine and I was going to show her just how true that statement was.

  Chapter Two


  Sitting straight up in my bed, I blinked away the sleep from my eyes. The sound of my mother’s soft cries filtered down the hall and into my bedroom. I couldn’t even stop myself if I wanted to. I was up and out of the bed in seconds, my heart racing in my chest as I
ran down the hall and in the direction of my mother’s sobs. I couldn’t comprehend what was taking place until rough hands encompassed my arms and caged me in like an animal.

  “Sweet little Taylor…” The sound of his voice was like acid raindrops landing against my bare skin. I never thought there could be a man worse than Seth Smith but I was looking at him. My father’s debt wasn’t settled when I auctioned off my virginity to Seth. It turns out my father owed millions instead of thousands.

  “Don’t touch me!” I spat, willing to bite the bastard’s fingers if he touched me. I watched with disgust as Antonio Gonzaloes eyed me up and down, taking in my disheveled t-shirt and sleep shorts.

  “Oh I have plans of doing way more than touching you.” He licked his lips and my stomach churned, the need to throw up nearly overtaking me. Antonio was handsome, but he was also the leader of the Gonzaloes Mafia and I knew exactly what kind of things they did.

  “I can get you the rest of the money Antonio…” My father pleaded with him, anguish overtaking his features. Coldness settled deep into my bones as I watched my father beg for Antonio to spare my life.

  “Shut the fuck up before I kill you and take your daughter anyway…” Antonio spat on the floor, his gun lifted and aimed right at my father’s temple. As angry and sad as I was, I couldn’t watch my father die. Not when I could do something to keep him alive.

  “Stop. I’ll go with you. Just don’t kill him, please.” I pleaded with my eyes. Antonio’s dark ones were piercing mine, peering deep inside my head. The longer he stared at me the harder my heart beat.

  “A pretty thing like you can’t possibly still have the one thing I would be most invested in, right?” He sneered, eyeing me up and down once more. A red blush crept onto my cheeks.

  “I… I’ve not… I mean… Yes…” I stumbled over my words hating how weak and insignificant he made me feel.

  Antonio’s right hand released me, the blood filling the veins in my arms once more. I rubbed at the tender flesh that would most definitely have bruises.

  “I still want half of the money owed. I can forgive a debt Frank, but I can’t forgive a debt this big. I’ll be in touch.” Two emotions crossed my father’s face in that one second. Fear and relief. I liked to think the fear was for me but who knows. A man that was willing to gamble away everything in his life couldn’t possibly care that his daughter was once again saving his life.

  “Let’s go.” Antonio’s rough fingers dug into the sensitive flesh of my arm as he guided me in the direction of the door. My mother stared at me with longing while my father watched as the man he owed his life to dragged away his only daughter.

  I still had my virginity, but only thanks to Seth. Seth, the mere thought of him set my body ablaze but before I could let his memory take hold, pain sliced through me as Antonio’s grip on my arm grew tighter.

  “You’re going to need to get out of that pretty little head of yours if you plan on surviving what I have in store for you.” Acid burned a path up my throat.

  “I’m not a whore and I never will be.” I regretted the words as soon as they came out of mouth. Before I could even take a breath I was being slammed against the black SUV, my feet dangling off the ground as all the air in my lungs dissipated.

  The devil himself appeared right in front of me, black spots forming in my vision. I had never felt so useless in my life. My fingernails scraped against his hand trying to break his hold on my throat.

  He stared down at me, his body blocking out any sunlight that could’ve made its way through the clouds. I realized then that this man was worse than any other. He would do anything he could to make those that owed him pay.

  “You’ll do as I say. If I tell you to get on your knees, you will. If I tell you to suck my cock, you will. If I want you bare on my bed you will be, because you’re now the property of the Russian Mafia.” He released me finger by finger, the pressure against my throat lifting enough for me to suck in fresh oxygen. Tears slipped down from the sides of my eyes.

  There was no escaping the fate that had been laid out before me. Seth had let me go only to be taken by another man, a man that had worse intentions. I was ensnared in a web of death, lies, and chaos and no matter how hard I tried to escape it all I would be brought back kicking and screaming.

  I stopped the thoughts that seemed to run rampant throughout my mind whenever I got a free second to think. I never thought there could be a more broken man than Seth but Antonio proved me wrong at every turn. I hated the turn that my life had taken and hated it even more that there was nothing I could do to change it. I would be paying off my father’s debt until the day I died.

  “Hate to cut your break short sweetheart but you’re needed back on the floor. Antonio wants you serving drinks.” Angela my boss, or more importantly, the chick riding Antonio’s dick the most, ordered walking into the tiny break room. I sighed inwardly knowing if I did so out loud I might get my ass kicked.

  “Perfect!” I plastered a smile on my face because honestly, I didn’t want to get on anyone else’s bad side. I had endured enough in the last four months. When I first got placed with the other women that Antonio had, things weren’t good for me. They did whatever they could to hurt me, from physical abuse to emotional abuse to destroying the very little belongings I had.

  “Hurry the fuck up, Taylor!” Antonio’s voice boomed over the crowd. I filled my tray with bottles of beer and walked out into the crowd offering anyone who wanted a drink one.

  My movements were slow and my footsteps were tiny. Fear snaked up my back as the feeling of something bad lingered in the air.

  “Tonight we have a young woman with a bright future ahead of her…” I heard the announcer’s voice echoing throughout the room and knew exactly what that bad feeling had been from.

  They were auctioning off girls tonight, ones that had no useful purpose to Antonio. A thin sheen of sweat formed against my hands making the tray wobble. It reminded me of the night that Seth had taken me.

  His bid wasn’t only the highest, but it was the only one for that matter. He knew the moment he saw me that I was going to be his. I had this intuition that Seth was on the hunt for me, but I refused to let him find me like this. Then again, maybe I could use that to my advantage.

  “I’m not going to tell you again…” Antonio’s deep, seductive voice filtered into my ears. He was pissed, I could tell that much from the tone of his voice.

  “What?” I questioned dazed.

  “See, that’s it little girl. Maybe I’ve been too easy on you. Maybe I’ve given you too many chances.” His fingers dug into my arm, causing the remaining drinks on my tray to sway.

  “What… What do you mean? I’m doing exactly as asked…” My words were laced with confusion. I could smell the bourbon on his breath, the potent smell stinging the insides of my nostrils. It brought me back to the night my life with Antonio forever changed.

  He stumbled into my small room completely drunk, his eyes were bloodshot and his movements were jerky. I had heard him drinking downstairs with his buddies. I hated this place, and hated that I was taking my father’s punishment. Had I been a selfish person maybe I would’ve told him to fend for himself.

  “You’ve been teasing me with your long, tan legs and perfectly shaped lips.” His words were slurred and I watched as he swayed back and forth on unsteady feet. Something deep down in the pits of my stomach told me this was bad and that nothing good was going to come from him being in here alone with me.

  “I…” Lust filled his dark eyes. I needed to find a way to get myself out of this situation before it turned ugly. “I’m owned by another man…” His steps wavered and he leaned against the wall, a sickening smile pulling at his lips.

  “We will just have to see about that then won’t we…” A shudder ran down my spine as he slammed down onto my small frame, the entire weight of his body suffocating me.

  “Your nothing but a dumb slut… I think you should be the next placed up for aucti
on.” The sound of Antonio’s angry voice brought me back to the present. My feet slid across the floor with ease as he pulled me in the direction of the bar.

  “Do it!” I tried to pull from his steel hold.

  “Oh I’m sure you would appreciate that. I’m sure you would love being passed around.” His words lingered and my stomach rolled at the thought of what he had said.

  My entire body slammed into the side of the bar, pain shooting down my leg and into my hip. Tears welled up in my eyes and relief coursed through my veins as Antonio released me.

  “You see those fuckin’ tables over there?” Antonio growled, as he pointed in the direction of the elite buyers. “They need drinks. Do what I fucking tell you to do and get them whatever the hell they want.” I nodded my head up and down, my lips pressed together firmly stopping any response from coming out.

  Antonio stared down at me like I was a piece of shit on the bottom of his shoe and I couldn’t help but compare him to Seth more and more every day. Yeah Seth was dark and tormented, but he never would’ve hurt me in the ways this man had.

  Why did you leave then? The question swirled around inside my head for years. I was young and naïve then, and didn’t think anything of it. I also knew that if Seth told you to do something you did it, so I left.

  That was my biggest regret because even if I did find my way back to him some day, he wouldn’t want me like he had before. The one thing that promised me to him was gone now that Antonio had gotten his sickening hands on me.

  “Go!” Antonio shoved me and I almost fell, my feet catching on the barstool. The tray slipped from my hands and clattered to the floor. I knew the scene that Antonio had made was about to get ten times bigger.

  But the floor never came into view and a pair of strong arms wrapped around my front stopping my descent. I lifted my eyes to the stranger that had just all but saved my life, my mouth hanging open.


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