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Truth or Dare

Page 3

by Matt Nicholson

  By the time I was done, her nipples and areolae had six really obvious holes, and blood was trickling through the hard crevices.

  You couldn’t tell from her smile that they’d just been swiss-cheesed. “OK, you’ve redeemed yourself.”

  “Good, ‘cause we’ve still got another set to…”

  Her fingers closed around my balls before I could finish, and my zipper was down before she’d pulled me all the way to her. I barely saw her grinning as I closed my eyes, and hardly heard her talk as her fingernails scored my sac and then she crushed my cock between her tits.

  “No, Gary, this isn’t in the script, but you’d better fucking get it anyway.

  “Oh, hell’am!”

  Gary got it, all right, and so did I. But, taking the video couldn't have been nearly as hot for Gary as having Cecilia sink her fingers into her tits and crush my cock between them was for me. I mean, she had to have left bruises, ‘cause I’d never had my dick crushed between a pair of tits quite like that before. And, I’d never sprayed a woman’s chin that way either.

  After I wiped us off, she left to take a powder before we started the next set. By then I’d decided that, since we’d already busted the script, I’d have some real fun with her. Now that I knew she got off on having her tits tortured, it was my turn.


  She took thirty before she decided to grace us with her presence again. During that time, I’d hauled one of the old chrome dinette chairs from the building’s break room. It, and its cracked yellow padding, were waiting for her when she finally got back. She eyed the chair for a second then spread her legs and plopped down on it. She let me handcuff her arms to the chrome-plated uprights between the seat and back and strap her ankles to the rust-dotted legs.

  Once I was certain she wasn’t going anywhere, I knelt in front of her. Her tits were just inches from my face. The poke marks red and inflamed, especially in her puckered nipples. Just as fun were the purpling bruises that would have perfectly matched the span of her fingers on the outsides of each breast. Thanks to those bruises, my cock was mostly flaccid and sex wasn’t driving my every thought. Testing her limits was.

  “So, Cecilia, what happens if we don't shoot the entire thing? Do you get paid?”

  She raised her left eyebrow. “Why do you ask?”

  “Well, I was thinking of changing the script some more. I’m sure your…employer will like what I have in mind. We’ll just have to see if you do.”

  She opened her mouth to bitch. I can always tell. I cut her off before she could.

  “Or, we could leave you for the security guards to find...handcuffed, naked, with more needles in your nipples or something.”

  “You’re an ungrateful bastard!”

  I glared pointedly at her tits. “No. I’m a very grateful bastard. So, what’ll it be?”

  “It’s not like I have much choice.”

  That wasn’t quite the answer I expected. But her words, and her sultrier-than-expected tone, told me one of two things. Either she liked the idea despite herself, or she had some idea about getting even that’d make me regret being born.

  “No, you really don’t.”

  She looked at her tits and smirked. “Then do your worst, Suckwad.”

  Five minutes later, I had the first of two really tight alligator clamps biting a chunk of skin just to the left of her areola. I could tell by the look on her face that it hurt. Of course, the “Oh, fuck” she repeated over and over was a clue, too.

  I'd thought about letting it chomp right on her nipple, but I decided that what I had in mind next would probably be too much if I put it there.

  See, the clamp was attached to a red wire running back to an electrical box. A second black wire ran from the box to a second clamp. The plan was to hook her up and French fry her nipple. I opened the second clip and pressed into her tit on the opposite side of the same areola. Her eyes widened, and she hissed when I let the clamp go. The little teeth had to hurt like hell, but what was coming would be a lot more fun.

  Like I said, the script called for her to act like I was dialling up the electricity and frying her perky nipple. Nothing said she’d actually have to sizzle. It wasn’t as if the audience would know the difference. When I saw that there were real batteries in the box, though…well, I decided on another script change. After all, reality TV is always better, huh?

  When I pressed the red button and let the electricity fly, she squealed for real and shook her tits like crazy. The clamps held despite the quaking. Once she was done, she looked down at her tit as if it was still on fire.

  “I can fake it just fine, Dickweed!”

  I cranked a dial and hit the button again. She responded by twisting wildly. I figured it was in agony, but I really didn’t care. Her boobs looked great bouncing like that, and she was getting to learn a lesson.

  “My name’s not ‘Dickweed,’ love.”

  She glared at me. “Sorry…Fuckwad! Do that again and I’ll…”


  I did it again, and held the button down, watching her tits sling around until she finally managed, “Okay, OKAY! Jeff, I’m sorry!”

  “Say, ‘Pretty please.”

  She was slapping her boobs so hard that the metal clamps were banging against each other, sparking right over her nipple.


  But I was having way too much fun. I held the button down for a five count before I let it go. She collapsed in a heap, breathing like she’d run a 5K. I undid the clamps and set the box on the floor behind the chair. By the time she looked up at me, I’d had time to check out her nipples. I was surprised the bite marks weren’t bleeding. I waited for her to say something, but she looked at the handcuffs instead. My bet was she was trying to decide what I’d do if she made another smart ass comment. She stayed quiet. She wasn’t stupid, just a bitch.

  “See how being polite can get things done?”

  Her wet eyes flared, but she didn’t say anything. Taking that as a good sign, I checked the ‘to do list.’ The guy that wrote it was one tracked and short on imagination, but I’d already figured out how to fix that.

  By the time I got back with the hemp rope, she was watching me. She looked at it and frowned. She knew what was next on the list. “You going to tie my tits with that?”

  I nodded, “Yep.”

  “But, that’s what that white rope was for.”

  She was talking about a coil of soft nylon rope that I’d brought. I’d seen the coarse hemp across the room when I first came in. It just seemed like more fun. “Yeah, I guess it probably was. I like this stuff better.”

  I checked Gary to make sure he was ready. When he nodded, that stupid grin still plastered to his face, I snagged her right tit and pulled it out, giving it a twist for good measure. I wrapped the first loop around it and yanked as hard as I could, almost lifting her out of the chair. She didn’t scream, but her gasp was still fun.

  “God damn, don’t tear it off.”

  “I bet he’d pay you more if I did.”

  I wrapped the rope around her breast, yanking each loop like I did the first, making certain it hurt. It'd hurt even more when her tit swelled up and the blood ran out of oxygen. After about seven loops, I switched tits. When I was done, I ran the rope up through an old plant hanger hook in the ceiling then went to get the candles—like the script called for. It was fun watching her watch me. Since I’d already changed the script once, I could see her mind churning.

  “You are just going to use wax, right?”

  I really got nervous when she read my mind, because I'd really considered tickling her nipples with the flame a little. “I guess you’ll just have to see.”

  As I lit the candles, I think it was the first time that I saw her look afraid. When I started dripping wax on her right tit, she watched me closely, hardly flinching as I dribbled the melted liquid across the tops of her boobs. After I did her left tit, I shifted the candle down so that the flame danced j
ust below her breast.

  “You afraid of a little fire, Cecie?”

  She looked up at the rope then back down at her lavender titties. She spoke fast, like she was trying to be in charge, but knew she wasn’t. “Hang me, Jeff. Hang me by my tits instead. You know you want to.”

  I have to admit, she got my attention, but the wet gleam on the plastic between her legs made me feel bold.

  “That’s a great a minute.”

  I shifted the candle until the flame flickered between her boobs then moved it from inside to out, quickly swathing her nipple and the tight wrinkles around it in flame. Before she could let out a gasp, the fire was past. Her lips parted as if she was about to talk, and I moved it back to the inside just a little slower. Her whimper was quiet, but she wasn’t fooling me. Her legs spread wider, telling me she was getting off on the fear, if nothing else.

  As much as I wanted to watch her squirm, and the idea of Cecilia Nipple Carbon had more than a little bit of taboo cannibalistic appeal, I held the candle close enough to her face that she could blow it out. Her relief was palpable, and she didn’t even try to protest when I grabbed the dangling rope tails.

  I looked over at Gary. His eyes were even wider than hers had been when she thought I was going to cook her nipple, but his camera was ready. Without warning her, I pulled down on the ropes.

  As I’ve mentioned, it wasn’t the first time her eyes got wide, or that she gasped. I bet it was the first time she’d been hauled off the ground by her tits, though, chair and all. Her boobs bulged like two over-filled, purple balloons on the verge of exploding. They were so smooth and glossy that I could hardly tell where her areolae or nipples were. She was heavier than I expected, and it didn’t take me long to realize there wasn’t any way I could keep her off the ground and still do stuff to her boobs.

  I let her back down and was a little surprised that she didn’t say a thing. She just slumped, panting while I took off the cuffs and straps.

  It wasn’t until I lifted her chin with my fingers that she met my eyes. She didn’t smile, but she wasn’t mad either. If anything they said, “More.”

  I pulled on the rope again, lifting her up until her toes were a couple of inches off the ground and she started to rotate around in the air. She held still, moaning as she spun. Gary was changing angles as fast as he could, zooming in and out on her tits and her face. It wasn’t until he moved in for a close-up of her crotch that I noticed the liquid glaze coating her inner thighs.

  Not that I normally look, but I could see the outline of his cock against his jeans. It goes without saying mine was doing the exact same thing.

  Cecilia was just breathing hard. Her eyes were closed as she dangled there. Her breasts were getting darker by the minute. I don’t think I’d ever been so turned on. But my arms were saying, “Fuck this," so I hauled her up a little more and tied the rope off.

  She swayed, moaning quietly, alternating between reaching for the ground that was several inches too far from the tips of her toes and pulling her knees up as if she was trying to relieve the pressure.

  I figured that was a good time to show her the next change in the script and pulled out the needles. Since she didn’t see me, I lightly jabbed the nearest nipple.

  Her eyes flew wide and she looked from my hand to her purple tits and back.

  For a second I thought I saw her smile. Her voice was raspy, hard to hear through whatever she felt. “That’s not what the script says…” Then she did smile, just a little. “…Dickweed.”

  The bitch wanted me to skewer her tits. Her eyes told me so. She was playing a game now. Hell, she may have been playing me the whole time. I held up a needle and got up close to her right tit, acting like I was looking for just the right spot. I didn’t mind the game at all.

  When I was sure I had her attention, I jabbed it into the left side of her wide, slick, purple areola. I wasn’t slow. I wasn’t careful. I almost expected it to pop. Gauging from her squeal, she did too, especially when I wiggled it around a bit. I took the second needle and did just the opposite with it, on the opposite tit—slowly working it in to make her squirm.

  By the time I got to the fourth needle, she was crying. It wasn’t the sobby kind of cry, just a quiet, weepy cry. But, she wasn’t telling me to stop, or calling me any pet names. Her thighs were glistening almost to her knees. I noticed because she was rubbing them together.

  By the time I got the sixth needle in, she was panting and staring at her tits. One of the needles, in her right boob, was starting to trickle dark, blue-red blood. She watched it for a second then looked at me sideways until she’d spun so she couldn’t see me.

  “Is that the best you’ve got… Jeff?”

  I felt my eyebrows raise. If I was right, she was through baiting me and was really just asking. I was really starting to rethink our relationship.

  I dropped my jeans and slipped in behind her. As her bottom moved in front of me, I thought about spanking her, or taking the flail to her, but I wasn’t certain her tits would last much longer. Instead, I made sure she felt my rock-hard cock against her ass.

  Her voice grew louder. “God, yes! Fuck me!”

  I slipped the head of my cock into her. She tried to shove back into me, but she had no purchase. I grabbed her tits and squeezed them hard, then slammed home. Her pussy was tight and warm and wet, so wet I knew it would take a bit to come, even as horny as I was. At first, she just moaned and kept trying to push herself back against me. I thrust again, lifting her up and letting her drop. She hooked her legs back around me, crying out as each thrust took its toll on her tits. I squeezed them harder as I pounded, slapping loud and wet. Despite her cries, I knew she was close. So I did the only thing that I could think of and twisted a needle.

  Screaming like a fucking banshee, she came again. Her pussy crushed my cock and set me off. I grabbed her hips and pulled her back against me, grinding into her with all my strength as she milked me dry.

  Five minutes later, I held her on top of me on the couch. Gary zoomed in on her boobs while I tugged the needles free. Dark blood seeped from the little holes and ran down the swollen curves. Her tits were a dark purple, like big, juicy plums. Plums dribbled with raspberry sauce. Plums that looked like they really needed to be bitten.

  But instead of indulging in her fruit, I kissed her cheeks and lips and neck while I untied them and Gary packed his stuff.

  After I’d cuddled her and massaged her breasts back to a battered-looking normal color for a few minutes, she looked up at me through half-lidded eyes.

  “Truth or Dare?”

  I couldn’t help but smile. “Dare.” I was feeling adventuresome.

  “Next time, you write the script.”


  Matt Nicholson is a freelance writer and the Publisher of Darker Pleasures. Throughout the first decade of the 21st century, he published, edited and wrote stories for the erotic adult webzine of the same name. A fan of breasts and breast-oriented BDSM, he has written and edited hundreds of short stories ranging from R-rated erotica to hard-edge bondage and BDSM fiction. Matt is perhaps best known in certain circles for The Breast Punishment Primer, a non-fiction reference for all things having to do with tit torture. He is in the process of writing his first full-length novel, Families, expanding on a series of vampire-centric BDSM erotica stories featuring characters and concepts touched on in the short stories The Alcove and Becoming Eternal. For those of you intrigued by such things, Beat ‘Em or Bite ‘Em: Erotic Stories of Breasts and BDSM features thirteen of his best-selling stories.

  You can find other e-books written by Matt Nicholson at Darker Pleasures (

  Darker Pleasures began as an adult web magazine in 1999. It featured original text and photo-illustrated stories, images, video, art and articles specializing in breast-oriented bondage and BDSM. Darker Pleasures featured stories written by dozens of erotic authors including Matt Nicholson, Elizabeth Faraday, Lee Ash, Jude Mason, Adrian Hun
ter, Bonnie Dee, Leo Bulero and others. The webzine ended its run in January 2010. In August 2011, Darker Pleasures started publishing revised and edited releases of BDSM erotica originally featured in the pages of its e-magazine through Amazon, Smashwords, Apple iBookstore, Barnes and Noble and other fine outlets.




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